【摘要】 目的 探讨炎性标志物高敏C反应蛋白(highsensitivity creaction protein ,hsCRP)、纤维蛋白原(fibrinogen, FIB)与P波离散度(P wave dispersion, PWD)的关系。 方法 回顾分析2005年1〖CD3/5〗8月收治的102例心脏病住院患者的临床资料,分别测量PWD和获得hsCRP、FIB血浓度,对比分析炎性标志物和PWD之间的关系。 结果 心脏病住院患者的PWD (408±93) ms、hsCRP (368±317) mg/L和FIB (411±294) g/L均较正常值高。PWD异常组和正常组的血hsCRP分别为(482±211)、(193±093) mg/L,差异有统计学意义(P lt;001);血FIB分别为(510±348)、(251±129) g/L,差异有统计学意义(P lt;005)。血hsCRP增高组PWD(549±96) ms,较正常组(285±74) ms显著增大(P lt;001),血FIB增高组PWD(479±68) ms,较正常组(359±87) ms显著增大(P lt;005)。PWD与血hsCRP成正相关(相关系数R=0418,P lt;005);PWD与血FIB成正相关(相关系数R=0292,P lt;005)。 结论 PWD与血炎性标志物密切相关,血炎性标志物增高的患者PWD增大。
【Abstract】〓Objective〓〖WT5”BZ〗To investigate the relationship between P wave dispersion (PWD) and inflammatory marker (serum highsensitivity creaction protein, hsCRP and fibronogen,FIB). Methods Retrospectively measure PWD of 102 inpatients with heart diseases,and get the results of the hsCRP and FIB. Results The average PWD (408±93) ms of 102 inpatients is higher than normal value,the average hsCRP (368±317) mg/L and FIB (411±294) g/L are higher than normal value. The serum concentration of the hsCRP and FIB increase significantly in abnormal PWD subgroup than normal PWD subgroup, respectively [(482±211) mg/L vs (193±093) mg/L, P lt;001 and (510±348) g/L vs (251±129) g/L, P lt;005)]. The PWD of the serum highconcentration hsCRP and FIB subgroup increase than normalconcentration subgroup significantly, respectively [(549±96) ms vs (285±74) ms, P lt;001 and (479±68) ms vs (359±87) ms,P lt;005] PWD has positive relationship with hsCRP(R=08,P lt;005)and FIB (R=0292,P lt;005). Conclusions PWD has good relationship with serum inflammtory makers, PWD increases with the ascending of concentration of the serum hsCRP and FIB.
Citation: ZENG Jie,ZHENG Jieshu.. Analysis on Relationship between P Wave Dispersion and Inflammatory Markers. West China Medical Journal, 2010, 25(4): 655-. doi: Copy
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