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find Keyword "二尖瓣反流" 60 results
  • 小儿先天性心脏病合并二尖瓣反流的外科治疗

    目的 分析小儿先天性心脏病合并二尖瓣反流的病理生理特点,总结其外科治疗经验。 方法 回顾性分析1999年12月至2011年5月武汉亚洲心脏病医院新疆医院282例小儿先天性心脏病合并二尖瓣反流行二尖瓣成形手术患者的临床资料,男119例,女163例;年龄1个月 ~ 14 (4.2±3.8)岁;体重4.6~57.0 (18.0±17.6) kg。根据不同病变采取综合多种方法进行二尖瓣成形,主要手术方式为自体心包条环缩后瓣环150例(53.2%),内外交界缝合106例(37.6%)。同期行室间隔缺损修补术148例,房间隔缺损修补术67例,动脉导管未闭闭合术47例,部分型房室间隔缺损矫治术20例,法洛四联症根治术15例,右心室双出口根治术12例等。 结果 本组二尖瓣反流的病理改变中瓣环扩张最常见,其次为瓣叶裂隙,腱索和乳头肌延长最少见。呼吸机辅助呼吸时间(20.6±30.1) h,住院时间(22.4±8.8) d。围术期无死亡,发生一过性血红蛋白尿3例,早期发生低心排血量15例,行短期腹膜透析10例,经相应治疗后好转,均顺利出院。随访282例,随访时间7个月至11年。随访期间再次行二尖瓣置换术2例,前向血流(1.3±0.4) m/s,无二尖瓣狭窄。二尖瓣反流2级48例(17.0%),3 ~4级12例(4.3%);左心室射血分数在正常范围内。 结论 小儿先天性心脏病合并二尖瓣反流患者行二尖瓣成形术,中期结果满意,自体心包条环缩后瓣环不会限制瓣环的发育。

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Outcomes and Predictive Factor Analysis of Mild-to-moderate or Moderate Functional Mitral Regurgitationafter Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis

    Objective To evaluate clinical outcomes of mild-to-moderate or moderate functional mitral regurgitation(FMR)after aortic valve replacement (AVR) in patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS),and analyze prognostic factors of these patients with mild-to-moderate or moderate FMR (2+to 3+). Methods From September 2008 to December 2011,a total of 156 patients with severe AS (peak aortic gradient (PAG)≥50 mm Hg) as well as FMR (2+to 3+) underwent surgical treatment in Zhongshan Hospital. There were 95 male and 61 female patients with their average age of 59.2±10.5 years. Detailed perioperative clinical data were collected,and postoperative patients were followed up. The ratio of FMRpreoperative/FMR postoperative was calculated. Patient age,gender,body weight,history of hypertension,ventricular arrhythmia,atrial fibrillation (AF),left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF),left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD),left atrial diameter (LAD),pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH),PAG were assessed by logistic multivariate regression analysis. Results Six patients died postoperatively,including 4 patients with low cardiac output syndrome and 2 patients with refractory ventricular arrhythmia. Perioperative mortality was 3.8%. The average follow-up time was 20.3±8.5 months and follow-up rate was 85.3% (133/156). Eight patients died during follow-up,including 3 patients with heart failure,2 patients with ventricular arrhythmia,and 3 patients with anticoagulation-related cerebrovascular accident. Multivariate regression analysis showed that FMR preoperative/FMR postoperative ratio was not correlated with age≥55 years,male gender,body weight≥80 kg,LVEDD≥55 mm,LVEF≤50%,history of hypertension or ventricular arrhythmia. However,LAD≥50 mm,PAH≥50 mm Hg,PAG≤75 mm Hg and preoperative AF were negatively correlated with postoperative FMR improvement. Conclusions Risk factors including LAD≥50 mm,PAH≥50 mm Hg,PAG≤75 mm Hg and preoperative AF are negatively correlated with postoperative improvement of FMR (2+to 3+). Patients with severe AS and above risk factors should receive concomitant surgical treatment for their FMR during AVR,since preoperative FMR(2+to 3+)usually does not improve or even aggravate after AVR.

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Experiment Research of Mitral Valve Coaptation Area and Coaptation Index China

    Objective To investigate the changing tendency of mitral valve coaptation area and coaptation index of moderate mitral regurgitation (MR) in a dog experiment,and provide evidence for predicting long-term surgical results. Methods Real-time three-dimensional transesophogeal echocardiography (RT-3D-TEE) images were obtained in 15 dogs via Philips IE33 echocardiography system,and animal experiment model was established. RT-3D-TEE images were taken by gradually narrowing the ascending aorta and increasing left ventricular pressure till moderate MR. Original data were analyzed using Philips Qlab 7.0 three-dimensional quantification software,and mitral valve coaptation area and coaptation index were calculated. Specimen coaptation index of the mitral leaflets was calculated after the animal experiment. Cutoff values of coaptation index and left ventricular pressure were calculated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Results There was statistical difference in coaptation area (198±50)mm2 vs. (123±36)mm2,P<0.05) and coaptationindex (0.25±0.06 vs. 0.13±0.03,P<0.05) between non-MR state and MR status of the 15 dogs. The area under the ROC curve of coaptation index and moderate MR was 0.879±0.019 with 95% CI 0.843 to 0.916,and the cutoff value was 0.213(P<0.05). The area under the ROC curve of left ventricular pressure and moderate MR was 0.882±0.021 swith 95% CI 0.840 to 0.923,and the cutoff value was 225 (P<0.05). There was no statistical difference between specimen mitral valve area and early-diastolic mitral leaflet area,specimen coaptation area and coaptation area,specimen coaptation index and coaptation index (P>0.05). Early-diastolic mitral leaflet area was significantly correlated with specimen mitral valve area (r=0.937,P<0.05). Coaptation area was significantly correlated with specimen coaptation area (r=0.917,P<0.05). Coaptation index was significantly correlated with specimen coaptation index (r=0.946,P<0.05). The correlation of coaptation index and specimen coaptation index was higher than those of coaptation area and specimen coaptation area,and earlydiastolic mitral leaflet area and specimen mitral valve area. Conclusions Both coaptation area and coaptation index significantly decrease in MR status. Coaptation index can more precisely reflect MR degree,and provide reference for prognosis of mitral valve repair. RT-3D TEE can accurately measure mitral valve coaptation area and coaptation index.

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Surgical Strategy for Children with Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Mitral Regurgitation

    Abstract: Objective To optimize surgical treatment for children with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and mitral regurgitation (MR) and evaluate its midterm to longterm outcome in terms of MR. Methods Between Jan. 2008 and Jan. 2011, 25 children with PDA and MR underwent surgical treatment in Shanghai Children’s Medical Center. There were 14 male patients and 11 female patients with average age of 26.36±40.75 (1.72-142.83)months and average weight of 8.98±6.85 (3.80-36.00) kg. The average diameter of PDA was 7.84±3.10 (3-15)mm. There were 22 children with duct-type PDA and 3 children with window-type PDA. There were 5 children with severe MR, 18 children with moderate MR, and 2 children with mild MR. Except one child with mitral stenosis who underwent PDA ligation plus mitral valvuloplasty supported with cardiopulmonary bypass, all other 24 children only underwent PDA ligation through left posterolateral thoracotomy without any management for the mitral valve. Results There was no in-hospital death. The average ventilation time in ICU was 6.70±4.39 (3-24) hours. Except one child was reintubated because of asthma, all other children recovered uneventfully without any postoperative complication. All the 25 children were followed up for 329.23±288.39 (29-967) days. During follow-up, 23 children (92.00%) had their MR level ameliorated in different degree. Preoperative severe MR in 5 children changed into moderate MR in 2 children and mild MR in 3 children. Preoperative moderate MR in 16 children changed into none MR in 5 children, trivial MR in 5 children and mild MR in 6 children. Preoperative mild MR in 2 children changed into none MR in 1 child and trivial MR in another child. Two children with preoperative moderate MR had no improvement during follow-up. Conclusion For infants and children with PDA and MR, conservative treatment strategy should be carried out. Simple PDA ligation can provide satisfactory clinical outcome, which may also avoid negative complications including myocardial injury caused by cardiopulmonary bypass.

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 二尖瓣成形术治疗二尖瓣反流89例临床分析

    目的 总结二尖瓣成形术治疗二尖瓣反流患者的临床经验,分析其疗效。 方法 回顾性分析2007 年1 月至 2011 年 7月中国医科大学附属第一医院采用二尖瓣成形术治疗89 例二尖瓣中重度反流患者的临床资料,其中男 51例,女 38 例;年龄21~64 (48.6±13.6)岁;病程1周~21 年。术前经食管超声心动图及术中探查发现二尖瓣中度反流(Ⅲ级) 40 例,重度反流 (Ⅳ级) 49 例。56例二尖瓣脱垂,脱垂病变累及A2区4例、A3区5例、P2区25例、P3区14例,累及多处8例;其中二尖瓣腱索断裂37例,腱索冗长脱垂19例;瓣环扩大42例。手术方式:前叶腱索转移4 例 , 前叶人工腱索 6 例 ,前叶裂缝合2例,交界部缝合 6 例 ,后叶矩形切除加 Sliding (滑行) 技术43 例,后叶折叠缝合成形14例,后叶人工腱索12例,缘对缘成形 10 例和心包补片修补瓣叶穿孔 1 例,其中2种以上修复方式9例。全部患者均使用成形环加固瓣环。手术中应用注水试验和食管超声心动图检查评价成形效果。 结果 无围术期死亡。术后心脏超声心动图提示:二尖瓣无反流 (0 级)15 例,微量反流 (Ⅰ级)41 例,轻度反流 (Ⅱ级) 23 例,轻至中度反流 (Ⅲ级)10 例。所有患者均无二尖瓣狭窄。术后随访77例(86.52%),随访时间3~58 (12.3±18.7) 个月。随访期间1例死于脑血管意外;1例行二尖瓣置换术。 结论 综合运用多种二尖瓣成形技术治疗二尖瓣中重度反流,可获得良好的临床疗效。

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 部分型房室间隔缺损二尖瓣处理策略

    目的 总结部分型房室间隔缺损(PAVSD)患者外科手术的近远期疗效,探讨二尖瓣处理方法。 方法 回顾性分析1990年1月至2008年12月于第二军医大学长海医院行外科治疗PAVSD患者118例的临床和随访资料,男 51例,女67例;年龄7个月~62岁(28.5±12.6岁)。均有原发孔型房间隔缺损和不同程度的二尖瓣前瓣裂隙,其中二尖瓣中重度反流78例,三尖瓣中重度反流56例。手术均在中度低温体外循环下进行。术后通过门诊和电话随访。 结果 术后早期死亡2例,病死率1.69%。发生其他严重并发症为再次气管内插管5例,左心辅助1例,Ⅲ°房室传导阻滞1例。术后随访103例,随访时间3个月~18年(91.2±25.6个月)。再次手术8例,距第一次手术时间为5 d~18年(10.5±5.6年)。再次手术死亡1例。随访生存的102例患者生活质量均有明显改善。二尖瓣无反流70例,微量和轻度反流17例,中度4例。行二尖瓣置换术患者瓣膜功能良好,无抗凝相关并发症。心房颤动19例,Ⅰ°房室传导阻滞21例,频发性房性早搏4例。 结论 二尖瓣修复是PAVSD矫治手术成功的关键,应综合应用二尖瓣成形修复的方法,尽量消除二尖瓣反流;术后二尖瓣再反流是再次手术的主要原因,对中重度二尖瓣反流患者应定期随访和及时手术。

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Partial Application of Complete Flexible Artifical Ring in Mitral Valve Repair

    Objective To summarize the experience and results of mitral annuloplasty with modified partial flexible artificial ring. Methods Two hundred and fifteennine patients were underwent partial flexible ring annuloplasty after mitral valve plasty surgery in our hospital from an. 1998 to Aug.2006. The etiology included rheumatic (16 cases), infective endocarditis of mitral (16 cases), ischemic (13 cases), ongenital (40 cases) and degeneration (174 cases). Echocardiogram test were performed in the perioperative periods to monitor the lefe atrium (LA), left ventricular enddiastolic dimension (LVEDD), left ventricular endsystolic dimension (LVESD), left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF), left ventricular fractional shortening (LVFS) and mitral regurgitation grades. The perioperative mortality, morbidity, reoperation rate were recorded during the followup. Results Aortic cross clamping time was 74±30 min and cardiopulmonary bypass time was 105±37min. The perioperative survival rate was 96.5% (250/259) and free from complications rate was 93.4% (242/259). No left ventricular out flow tract obstruction and coronary artery stenosis were occurred in this group. The 60 months survival rate was 938% (243/259) and 5 years nonreoperation rate was 96.1%(249/259). The perioperative echocardiogram results showed the LVEDD decreased from 62.60±10.19mm to 52.88±8.67mm and the LVEF increased from 57.91% to 61.00%(Plt;0.05). During the followup the mitral regurgitation grades were improved significantly (Plt;0.05),there were 188 cases of trifle mitral regurgitation (72.6%), 62 cases of mild mitral regurgitation (23.9%), 8 cases of moderate mitral regurgitation(3.1%) and 1 case of serious mitral regurgitation(0.4%). Conclusion This simplified mitral annuloplasty technique is an easy handling and effective treatment for the mitral repair.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:08 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Surgical Treatments of Post Infarction Ventricular Aneurysm and Mitral Regurgitation

    Objective To summarize the experiences of surgical treatment for post infarction ventricular aneurysm and mi tral regurgitation, thus to improve surgical curative effect and survival rates . Clinical data of 37 patients with myocardial infarction complicated with ven tricular aneurysm and severer than moderate mitral regurgitation were retrospectively an alyzed between December 2000 and June 2007, all 37 patients underwent coron ary artery bypass grafting and reconstruction of left ventricular after aneurysm resection, mitral valve repair or replacement. Results Three patients died during hospital stay after surgery,mortality rate was 81%, of th em two died in renal failure, one died in brain complications.Thirty patients we re followed up, followup rate was 88.2%(30/34), with 4 patients missed. Follow up time ranged from 1 month to 6 years after surgery, 2 patients died in foll o wup period, of them one died in anticoagulant treatment failure complicated w ith the large cerebral infarction, one died of lung infection and heart failure. The inner diameter of le ft atrium and enddiastolic left ventricle reduced obviously than those before operation (30.1±3.5mm vs.39.3±3.7mm, P=0.004;48.4±4.3mm vs.61.2±5.1mm, P=0.003)by color doppler echocardiography examination at 6th month a fter su rgery.There was no obvious change in size of untouched ventricular aneurysm(diam eterlt;5cm). No regurgitation or slight regurgitation were observed in 12 patient s, mild regurgitation was observed in 2 patients and moderate in 1 patients. Conclusion According to different types of post infarctio n ventricular aneurysm and mitral regurgitation, constitution o f different surgical treatment programs, can result in favorable early and long-term curative effect. There’s marked improvement in most patients’cardiac f unction and survival rate.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 实时三维超声心动图评价缺血性二尖瓣反流的研究进展

    缺血性二尖瓣反流(IMR)是冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病心肌梗死常见并发症之一,增加患者心力衰竭和死亡的发生率。IMR 的形成机制复杂,目前研究尚未达成共识,导致IMR 治疗措施不完善及标准。随着三维超声技术日趋成熟,实时三维超声心动图(RT3DE)将矩阵探头、三维空间定位和高通道的数据处理系统3 种先进技术结合,不依赖任何几何形态的假设,全面获得心脏三维立体结构及动态改变。RT3DE 对深入研究IMR 发病机制,探讨有效的临床治疗方法,评估病情进展、判断治疗效果、评价长期预后有重要临床价值,可作为临床评价IMR的首选方法。

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  • Early and Mid-long Term Effects of Surgical Treatment Methods for Type Ⅲb Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation

    ObjectiveTo summarize the clinical experience in the treatment of Carpentier's type Ⅲb ischemic mitral regurgitation through the mitral valve repair versus mitral valve replacement, and to evaluate the early and midlong term effects. MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 308 consecutive patients with type Ⅲb ischemic mitral regurgitation undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with mitral valve repair (a repair group, n=172) or with mitral valve replacement (a replacement group, n=136) in our hospital between January 2000 and March 2014. Among the 308 patients, 215 were males and 93 were females with mean age of 62.7±11.5 years(ranged 30-78 years). In the repair group, 170 patients underwent restrictive mitral annuloplasty (128 patients with total ring, 42 patients with C ring), and 2 patients underwent commissural constriction. In the replacement group, 11 patients underwent mechanical valve prosthesis and 125 patients underwent biological valve prosthesis. ResultsThe time of total aortic cross-clamp was 81.9±21.5 min. The time of total extracorporeal circulation was 122.0±31.3 min. Six patients died during the perioperative period. No significant differences were observed between the two groups in general information (P>0.05). There were no significant differences between the two groups in aortic cross-clamp time, total extracorporeal circulation time, numbers of bypass grafts and the usage rate of left internal mammary artery. The early result after the surgery showed that the incidence rates of low cardiac output and ventricular arrhythmia were significantly higher in the replacement group compared with those in the repair group. The patients were followed up for 1-85 months. No significant difference was revealed in the mid-long term survival rate between the two groups. The severity of mitral regurgitation and the rate of redo mitral valve replacement were significantly lower in the replacement group compared with those in the repair group (P<0.05). ConclusionThe early-term curative effect of valve repair is better than valve replacement for the treatment of Carpentier's type Ⅲb ischemic mitral regurgitation. In mid-long term, Chordal-sparing mitral valve replacement remains a low incidence of valve-related complications compared with mitral valve repair.

    Release date:2016-10-02 04:56 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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