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find Keyword "中药配方颗粒" 2 results
  • 天麻、当归和川芎治疗椎基底动脉硬化症88例

    目的:总结用中药配方颗粒天麻、当归和川芎治疗椎基底动脉硬化症的疗效。方法:2008年3月至2009年3月对照组76例单用桂利嗪片50 mg,每日3次,口服;治疗组在此基础上加用了中药配方颗粒天麻2 g,当归3 g,川芎1.3 g,每日2次,早晚饭后冲服,总疗程3个月,比较两组治疗前后临床症状及经颅多谱勒超声(TCD)情况。结果:治疗组临床症状缓解总有效率94.3%,优于对照组的81.6%,经颅多谱勒超声明显改善。结论:中药天麻、当归和川芎治疗椎基底动脉硬化症安全有效,与桂利嗪合用效果更好。

    Release date:2016-08-26 02:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Quality evaluation of randomized controlled trials of Chinese medicine formulated granules based on CONSORT-CHM formulas

    ObjectiveTo evaluate the quality of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of Chinese medicine (TCM) formulated granules published in core journals in China. MethodsComputerized searches were conducted in CNKI, VIP, WanFang Data and CBM databases. The publicly published RCTs of TCM formulated granules were collected, with source from Peking University Core, CSSCI and EI. The following information was extracted: including title, the first author, the journals name, type of disease, year of publication, and source of drug. The included studies were evaluated using the CONSORT extension for CHM formulas (CONSORT-CHM formulas 2017), which included 25 items from title, abstract and keywords, introduction, research methods, steps, results, discussion, and other information. ResultsA total of 125 papers were included, which mainly included digestive system diseases (n=25), respiratory system diseases (n=17), and circulatory system diseases (n=17). The results showed that the overall reporting quality of RCTs of TCM formulated granules was poor. After the publication of the CONSORT–CHM formulas 2017, the reporting quality of RCTs of TCM formulated granules had no significant changes, while some items were still reported with poor quality. For example, 42.2% of RCTs did not adequately report how to generate allocation sequence, 93.3% of RCTs did not adequately report allocation concealment, and 62.2% of RCTs did not adequately report how to solve the missing data. ConclusionThe quality of RCTs reports on traditional Chinese medicine formula granules published in Chinese journals still needs to be improved. It is recommended that researchers, journals and reviewers attach importance to the application of CONSORT-CHM formula throughout the whole process of paper writing. In the future, more scientific and detailed requirements should be put forward for trial design and reporting standards in line with the characteristics of clinical trials of traditional Chinese medicine formula granules.

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