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find Author "张燕" 21 results
  • 血-视网膜外屏障发育的研究现状


    Release date:2016-09-02 05:25 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Clinical Observation on Cardiovascular Protective Effect of Glimepiride on Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

    摘要:目的: 观察格列美脲对2型糖尿病患者心血管的保护作用并探讨其可能的机制。 方法 :112例T2DM患者随机分为格列美脲组(格列美脲+二甲双胍)和对照组(格列本脲+二甲双胍),观察治疗前后两者空腹及餐后两小时血糖(FBG,2hPBG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)、空腹胰岛素(FINS)、HOMA模型胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMAIR)、甘油三脂(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDLC)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDLC)、同型半胱氨酸(HCY)、血浆脂联素的变化。 结果 :两组患者的TC、LDLC、TG、FBG、2hPBG都较治疗前降低,连续服用6个月以上格列美脲的T2DM患者其血浆HCY、HOMAIR、血糖水平明显下降,血浆脂联素水平明显升高,与对照组相比差异有统计学意义(〖WTBX〗P lt;005)。 结论 :格列美脲能降低多项心血管危险因子水平,对血脂、HCY和动脉粥样硬化都有良性调节作用,其作用基础可能与改善胰岛素抵抗,增加血浆脂联素相关。Abstract: Objective: To observe the protective effects and to explore mechanisms of glimepiride on cardiovascular system of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Methods : 112 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were randomly divided into treatment group (glimepiride combined with metformin) and control group (glibenclamide combined with metformin). The fasting blood glucose (FBG), 2hPBG, hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), FINS, HOMAIR, blood lipid (TC, TG, LDLC and HDLC), HCY (homocysteine) and adiponectin were detected before and after treatment. Results : In all cases, the level of TC、LDLC、TG、FBG、2hPBG were decreased after treated with glimepiride or glibenclamide combined with metformin for 6 monthes. Moreover, the level of HCY, HOMAIR and blood glucose were decreased and the level of adiponectin was increased significantly than that of in control group (Plt;005). Conclusion : Glimepiride showed the effective on decreasing the risk factor of cardiovascular system disease with regulation of blood lipid, HCY, and improve the atherosclerosis. The effective of glimepiride on cardiovascular system was relation to improved the insulin resistance and increase the adiponectin.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Sanqitongshu Capsule for 60 Patients with Acute Facial Neuritis Patients: A Clinical Trial

    Objective To compare the clinical therapeutic effects of combination therapy of Sanqitongshu capsule and prednisolone with prednisolone alone in the treatment of acute peripheral facial neuritis. Methods A total of 61 patients with facial paralysis were divided into the treatment group and the control group in the outpatient order. The control group used 20 mg oral prednisolone and accepted the non-specific anti-inflammatory treatment every other day. Medication would stop in a week. Oral administration of vitamin B1 and vitamin B12 was also performed for nerve metabolism improvement for 30 days. The therapy of the treatment group was based on the same treatment of the control group with Sanqitongshu capsule for 30 days. Results After 4 weeks, in the treatment group, 20 patients recovered, 5 markedly effective, and 2 effective, and the total effective rate was 90%. In the Control group, 10 patients recovered, 3 markedly effective, and 2 effective, and the total effective rate was 50.0%. There were significant differences between the two groups (Plt;0.05). Conclusion The clinical effectiveness of Sanqitongshu capsule plus prednisolone is better than that of prednisolone alone in the treatment of acute peripheral facial neuritis.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:36 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Peritoneal Ginkgo-dipyidamolum on Renal Function and Antioxidative Effect in Diabetic Rats

    目的:研究银杏达莫对糖尿病大鼠肾功能的影响,并从抗氧化应激反应的角度探讨其可能的作用机制。方法:50只Wistar大鼠随机分为正常组(10只),糖尿病模型组(20只)及糖尿病模型加银杏达莫组(20只)。采用单次腹腔注射链脲佐菌素(55 mg/kg)诱导糖尿病肾病(DN)大鼠模型,腹腔注射银杏达莫水溶液。生化法测定血糖,血、尿肌酐及尿白蛋白;尾静脉取血ELISA法检测血清血管内皮先长因子(VEGF)水平;肾脏匀浆后测肾脏丙二醛(MDA)、一氧化氮(NO)的含量。结果:糖尿病模型组和银杏达莫组生化指标均高于正常组(Plt;0.05),银杏达莫组MDA、NO及VEGF的表达减少与模型组比较差异有显著性(Plt;0.05)。结论:银杏达莫具有减轻糖尿病大鼠蛋白尿,提高尿肌酐排泄,减轻肾脏损害的作用,其机制可能与提高肾脏抗氧化系统功能有关。

    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Predictive Score for Acute Kidney Injury after Cardiac Surgery in Adults

    Objective To analyze risk factors of acute kidney injury (AKI) after cardiac surgery in adults and develop a clinical score system to predict postoperative AKI. Methods Clinical data of 3 500 consecutive patients undergoing cardiac surgery from June 2010 to April 2011 in Beijing Anzhen Hospital of Capital Medical University were retrospectively analyzed. According to whether they had postoperative AKI,all these patients were divided into AKI group and non-AKI group. AKI group was consisted of 1 407 patients (40.2%) with a mean age of 58±12 years,including 1 004 male patients (71.4%). The non-AKI group was consisted of 2 093 patients (59.8%) with a mean age of 55±13 years,including 1 259 male patients (60.2%). Predictive score system of postoperative AKI was established by univariate analysis between the AKI and non-AKI group and multivariate logistic regression and then verified. Results The predictive score system was as followed:male gender (2 points),every 5 years older than 60 years (1 point),diabetes mellitus (2 points),preoperative use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor or angiotensin AT1 receptor blocker (1 point),every 10 ml / (min·1.73 m2) of preoperative estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) under 90 ml / (min·1.73m2) (1 point),preoperative NYHA class Ⅳ (3 points),cardiopulmonary bypass time>120 minutes (2 points),intraoperative hypotension duration>60 minutes (2 points),postoperative hypotension duration>60 minutes (3 points),postoperative peak dosage of intravenous furosemide>100 mg/day (3 points),postoperative peak dosage of intravenous furosemide 60-100 mg/day (2 points),and postoperative mechanical ventilation time>24 hours (2 points). The predictive score system presented a good discrimination ability with the area under the receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve of 0.738 with 95% CI 0.707 to 0.768,while it also presented a good calibration with Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic (P=0.305). Conclusion A clinical predictive score system for AKI after cardiac surgery in adults is established,which may help clinicians implement early preventive interventions.

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 乳腺叶状囊肉瘤的围手术期护理

    目的 总结对乳腺叶状囊肉瘤患者的围手术期护理经验。 方法 总结2006年1月-2009年5月收治的4例乳腺叶状囊肉瘤患者围手术期护理过程及技术特点。 结果 通过健康教育使患者了解疾病治疗相关知识,结合心理护理帮助患者树立康复信心,做好引流管护理,帮助患者加强功能锻炼,可减少患者并发症的发生。 结论 乳腺癌围手术期的护理对保证治疗效果有重要意义。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:49 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Anesthesia for 200 Patients Undergoing OffPump Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery

    摘要:目的: 探讨非体外循环冠状动脉旁路移植术(offpump coronary artery bypass grafting,OPCABG)患者的围术期管理。 方法 : 回顾分析2005 年7 月至2008 年6 月的200 例择期非体外循环下冠状动脉旁路移植术患者200例,诱导用咪唑安定005~01 mg/kg,依托咪酯03 mg/kg,芬太尼5~15 μg/kg,罗库溴铵05~10 mg/kg,麻醉维持采用持续泵注异丙酚1~4 mg/kg·h,,间断辅以05%~20%异氟烷吸入,术中随手术操作时出现的血流动力学变化,用血管活性药物调整。 结果 : 麻醉效果满意,术中血压心率基本满意。本组患者苏醒时间,拔管时间和ICU停留时间为(178±42) min、(105±40)h、(18±63)h。术毕180例患者在12 h内拔管。180例预后良好,无麻醉并发症。 结论 :非体外循环下冠状动脉旁路移植术麻醉管理的关键是合理的应用麻醉药和血管活性药来维持血流动力学平稳。Abstract: Objective: To summarize the technique and evaluate the effect of anesthesia for offpump coronary artery bypass surgery (OPCAB). Methods :From July of 2005 through June of 2008,two hundred consecutive patients undergoing OPCAB were retrospectively studied. Anesthesia was induced with midazolam 00501mg/kg, or etomidate 03mg/kg and fentanyl 515μg/kg. Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane 05%20% and oxygen, combined with propofol 14mg/(kg·h). Intraoperative hypotension resulting from either surgical procedure or anesthetics should be dealt with inotropes immediately. Results :Intraoperative hemodynamics deviation was tolerated with the support of inotropics. The mean of patients of consciousness recovery time, tracheal extubation time and stay in ICU time were 178±42 min,105±40 hours and 18±63 hours. The patients were discharged in 80±12 days. Racheal intubation were remained 12 hours in 180 patients after operation, 180 patients had good recovery without any anesthesia complications. Conclusion : Rational use of anesthetics and inotropics to stabilize hemodynamics during operation plays a key role in successful OPCAB.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Exploration of key genes and mechanisms of depression aggravating Crohn disease based on bioinformatics

    Objective To explore key genes and mechanisms of depression aggravating Crohn disease. Methods In March 2023, the Public Health Genomics and Precision Health Knowledge Base and Gene Expression Omnibus database were used to identify the overlapping differentially expressed genes between Crohn disease and depression and the key genes were screened by Metascape, STRING, Cytoscape, and protein interaction network analysis. The Gene Expression Omnibus database was used to analyze the correlations between key genes and clinical pathologies such as Crohn Disease Endoscopic Index of Severity and intestinal microvilli length. Results There were 137 overlapping differentially expressed genes between Crohn disease and depression, and 25 key genes were further screened out. Among them, CREB1, FKBP5, MAPT, NTSR1, OXTR, PROK2, POMC, HTR2B, and PPARGC1A genes were significantly correlated with multiple clinical parameters. The functions of PROK2 and PROK2-related genes were mainly enriched in neutrophil and granulocyte migration, neutrophil and granulocyte chemotaxis, etc. Conclusions There are 25 key genes, especially CREB1, FKBP5, MAPT, NTSR1, OXTR, PROK2, POMC, HTR2B, and PPARGC1A, that possibly contribute to the establishment and deterioration of Crohn disease caused by depressive disorder. Among these genes, PROK2 showes the possibility of regulating immune cell (neutrophils and CD8+ T cells) infiltration.

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  • Analysis on the analgesic effect of Chinese medicine acupuncture in daytime operation oftotal extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair

    ObjectiveTo explore the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) acupuncture analgesia after laparoscopic total extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair (TEP), aiming to reduce the use of analgesics post-surgery. MethodsPatients who underwent unilateral TEP in the Department of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery at our hospital from May 2022 to May 2023 were selected as research subjects. Those who met the inclusion and exclusion criterias were randomly assigned to three groups: TCM acupuncture analgesia group, traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture analgesia plus western medicine analgesia group (referred to as Chinese and western medicine analgesia group), and western medicine analgesia group. The basic information, postoperative numerical rating scale (NRS) pain scores, postoperative recovery indicators, and complication rates of the three groups were analyzed and compared.ResultsThere was no statistically significant differences in the basic data of patients across the three groups (P>0.05). There were significant differences in NRS score, recovery time of intestinal function, first urination time after operation and first ambulation time after operation at each time point after analgesia (6 h, the next morning, 48 h, 72 h and 96 h after operation) among the three groups (P<0.05). The NRS scores in both the TCM acupuncture analgesia group and the Chinese and western medicine analgesia group were lower than those in the western medicine analgesia group (P<0.05), Additionally, postoperative recovery outcomes were better in the TCM acupuncture analgesia group and the Chinese and western medicine analgesia group compared with the western medicine group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference of the above results compared between the TCM acupuncture analgesia group and the Chinese and western medicine analgesia group (P>0.05). There was no significant difference in postoperative complications among the three groups (P>0.05). ConclusionTCM acupuncture analgesia following TEP surgery is effective and leads to improved postoperative recovery compared with the use of oral analgesics alone, without an increase in adverse reactions.

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  • Effectiveness and risk factor analysis of venous thromboembolism prevention in the management of day surgery wards

    Objective To observe the effectiveness of prevention and management of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in the day surgery wards, analyze the influencing factors of VTE occurrence in postoperative patients, in order to reduce the occurrence of VTE adverse events, improve the utilization of medical resources, and enhance the quality of day care. Methods The patient data of the Daytime Diagnosis and Treatment Center of Deyang People’s Hospital between January 2020 and December 2023 were retrospectively selected. According to the implementation time of VTE prevention and control in the day surgery wards, patients between 2022 and 2023 were selected as the observation group, and patients between 2020 and 2021 were selected as the control group. The incidence and the influencing factors of postoperative of VTE were compared between the two groups. Results A total of 2 300 patients were included, with 1 150 cases in each group. The comparison of in-hospital [12 cases (1.0%) vs. 3 cases (0.3%)] and post discharge [7 cases (0.6%) vs. 1 case (0.1%)] VTE incidence rates between the control group and the observation group showed statistically significant differences (P<0.05). Among the 9 specialties in the Daytime Diagnosis and Treatment Center, the incidence of VTE in thoracic surgery (1.58%), vascular surgery (1.51%), and hepatobiliary surgery (1.29%) ranked among the top 3. The results of multiple logistic regression analysis showed that fourth grade surgery, lower limb surgery, and large intraoperative bleeding (>100 mL) were the influencing factors for postoperative VTE (P<0.05). Conclusions There are many reasons for VTE occurrence, and it is necessary to prevent and treat VTE in the day surgery ward. More attention should be paid to the patient’s surgical grading, intraoperative bleeding volume, and surgical site.

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