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find Keyword "伤残" 15 results
  • Reliability and Validity of MOS-36-item Short Form of Health Survey Measuring the Quality of Life among Disabled People

    【摘要】 目的 评价SF-36量表在测量地震伤残人员生存质量中的信度和效度。 方法 利用自填法及访谈相结合的方式调查201例绵竹市某镇地震伤残人员,用重测信度和Cronbach’s α系数分析SF-36信度;因子分析方法分析效度。 结果 SF-36各领域的重测信度分别为:生理功能(PF)0.78、生理问题对功能的限制(RP)0.85、躯体疼痛(BP)0.92、健康总体评价(GH)0.82、活力(VT)0.77、社会功能(SF)0.71、心理问题对功能的限制(RE)0.79、精神健康(MH)0.66;各领域的Cronbach’s α系数分别为:PF 0.89、RP 0.75、BP 0.84、GH 0.86、VT 0.78、SF 0.72、RE0.86、MH 0.50。因子分析共提取了6个主成分,基本反映了量表的8个维度,与量表的结构构思基本相符。 结论 自填法及面对面访谈相结合的方式,将SF-36量表用于该地地震伤残人员生存质量测定具有较好的信度和效度。【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the validity and reliability of the MOS-36-item Short Form of Health Survey (SF-36) measuring the quality of life (QOL) of disabled people injured in the earthquake. Methods A total of 201 disabled people injured in the earthquake in a town of Mianzhu city were investigated via questionnaire combined with a face-to-face interview. The reliability of the SF-36 was assessed by test-retest reliability and Cronbach’s α coefficient. The validity was assessed through factor analysis. Results The test-retest reliability of the SF-36 included: physical functioning (PF) 0.78, role limitation due to physical problems (RP) 0.85, body pain (BP) 0.92, general health (GH) 0.82, vitality (VT) 0.77, social functioning (SF) 0.71, role limitation due to emotional problems (RE) 0.79, and mental health (MH) 0.66. The Cronbach’s α coefficients were as the follows: PF 0.89, RP 0.75, BP 0.84, GH 0.86, VT 0.78, SF 0.72, RE 0.86, and MH 0.50. Six principal components were extracted by factor analysis and the constructs of the obtained instrument were consistent with the conceived concept in essence. Conclusion The SF-36 survey could measure the QOL in disabled people injured in the earthquake with better reliability and validity by questionnaire combined with a face-to-face interview.

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  • Relation between Randomized Clinical Trials of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Local Burden of Disease in China

    目的 评估中医药临床研究是否与我国主要疾病负担相关。 方法 首先从1999年-2004年出版的13种中医、中西医结合杂志中手工检索出随机对照试验(RCT),并提取出杂志名称、出版年限、治疗的疾病类别及样本含量等数据。然后采用死亡率和伤残调整寿命年(DALY)作为衡量标准,统计2002年我国疾病负担前30位病因的RCT数量,采用秩相关分析这些疾病负担与发表的中医药RCT及其受试者数量的关系。 结果 最终确认7 422个RCT,约38%的RCT来自于3种国家级杂志。这些RCT覆盖了我国疾病负担中的主要病种,其中4 280个RCT(57.7%)研究前30位病因合并产生的42个病种,只有3个病种(7%)没有任何RCT研究。采用DALY得到的相关系数分别是0.108(P=0.569)、0.092(P=0.628),通过死亡率产生的相关系数分别是0.453(P=0.012)、0.536(P=0.002)。 结论 中医药RCT与采用死亡率衡量的疾病负担明显相关,但采用DALY分析却未发现二者存在相关性。中医药临床研究可能更注重死亡率高的病种,一定程度上忽略了DALY衡量的疾病负担。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:13 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Investigation of Activities of Daily Life for Disabled Persons in Wenchuan Earthquake

    【摘要】 目的 调查汶川地震伤残人员的日常生活活动能力(ADL),分析影响伤残人员日常生活活动能力的相关因素,为汶川地震伤残人员的社区康复提供依据。方法 利用ADL量表对283名汶川地震伤残人员的日常生活活动能力进行测量。结果 283名伤残人员地震伤残人员ADL平均得分为85.08±14.73,其中20.8%ADL完全正常,71.0%的伤残人员ADL日常生活能力轻度障碍,8.2%ADL中重度障碍;经多因素分析,地震伤残人员ADL的主要影响因素依次是:伤残程度、伤残合并疾病、伤残并发症、是否参与残疾人组织或相关活动(Plt;0.05)。结论 伤残人员ADL关键在于残疾程度,避免伤残并发症和二次残疾的发生,控制伤残合并疾病的发生,增加伤残人员的社会参与度,均有利于伤残人员ADL的提高。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:37 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 冲浪式浸浴治疗烧伤残余创面的护理

    摘要:目的: 探讨冲浪式浸浴治疗烧伤残余创面的护理措施。 方法 : 我科自2007 年5月至2008 年12月采用河南省南阳国防科技工业电气研究所生产的型号为GSMSLI移动式浸浴水疗槽,对218例烧伤残余创面患者进行冲浪式浸浴治疗,根据创面情况,一般2~4 d 浸浴治疗1 次,直至创面愈合或手术植皮。 结果 : 218例烧伤残余创面患者,经浸浴后上皮生长速度明显加快,创面自行愈合; 94例创面感染控制,肉芽新鲜,浸浴 3~4次后,混合有3~5cm大小以内创面依靠创周上皮向中心爬行而自行愈合,其余较大的创面经植皮封闭创面。 结论 :冲浪式浸浴能有效减少创面菌落数,改善局部血液循环,加快创面愈合。

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Disease Burden of Diabetes Mellitus in Chinese Population: A Systematic Review

    ObjectiveTo systematically review the disease burden and epidemiological characteristics of diabetes mellitus in Chinese population, and to provide references for health resources allocation and health policy making. MethodsDatabases such as PubMed, EMbase, CNKI, VIP and WanFang Data were searched for studies investigating disease burden of diabetes mellitus in Chinese population up to January 1st, 2014. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, two researchers screened literature, exacted data, and assessed methodological quality of included studies. Statistical analysis was performed with the data of diabetes associated population, mortality and disease burden were analyzed. ResultsA total of 39 studies were included, one of which was not included for further qualitative analysis due to low quality. The results of qualitative analysis involving 38 studies showed that, since 1980, the prevalence of diabetes increased rapidly in China, especially in the younger age group. The disease burden of woman was higher than that of man; it was slightly higher in the city than in the countryside; but the gap between urban and rural areas was gradually narrowed. Disease burdens in Eastern, Central and Western regions orderly decreased, all of which were all at high levels. ConclusionThe disease burden of diabetes mellitus in China is seriously high and the prevention and control work is very hard. It is necessary to rationally and effectively allocate health resources based on different health demands in different regions among urban-rural and age groups; to reduce the burden in the elderly; and to pay more attention to the young age population at the same time. Besides, the emphasis of prevention should be placed on suppressing the increase of prevalence of diabetes mellitus and reducing disease burden due to its complications.

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  • Disability adjusted life years for liver cancer in China: trend analysis from 1990 to 2016 and future prediction

    ObjectivesTo estimate the latest burden of disability adjusted life years (DALYs) for liver cancer in China and the long-term trend, and to make future prediction.MethodsBased on the visualization platform of Global Burden of Disease 2016, data on the DALYs for liver cancer in China was extracted. The very recent status in 2016 and the previous trend from 1990 to 2016 were described, using annualized rate of change (ARC). The burden from 2017 to 2050 was further predicted by combining the ARC and the Chinese population data projected by the United Nation.ResultsIn 2016, the total DALYs for liver cancer in China was estimated as 11 539 000 person years (accounting for 54.6% of the global burden), and years of life lost (YLLs) and years lived with disability (YLDs) contributed 98.9% and 1.1%, respectively. The age-standardized DALY rate was 844.1 per 100 000 (3.0 times of the global average) and the male-to-female ratio was 3.4. The DALY rate continuously increased from 1990–2016 (ARC=0.57%), particularly in recent 5 years (ARC=1.75%). Among the DALYs for all cancers, liver cancer contributed approximately 20% and constantly remained as the top 2 (ranking as the number one before year 2005). There were inverse trends in gender, with increasing in males and decreasing in females (ARC was 0.77% and –0.11%, respectively). Hepatitis B infection continually kept the leading cause of DALYs for liver cancer (accounting for nearly 57%), and the DALY rate was gradually increasing (ARC=0.43%). Although the peak age of DALY rate was stable at 65to 69 years, the peak age of the DALYs changed from 55 to 59 years in 1990 to 60 ~ 64 years in 2016. In 2050, the estimated DALYs for liver cancer in China will reach 14.37 million person years, 20.0% more than that in 2017.ConclusionsThe DALYs caused by liver cancer in China exceeds the overall burden of all other countries in the world, and accounts for 1/5 of DALYs for all cancers in local population. The burden in males has been continuously rising, and the leading cause remained unchanged as hepatitis B infection. With population aging, the DALYs for liver cancer in China will be incessant to increase, suggesting the necessity to implement continuous effort in risk factors prevention (e.g. hepatitis B infection), and efficient management in high risk population of liver cancer.

    Release date:2018-06-04 08:52 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Disease burden of pneumoconiosis in Chinese population: a systematic review

    ObjectiveTo systematically review the disease burden of pneumoconiosis in Chinese population so as to provide references for health resources allocation and health policy making.MethodsDatabases including PubMed, EBSCO, Web of Science, CNKI, WanFang Data and VIP databases were searched for studies on investigation of the disease burden of pneumoconiosis in Chinese population from inception to 31st January, 2020. Two reviewers independently screened literature, exacted data, and assessed risk of bias of included studies. Systematic review was performed on data of pneumoconiosis associated population, mortality, and disease burden.ResultsA total of 26 studies were included. Qualitative analysis showed that the decrease of DALY and YLL of pneumoconiosis in China had been lower than that in globally, and the increase of YLD had been higher than that in globally in recent 10 years. 14 factors were included in the analysis of influencing factors on the financial burden or hospitalization expenses of pneumoconiosis patients; among them, the length of hospitalization, related complications, and pneumoconiosis stage were the most important indexes which had influence or difference on patients’ financial burden (or hospitalization expenses). The burden of pneumoconiosis in the Chinese population was primarily concentrated on males. Occupational diseases caused most of them, and middle-aged and older adults were the primary population for pneumoconiosis. However, young patients due to early-onset age, long course of disease and complications, and other factors resulting in a larger YLD phenomenon should also be considered.ConclusionsThe disease burden of pneumoconiosis patients in China is still heavy. It is recommended to continue to reduce the DALY of pneumoconiosis among the Chinese population as a long-term goal, and to strengthen control strategies to curb the early onset and death of pneumoconiosis.

    Release date:2021-04-23 04:04 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • An analysis of disease burden of colorectal cancer in China from 1990 to 2019

    ObjectiveTo analyze the trend of disease burden of colorectal cancer (CRC) in China from 1990 to 2019.MethodsData was obtained from Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 (GBD 2019). Incidence, mortality, disability-adjusted life year (DALY), years of life lost (YLL), years lived with disability (YLD), and their corresponding standardized rate and annual average percentage change (AAPC) were used to describe the changes of disease burden of colorectal cancer in Chinese population between 1990 and 2019.ResultsCompared with 1990, the number of new cases, standardized incidence, the number of deaths and standardized mortality of CRC in China in 2019 increased by 474.03%, 144.01%, 230.14%, and 36.15%, respectively. The standardized mortality and standardized incidence of CRC in China had reached and gradually exceeded the global level since 2010. From 1990 to 2019, the overall standard incidence (AAPC=3.6%, P<0.05), standard mortality rate (AAPC=1.4%, P<0.05), and the standard DALY rate (AAPC=1.2%, P<0.05) of CRC in China showed an increasing trend. The incidence, mortality and DALY rates of males were higher than those of females, and gradually increased with age. Compared with 1990, the DALY, YLL, and YLD of CRC in 2019 increased by 134.3%, 127.69%, and 445.00%, and their corresponding standardized rates increased by 30.53%, 27.03%, and 187.29%, respectively, showing an overall upward trend.ConclusionsFrom 1990 to 2019, the standardized incidence rate and standardized mortality rate of colorectal cancer in China have had a continuously increasing trend, and males and the elderly are high-risk groups. To reduce the burden of colorectal cancer in China, effective measures should be taken for prevention and management.

    Release date:2021-06-18 02:04 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Burden trend analysis of disease attributable to high low density lipoprotein cholesterol in Chinese population from 1990 to 2019

    ObjectiveTo analyze the variation trend of high low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) attribution disease burden in China from 1990 to 2019. MethodsThe burden of disease indicators from Global Burden of Disease 2019 (GBD 2019), such as death attributable to high LDL-C, disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), years of life lost (YLLs), and years lost to disability (YLDs) were extracted. The age was standardized using GBD 2019 global standard population, and the trend of rates with the annual percentage change (APC) was analyzed. ResultsFrom 1990 to 2019, the disease burden of high LDL-C increased with age in China. The mortality rate, DALYs rate and YLLs rate of males were higher than those of females, while the YLDs rate of males was lower than that of females. Joinpoint regression results showed that from 1990 to 2019, the high LDL-C attribution mortality rate (APC=3.4%, P<0.05), DALYs rate (APC=2.4%, P<0.05), YLLs rate (APC=2.4%, P<0.05), YLDs rate (APC = 2.9%, P<0.05), the standardized mortality rate (APC=0.8%, P<0.05) and the standardized YLDs rate (APC=0.7%, P<0.05) all increased in China. Regarding age, the mortality rate, DALYs rate and YLLs rate increased in the age group over 70 years old, while the YLDs rate increased significantly in the age group over 45 years old. ConclusionFrom 1990 to 2019, the burden of disease attributable to high LDL-C in China has become increasingly heavy, and the burden varies according to gender and age.

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  • Epidemiological trends of five sexually transmitted infections in China

    ObjectiveTo analyze the epidemiological burden and change trend of five sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in China from 1990 to 2019. MethodsThe estimated numbers and standardized rates of STIs incidence, prevalence, and disability-adjusted life years (DALY) in China and other regions were obtained from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The epidemic burden and change trend of STIs in China were compared and evaluated. ResultsIn 2019, STIs affected about 242 million people in China, resulting in 173 million new cases and 350 000 person years of DALY losses. Compared with 1990, the prevalence and incidence of STIs increased by 59.75% and 30.02%, respectively, and the number of DALY decreased by 35.19%. From 1990 to 2019, the incidence rate of chlamydia infection and gonococcal infection in the young and middle-aged group (aged 15-49 years) showed an upward trend; in addition, the DALY rate of genital herpes and trichomoniasis also increased. Among the 5 STIs, the disease burden caused by trichomoniasis infection in women was much higher than that in men. With the increase in the socio-demographic index (SDI), the burden of STIs in China gradually decreased. After the SDI exceeded 0.65, the decline rate of standardized DALY rate sharply increased. ConclusionThe disease burden of STIs in China shows a downward trend from 1990 to 2019, and the disease burden of the young and middle-aged group (aged 15-49 years) is the most significant, especially in trichomoniasis and chlamydia infection.

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