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find Keyword "乳糜胸" 14 results
  • 食管癌术后乳糜胸手术治疗探讨

    【摘要】 目的 总结食管癌术后乳糜胸并发症的治疗方法、手术时机及预防。 方法 回顾性分析2004年10月-2009年10月14例食管癌术后并发乳糜胸患者的治疗效果。其中男2例,女12例;年龄57~72岁,平均65岁。经保守治疗或再次手术结扎胸导管。 结果 9例患者经保守治疗治愈;5例保守治疗无效后,再次经原切口行开胸手术结扎胸导管,手术顺利,术后未再出现乳糜胸,均顺利康复出院。 结论 食管癌术后并发乳糜胸需及时诊断,制定周密的治疗方案,掌握好手术指征及手术时机,利于患者早日康复,避免长期不愈导致机体衰竭甚至死亡的严重后果。

    Release date:2016-08-26 02:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 12 例非创伤性乳糜胸诊治总结

    乳糜胸是指各种原因造成的乳糜液漏入胸膜腔。慢性起病, 常表现为胸闷、气促、咳嗽等不适, 急性大量的乳糜液流失可导致水电解质紊乱、低蛋白血症、机体免疫功能下降或呼吸循环系统衰竭等威胁生命的严重病理状态。乳糜胸病因分为创伤性及非创伤性。创伤性乳糜胸常发生于外伤或术后, 非创伤性乳糜胸病因复杂, 临床上常易漏诊或误诊。本文回顾总结我院近9 年收治12 例非创伤性乳糜胸患者的诊治经验, 总结对乳糜胸的病因鉴别与治疗认识。

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:53 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 食管癌术后乳糜胸的治疗

    目的 探讨食管癌术后乳糜胸的治疗方法和效果。 方法 回顾分析湖北医药学院附属襄阳一医院684例食管癌术后并发乳糜胸18例患者的临床资料,其中男12例,女6例;年龄57.5 (38~66)岁。食管上段癌2例,食管中段癌15例,食管下段癌1例。所有患者均行左胸径路食管癌根治术,术中均未见明确的胸导管损伤,未行预防性胸导管结扎。 结果 18例均先行保守治疗,10例痊愈;再手术治疗8例,手术时间60~90 min,术后无感染等并发症发生,住院时间8~10 d;7例治愈,1例死于术后吻合口瘘。17例治愈患者3个月后复查无乳糜胸再发。 结论 食管癌术后乳糜胸患者有必要早期行10 d严格、正规的保守治疗,经保守治疗后乳糜液量仍>800 ml/d者应及时再手术治疗,手术方式以右胸径路、膈上低位胸导管结扎术为宜。

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:28 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 经胸骨正中切口心脏手术后并发乳糜胸的治疗

    摘要: 目的 探讨经胸骨正中切口心脏直视手术后发生乳糜胸的可能机制和治疗经验,以减少术后乳糜胸的发生。 方法 回顾分析1996年10月至2006年1月收治的18例经胸骨正中切口径路行心脏直视手术后发生乳糜胸患者的临床资料,其中男12例,女6例;年龄2个月~79岁,平均年龄144岁。所有患者均采用在禁食基础上的保守治疗,包括胸腔闭式引流、静脉高营养、强心、利尿等综合措施。 结果 住院时间7~130 d,胸腔引流时间4~35 d。全组死亡2例,其中死于心律失常、心搏骤停1例;因肺部感染、再次插管,死于多器官功能衰竭1例。随访14例,随访时间2~10年,失访2例。随访期间无乳糜胸复发或需二次手术者。 结论 经胸骨正中切口径路行心脏直视手术后发生乳糜胸可能与手术时损伤较小的淋巴侧枝有关,采用禁食、胸腔闭式引流、静脉高营养等保守治疗效果满意。

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:01 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Nursing Care of Four Cases of Neonatal Chylothorax

    ObjectiveTo investigate the caring method for neonatal chylothorax. MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of four hospitalized patients admitted from December 2011 to February 2013. ResultsThe treatment course lasted from 7 to 43 days, averaging 25 days. Three patients were cured and discharged from the hospital; one patient with ineffective outcome by conservative treatment was turned into surgical operation. ConclusionIn order to facilitate the recovery of the neonates suffering from neonatal chylothorax, it is important for us to ensure appropriate dietary management, total parental nutrition support, observation and care of closed drainage tube of thoracic cavity, accurate medication, safe intravenous fluids access and infection control.

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  • Diagnosis and Management of Chylothorax in Children after Congenital Heart Surgery

    ObjectiveTo investigate the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and management of postoperative chylothorax after congenital cardiac surgery in infants and children. MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed clinical data of 79 postoperative patients with chylothorax after congenital cardiac surgery in Guangdong General Hospital between January 2006 and December 2013.There were 54 males and 25 females at age ranged 8 days to 14 years. ResultsThe prevalence of postoperative chylothorax was 0.6% (79/12 067). A total of 75 (94.9%) patients were cured. And 71 patients (89.9%) were cured by conservative treatment. While 4(5.1%) patients received operative treatment, including 3 patients undergoing ligation of thoracic duct, 1 patient undergoing lymphatic ablation. There were 4 (5.1%) patients failed to treat, including 1(1.3%) abandoned, 3 (mortality of 3.8%) deaths in hospital for low cardiac output syndrome, cardiac arrest and severe anastomotic stenosis after transposition of conducting arteries(TGA), tetralogy of Fallot(TOF) and total anomalous pulmonary venous connection(TAPVC) operation respectively. Hospitalization time ranged 10 to 108 (39.3±19.4) d. There was no recurrence of chylothorax within 6 months to 8 years of following-up. ConclusionThe key to prevention of chylothorax is to improve the surgical technology. Conservative management of chylothorax will be successful in most cases, but surgical treatment ought to be considered if the conservative management is unsuccessful.

    Release date:2016-10-02 04:56 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effect of Preoperative Oral Administration of Olive Oil to Prevent Chylothorax after Thoracoscopic Resection of Esophageal Carcinoma

    ObjectiveTo study the effect of preoperative oral administration of olive oil in the patients with laparoscopic resection of esophageal carcinoma and to expose the advantages of alimentary duct in operation. MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 136 patients in our hospital from June 2013 through June 2015 year. There were 83 males and 53 females at age of 58.3±7.6 years. The patients were given oral olive oil 100 ml at preoperative 12 hours. ResultsAll patients completed surgery successfully without transfer to open chest. Operation of thoracic duct filling was transparent, milky white, and with clear exposure. Thoracic duct was retained successfully in the 131 patients. It was found that intraoperative injury during separation of thoracic duct due to tumor invasion in 5 patients. These patients were treated with by titanium clipping. All the patients were with chest tube drainage for 3-5 d. Average drainage volume at postoperative 24 hours was 150±35 ml. Postoperative total drainage volume was 500±130 ml. None of postoperative chylothorax was found. Postoperative average hospitalization time was 9±2 d. ConclusionEsophageal cancer preoperative oral administration of olive oil is simple, safe, effective, no injury, and with clear exposure in thoracic duct in operation. Injury of the thoracic duct is reduced. The integrity of thoracic duct is preserved. Normal glucose and lipid metabolism is retained. Therefore, it is a good choice in preoperative preparation for esophageal cancer patients. It is worth popularization and application.

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  • Comparison of Different Surgical Thoracic Duct Management on Prevention of Postoperative Chylothorax for Esophagectomy: A Meta-analysis

    ObjectivesTo compare the clinical efficacy of different surgical thoracic duct management on prevention of postoperative chylothorax and its impact on the outcome of the patients. MethodsWe searched the electronic databases including PubMed, The Cochrane Library (Issue 4, 2016), Web of Science, CBM, CNKI, VIP and WanFang Data to collect randomized controlled trials (RCTs), cohort studies and case-control studies related to the comparison of different surgical thoracic duct management during esophagectomy on prevention of postoperative chylothorax from inception to May 2016. Two reviewers independently screened literature, extracted data and assessed the risk of bias of included studies. Then RevMan 5.2 software was used for meta-analysis. ResultsTwenty-three trials were included, involving four RCTs, four cohort studies and 15 case-control studies. The results of meta-analysis indicated:(1) Prophylactic thoracic duct ligation group had lower incidence of postoperative chylothorax compared with non thoracoic duct ligation group (RCT:OR=0.20, 95%CI 0.09 to 0.47, P=0.000 02; Co/CC:OR=0.20, 95%CI 0.14 to 0.28, P<0.000 01); (2) There were no significant differences between the two groups in the respect of mortality, morbidity and the 2-year, 3-year, 5-year survival rates (all P values >0.05); (3) Prophylactic thoracic duct ligation could reduce the reoperation rate of chylothorax complicating esophageal cancer patients (RCT:OR=0.17, 95%CI 0.10 to 0.28, P<0.000 01; Co/CC:OR=0.18, 95%CI to 0.11 to 0.32, P<0.000 01), and increase the cure rate of expectant treatment on them (OR=0.25, 95%CI 0.11 to 0.56, P=0.000 8); (4) En bloc thoracic duct ligation group had a lower incidence of postoperative chylothorax compared with single thoracic duct ligation group (OR=3.67, 95%CI 1.43 to 9.43, P=0.007). ConclusionProphylactic thoracic duct ligation during esophagectomy could effectively reduce the incidence of postoperative chylothorax and is good for reducing the reoperation rate of chylothorax complicating esophageal cancer patients. En bloc thoracic duct ligation has a better efficacy on prevention of postoperative chylothorax compared with single thoracic duct ligation.

    Release date:2016-12-21 03:39 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Thoracoscopic thoracic duct ligation via right thoracic approach for 18 patients with chylothorax

    目的 探讨经右胸入路胸腔镜下胸导管结扎在乳糜胸治疗中的作用及优势。 方法 回顾性分析南京军区南京总医院心胸外科 2012~2014 年采用胸腔镜手术治疗乳糜胸 18 例患者的临床资料,男 15 例、女 3 例,年龄 56~79(66.56±6.43)岁。所有患者均采用右胸入路胸腔镜辅助下行胸导管结扎,术中若能找到明显破口,则在破口的两端用 Ham-lock 夹闭胸导管,若未能找到明确的胸导管破口,则在第 8、第 9 胸椎附近用 Ham-lock 将胸导管及周围脂肪组织一起夹闭。 结果 全组 18 例患者均完成手术,无中转开胸,手术时间 28~45(35.83±4.58)min,术后胸腔引流时间 2~5(3.33±1.03)d,术后住院时间 5~8(6.11±1.02)d。术后无感染、吻合口瘘等严重并发症,随访 3 个月无复发。 结论 经右胸入路胸腔镜辅助手术结扎胸导管治疗乳糜胸是一种安全、有效的治疗方法,因其微创、住院时间短、手术效果确切等优点,值得在临床上推广。

    Release date:2017-03-24 03:45 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 以乳糜胸作为首发表现的原发性系统性淀粉样变性一例并文献复习

    目的探讨原发性系统性淀粉样变性的临床表现、诊断、治疗及预后,提高对累及胸膜的原发性系统性淀粉样变性的临床认识。方法报道四川大学华西医院收治的 1 例以乳糜胸作为首发表现的原发性系统性淀粉样变性患者,回顾性分析国内外文献。以“Amyloidosis,pleura”为检索词,在 PubMed 数据库检索,检索时间为 1968 年 12 月至 2019 年 9 月,共检测到相关英文文献 57 篇,报道 18 例患者。以“淀粉样变,胸膜”为检索词,在中国期刊网全文数据库检索,检索时间为 1981 年 3 月至 2019 年 9 月,共检索到相关中文文献 12 篇,报道 7 例患者。结果58 岁男性患者,临床表现为间断性背痛。查体:胸廓对称,双侧肩胛下角第 7 肋间各有一引流管,引流出乳白色液体。双下肺叩诊呈浊音,双下肺呼吸音低至消失,心脏及腹部查体未见异常。血清免疫固定电泳示可疑 IgA κ 型 M 蛋白条带,血清游离 κ 轻链检测 745 mg/L(参考值 6.7~22.4 mg/L)。胸部 CT 示双侧胸腔积液,双肺门淋巴结增大,腹部增强 CT 示胃壁广泛增厚伴腹腔、腹膜后广泛淋巴结增大,经多次胃镜行胃黏膜组织活检,胃组织刚果红染色阳性,胸腔积液流式细胞学见克隆性浆细胞,骨髓流式细胞学见 4% 克隆性浆细胞,确诊为原发性系统性淀粉样变性。在上述数据库中共检索 69 篇文献,经筛选除外资料不详后,有 18 篇文献 20 例患者明确诊断为胸膜淀粉样变性,符合检索条件。此类患者临床表现及影像学均无特异性,确诊依据胸膜活检刚果红染色阳性或胸腔积液查见淀粉样蛋白。结论原发性系统性淀粉样变性累及胸膜,临床表现及影像学缺乏特征性,与肿瘤胸膜转移、胸膜间皮瘤等疾病易混淆,但多数患者血清中会出现单克隆性免疫球蛋白增多,其诊断主要依靠活检组织病理学检查。治疗方案仍以化疗为主。

    Release date:2020-11-24 05:41 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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