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find Keyword "原因分析" 19 results
  • 33 例肺结核合并肺癌原因分析

    摘要:目的:探讨本文33例肺结核并发肺癌的原因。方法:回顾分析我院33例肺结核合并肺癌临床病历。结果:33例患者均接受3~4种抗结核药物治疗,疗程1 a~2 a;结核与肺癌发生在同一侧肺14例,结核与肺癌不在同一侧肺12例,双侧肺结核于一侧发生肺癌7例;肺癌类型:鳞癌16例,腺癌15例,鳞癌腺癌混合型2例。结论:通过对33例肺结核合并肺癌原因分析,认为免疫功能异常、长期抗结核治疗,有可能诱发癌变。应积极进行短程化疗的研究,缩短抗结核疗程,减少抗结核药物的不良反应。

    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    To investigate the causes and the cl inical treatment methods of postoperative wound compl ications following total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Methods From June 2005 to August 2008, 486 cases (576 knees, including 314 left knees and 262 right knees) underwent primary TKA using standard midl ine incision and medial parapatellar arthrotomy. There were 146 males (172 knees) and 340 females (404 knees) aged 51-86 years old (average 61.3 years old). The duration of disease was 3-35 years. Primary diseases included: 138 cases (156 knees) of rheumatoid arthritis, 282 cases (348 knees) of osteoarthritis, 46 cases (49 knees) of traumatic arthritis, 20 cases (23 knees) of pigmented villonodular synovitis. The factors of etiology, deformity correction, duration of tourniquet use and wound drainage were analyzed to determine the cause of postoperative wound compl ication. Results Postoperatively, 37 cases (43 knees) had wound compl ications and the rate of incidence was 7.5%, including 13 cases (15 knees) of aseptic exudation, 3 cases (4 knees) of fat l iquefaction, 4 cases (4 knees) of subcutaneous hematoma, 8 cases (9 knees) of flap margin necrosis, 6 cases (7 knees) of superficial infection, 3 cases (4 knees) of red swollen joint with increased skin temperature and deepinfection. All 37 patients recoveried after symptomatic treatment. Among those 37 cases, patients with rheumatoidarthritis had a higher incidence rate of wound compl ication than the patients with other primary diseases (P lt; 0.05). Theincidence rate of patients with deformity correction more than or equal to 20 degree was significantly higher than that ofother patients (P lt; 0.05). The duration of using tourniquet was (86 ± 15) minutes for patients with wound compl ication,and (78 ± 8) minutes for patients without wound compl ication, indicating there was a significant difference (P lt; 0.01).Wound compl ication occurred in 22 knees (5.1%) with autologous blood transfusion absorber, 11 knees (11.5%) withnegative pressure attraction, and 10 knees (19.2%) receiving no drainage. The incidence rate of postoperative woundcompl ication in patients without drainage was obviously higher than that in patients with drainage (P lt; 0.05). ConclusionPatients with rheumatoid arthritis are more l ikely to have wound compl ication after TKA. Postoperative wound drainage and short duration of tourniquet appl ication help decrease the incidence of compl ications. It is necessary to make early definitive diagnosis of postoperative wound compl ication, and provide proactive treatment.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:07 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 外科监护室退药现象分析及对策

    目的 通过对外科监护室退药现象的分析,从而寻求控制退药的途径与方法。 方法 收集外科监护室2011年1月-6月发生的退药信息,并对各退药原因进行统计分析。 结果 引起退药的原因依次是患者转出占49.4%、医生调整医嘱25.9%、出院死亡8.6%、医生错开5.1%、医院信息系统不完善3.6%、操作电脑失误2.5%、其他占4.9%。 结论 降低外科监护室退药比例应从控制转出患者退药、医生更改医嘱等方面入手,同时尽量降低因医生错开、电脑系统操作失误和信息系统不完善导致的退药。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 影响剖宫产术后母乳喂养的因素分析及干预措施

    目的 讨论提高剖宫产妇母乳喂养率的方法及途径。 方法 2010年2月-2011年2月,将300例拟择期行剖宫产术的单胎初产妇,按随机抽取法分为观察组和对照组,对其进行母乳喂养宣教及干预,并就术后两组母乳喂养状况进行观察对比。 结果 观察组母乳初动时间早于对照组,两组差异有统计学意义(Z=?6.771,P=0.000);观察组母乳量充足时间早于对照组,两组差异有统计学意义(Z=?4.748,P=0.000)。 结论 术前对产妇进行母乳喂养宣教,术后对产妇母乳喂养给予相关协助与指导是提高母乳喂养的关键。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:38 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 高压氧治疗不依从性的原因分析

    目的 探讨高压氧治疗时患者不依从性的原因,以积累经验,指导临床工作。 方法 2011年1月-2012年1月间采用自制调查问卷进行回访,总结、分析未遵医嘱进行高压氧治疗患者的不依从性的原因。 结果 由于客观原因,患者高压氧治疗依从性与多种主观因素有关,因缺乏高压氧知识、恐舱、治疗不便等综合因素为主要原因。 结论 加强高压氧知识的普及和宣教,加强人文关怀,提高患者的依从性。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:16 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 医嘱口服药执行单常见缺陷分析及对策

    【摘要】 目的 调查临床口服药执行单中存在的缺陷,分析产生原因,寻求改进对策。 方法 2009年1月-2010年12月,每月随机抽取50份在院病历,共对1 200份在院病历的口服药执行单存在的缺陷进行统计和分析。 结果 192份口服药执行单存在243处医疗缺陷,发生率为20.3%。涂改、仿签62处,多签、漏签41处,超前签字28处,满格后未及时转抄34处,转抄执行单时间与医嘱执行时间不一致26处,缺项28处,未及时起、停医嘱17处,抄错药物7处。引起医疗纠纷1起。 结论 口服药执行单存在各种缺陷。加强护士培训与学习,建立完善的质量控制体系,规范护理文书,可以有效地减少口服药执行单中存在的缺陷,规避医疗纠纷。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:26 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 临床护士血源性病原体职业暴露原因分析及防控

    【摘要】 〖HT5”SS〗探讨护士血源性病原体职业暴露原因,暴露后的处理方法,加强职业安全教育,提高护理人员对职业暴露危险性的认识,并避免职业暴露;完善职业防护措施,降低护理人员职业暴露发生率,以达到正确预防和治疗职业伤害的目的。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:37 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Cause and Analysis of Temporarily Rescheduled Selective Operations

    ObjectiveTo summarize and analyze the causes of temporarily rescheduled selective operations in hospital and to find out improvements via statistical analysis. MethodsBy referring to the specialized anesthesia log, the rescheduled operations among all the selective operations in 2012 were retrospectively studied, and the rescheduled situations in different ages, sex and departments were analyzed. The specific causes of rescheduling and improvements were also discussed. ResultsThere were 582 rescheduled cases among all the 9 670 selective operations from January to December in 2012, with a rescheduling rate of 6.02%. The top three departments were orthopedics, thoracic surgery, and neurosurgery. Main causes for rescheduled cases were diseases, inadequate preoperational preparations, requests of patients or relatives and accidents. ConclusionMedical workers should get preoperational patients fully prepared materially, physically and psychologically via reinforcement of preoperative evaluation and preparation and avoidance of unexpected situations, so as to reduce rescheduling phenomena of selective operations.

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  • 碘对比剂渗漏患者原因分析及护理对策

    目的探讨患者行CT增强扫描后出现碘对比剂渗漏的原因及护理对策。 方法对2014年1月-5月45例行CT增强扫描检查后出现碘对比剂渗漏患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。 结果1例碘对比剂渗漏患者出现继发性水疱,经采用冰盐水冷敷3 d后,其表皮小水疱自行吸收,未出现继发性感染、组织坏死等现象;其余44例患者经常规对症护理后,无不良后果。全体碘对比剂渗漏患者均完成增强CT 扫描检查,且图像合格。 结论对CT增强扫描的患者提前采取针对性的预防措施,可降低碘渗漏的发生率;对已发生碘渗漏的患者进行正确、有效的护理处置及后续随访指导,可减少患者的痛苦和组织损伤,并避免或降低潜在的医疗纠纷及投诉。

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  • 急诊医疗纠纷分析及防范措施

    目的探讨急诊医疗纠纷发生的原因及影响因素,以便制定相应的防范对策。 方法对2008年1月-2013年12月由医疗纠纷处理部门正式受理的与急诊相关的22起医疗纠纷案例进行原因分析和评估。 结果医疗纠纷发生的主要原因为知情告知不充分9例(占40.9%),服务态度不满意6例(占27.3%),医疗技术不满意4例(占18.2%),违反规章制度、风险意识淡薄、急诊流程不满意及收费不满意共3例(共占13.6%)。 结论医疗纠纷的发生是多重因素导致的结果,涉及医疗单位、医务工作者、患者及社会因素。其中坚持以患者为中心,尊重患者,提高医疗技术水平及沟通技巧,提升服务态度是减少医疗纠纷发生的主要途径。

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