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find Keyword "临床价值" 14 results
  • Clinical Value of Serum Levels of Insulin Growth Factor-1 and Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein in Glioma Grading and Prognosis Assessment

    目的 通过检测脑胶质瘤患者血清中胰岛素生长因子-1(IGF-1)和胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)的表达,探讨其与胶质瘤分级及预后评估的关系。 方法 2010年12月-2011年11月,采用双抗体一步夹心法分别测定A、B两组共40例不同级别脑胶质瘤患者术前、术后血清中IGF-1和GFAP浓度。 结果 高级别胶质瘤患者组血清中IGF-1浓度显著高于低级别胶质瘤组(P=0.009 0);血清GFAP浓度显著低于低级别胶质瘤组(P<0.000 1)。经手术治疗后且疗效评价为有效的胶质瘤患者,其血清中IGF-1、GFAP浓度较术前水平显著下降(P<0.001 0)。结论 IGF-1、GFAP是两种较好的脑胶质瘤血清标志物,在其分级及预后评估中具有重要的临床应用价值。

    Release date:2021-06-23 07:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Significance of Colposcopy in Diagnosis of Cervical Diseases

    目的 探讨电子阴道镜在宫颈病变诊断中的价值。 方法 对2001年1月-2006年12月786例宫颈病变患者的阴道镜下行病检结果和巴氏刮片细胞学诊断结果进行对比性研究。 结果 慢性宫颈炎、宫颈上皮内瘤样病变和宫颈癌在阴道镜下图像均呈多样性;阴道镜诊断宫颈癌前病变及宫颈癌的正确率、灵敏度及特异度均高于宫颈巴氏刮片,差异有统计学意义(Plt;0.05)。 结论 阴道镜操作灵活简便,在宫颈病变的诊断中有较大价值,其图像管理系统更有利于宫颈病变的动态观察和随访。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • CRP in the Diagnosis of Acute Pancreatitis Value

    摘要:目的:动态监测急性胰腺炎(AP)患者外周血C反应蛋白(CRP)水平,探讨CRP对AP的早期诊断与病情评估的参考价值。方法:分别检测75例SAP患者和75例 MAP患者入院后第1、3、5、7、9天外周血CRP水平,并进行分析比较。结果: MAP组患者CRP高峰值出现在住院第3天,第7天开始下降,14天后恢复正常。而SAP组患者住院第1天即可出现CRP显著增高,且下降速度缓慢,在后期CRP仍可维持在一个较高水平。入院第1天,SAP组血清CRP水平均显著高于MAP组(Plt;0.01)。轻症与重症组(无并发症或有并发症)之间患者血清CRP水平差异均有高度显著性(Plt;0.01)。结论: 动态监测CRP可作为AP早期诊断、疾病严重程度评估及预后判断的一个独立的衡量指标,值得临床推广应用。Abstract: Objective: To dynamic monitoring of acute pancreatitis (AP) in patients with Creactive protein (CRP) levels, CRP on the AP to explore the early diagnosis and prognostic evaluation of the reference value. Methods: 75 cases of SAP patients were examined and 75 patients with mild acute pancreatitis (MAP) after admission in patients with CRP levels in peripheral blood 1,3,5,7,9 days, and conduct analysis and comparison of. Results:MAP peak value of CRP in patients in hospital the first 3 days, 7 day drop in 14 days after return to normal. The SAP Group 1st day of hospitalization was significantly higher CRP can occur, and the rate of decline is slow, in the latter part of CRP can be maintained at a high level. Admission day 1, SAP serum levels of CRP were significantly higher than the MAP group (Plt;0.01). Between mild and severe group, no complications and complications in patients with serum CRP levels of SAP differences were highly significant (Plt;0.01). Conclusion:Dynamic monitoring of CRP can be used as AP early diagnosis, disease severity assessment and prognosis of an independent measure worthy of clinical application.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • CT Manifestation and Clinical Significance of Gastrointestinal Tract Involvement in Acute Pancreatitis

    Objective To investigate the CT manifestation and clinical significance of the gastrointestinal tract involvement in acute pancreatitis (AP). Methods Two hundreds CT scans in 131 patients with acute pancreatitis between Jan. 1, 2009 and Jun. 30, 2009 were included into the study. Two radiologists analyzed the images retrospectively, paying attention to the CT features of the gastrointestinal tract involvement, such as the style, distribution, and so on. The correlation between gastrointestinal tract involvement and CT severity index, clinical severity grading, and turnover of acute pancreatitis were studied using a SPSS 14.0 for windows statistics software. Results The CT images in 109 (83.2%) patients showed gastrointestinal tract involvement, which distributing mainly stomach, duodenum, jejunum, and transverse colon, and showing mainly the gastrointestinal tract wall thickening and distension. The gastrointestinal tract involvement had positive correlation with CT severity index, clinical severity grading, and turnover of acute pancreatitis (r=0.689, P=0.000; r=0.584, P=0.000; r=0.346, P=0.000). Conclusions The gastrointestinal tract involvement is common complication in acute pancreatitis and concerns with severity and prognosis of the disease. As other extrapancreatic organs involvement, the gastrointestinal tract involvement has important value for severity assessment, prognosis evaluation, and therapeutic effect monitoring of acute pancreatitis.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Value of Serum Cystatin-C Detection in Hypertensive Disorder Complicating Pregnancy

    ObjectiveTo investigate the diagnostic value of serum cystatin-C (Cys-C) detection in hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy patients. MethodsA hundred patients with pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) were chosen as the research object from February 2012 to March 2013, and they were divided into mild group, moderate group and severe group according to the severity of the disease. The other 40 healthy pregnant women were selected as the controls (the control group). We compared the four groups in terms of Cys-C, serum urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine level, as well as the positive rate of Cys-C, BUN, and creatinine. ResultsCys-C, BUN, and creatinine in the PIH group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). Cys-C and creatinine in preeclampsia mild group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05), but BUN level between the two was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Cys-C, BUN, and creatinine in the PIH moderate and severe groups were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). The abnormal rate of Cys-C in the PIH mild group was significantly higher than that of Cys-C and creatinine (P<0.05). ConclusionCys-C, BUN and creatinine can all show renal damage in PIH patients, but the Cys-C value in early diagnosis is better than that of BUN and creatinine. It can be used as a monitoring index of pregnancy-induced hypertension prevention and early treatment.

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  • Clinical Value of Transthoracic Echocardiography in the Diagnosis of Infective Endocarditis

    ObjectiveTo explore the clinical value of transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) in the diagnosis of infective endocarditis. MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed the transthoracic echocardiogram in 35 patients with infective endocarditis confirmed between September 2003 and September 2013. Patients underwent routine heart scan in all sections to measure sizes of all chambers and cardiac function, observe morphologies, activities and functions of all valves and ventricular walls, and diagnose whether underlying heart diseases exist, focusing on intracardiac vegetations and their distributions, morphologies, sizes, numbers, echoes and activities, and a full analysis of the blood culture findings was also conducted. ResultsOf the 35 patients undergoing initial TTE, 29 were positive, and 6 were negative (2 positive and 4 negative in the reexamination one week later). Vegetations were found in the mitral valve (8/35), aortic valve (15/35), tricuspid valve (5/35), pulmonary valve (1/35), pulmonary arterial wall (1/35) and right ventricle (1/35), respectively. There were 29 (8 and 21 with congenital and acquired heart diseases, respectively) and 6 patients with and without underlying heart diseases, respectively. Of the 35 blood cultures, 33 were positive and 2 were negative. ConclusionsTTE is rapid and accurate for early diagnosis of infective endocarditis, precise localization and rough quantification of vegetations, determination of whether valve damage occurs and what its severity is, and detection of whether complications exist. It is valuable for early diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and prognosis judgment.

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  • 高频超声在关节镜治疗与膝关节相通腘窝囊肿中的临床价值

    目的探讨高频超声对与膝关节相通腘窝囊肿的诊断并指导采用关节镜治疗疗效观察的临床价值。 方法回顾分析2010年5月-2013年11月高频超声诊断的32例与膝关节相通腘窝囊肿合并膝关节内病变的影像学特征并观察随访术后疗效。 结果高频超声诊断与膝关节相通腘窝囊肿与关节镜诊断符合率高,达93.75%。关节镜内引流术后随访6~18个月,术后功能恢复良好,未见囊肿复发。 结论高频超声具有诊断准确率高、无创、方便、可重复性强等优点,可作为关节镜内引流术治疗腘窝囊肿患者筛查及术后评价疗效的首选检查方法。

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  • 腹腔镜联合胆道镜在肝外胆管结石再次手术中的应用价值

    目的 分析腹腔镜联合胆道镜在肝外胆管结石再次手术中的临床应用效果。 方法 回顾性分析东莞市塘厦医院于 2011 年 1 月至 2016 年 1 月期间收治的 53 例肝外胆管结石患者的临床资料,所有患者采用腹腔镜联合胆道镜进行再次手术取石。 结果 53 例患者的手术成功率为 92.5%(49/53);手术时间为 95~286 min、(165.37±41.43)min;术中出血量为 9~247 mL、(34±10)mL;术后下床活动时间为 21~43 h、(26.3±1.7)h;术后恢复进食时间为 1~6 d、(2.5±1.2)d;腹腔引流管拔出时间为 3~6 d、(3.5±1.8)d;术后住院时间为 4~13 d、(7.0±2.7)d。44 例患者行腹腔镜联合胆道镜取石+激光碎石+T 管引流,5 例行腹腔镜联合胆道镜取石+激光碎石+胆总管一期缝合,4 例患者中转开腹手术。术后发生胆汁漏 1 例,腹壁操作孔感染 1 例。术后 53 例患者均获访,随访时间为 2~29 个月、(15.3±2.1)个月。其中 6 例患者于术后 2~3 个月发现胆管仍有残余结石,经窦道用胆道镜取净结石。随访期间无结石复发患者。 结论 腹腔镜联合胆道镜在肝外胆管结石再次手术中的临床疗效确切,具有创伤小、恢复快、并发症少及成功率高的优点,临床应用前景广阔。

    Release date:2017-08-11 04:10 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Real-world research and demonstration of innovative drug value

    Randomized double-blind controlled trials (RCTs) conduct researches in carefully selected populations to ensure results of RCTs are unaffected by external disturbances and provide evidence of safety and efficacy. Real-world researches further help to understand the real world effects of new technologies in different medical environments after-market authorization. RCTs are the evidence foundation of real-world researches, and real-world researches provide valuable complement to RCTs. Medical insurance database is one of the most important database in real-world researches. Now, China's national medical insurance is entering a new era and transits from passive payment and compensation into a value-based strategic purchase mechanism for its insured population to buy the most cost-effective services. It is necessary to establish a mature, well-organized and value-based mechanism. The core of such mechanism is values, which is the price/performance ratio of innovative medicines and technologies rather than looking at the price solely. Demonstrating innovative drug value is an essential part of health care assessment. The authors argue that the assessment of the overall value of innovative technologies or medicines should include and based on the following four dimensions: clinical value, economic value, patient value and society value.

    Release date:2018-06-04 08:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Research progress of novel serum marker Golgi protein 73 in clinical diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis B

    Serum marker Golgi protein 73 (GP73) is a type Ⅱ integral membrane protein located in cellular Golgi apparatus. GP73 not only processes proteins, but also participates in cell differentiation, intercellular signaling, and apoptosis. With the development of proteomics technology, GP73 has been used as a novel serum marker for detecting liver diseases. This article reviews the research progress of GP73 in the clinical diagnosis value and prognosis prediction of chronic hepatitis B in recent years, in order to provide new ideas for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis B.

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