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find Keyword "外踝" 16 results
  • 低旋转点外踝上皮瓣修复前足软组织缺损

    目的 总结采用低旋转点外踝上皮瓣修复前足皮肤软组织缺损的疗效。 方法 2003 年10 月- 2011年3 月,收治16 例前足皮肤软组织缺损。男12 例,女4 例;年龄6 ~ 48 岁,平均22.3 岁。外伤12 例,烧伤3 例,冻伤1 例。皮肤软组织缺损范围为5 cm × 4 cm ~ 11 cm × 6 cm。以外踝上0 ~ 3 cm 处为轴点切取外踝上皮瓣修复创面,皮瓣切取范围6 cm × 5 cm ~ 12 cm × 8 cm。供区游离植皮修复。 结果 术后3 d 2 例发生皮瓣坏死,经对症处理后愈合;其余皮瓣及供区植皮均顺利成活,创面Ⅰ期愈合。患者均获随访,随访时间6 个月~ 2 年,平均16 个月。皮瓣外形略臃肿,色泽与受区正常皮肤相似,质地良好。术后3 个月皮瓣两点辨别觉为4 ~ 6 mm。 结论 低旋转点外踝上皮瓣覆盖范围广,不牺牲主要动脉,是修复前足皮肤软组织缺损的较好方法之一。

    Release date:2016-08-31 04:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 上胫腓联合复合组织移植修复外踝并距骨骨缺损

    目的 总结上胫腓联合复合组织移植修复外踝并距骨骨缺损的方法及疗效。 方法2006年7月-2009年1月,收治4例外踝并距骨骨缺损男性患者。年龄15~42岁。交通事故伤3例,砸伤1例。损伤至手术时间10 d~4个月。外踝骨缺损3.5~8.0 cm,距骨骨缺损2.0~3.5 cm。3例先对创面行腓肠神经营养皮瓣移植修复,待皮瓣成活后行骨组织重建;1例一期完成皮瓣修复及骨组织重建。带血管蒂腓骨移植2例,游离腓骨移植2例。 结果术后供区切口及创面Ⅰ期愈合。4例均获随访,随访时间24~38个月,平均27.6个月。移植骨成活良好,骨瓣愈合时间4~ 7个月。末次随访时患者步态均正常。踝关节功能根据Baird-Jackson评分系统评定:获优2例,良1例,可1例,优良率75%。 结论腓骨头形态与外踝相似,应用上胫腓联合复合组织移植修复外踝并距骨骨缺损是一种有效方法。

    Release date:2016-08-31 04:24 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To summarize the surgical technique of ankle arthrodesis using lateral malleolus osteotomy and locking proximal humeral plate internal fixation, and to evaluate the cl inical effectiveness. Methods Between March 2009 and June 2010, 18 patients with ankle joint disease were treated, including 8 cases of post-traumatic arthritis, 3 casesof rheumatoid arthritis, 5 cases of osteoarthritis, and 2 cases of post-traumatic necrosis of talus. There were 10 males and 8 females with an average age of 48 years (range, 36-67 years). The average disease duration was 3 years (range, 1-6 years). The main symptoms included swell ing, pain, and a l imited range of motion of the ankle. Four patients accompanied with ankle varus deformity and 2 patients with valgus deformity. According to American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle and hindfoot score system, the preoperative score was 43.5 ± 10.2. An ankle arthrodesis using lateral malleolus osteotomy and locking proximal humeral plate internal fixation was performed in all patients. Results Superficial wound infection and partial skin necrosis occurred in 1 case respectively, and were cured after symptomatic treatment; the other incisions healed by first intention without compl ications. Sixteen patients were followed up 16 months on average (range, 1-2 years). The X-ray films showed that bone fusion was obtained at 8-16 weeks (mean, 12 weeks) after operation. The symptom was rel ieved completely in all patients at last follow-up without compl ication of implant failure, nonunion, and malunion. The postoperative AOFAS ankle and hindfoot score was 83.0 ± 6.3, showing significant difference when compared with the preoperative score (t=26.20, P=0.00). Conclusion Ankle arthrodesis using lateral malleolus osteotomy and locking proximal humeral plate internal fixation has the advantages of feasible technique, the rigid fixation, and high fusion rate, soit may obtain a good cl inical effectiveness.

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:44 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    To evaluate the biomechanical action of lateral malleolar’s anatomical hook-plate in treatingWeber A-type ankle fracture. Methods Forty-eight cadaveric specimens of adult’s inferior extremities from June 2005to October 2006 were observed, consisting of 26 males and 22 females and aged 18-55 years. The external malleolus of the specimens were transected by using a wire saw at the ankle joint level, and then were divided into 4 groups randomly (groups A, B, C and D). Four distinct internal fixation instruments were used: lateral malleolar’s anatomical hook-plate in group A, general screws in group B , 1/3 tubular plate in group C and standard tension band in group D. Each group was further divided into 2 subgroups, A1-D1 and A2-D2. A1-D1 groups underwent anti-pressure and A2-D2 groups underwent anti-torsion biomechanically comparative analysis. Results The peak values of anti-pressure experiments in groups A1-D1 were (799.83 ± 105.47), (699.17 ± 63.81), (598.83 ± 123.14) and (453.00 ± 111.67) N respectively, group A1 was significantly higher than groups B1, C1 and D1 (P lt; 0.01); meanwhile, the peak values of anti-torsion experiments in groups A2-D2 were (37.17 ± 1.81), (30.33 ± 2.22), (20.50 ± 2.92), (24.83 ± 3.47) Nm respectively, group A2 was significantly higher than groups B2, C2 and D2 (P lt; 0.01). Conclusion The lateral malleolar’s anatomical hook-plate represents a definite biomechanical superiority, when compared with other 3 internal fixation instruments in treating fracture of external mlleolus.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 外踝解剖钢板及松质骨螺钉治疗B、C 型双踝骨折

    目的 总结外踝解剖钢板及松质骨螺钉治疗B、C 型双踝骨折的临床疗效。 方法 2004 年1 月-2006 年12 月,采用切开复位外踝解剖钢板、内踝松质骨螺钉或加用克氏针内固定治疗34 例双踝骨折。男23 例,女11 例;年龄24 ~ 52 岁。受伤原因:跌伤17 例,车祸伤12 例,机器损伤5 例。左踝22 例,右踝12 例。根据AO-Danis-Weber 分型:B 型21 例,C 型13 例。其中6 例合并胫骨平台塌陷骨折,3 例合并下胫腓联合分离,2 例为开放骨折。受伤至手术时间为2 h ~ 6 d。 结果 患者伤口均Ⅰ期愈合,无皮缘坏死、钢板外露等并发症发生。34 例均获随访,随访时间1 ~ 3 年,平均18 个月。术后34 例骨折均临床愈合,愈合时间12 ~ 18 周。疗效评定按照Baird-Jackson 踝关节功能评分标准:优29 例,良4 例,可1 例,优良率为97.1%。 结论 外踝解剖钢板及松质骨螺钉内固定是治疗B、C 型双踝骨折的良好选择之一。

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:17 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To investigate the method and effect of compound grafting of vascularized fibular head and flaps to repair compl icated lateral malleolus defects. Methods From July 2000 to April 2006, 6 patients with lateral malleolus bone defect underwent the repairing treatment. There were 5 males and 1 female, aged 9-47 years. The causes of injuries was traffic accident in 4 cases and crash in 2 cases. And 5 cases were in the left side and 1 in right side. The bone defect ranged 3.5-8.5 cm in size and the skin defect ranged 14 cm × 4 cm-18 cm × 7 cm in size. The time from injury to surgery rangedfrom 15 to 30 days. The compl icated lateral malleolus defects were repaired by transplanting the fibular head pedicled with the lateral inferior genicular artery 5-10 cm, and the peroneal perforator flaps or latissimus dorsi flaps 16 cm × 5 cm-20 cm × 8 cm. The raw surfaces of donor site were inflated and packaged with intermediate spl it thickness skin graft. Results One flap with 1 cm distal edge dry necrosis healed after change of dressing and others all survived. The free skin grafts survived and the incision healed by the first intention. All the cases were followed up for 4 to 15 months, and all patients achieved the bony heal ing within 8-16 weeks and the transplanted fibular head grew well. The shape of reconstructed lateral ankles was similar to the normal one and the ankle mortise moved well. The texture of flaps was soft without diabrosis and abrasion. According to Baird-Jackson criterion, the results were excellent in 3 cases, good in 2 cases and fair in 1 case and the excellent and good rate was 83.3%. Conclusion The fibular head pedicled with the lateral inferior genicular artery has good blood supply and the reconstructed lateral malleolus is similar to the normal. The peroneal perforator flaps and latissimus dorsi flaps have adequate blood supply and big dermatomic area. So this operation is an effective method to repair lateral malleolus defect.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:19 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To explore a suitable repairing method for skin defects of the foot and ankle, and to evaluate the therapeutic effects of the different repairing methods. Methods From January 2000 to October 2005, 36 patients with skin defects of the foot and ankle underwentthe repairing treatment, of whom 35 were males and 1 was female, aged 5-62 years, averaged 38 years. Of the 36 patients, 12 had an injury by a machine, 22 had a traffic accident, 1 had an infection, and 1 had a cold injury. And the injuries involved the dorsum of the foot, heel, forefoot, and medial or lateral malleolus. The injuries were respectively treated by 2 different repairing methods, the repair with the coverage by the lateral supramalleolar flaps and the repair with the coverage by the reverse sural neurocutaneous flaps. The skin defectsranged in area from 5 cm×4 cm to 20 cm×10 cm. The lateral supramalleolar flapwas used in 15 patients (15 flaps) with a flap area of 5 cm×4 cm-15 cm×8 cm,and the reverse sural neurocutaneous flap was used in 21 patients (22 flaps) with a flap area of 6 cm×4 cm20 cm×10 cm. We retrospectively observed the therapeutic results and compared the success rates of the two methods. Results Of the 36 patients, 15 underwent the repair with the coverage by 15 lateral supramalleolar flaps; 10 achieved a complete survival of the flaps, 2 developed an epidermal necrosis over the distal part, and 3 developed a complete necrosis.The other 21 patients underwent the repair with the coverage by 22 reverse sural neurocutaneous flaps. Of the 22 flaps, 21 had a complete survival, and only 1 failed to survive. The comparison revealed that there was no difference in the color, texture, and contour of the flaps between the 2 repaired groups. And the patients in the 2 groups were equally satisfied with the repairing treatments. The sensation of the flaps recovered to S0-S1. Conclusion The repairing of the foot and ankle skin defects with the coverage by the lateral supramalleolar flaps or by the reverse sural neurocutaneous flaps can achieve a similar good therapeutic result. However, the repair with the lateral supramalleolarflaps is more suitable for the skin defect of a smaller area over the medial orlateral malleolus, or the proximal dorsum of the foot; the repair with the reverse sural neurocutaneous flaps is more suitable for the skin defect of a larger area over the foot and ankle without serious destruction of the malleolar arterial rete.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:25 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To study the method and effect of transferring the pedicled second metatarsal base for repairing bone defect of lateral malleolus. Methods Thirty lower limb specimens were anatomized to observe the morphology, structure and blood supply of the second metatarsal bone . Then transferring of thepedicled second metatarsal base was designed and used in 6 patients clinically.All cases were male, aged from 24 to 48 years old, and the area of bone defect was 3-4 cm. Results Followed up for 3-11 months, all patients healed primarily both in donor and recipient sites. There were excellent results in 4 cases and good results in 2 cases . The morphology and function of the malleoli were satisfactory. Conclusion Transferring of the pedicled second metatarsal base for repairing bone defect of lateral malleolus is an effective and reliable operative method.

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  • 带血管蒂腓骨逆行移位重建外踝五例


    Release date:2016-09-01 11:32 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    ObjectiveTo investigate the application of lateral malleolus hook-plate for the treatment of stageⅡsupination-adduction type medial malleolus fractures. MethodsBetween January 2011 and June 2013, 21 patients with stageⅡsupination-adduction type ankle fractures were treated with lateral malleolus hook-plate, including 12 males and 9 females with an average age of 55.5 years (range, 27-65 years). The injury causes were sprain in 17 cases and traffic accident in 4 cases. The mean time between injury and admission was 12.4 hours (range, 2-72 hours). The tibial distal medial articular surface collapse was found in 7 cases by CT examination and in 3 cases by X-ray film. Of 21 cases, there were 12 cases of low transverse fractures of lateral malleolus, 7 cases of short oblique fractures of lateral malleolus, and 2 cases of ankle joint lateral collateral ligament injury without fractures of lateral malleolus. After operation, the clinical outcome was evaluated according to the talus-leg angle, the recovery of Coin-sign continuity, inside-outside and top ankle gap, talus slope, American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score, Olerud-Molander score, Kofoed evaluation standards, and patient satisfaction. ResultsSeventeen cases were followed up 18.7 months on average (range, 12-25 months). Primary healing was obtained in 16 cases except 1 case of delayed healing. Fracture healed at an average of 14.6 weeks (range, 12-16 weeks). All cases achieved anatomical reduction, the continuity of Coin-sign, and consistency of inside and outside joint gap; no talus tilt occurred. There was no complication of reduction loss, loosening or breakage of internal fixation, or osteoarthritis during follow-up. The talus-leg angle of the affected side was significantly improved to (83.4±1.8)° at 1 week after operation from preoperative (74.8±7.1)° (t=5.370, P=0.000), but no significant difference was found when compared with normal side (83.8±2.3)° (t=0.676, P=0.509). The AOFAS score, Olerud-Molander score, and range of motion at 1 week, 3 months, and 1 year after operation were significantly improved when compared with preoperative ones (P < 0.05). According to Kofoed evaluation standard, the outcome was excellent in 15 cases and good in 2 cases; the excellent and good rate was 100%. According to patient satisfaction, the outcome was excellent in 13 cases, good in 3 cases, and poor in 1 case; the excellent and good rate was 94.1%. ConclusionThe use of lateral malleolus hook-plate for fixation of stageⅡsupination-adduction type medial malleolus fracture not only can effectively maintain anatomical reduction and supporting function, but also can prevent re-collapsing of the reset joint surface. The surgical method can not increase soft tissue complication, so it is a safe and effective method.

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