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find Author "张国明" 26 results
  • Study pediatric fundus imaging techniques to improve the diagnosis of retinal diseases in children

    Fundus photograph, angiography, optical coherence tomography, ultrasonography and other image technology and visual electrophysiology can provide a wealth of information for the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric retinal diseases. However, it put forward higher requirements on pediatric retinal imaging equipment and techniques which will be quite different from adult, because of pediatric retinal disease has its own characteristics, such as disease spectrum, pathogenesis, and pathophysiology. The principles and methods of image results interpretation on adult were not quite ready for children. It is necessary to further study the fundus imaging techniques suitable for children, gradually establish standardized examination procedures and clinical interpretation system, to promote the diagnosis of retinopathy in children.

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  • Value the standardized treatment of pediatric retinal diseases to improve its treatment level

    In recent years, with the deepening of understanding of children's retinal diseases and the continuous updating of treatment techniques, the efficacy of children's retinal diseases has also been improved. Due to the particularity of the anatomical structure of the retina of children in the growth and development stage and the pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and outcomes of children's retinal diseases are different from those of adults, the principles of treatment of adult retinal diseases cannot be directly applied to children's retinal diseases. Cryotherapy, laser photocoagulation, intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF drugs, and vitreoretinal surgery are the main treatment methods for children's retinal diseases. However, there are still many problems in the selection of indications, equipment parameters, and treatment of complications. The treatment norms of the disease need to be further improved. Therefore, research on the treatment of children's retinal diseases, and the establishment of surgical standards and norms through expert consensus and other methods are helpful for the treatment of children's retinal diseases.

    Release date:2020-09-22 04:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Pay attention to the effect of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor drugs on neurodevelopment in children with retinopathy of prematurity

    Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is one of the leading causes of visual impairment in children. As understanding on the pathogenesis of ROP accumulated, anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs and their application have changed the treatment mode. Anti-VEGF therapy, with convenient operation and clear efficacy, has become an important treatment method for ROP. However, due to the dysfunction of organs in children with ROP, anti-VEGF drugs can enter blood circulation after intravitreal injection and then lead to temporarily reduction of the VEGF level in the blood, which may theoretically cause adverse effects on the development of all organs (especially the brain) in children with ROP. Therefore, it's necessary to pay attention to the effect of anti-VEGF drugs on neurodevelopment in children with ROP, strictly grasp the indications, and standardize its clinical application, so as to continuously improve the overall prognosis of ROP.

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  • The expression of molecules on surface of dendritic cells and its relationship with immune function in retinoblastoma patients

    Objective To observe the expression of molecules on surface of dendritic cells (DC) in retinoblastoma (RB) patients, and investigate its relationship with immune function. Methods The peripheral blood of 50 normal subjects (control group) and 18 RB patients (RB group) were collected to proliferate the DC.The mixed lymphocyte reaction was performed on DC of the control and RB group to detect the antigen-presenting ability. The DC of control group was cultured in the supernate of SO-RB50 with the different concentration of 25% (group A), 50% (group B) and 75% (group C). Then the expression of HLA-DR, CD54 and CD80 on surface of DC were detected by flow cytometry (FCM). Results The Results of MLR showed that DC antigen-presenting ability was gradually enhanced with the increase of stimulation of the cell. And the DC antigen-presenting ability of the control group was superior to that of the RB group (P<0.05). The expression of HLA-DR, CD54 and CD80 on surface of DC in the control group (12.14plusmn;2.52, 34.89plusmn;5.12, 10.93plusmn;3.1) were significantly higher than that in the RB group (7.33plusmn;2.20, 25.28plusmn;4.54, 7.89plusmn;3.75) (t=4.07, 3.96, 2.59; P<0.05). The expression of HLA-DR, CD54 and CD80 on surface of DC in the group A, B and C (HLA-DR: 9.95plusmn;2.55, 6.48plusmn;1.82, 3.11plusmn;1.47; CD54: 34.75plusmn;4.92, 21.25plusmn;3.44,15.41plusmn;3.52; CD80: 9.15plusmn;2.18,5.05plusmn;2.01,2.90plusmn;1.10) were reduced in varying degrees compared with the control group; and with the increase of the concentration of supernate SO-RB50, the reduction was more evident (F=8.96,13.62, 20.72; P<0.05). Conclusions The expression of molecules on surface of DC in RB patients is lower than that in the normal subjects. It is closely related to the functional deficiency of DC.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:37 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 深圳市早产儿视网膜病变激光光凝治疗效果观察及围手术期管理模式探讨

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:41 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Widefield digital pediatric retinal imaging systemassisted photoc oagulation for retinopathy of prematurity

    Objective To observe the therapeutic efficacy of widefi eld digita l pediatric retinal imaging system (RetCam II)assisted photocoagulation on ret in opathy of preamturity (ROP). Methods The clinical data of 30 p atie nts (58 eyes) with threshold ROP or prethreshold type I ROP were retrospectively analyzed. The nonperfusion area underwent semiconducting photocoagulation wit h 532 nm under indirect binocular ophthalmoscope. In 30 patients, prethreshold ty pe 1 ROP was found in 36 and threshold ROP was in 19; missed area after cryotherapy in other hospital was observed in 3; Zone 1 ROP was in 8 and z one 2 ROP was in 50. Fiftyfour eyes (93.1%) underwent onetime photocoagulat i on and 4 eyes (6.9%) underwent a second. Ocular fundus was examined by RetCam II before and after operation. The missed area after cryoth erapy was at once supplemented during surgery. The followup duration was 3-11 m onths (average of 5.5 months). Results Fiftyfour eyes which had under gone onetime photocoagulation had good result 1-3 weeks after surgery and the disease was controlled. In 4 eyes which had undergone t he second photoco agulation, the disease alleviated after the operation in 2 and local posterior t ractional retinal detachment occurred in 2. At the end of followup duration, u n favorable retinal structural outcome was observed in 2 eyes (3.4%). Con clusion R etCam IIassisted photocoagulation can avoid missed area during the operation, enhance successful rates of first photocoagulation and reduce unfavorabl e retinal structural outcome rates.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 1区急进性早产儿视网膜病变的临床特征及治疗

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 黄斑转位术

    复习近年国外有关黄斑转位术临床应用的有关文献,对黄斑转位术的手术方法、效果、并发症进行综述分析。结果表明:黄斑转位术是治疗脉络膜新生血管的有效方法,但要全面评价黄斑转位术,尚需要一个多中心随机的临床试验。 (中华眼底病杂志,2001,17:324-326)

    Release date:2016-09-02 06:03 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 胎儿期视网膜母细胞瘤一例

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  • Relationship between tumor necrosis factor-α and retinopathy of prematurity

    The exact pathophysiological mechanisms of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) remain elusive. The risk factors of ROP include excessive oxygen therapy, malnutrition, infection and inflammation. Among the factors above, the effect of inflammation on ROP has received more attention. TNF-α is a biological active protein which is involved in neovascularization and inflammation. It may play a role in the development of ROP. This review summarized the studies on the association between TNF-α and ROP in recent years, so as to provide a new way to further study the pathogenesis and treatment methods of ROP.

    Release date:2020-04-18 07:44 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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