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find Keyword "修补术" 126 results
  • Comparison of Short-term Outcomes and Health Economics of PHS versus UHS for Inguinal Hernia Repair

    Objective To retrospectively compare short-term outcomes and health economics of PHS versus UHS for inguinal hernia repair. Methods We included 105 patients suffering from reducible inguinal hernia hospitalized in the First Affiliated Hospital of Lanzhou University from September, 2007 and September, 2012. The referred hernia types involved direct and indirect hernia (unilateral and bilateral). Based on different repair materials, the patients were divided into two groups, PHS group (n=53) and UHS group (n=52). Outcome parameters for comparison included incidences of seroma and scrotum edema, hospital duration, costs, etc. Results There were no differences in age, sex, hernia type, incidences of seroma and scrotum edema after surgery, hospital duration and costs between the two groups. However, the patients in the PHS group spent less money than those in the UHS group regarding the costs of materials and hospitalization, with significant differences. Conclusion For inguinal hernia repair, PHS and UHS are alike in reducing short-term complications, but PHS can significantly reduce patients’ economic burden due to less costs.

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  • The Factors for Defecation Change after Inguinal Hernia Mesh-repairs

    目的 了解局部麻醉下腹股沟疝无张力修补术后患者排便变化的相关影响因素。 方法 采用自行设计的问卷调查表,对2010年5月-6月行无张力修补术的腹股沟疝患者术后排便情况及变化进行调查,并就相关影响因素采用logistic回归方法进行统计分析。 结果 腹股沟疝无张力修补术后患者进食量减少、活动量减少、饮食成分变化、担心排便引起复发是术后排便变化的影响因素。 结论 加强该病症术后健康宣传,指导患者正常进食、多活动,消除患者对腹股沟疝复发的焦虑,可促进其早期排便。Objective To research on the risk factors for change of defecation after inguinal hernia mesh-repairs under local anesthesia. Methods Self-made questionnaires were used to investigate the defecation change among patients having undergone inguinal hernia mesh-repairs from May to June 2010, and the correlated factors for change of defecation were analyzed by logistic regression analysis. Results Reduction of activity and food, changes of food ingredients, and worries about recurrence were risk factors for change of defecation. Conclusion In order to facilitate the recovery of the patients, nurses should promote patients’ knowledge on the surgery, guide them to eat as usual and do more exercises, and eliminate their anxiety on recurrence of the disease.

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  • 平片式无张力疝修补术在老年腹股沟疝中的应用

    【摘要】 目的 总结平片式无张力疝修补术应用于老年腹股沟疝的临床效果。 方法 2002年1月-2007年12月,对收治的106例行平片式疝修补术患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。 结果 106例均顺利完成手术,平均手术时间 48(30~65) min,术后住院时间3~6 d,随诊 6~24个月,1例复发,2例腹股沟区疼痛,经对症处理后好转。 结论 平片式无张力疝修补术治疗老年患者腹股沟疝具有操作简便、创伤小、恢复快、复发率低等优点,值得推广。

    Release date:2016-08-26 02:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 无张力疝修补术治疗腹股沟疝42例

    摘要:目的:总结应用疝环充填式无张力疝修补术的方法,以提高腹股沟疝的手术疗效。方法:自2006年8月至2008年12月,以美国Bard公司产品(Bard mesh perbix plug)修补腹股沟疝共42例。结果:42例近期无复发,2例术后出现尿潴留。结论:本手术简化了腹股沟疝修补术的步骤,减轻了患者的痛苦,降低了术后复发率,并不增加感染的发生率,扩大了疝手术的适应证,值得在基层医院推广。

    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Emphasis on Prevention and Treatment of Postoperative Complication for Hernia Repair

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  • Surgical Treatment for Mesh Infection after Prosthetic Patch Repair of Inguinal Hernia

    Objective To discuss the surgical treatment and experience of mesh infection after prosthetic patch repair of inguinal hernia. Methods The clinical data of 67 cases of mesh infection after prosthetic patch repair who were treated in Chao-Yang Hospital from Jan. 2011 to Jun. 2012 were retrospectively analyzed. Results All patients were treated with surgical operation successfully, including removing the infected mesh and surrounding tissues, primary suture, and a placement of wound drainage, without replacement of a new patch substitute. The hospital stay of the patients was 10-25days with an average of 16days. Of the 67 patients, 51 patients got primary healed and the other 16 patients healed delayed after local dressing change due to the superficial infection following stitch removal. Sixty-six patients were followed-up for 6-24 months (average of 20 months) after operation without recurrence and complication, including seroma, wound infection, intestinal fistula, and postoperative pain. Conclusions The treatment of mesh infection after inguinal hernia repair is very complicated, but the primary suture repair and a placement of wound drainage after removing infected mesh with complete debridement is a effective therapy for it.

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  • Application of Laparoscopic Transabdominal Preperitoneal Hernia Repair for Recurrent Inguinal Hernia

    Objective To explore the surgical techniques and the clinical effect of laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) hernia repair for recurrent inguinal hernia. Methods Clinical data of 130 cases of recurrent inguinal hernia who underwent TAPP hernia repair from Mar. 2009 to Dec. 2012 in Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital of Capital Medical University were retrospectively analyzed. Results Operations were completed successfully in 129 cases and 1 case was converted to open surgery. The operation time was (54.5±16.1) min (30-100min) and the hospital stay was (4.5±2.1) d (2-11d). The rates of postoperative pain, hydrocele, and urinary retention were 3.8% (5/130),11.5% (15/130), and1.5% (2/130) respectively. There were no complications such as foreign body sensation,wound infection,and intestinal obstruction after operation. All cases were followed-up for 7-50 months 〔(24.3±11.3) months)〕 with no recurrence was observed. Conclusions Laparoscopic TAPP hernia repair for recurrent inguinal hernia has advantages of minimal invasion and few complications,who is safe and effective.

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  • Recurrent Inguinal Mass after Trauma for More Than 40 Years:A Case Report

    目的 介绍1例因外伤后耻骨缺损造成反复复发腹股沟疝的治疗经验。方法 回顾性分析该患者的诊治经过,总结治疗经验。结果 该患者在外院接受左侧腹股沟疝修补术(Lichtenstein法),术后1年左侧腹股沟疝复发,再于笔者所在医院先后接受两次手术治疗。第1次行开放的双侧腹膜前间隙无张力疝修补术,术后1年再次复发,复发原因可能是补片下界固定不可靠。第2次的术式与第1次相同,术后患者恢复良好,随访16个月无复发。结论 外伤后耻骨缺损是疝修补术后复发的主要原因,坚固有效的补片支撑点是防止再次复发的关键。

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  • Clinical Comparative Study of Tension-Free Herniorrhaphy with Different Suture

    目的 观察运用两种不同缝线固定修补材料对疝修补术后的复发、切口感染、慢性疼痛等并发症发生情况。方法 对2008年4月至2010年4月期间笔者所在科室收治的250例腹股沟疝患者行无张力疝修补手术时,采用多股丝线或可吸收合成缝线固定修补材料进行前瞻性对比研究。结果 2组患者术后疝复发、切口感染和切口疼痛(包括慢性疼痛)发生率间的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 腹股沟疝无张力修补术后的复发、切口感染、慢性疼痛等并发症的发生与缝线选择无关。术者的操作技巧、严格的无菌操作原则、彻底止血以及组织损伤小才是防止术后感染、慢性疼痛等并发症发生的重要因素。

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  • Comparison of Total Extraperitoneal and Transabdominal Preperitoneal in Laparoscopic Inguinal Herniorrhaphy

    Objective To compare the feasibility, safety, and efficiency of laparoscopic total extraperitoneal (TEP)hernia repair surgery and laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) hernia repair surgery. Methods The clinical data of 95 patients with inguinal hernia who underwent laparoscopic TEP hernia repair surgery (TEP group) and TAPP hernia repair surgery (TAPP group) from Mar. 2010 to Oct. 2013 in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed, and clinical parameters including operation time, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative hospital stay, postoperative comp-lication, and operation cost of 2 groups were compared. Results All the procedures were successful, none of them was converted to open surgery. There was no significant difference between TEP group and TAPP group when considering operation time 〔(65±16) min vs.(68±17) min〕, intraoperative blood loss 〔(7.0±1.2) mL vs. (8.0±1.4) mL〕, visual pain analogue scale 〔(2.0±1.1) score vs. (1.8±1.1) score〕, postoperative hospital stay 〔(3.1±1.4) d vs. (3.3±1.2) d〕,and time to release to regular activities 〔(4.2±1.0) d vs. (4.5±1.2) d〕, P>0.05. But the operation cost of TEP group was significantly lower than that of TAPP group 〔(8 033±536) yuan vs. (9 632±643) yuan, P=0.007〕. There were 6 atients (6.3%, 6/95) suffered complications, 3 cases in TEP group and 3 cases in TAPP group, including 3 cases of seroma or hematoma in scrotum, 1 case of transient neurapraxia, and 3 cases of urinary retention. There was no signi-ficant difference in incidence rate of postoperative complication between the 2 groups (P=1.000). All patients were followed-up for 1-35 months 〔(20.0±10.2) months〕 without recurrence and chronic pain. Conclusions TEP and TAPP hernia repair surgery are feasible, safe, effective, and minimally invasive technique for inguinal hernioplasty. There are advantages and disadvantages of both TAPP and TEP hernia repair surgery, but there is no statistically significant difference regarding intraoperative and postoperative complications.

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