• 1. The Cardiology Department; 2.The Echocardiography & NonInvasive cardiology Laboratory Department, Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences & Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital, Chengdu 610072,China.;
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【摘要】 目的 探讨炎性标志物高敏C反应蛋白(highsensitivity creaction protein ,hsCRP)、纤维蛋白原(fibrinogen, FIB)与P波离散度(P wave dispersion, PWD)的关系。 方法 回顾分析2005年1〖CD3/5〗8月收治的102例心脏病住院患者的临床资料,分别测量PWD和获得hsCRP、FIB血浓度,对比分析炎性标志物和PWD之间的关系。 结果 心脏病住院患者的PWD (408±93) ms、hsCRP (368±317) mg/L和FIB (411±294) g/L均较正常值高。PWD异常组和正常组的血hsCRP分别为(482±211)、(193±093) mg/L,差异有统计学意义(P lt;001);血FIB分别为(510±348)、(251±129) g/L,差异有统计学意义(P lt;005)。血hsCRP增高组PWD(549±96) ms,较正常组(285±74) ms显著增大(P lt;001),血FIB增高组PWD(479±68) ms,较正常组(359±87) ms显著增大(P lt;005)。PWD与血hsCRP成正相关(相关系数R=0418,P lt;005);PWD与血FIB成正相关(相关系数R=0292,P lt;005)。 结论 PWD与血炎性标志物密切相关,血炎性标志物增高的患者PWD增大。
【Abstract】〓Objective〓〖WT5”BZ〗To investigate the relationship between P wave dispersion (PWD) and inflammatory marker (serum highsensitivity creaction protein, hsCRP and fibronogen,FIB). Methods Retrospectively measure PWD of 102 inpatients with heart diseases,and get the results of the hsCRP and FIB. Results The average PWD (408±93) ms of 102 inpatients is higher than normal value,the average hsCRP (368±317) mg/L and FIB (411±294) g/L are higher than normal value. The serum concentration of the hsCRP and FIB increase significantly in abnormal PWD subgroup than normal PWD subgroup, respectively [(482±211) mg/L vs (193±093) mg/L, P lt;001 and (510±348) g/L vs (251±129) g/L, P lt;005)]. The PWD of the serum highconcentration hsCRP and FIB subgroup increase than normalconcentration subgroup significantly, respectively [(549±96) ms vs (285±74) ms, P lt;001 and (479±68) ms vs (359±87) ms,P lt;005] PWD has positive relationship with hsCRP(R=08,P lt;005)and FIB (R=0292,P lt;005). Conclusions PWD has good relationship with serum inflammtory makers, PWD increases with the ascending of concentration of the serum hsCRP and FIB.

Citation: ZENG Jie,ZHENG Jieshu.. Analysis on Relationship between P Wave Dispersion and Inflammatory Markers. West China Medical Journal, 2010, 25(4): 655-. doi: Copy

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