The basic fibroblastic growth factor (bFGF) was employed to stimulate the earlyrevascularization of the autogenous free fat grafts. In the experimental group the fibrin containingbFGF was mixed to the fat to be implanted, and the fat containing the fibrin only was used as thecontrol. The animals were perfused with Chenese ink through intubation to the aorta via the heart at 5 ,7, and 10 days after operation. The vascularizarion was significantly increased at the bFGF side ascompared with ...
Citation: Liao,Tianan,Xie Fusheng,FuQiya,et al.. ABSTRACTSTHE EARLY EFFECT OF BASIC FIBROBLASTIC GROWTH FACTOR ON THE STIMULATIONOF REVASCULARIZATION OF AUTOGENOUS FREE FAT GRAFTS. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 1994, 8(4): 239-241. doi: Copy
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