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find Keyword "停药" 2 results
  • 癫痫患儿停药后复发影响因素的研究进展

    癫痫是一种脑部疾患,其特点是持续存在能导致癫痫发作的脑电改变,并出现相应的神经生物学、认知、心理学以及社会等方面的后果。经合理治疗后,大多数患儿的发作是可以控制的。癫痫缓解后可以考虑减停药物,但在减停药物的患儿中仍有 12%~67% 的复发风险。国内外就影响癫痫患儿复发的因素尚未达成共识。文章从可能影响癫痫患儿复发的因素方面进行综述,以期对儿童神经科医生指导患儿减停药物有所帮助,从而将复发率降至最低。

    Release date:2020-05-19 01:07 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Research progress of risk factors for recurrence of drug withdrawal after epilepsy surgery in children

    Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases in children, about 2/3 can be seizure-free after anti-seizure medications (ASMs) treatment, but there are still some drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE) need surgical treatment, epilepsy surgery including excision surgery, dissociation surgery and palliative surgery, surgery can make 30%~40% DRE fully controlled. Clinicians usually choose to discontinue ASMs after seizure-free for 1 to 2 years after epilepsy surgery, but there has been controversy about whether to discontinue ASMs after surgery in children with epilepsy, how long to discontinue ASMs, the timing of ASMs withdrawal, and there is still a lack of unified guidelines. This article will comprehensively analyze and summarize the risk of recurrence after ASMs withdrawal in children with epilepsy.

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