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find Keyword "惊厥" 22 results
  • Clinical Research on Serum Electrolytes and Blood Glucose in Children with Febrile Convulsion

    目的 探讨热性惊厥患儿血清电解质和血糖的变化及其临床意义。 方法 选取2009 年6月-2010 年12月儿科住院的呼吸道感染并发热性惊厥患儿38例和呼吸道感染无惊厥患儿42例,分别作为观察组和对照组,测定和比较两组患儿血清电解质和血糖值。 结果 观察组血清钠离子浓度为(133.05 ± 1.74)mmol/L、氯离子浓度为(100.37 ± 1.79)mmol/L;对照组血清钠离子浓度为(142.19 ± 1.85)mmol/L、氯离子浓度为(104.57 ± 1.55)mmol/L,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);观察组和对照组血糖浓度依次为(6.93 ± 0.87)、(5.12 ± 0.55)mmol/L,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。观察组在治疗后的血清钠离子、氯离子浓度分别为(140.89 ± 2.68)、(103.29 ± 1.94)mmol/L,均高于发生惊厥时的浓度(P<0.01);观察组在治疗后的血糖浓度为(5.31 ± 0.68)mmol/L,明显低于发生惊厥时,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。 结论 婴幼儿发生热性惊厥时存在血钠、血氯水平降低和血糖升高,在热性惊厥患儿的治疗中应纠正血钠水平和高血糖。Objective To explore the clinical significance of the changes in serum electrolytes and blood glucose in the children with febrile convulsion. Methods Thirty-eight children with respiratory infection combined with febrile convulsion and 42 children with single respiratory infection diagnosed between June 2009 and December 2010 were selected as the observation group and control group, respectively. Serum electrolytes and blood glucose concentration were assayed and compared between the two groups. Results The concentrations of serum sodium and chloride were (133.05 ± 1.74) mmol/L and (100.37 ± 1.79) mmol/L in the observation group, while (142.19 ± 1.85) and (104.57 ± 1.55) mmol/L in the control group; the differences between the two groups were significant (Plt;0.01). The concentrations of blood glucose were (6.93 ± 0.87) mmol/L in the observation group and (5.12 ± 0.55)mmol/L in the control group; the difference was significant (Plt;0.01). After the treatment, the serum concentrations of sodium and chloride were (140.89 ± 2.68) and (103.29 ± 1.94)mmol/L in the observation group, which were higher than those before treatment (Plt;0.01). After treatment, the blood glucose concentration was (5.31 ± 0.68)mmol/L in the observation group, which was lower than that before the treatment (Plt;0.01). Conclusion Hyponatremia, low serum chlorine and hyperglycemia occurre in the febrile convulsion in children, which should be corrected in the treatment of febrile convulsion.

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  • 小儿烧伤惊厥的原因分析及干预措施

    目的 探讨小儿烧伤并发惊厥的原因及护理措施。 方法 回顾性分析2010年3月-2012年2月收治的35例患儿烧伤并发惊厥的临床病历资料。 结果 小儿烧伤惊厥的原因有休克、高热、电解质紊乱、烧伤毒血症、脑缺氧脑水肿,各种原因之间相互影响。本组35例患儿中,惊厥持续时间30 s~5 min不等,34例治愈,1例因多器官功能衰竭死亡,所有患儿随病情而好转。 结论 小儿烧伤后并发惊厥的原因较多,在治疗和护理过程中应随时把握病情变化,正确处理患儿高热、电解质紊乱等,一旦发生惊厥应采取及时有效的救护措施,防止意外发生。

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  • Effect of Lidocaine-induced Seizure on Spatial Learning Memory in Rats

    目的 研究利多卡因对海马的神经毒性是否会对大鼠空间学习记忆能力产生影响,并探讨大鼠空间学习能力的变化与海马CA3区锥体细胞数目的相关性。 方法 将成年Wistar雄性大鼠随机分为基础值组(n=7)和利多卡因惊厥组(n=40)。基础值组大鼠静脉给予生理盐水后使用Y迷宫测定大鼠的空间学习能力。利多卡因惊厥组大鼠尾静脉持续输注利多卡因造成惊厥,待大鼠恢复正常运动以后放入鼠笼重新饲养。并于惊厥后第1、3、5、7天从中随机抓取大鼠测试其空间学习能力以及组织学改变。根据对应天数将利多卡因惊厥组的40只大鼠随机细分为Day-1、Day-3、Day-5、Day-7亚组,每亚组10只。所有大鼠在测定空间学习能力之后立即处死,取出大脑并做石蜡包埋,冠状面切片后进行组织学检测,显微镜下评估海马CA3区锥体细胞状态。 结果 ① 基础值组和Day-1、Day-3、Day-5、Day-7亚组大鼠的Y迷宫穿梭次数分别为(25.2 ± 3.7)、(27.1 ± 8.1)、(36.9 ± 9.9)、(38.7 ± 10.6)、(40.6 ± 16.3)次,除Day-1亚组与基础值组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)外,其余各亚组与基础值组差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);② 与基础值组单位面积(10.3 ± 4.5)个(异常锥体)细胞比较,利多卡因惊厥组大鼠海马CA3区异常锥体细胞数增加,Day-1、Day-3、Day-5、Day-7亚组计数值分别为13.0 ± 7.2、15.6 ± 5.0、19.6 ± 8.1、18.1 ± 5.1,且与大鼠Y迷宫穿梭次数呈正相关(r=0.711,P<0.05)。 结论 利多卡因引起的惊厥使成年大鼠海马依赖性空间学习能力下降,利多卡因的神经毒性引起的海马异常锥体细胞增多可能是造成这一现象的一种原因。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:13 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Efficacy and aging comparative study of different doses and sources of lamotrigine on cortex convulsive threshold in electrical stimulated rats

    Objective Using cortex convulsions threshold detector and electrical stimulation in rats cortex convulsions threshold model, compare the efficacy and aging of domestic lamotrigine (LTG) and imported LTG. Methods Electrical stimulation convulsions threshold model in rats after stability, 40 rats were randomly divided into A、B、C、D groups,AandBgroup were divided into three different dose groups: domestic LTG low dose (12.5 mg/kg/d), middle dose (25 mg/kg·d), high dose group (37.5 mg/kg·d); imported LTG low doses (12.5 mg/kg·d), middle dose (25 mg/kg·d), high dose group (37.5 mg/kg·d); Carbamazepine middle dose group (72 mg/kg·d); the control group (normal saline 2 ml/time). Recording electrical stimulation in rats cortex convulsions threshold model after administration, compare the differences before and after the administration. Results Three different dose groups of domestic LTG and imported LTG all hadahigher level of electrical stimulation cortex convulsions threshold, and showedadose-response relationship. Onset time of LTG after administration was 1 to 2 hours, peak time was 3 to 4 hours, maintaining time was 8 to 10 hours. Conclusion LTG can improve cortex convulsions threshold in the electrical stimulated rats, there was no significant difference with carbamazepine, and showedadose-response relationship; Repeat dosing for 4 days, both domestic and imported LIG can maintain effective anticonvulsive effect, the efficacy and the aging of two groups of LTG have no significant difference (P>0.05).

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  • The investigation of diagnosis and treatment for status epilepticus in some hospitals of China

    Objective To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of status epilepticus in hospitals of different levels and the knowledge of status epilepticus in clinical physicians, in order to better guide clinical education in the future. Methods From August 2014 to August 2015, a questionnaire was designed and used to investigate the general situation of the hospital, the diagnosis of status epilepticus and the clinical practice among trainee doctors and students in the epilepsy training class in the Neurological Intensive Care Unit and the Department of Neurology of West China Hospital, Sichuan University. The results of the investigation were statistically analyzed. Results Ninety questionnaires were distributed, and all the questionnaires were retrieved with validity. The number of investigated physicians was 42 (46.7%) from the Department of Neurology, 6 (6.7%) from the Department of Neurosurgery, 30 (33.3%) from the Intensive Care Unit and 12 (13.3%) from other departments. Twenty-seven (30.0%) physicians were from class Ⅲ grade A hospitals, 31 (34.4%) from class Ⅲ grade B hospitals, and 32 (35.6%) from class Ⅱ grade A hospitals. All the class Ⅲ hospitals and 53.1% of class Ⅱ hospitals had electroencephalograph monitoring facilities. The proportion of status epilepticus patients ranged from 0.5% to 10.0% in different hospitals. There were great differences in the identification and treatment of convulsive status epilepticus among different hospitals. Conclusions Status epilepticus is a common emergency. Questionnaire survey is an effective means to reflect the difference in identifying and treating the emergency among different departments and hospitals. It can guide clinical education and promote the identification and treatment of the emergency more accurately in doctors of all levels.

    Release date:2017-05-18 01:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The clinical features and Video-EEG of Eyelid myoclonia-nonconvulsive status epilepticus in children

    ObjectiveTo study the clinical and EEG features, therapeutic response and prognosis of eyelid myoclonia-nonconvulsive status epilepticus (EM-NCSE) in children.MethodsCollected the clinical and EEG data of 3 children with EM-NCSE that were diagnosed in department of neurology in Qilu Children Hospital of Shandong university during the January in 2015 to August in 2016.Analysed the therapeutic response to antiepletic drugs(AEDs).ResultsAmong the three children, there were 2 girls and 1 boy.The age at the onset of the disease was from 6 to 10 years old.The average age of them is 8.67 years old.The clinical manifestations include mental confusion, dysphoria, winking and scrolling up the eyes.The typical vedio electroencephalography (VEEG) in the patients showed 3~6 Hz generalized spike and waves and polyspikes burst, especially in the frontal and the anterior temporal region.In addition, the eye closure and intermittent photic stimulation helped to induce discharges and clinical events as eyelid myoclonia (EM).ConclusionsEM-NCSE is one of the idiopathic and generalized epileptic disease and characterized by EM.Video EEG monitoring plays an important role in the diagnosis of this disease.The drugs of choice for treatment was diazepam.When the event was controlled, AEDs were effective for the following therapy.

    Release date:2017-05-24 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 作后血氨水平作为惊厥性癫痫发作的生物标志物:一项前瞻性研究

    有报道指出全面性惊厥性癫痫发作(Generalized convulsive seizures,GCS)后出现短暂性高血氨症(Transient hyperammonemia,THA),没有足够的证据证实与癫痫的关系。文章的目的是确定发作后THA是否可以区分不同类型的发作,如使用视频脑电图(VEEG)监测确认脑电变化。在前瞻性队列中,筛选了所有进入癫痫监测单元并同意接受研究的成年患者(> 18岁)。血氨的基础值以及在发作(所有患者)的60 min内、发作后24 h(只要有可能)的血氨水平均被检测。根据VEEG,将患者进行分组,分别为GCS、心因性惊厥性非痫性发作(Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures with convulsions,PNES-C)或局灶性癫痫发作(Focal seizures,FS)。使用描述性统计和参数/非参数方法分析数据。纳入患者78例,13例为GCS、8例为FS、9例为PNES-C。这些组在性别(P=0.04) 和血氨基础值(P=0.02) 方面是不同的,但年龄无差异。三组之间发作后血氨水平较血氨基础值的变化差异有统计学意义(P=0.004)。区分GCS与其他组差异的发作后血氨水平ROC曲线下面积为0.88[95%CI (0.69, 0.96)],表明检测血氨水平是一种很好的用来区分GCS与其他发作的试验。血氨水平≥80μmol/L可以准确为80%的患者分类(灵敏度53.9%,特异性100%)。VEEG监测为THA与GCS癫痫发作之间的关联提供了客观证据,并为今后关于确定发作后血氨水平作为GCS的廉价诊断试验作用的研究奠定了基础。

    Release date:2017-07-26 04:06 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical features analysis in 10 children with seizures as core symptoms of neuronal surface antibody syndromes

    ObjectiveTo study the clinical features of children with seizures as core symptoms of neuronal surface antibody syndromes. MethodsThe clinical data of neuronal surface antibody syndromes between December 2015 and December 2016 were obtained and analyzed. All children presented to hospital with seizures as core symptoms. ResultsThere were 1 male and 9 females in this study. The ages ranged from 3 years to 13 years. The disease course was between 3 and 14 days. All children presented to hospital with seizures as core symptoms.Two children had tonic seizures. one had tonic-clonic seizure. Seven had partial seizures. Among them, six children had status epilepticus and cluster attack. The other symptoms in the course of the disease were psychiatric symptoms and extrapyramidal symptoms.The anti-NMDAR antibody were found in 9 patients' CSF and blood. The LGI1 antibody was found in one patients' CSF and blood.The EEG test of 7 patients showed slow wave and sharp slow wave. Two showed spike wave. One showed slow wave.The MRI test of one patient showed abnormal. Ten cases were treated with IVIG and methylprednisolone during acute stage. The patients had been followed up for 3 to 6 months. Eight of them recovered completely. Two cases had seizures. Two cases diagnosed with anti-NMDAR related epilepsy received sound effects after treated with cyclophosphamide. ConclusionsConvulsion may be the first common symptom of neuronal surface antibody syndromes in children. Immune factors should be screened when children with acute seizures and status epilepticus. Accompanying psychiatric symptoms, autoimmune epilepsy should be considered. The most common neuronal surface antibody in children with neuronal surface antibody syndromes is NMDAR antibody. EEG usually shows slow wave and sharp slow wave during seizures. Brain MRI is usually normal. Immunotherapy is effective in the majority of patients as the first line treatment. When the first-line treatment failed, second-line immunotherapy such as cyclophosphamide shock therapy on a regular basis is helpful.

    Release date:2017-11-27 02:36 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 脑电图在新生儿惊厥诊断中的应用

    脑电图(EEG)是新生儿惊厥的重要检测手段。新生儿神经系统处于不断发育的过程,与之相应;EEG 表现为与受孕龄相关的动态变化。应避免将与发育成熟度相关的波形误认为痫性电活动。新生儿惊厥的 EEG 异常包括发作间期与发作期异常,发作间期背景活动是评价预后的可靠指标。确定某种波形是否为发作期放电时,应结合其出现的部位、频率、形态等特征综合判断。

    Release date:2018-05-22 02:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 基于红藻氨酸和劳拉西泮联合给药的新型人类获得性颞叶癫痫动物模型

    红藻氨酸(Kainic acid,KA)是一种有效的谷氨酸类似物,用于诱导啮齿动物的神经退行性变和颞叶癫痫(TLE)。KA 可诱发严重的、持续的癫痫发作,即惊厥性癫痫持续状态(convulsive Status epilepticus,cSE),没有药物干预的情况下通常是致命的。在过去 30 年里,使用 KA 来建立人类癫痫动物模型毫无疑问被证明是有价值的,但显著的可变性和死亡率一直使结果变得不确定。这些问题很可能是 cSE 导致的,这是一种本质上可变且无法控制的全或无反应。然而,cSE 与人类疾病的相关性尚不确定,因为大多数癫痫患者从未经历过这种情况。该研究试图构建一种简单的、基于 KA 的 TLE 动物模型,以避免 cSE 及其混淆因素。成年雄性 Sprague-Dawley 大鼠分别接受皮下注射 KA(5 mg)和劳拉西泮(0.25 mg),剂量分别约为 15.0 mg/kg 和 0.75 mg/kg。持续的视频脑电图(VEEG)被用来监测急性癫痫的发作和检测自发性癫痫发作。免疫细胞化学、Fluoro-Jade B 染色和 Timm 染色被用来描述急性和慢性神经病理学改变。急性局灶海马癫痫发作在约 30 min 后开始并在几小时后自行终止。广泛的海马神经变性在 4 d 之后发现。在所有动物中自发性的局灶海马癫痫发作平均 12 d 之后开始。典型的海马硬化和苔藓纤维出芽的形成是长期神经病理学的特征。发病率和死亡率均为 0%。我们发现在联合注射低剂量苯二氮卓类药物时,KA 全身性给药的作用可局限于海马。这意味着劳拉西泮可以阻止痉挛性癫痫发作,而没有真正阻止癫痫电活动。这个创新的、无 cSE 的动物模型,可靠地模拟了获得性颞叶内侧癫痫所定义的特征:海马硬化和在长时间无癫痫发作后自发的海马起源的癫痫发作,并不伴显著的发病率、死亡率或无反应者。

    Release date:2019-03-21 11:04 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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