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find Keyword "假性动脉瘤" 27 results
  • Application of MRA and DSA on Diagnosis of Traumatic Pseudoaneurysm and Arteriovenous Fistula (Report of 1 Case)

    目的 提高对创伤性假性动脉瘤并动静脉瘘的影像诊断水平。 方法 报告1例腰椎间盘手术所致的创伤性假性动脉瘤并动静脉瘘,比较分析MRA和DSA对该病的诊断价值。 结果 MRA能够明确创伤性假性动脉瘤及动静脉瘘的诊断,与DSA有良好的相关性。 结论 MRA对创伤性假性动脉瘤并动静脉瘘的确诊有重要价值,在一定程度上能够代替常规血管造影。

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:43 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 外伤性主动脉弓部破裂巨大假性动脉瘤形成腔内修复术一例

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:45 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Early and Midterm Results of Endovascular Repair of Pseudoaneurysms of Descending Aorta

    Objective To summarize our clinical experience of endovascular repair of aortic pseudoaneurysms,andexplore the etiology of the disease,treatment indications,and early and midterm results of the procedure. Methods From November 2009 to May 2012,52 patients with aortic pseudoaneurysms received endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) in FuWai Hospital. There were 44 male and 8 female patients with their age of (53.8±13.5 ) years. Their onset syndromes includedchest or back pain in 46 patients and hoarseness in 5 patients. There were 23 acute patients and 29 chronic patients. Aortic pseudoaneurysms located at the descending thoracic aorta in 51 patients and the abdominal aorta in 1 patient. The meandiameter of the aortic pseudoaneurysms was (45.1±33.8) mm. All the patients were diagnosed using enhanced CT scan of the aorta. Three patients received emergency EVAR. All the patients received EVAR through the femoral arteries under general anesthesia. Forty-six patients underwent isolated EVAR,5 patients received hybrid technique for EVAR via the neck,and 1 patient received hybrid technique including EVAR and total arch replacement via median sternotomy under normothermia. The average diameter of stent-grafts was (34.2±3.3) mm and the average length was (157.7±20.3) mm. Enhanced CT scan of the aorta was performed before discharge,3 months and 1 year after EVAR during follow-up. Results There was no in-hospital death and EVAR was 100% successful. All the patients (100%) were followed up for 1-31 (12.6±7.9)months after discharge. Their chest or back pain symptoms all significantly improved. Their hoarseness improved too duringfollow-up. One patient’s hoarseness disappeared early after EVAR but recurred 5 months after EVAR. Enhanced CT scan showed enlargement of the stent-graft without endoleak. One patient underwent emergency EVAR for sudden onset of massivehemoptysis,recovered well before discharge,and was readmitted to hospital 5 months after EVAR because of fetid sputum and hemoptysis,who was diagnosed as Behcet’s disease and cured after anti-infection and immunosuppressive therapy. One patient had recurrent fever before and 6 months after EVAR and was cured by antibiotic therapy. Intraoperative angiographyshowed trivial typeⅠendoleak in 4 patients right after stent-graft deployment,which disappeared in enhanced CT scan 3-6 months after EVAR. Intraoperative angiography showed no endoleak in all the other patients,and their enhanced CT scans 3 months and 1 year after EVAR showed complete sealing between the stent-grafts and the aortic wall,thrombus in the pseudoaneurysm sac and decreased diameters of the pseudoaneurysms without endoleak. Two patients had hemiplegia 1 dayand 6 days after EVAR respectively,1 patient was cured and discharged and the other patient survived with hemiplegicsequelae. One patient with an abdominal aortic pseudoaneurysm died of sudden onset of cerebral infarction at home 3 monthsafter EVAR. Conclusions Endovascular repair of descending aortic pseudoaneurysms is safe and effective with good early and midterm results,and longer follow-up is needed for its long-term outcomes. Individualized treatment plan is basedon the location of the pseudoaneurysms. Preoperative meticulous medical history and physical examination are both importantfor the differentiation of the etiology of aortic pseudoaneurysms. Postoperative treatment based on the etiology and close follow-up are also needed to ensure long-term results.

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Surgical Treatment of Aneurysm in Behcet’s Disease

    Objective To summarize the outcome in surgical management and medical therapy of aneurysm involved in Behcet’s disease. Methods From April 1977 to December 2004,7 patients (one female) were admitted. There were 4 false aneurysms in aortic isthmus, and 1 right subclavian artery pseudoaneurysm, and 1 right axillary artery false aneurysm, and 1 thoracicoabdominal multiple pseudoaneurysms. Surgical procedures included 4 aneurysmorrhaphys and patch angioplasties, 1 aneurysmorrhaphy and tube graft replacement, 1 covered stents and axillary to axillary artery bypasses, 1 aneurysmorrhaphy and right subclavian artery ligation. The other 3 cases survived. Results There were no hospital death, but there were 1 anastomotic aneurysm occurrence, 2 new aneurysms formation, 1 femoral artery occlusion at canal insertion site, and 1 bypass graft occlusion. Follow-up from 1 to 12 months, there were death in 4 cases. Conclusions Behcet’s disease could easily result in anastomotic aneurysm and/or new aneurysm or rupture occurrence. Based on location of lesion, selection of proper intervention, and combination with immunosuppression therapy, the satisfactory result could be obtained, therein, prosthetic graft replacement surpasses the patch angioplasty.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:25 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To compare the effectiveness, complications, and follow-up results between endovascular recanalization (EVR) and open surgical revascularization (OSR) in the treatment of peripheral pseudoaneurysm, so as to provide a reference for choosing a appropriate surgical procedure. Methods Clinical data of 62 cases of peripheral pseudoaneurysm between January 2001 and January 2012 were analyzed retrospectively. EVR was performed in 28 patients (EVR group) and OSR in 34 patients (OSR group). There was no significant difference in gender, age, cause of injury, tumor location, and diameter of tumor between 2 groups (P gt; 0.05). Results The operation time, blood loss, ICU monitoring time, and hospitalization time in EVR group were significantly shorter than those in OSR group (P lt; 0.05). In OSR group, 12 cases (35.29%) had early postoperative complications, including 2 deaths due to acute respiratory distress syndrome, 5 cases of pulmonary infection, 3 cases of wound infection, and 2 cases of deep vein thrombosis; in EVR group, 2 cases (7.14%) had early postoperative complications, including 1 case of hematoma at puncture site and 1 case of thrombosis in stent. There was significant difference in early postoperative complication incidence between 2 groups (χ2=6.691, P=0.008). The patients were followed up 12-39 months (mean, 26 months). In OSR and EVR groups after operation, the patency rates of the reconstructed vessels were 96.88% (31/32) and 92.86% (26/28) respectively at 12 months, showing no significant difference (χ2=0.014, P=0.905); the patency rates were 89.29% (25/28) and 84.00% (21/25) respectively at 24 months, showing no significant difference (χ2=0.322, P=0.570). Conclusion Compared with OSR, EVR is a minimally invasive, safe, and effective therapy for peripheral pseudoaneurysm with the advantages of less bleeding, shorter hospitalization time, and less complications. Long-term effectiveness still needs further observation, and patients have to take antiplatelet drugs for long time after EVR.

    Release date:2016-08-31 04:07 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To summarize the revascularization method of infective femoral false aneurysm caused by drug injection. Methods Between November 2003 and May 2009, 84 patients with infective femoral false aneurysm caused by drug injection were treated, and the cl inical data were analysed retrospectively. There were 67 males and 17 females with anaverage age of 34.6 years (range, 19-51 years). The average duration of drug injection was 2.7 years (range, 1-11 years). In 13 cases, the defect of femoral artery was 3-10 cm; defect ranged from 1.0 cm × 0.3 cm to 3.0 cm × 0.7 cm in the others. The surgical treatment included bypass using synthetic grafts in 5 cases, great saphenous veins transplantation in 29 cases, repair of femoral artery in 24 cases, and l igation of femoral artery in 26 cases. Results Two cases died of intraoperative pulmonary embol ism. Eight cases had postoperative wound infection, which was cured after changing dressings. Incisions healed by first intention in the other paitents. A total of 82 cases were followed up 12-36 months (mean, 17.3 months). In 56 patients undergoing artery reconstruction or repair, dorsal pedis artery pulse was significantly improved, and no distal osteofascial compartment syndrome occurred. In 26 patients undergoing femoral artery l igation, angiography at 1 week after operation showed abundant collateral circulation from ipsilateral internal il iac artery, superior gluteal artery or contralateral internal il iac artery. Three cases had postoperative intermittent claudication which was improved after symptomatic treatment. Conclusion Infective femoral false aneurysm caused by drug injection should be treated surgerically as early as possible, and effective treatments include debridement, drainage, defect repair or bypass with synthetic graft or great saphenous vein from homonymy external il iac artery to superficial femoral artery. Ligation of femoral artery is an option in patients with serious infection when revascularization is impossible.

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:44 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 注射毒品致股动脉假性动脉瘤破溃感染的治疗

    目的 总结注射毒品致股动脉假性动脉瘤破溃感染的外科治疗方法。方法 1994年3月~2004年10月,共收治因毒品注射致股动脉假性动脉瘤形成并破溃感染患者17例。男15例,女2例;年龄18~45岁。吸毒史2个月~10年,静脉注射史吸毒2~15个月,皮肤坏死1~6个月。皮肤坏死直径2~5cm,B超示包块大小15cm×10cm×8cm~18cm×13cm×10cm。急诊手术4例,择期手术13例。3例行人造血管移植,5例行远近端血管结扎,5例行静脉移植,2例动脉裂口直接缝合,2例行股深动脉移植。结果 术后可触及足背动脉搏动恢复2例,增强3例。切口Ⅰ期愈合6例,Ⅱ期愈合8例,3例出现伤口感染。15例获随访3~18个月,2例同侧大隐静脉远端移植及2例人造血管移植者经B超检查示移植血管栓塞,5例血管腔(1例人造血管、2例自体静脉移植、2例动脉裂口直接缝合)变狭窄。随访者均基本恢复正常生活。结论 注射毒品致股动脉假性动脉瘤形成并破溃感染患者,需手术治疗,争取择期手术,针对假性动脉瘤破溃时间超过1个月者,可考虑行远近端血管结扎术。

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:20 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To evaluate surgical treatment of infected pseudoaneurysm (PA) caused by injection of addictive drugs. Methods The clinical data of 17cases of infected PA caused by drug injection were reviewed retrospectively. Ofthem, 1 case was female, and the other 16 cases were male, aging 24-38 years. The locations were brachial artery in 1 case and femoral artery in 16 cases. Fourteen cases were treated by artificial blood vessel transplantation after resection of the aneurysm and radical debridement, 1 case by amputation for serious infection, and 2 cases by non-operation for different reasons. Results Among 14 cases treated by prosthetic grafts, 13 cases achieved satisfactory results, no blood drawback of lower extremity occurred after operation; 1 case had to be amputated for serious infection. After 3 months of operation, the color Doppler examination showed that the 9 artificial vessel grafts were patent and the pulse of arteria dorsal pedis was good. Conclusion Though artificial vessel grafting has high risk in the vicinity of infected PA, it is still an effective procedure for revascularization in condition that there is no suitable autogenous conduit available for auto transplantation. Sufficient drainage, anti-infection and anti-coagulation therapy should be the key factors after the operation.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:30 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    rom Aug.1965 to Dec. 1992,29 patients suffered from the peudoaneurysms were treatedwlth 4 different methods. They were:1.ligating the vessels;2. repairing the defected area in thearterial watl: 3, anastomosing the vessels after the peudoaneurysms being removed; 4, repoiring thearteries with vessel grafts after the resection of the poudoaneurysm or by-passing operation. Of the 4different methed, the method 3 and 4 gave the best results. It was thought that the operation should bep...

    Release date:2016-09-01 11:32 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Value of Color Doppler Flow Imaging in the Diagnosis of Iatrogenic Damaging Pseudoaneurysm

    目的:探讨彩色多普勒超声在诊断冠状动脉造影术后引发的医源损伤性假性动脉瘤的临床价值。方法: 经股动脉穿刺,行冠状动脉造影术而发生的股动脉假性动脉瘤共39例,所有患者都采用高频彩色多普勒诊断仪,对动脉瘤的二维超声图像、彩色多普勒图像及脉冲多普勒图像进行分析。结果: 39例假性动脉瘤患者在穿刺部位动脉的一侧均显示一搏动性无回声区或混合性低回声区;彩色多普勒显示无回声区内呈涡流或旋转样血流信号,表现为一半红色一半蓝色;脉冲多普勒显示典型的双期双向频谱。39例假性动脉瘤彩色多普勒超声诊断完全明确。其中32例在彩色多普勒超声监控下行人工加压包扎修复。7例经血管外科手术修补治疗。结论: 彩色多普勒超声在诊断冠状动脉造影术后造成的医源损伤性假性动脉瘤,在观察动脉瘤的大小、形态、瘤体的结构,判断来源动脉破口定位上准确、简便、无创,且可在超声引导下行安全无创治疗,可作为该病诊断及治疗的首选方法。

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:02 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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