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find Keyword "入院" 25 results
  • Analysis of Admission Causes among Diabetic Patients in West China Hospital from 1996 to 2005

    Objective To determine the trend in the causes of admission among diabetic patients in West China Hospital from 1996 to 2005. Methods The medical records of diabetic inpatients from January 1996 to December 2005 were retrieved, and half of them were randomly selected. A questionnaire was completed and SPSS13.0 software was used for statistical analyses. Results The most common causes of admission for diabetic patients were diabetic chronic complications (20.2%), infection (19.5%), hyperglycemic symptoms (11.7%), malignant tumor (8.9%) and diabetic acute complications (5.8%). The constituent ratios of diabetic macrovascular disease and malignant tumor as the admission causes tended to increase, while the constituent ratios of diabetic microvascular disease, hyperglycemic symptoms and diabetic acute complications tended to decrease. Infection remained as one of the main causes of admission among diabetic patients. Conclusion The main cause of admission to West China Hospital for diabetic patients from 1996 to 2005 was diabetic chronic complications.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Preparation for Pre-Hospital Transference after Earthquake

    Objective To investigate the transferring methods of earthquake casualties accepted by the Department of Emergency, discuss the requirement for rescue materials in pre-hospital transference and provide information for transferring casualties after disasters in future. Methods Traumatic types and conditions of the wounded admitted by the Department of Emergency of West China Hospital within 3 weeks after Wenchuan earthquake,were collected. The characteristics of the wounded transferred by ambulances and helicopters were analyzed. Results Of the 2 338 wounded, ambulances transferred the most accounting for 60.56%, helicopter transferred 13.47%, and the other transport modes took up 25.96%. As for the macrotraumas, ambulances transferred more than helicopter and other transport mode did (Plt;0.05), while there was no statistical significance between helicopters and other transport modes(Pgt;0.05). Conclusion After the disaster, a field first-aid command system should be immediately established, casualties should be triaged concisely, an appropriate transference mode should be decided according to the degree of injuries and sufficient rescue materials should be provided based on different transference modes.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:13 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 胸外科门诊-入院-出院一体化工作模式探讨

    目的 建立胸外科患者门诊-入院-出院一体化的工作模式,提高患者就医体验的满意度,持续改进护理质量。 方法 制定胸外门诊-入院-出院一体化工作流程,比较2010年、2011年的门诊人次、出院人次,术前等待时间、平均住院时间;并自行设计护理服务满意度调查表,对2010年1月-2011年12月入住的患者,每月随机调查10例,共计240例次,分析就医体验等数据。 结果 门诊人次上升11.2%;出院人次上升4.91%;术前等待时间下降7.20% ;平均住院日下降0.66%;患者就诊体验满意度由90.83%提高到97.67%(P<0.01)。 结论 择期手术患者部分术前检查前移至门诊,缩短术前等待时间;护理评估、健康教育从门诊开始,实施一体化连续的健康教育,能提高患者对护理工作的认可度;出院后为患者提供良好的随访服务,解除患者的后顾之忧。

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  • Multidrug Resistant Bacteria Screening Results and Analysis for Neonatal Patients

    目的 了解新生儿患者多重耐药菌社区感染的特点和定植情况,采取预防控制措施,防止在院内传播。 方法 对2011年9月-2012年8月所有新入院新生儿患者共801例进行耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)、耐万古霉素肠球菌(VRE)和产超广谱β内酰胺酶(ESBL)菌入院筛查,了解多重耐药菌社区感染的特点和定植情况。并将801例新生儿患者(观察组)医院感染发生率与2010年9月-2011年8月同期801 例新生儿患者(对照组)医院感染发生率进行比较。 结果 观察组发现MRSA和产ESBL菌共321例,检出率为40.1%。其中包括单纯MRSA 45例,占14.1%;产ESBL菌238例,占74.1%;MRSA+产ESBL菌38例,占11.8%。观察组医院感染发生率为2.0%,多重耐药菌医院感染构成比为12.5%;对照组医院感染发生率为5.1%,多重耐药菌医院感染构成比为53.6%;两组医院感染发生率和多重耐药菌医院感染构成比差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。 结论 新生儿患者多重耐药菌定植情况严重,应引起高度重视,加强管理可防止在医院传播,减少医院感染发生。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:38 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Distribution of Multidrug Resistant Organism in Neonates Admitted to Hospital through Various Ways and Prevention and Control of Nosocomial Infection

    ObjectiveTo explore the distribution of multidrug resistant organism in neonates admitted to the hospital through various ways, and analyze the risk factors in order to avoid cross infection of multidrug resistant organism in neonatology department. MethodsA total of 2 124 neonates were monitored from January 2012 to July 2013, among which 1 119 were admitted from outpatient department (outpatient group), 782 were transferred from other departments (other department group), and 223 were from other hospitals (other hospital group). We analyzed their hospital stays, weight, average length of stay, and drug-resistant strains, and their relationship with nosocomial infection. ResultsAmong the 105 drug-resistant strains, there were 57 from the outpatient group, 27 from the other department group, and 21 from the other hospital group. The positive rate in the patients transferred from other hospitals was the highest (9.42%). Neonates with the hospital stay of more than 14 days and weighing 1 500 g or less were the high-risk groups of drug-resistant strains in nosocomial infection. Drug-resistant strains of nosocomial infection detected in the patients admitted through different ways were basically identical. ConclusionWe should strengthen screening, isolation, prevention and control work in the outpatient neonate. At the same time, we can't ignore the prevention and control of the infection in neonates from other departments or hospitals, especially the prevention and control work in neonates with the hospital stay of more than 14 days and weighing 1 500 g or less to reduce the occurrence of multiple drug-resistant strains cross infection.

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  • 脑卒中患者再入院及相关危险因素的研究现状


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  • 医护一体化模式在神经内科收治急诊患者中的应用效果评价

    目的探讨医护一体化模式运用在神经内科收治急诊患者中的效果。 方法对于 2012 年 1 月-12月由急诊收入院的 1 533 例患者实行医护一体化模式,比较与实施前(2011 年 1 月-12 月)1 407 例患者的护理满意度、入院等待时间和入院环节满意度的差异。 结果医护一体化模式实施 12 个月后,急诊患者入院等候时间由(6.23±2.12)h 缩短至(4.14±1.27)h,患者对就诊及入院环节的满意度评分由实施前的(94.45±2.98)分上升至(96.19±3.25)分,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);护士工作满意度量表评分由实施前(3.16±0.54)分,提高到实施后的(3.90±0.64)分,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。 结论医护一体化模式可以显著提高患者的护理满意度及入院环节满意度,缩短患者入院等待时间,值得临床推广。

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  • 大型综合医院入院中心患者咨询现状分析

    目的 了解入院中心患者咨询现状,以便更好地为预约入院的患者提供优质服务。 方法 收集 2015 年 10 月—12 月,周一至周五的 08 : 00—12 : 00 和 14 : 00—18 : 00 在四川大学华西医院门诊就诊后,持入院证来入院中心办理了等候床位登记的所有患者。由 2 名入院中心工作人员记录患者的咨询问题,并进行整理分析。 结果 2015 年 10 月—12 月在入院中心进行了等候床位登记的患者共 53 592 例,入院中心共接待患者咨询23 448 人次,占等候床位患者的 44%。2 名工作人员平均接待患者 28 人次/h。患者咨询问题的高峰主要集中在周一、周二的 10 : 00—11 : 00。患者咨询的问题依次为入院流程 9 216 人次(39%)、等候床位时间 6 888 人次(29%)、医疗保险相关问题 3 000 人次(13%)、院区功能位置 1 680 人次(7%)、信息核对与更改 1 440 人次(6%)、个人信息填写 840 人次(4%),其他 384 人次(2%)。 结论 通过对入院中心患者咨询现状的掌握,针对患者的需要进行服务改进,以提升入院中心的服务质量。

    Release date:2017-04-19 10:17 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Impact of nutritional risk on unplanned readmissions in elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    Objective To investigate the impact of nutritional risk on unplanned readmissions in elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), to provide evidence for clinical nutrition support intervention. Methods Elderly patients with COPD meeting the inclusive criteria and admitted between June 2014 and May 2015 were recruited and investigated with nutritional risk screening 2002 (NRS 2002) and unplanned readmission scale. Meanwhile, the patients’ body height and body weight were measured for calculating body mass index (BMI). Results The average score of nutritional risk screening of the elderly COPD patients was 4.65±1.33. There were 456 (40.07%) patients who had no nutritional risk and 682 (59.93%) patients who had nutritional risk. There were 47 (4.13%) patients with unplanned readmissions within 15 days, 155 (13.62%) patients within 30 days, 265 (23.28%) patients within 60 days, 336 (29.53%) patients within 180 days, and 705 (61.95%) patients within one year. The patients with nutritional risk had significantly higher possibilities of unplanned readmissions within 60 days, 180 days and one year than the patients with no nutritional risk (all P<0.05). The nutritional risk, age and severity of disease influenced unplanned readmissions of the elderly patients with COPD (all P<0.05). Conclusions There is a close correlation between nutritional risk and unplanned readmissions in elderly patients with COPD. Doctors and nurses should take some measures to reduce the nutritional risk so as to decrease the unplanned readmissions to some degree.

    Release date:2017-07-24 01:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Identification of the influencing factors of admission priority decision in department of respiration in West China Hospital based on logistic regression

    ObjectivesBased on the historical data of inpatients, a logistic regression model was established. It aimed to identify the influencing factors of patient's admission scheduling decisions and compare them with the actual scheduling rules, so as to discover the differences and deficiencies.MethodsWe extracted data of outpatients and inpatients in Department of Respiration in West China Hospital of Sichuan University from January 1st, 2016 to December 31st, 2016, and standardized the original dataset. We established the binary multivariate logistic regression model through R software and ‘glm’ package.ResultsThe analysis of multi-factor logistic regression showed that the effect of the five variables (type of medical insurance, time of registration, waiting time, type of disease and admission priority) on patient schedule was statistically significant.ConclusionsThe logistic regression model constructed in this study has a good effect on patient planning, which is helpful to provide decision support for admission schedule through identification factors.

    Release date:2019-01-21 03:05 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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