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find Keyword "扫描" 217 results
  • Diagnostic Accuracy of 18F-FDG PET Dual Time Point Scan in Identifying Benign and Malignant Lung Lesions: A Meta-Analysis

    Objective To systematically review the diagnostic accuracy of 18F-FDG PET dual time point scan in identifying benign and malignant lung lesions, in order to necessity and clinical value of dual time point scan. Methods We electronically searched PubMed, EMbase, The Cochrane Library, WanFang Data, CNKI and CBM for diagnostic tests on 18F-FDG PET dual time point scan vs. surgery or needle biopsy (gold standard) from January 1990 to November 2013. Two reviewers independently screened literature according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, extracted data, and assessed the methodological quality of included studies. Then statistical analysis was performed to calculate pooled effect sizes of sensitivity (SEN) and specificity (SPE), and area under the curve (AUC) of summary receiver operating characteristics (SROC), followed by sensitive analysis and subgroup analysis. Results A total of 19 domestic and foreign studies were totally included, involving 1 225 lesions. The results of meta-analysis showed SEN 0.82 (95%CI 0.79 to 0.85) and SPE 0.74 (95%CI 0.71 to 0.78) regarding 18F-FDG PET dual time point scan in identifying benign and malignant lung lesions. The results of sensitive analysis showed that: a) after eliminating studies in which tuberculosis in the benign lesions accounted for more than 50%, it showed pooled SEN 0.81 (95%CI 0.77 to 0.84), pooled SPE 0.76 (95%CI 0.72 to 0.80), and AUC 0.850 3; b) after eliminating studies in which sample size was less than 50 cases, it showed pooled SEN 0.78 (95%CI 0.74 to 0.82), pooled SPE 0.78 (95%CI 0.74 to 0.82), and AUC 0.814 1; and c) after eliminating studies in which iSUV was more than 2.5, it showed pooled SEN 0.67 (95%CI 0.55 to 0.78), pooled SPE 0.66 (95%CI 0.54 to 0.77), and AUC 0.779 8. Conclusion 18F-FDG PET dual time point scan has intermediate value in identifying benign and malignant lung lesions, which is almost as good as single time point scan, so it’s unnecessary to apply it as a clinical routine test.

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  • Clinical Observation of Macular Changes after Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Surgery Using Optical Coherence Tomography

    目的:观察波及黄斑区的孔源性视网膜离术后各时期黄斑区相干光断层扫描图像特征及孔源性视网膜脱离患者眼轴长度与手术后视网膜下液吸收的关系,分析其与视力恢复过程的相关性。方法:对 53例(53眼)波及黄斑区的孔源性视网膜脱离经巩膜外加压术后视网膜复位的患者分别于术后1周、1月、3月、6月进行相干光断层扫描检查,观察黄斑区形态变化及黄斑区视网膜下液残留情况,并将检查结果与患者病程、眼轴长度以及手术后视力恢复情况等临床资料进行了对比分析。 结果:术后1周,所有病例均残留程度不等的视网膜下液,随着时间的延长,积液不断吸收。与之相对应,患者视力逐渐提高。术后3月,黄斑区视网膜下积液全部吸收累计33例, 其中眼轴长度大于26 mm患者视网膜下液吸收速度较慢,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术后6月,43例患者黄斑区视网膜下积液全部吸收,仍有 7例神经上皮浅脱离,3例局限性神经上皮脱离。术后6月时患者最佳矫正视力lt;0.05者7眼,005~03者17眼,≥0.3者29眼。结论:光学相断层扫描能从微观角度清晰地显示视网膜复位后黄斑区形态结构的变化。巩膜外加压术后视网膜复位的患者黄斑区仍残留少量的视网膜下积液,视网膜下积液的逐步吸收能较好地解释术后视力的恢复过程。眼轴长度大于26mm患者视网膜下液吸收速度较慢。

    Release date:2016-08-26 02:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Application of Artificial Pneumoperitoneum and Gastrointestinal Contrast CT Imaging in Diagnosis of Abdominal Wall Adhesion to Intestine after Operation

    ObjectiveTo explore the feasibility and safety of the artificial pneumoperitoneum and gastrointestinal contrast CT imaging, and imaging diagnostic value on abdominal wall adhesion to intestine after operation. MethodsThirtynine patients with adhesive intestinal obstruction after operation relieved by conservative therapy were included from January 2008 to November 2009. After the artificial pneumoperitoneum established by injection of gas into abdominal cavity and gastrointestinal comparison by oral administration low concentration of meglucamine diatrizoate, CT scan imaging was performed and the radiographic results were compared with surgical findings. ResultsFour patients refused surgery and discharged, so enterolysis was performed in the remaining patients. The surgical findings were consistent with radiographic results. It was showed by laparoscopic operation that intestinal obstruction caused by the fibrous adhesions and the intestine did not adhere to the abdominal wall in eight patients with fibrous adhesion diagnosed by CT. Of eighteen patients with the abdominal wall septally adhered to the intestinal, the surgical findings showed the intestine and the abdominal wall formed “M”type adhesions and omentum adhesions in sixteen patients underwent open operation, and clear fat space was showed in eight patients and close adhesion was found in another eight patients between the intestine and abdominal wall. Of thirteen patients with the abdominal wall tentiformly adhered to the intestinal, the surgical findings showed the intestine and the abdominal wall formed continuous and tentiform adhesions and omentum adhesions to the intestine in eleven patients. After the followup of 6-18 months (mean 9 months), incomplete intestinal obstruction occurred in one patient and was relieved by conservative treatment. One patient with discontinuous discomfort in abdomen after operation did not receive any treatment. The other patients were cured. ConclusionThe artificial pneumoperitoneum and gastrointestinal contrast CT imaging can accurately show the location, area, and structure composition of the postoperative abdominal wall adhesion to intestine, which is safety, simple, and bly repeatable, and a better imaging method for the diagnosing of abdominal wall adhesion to intestine after operation.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Judgement Value of Preoperative MDCT on Radical Resection Extent for Advanced Gastric Cancer

    Objective To evaluate the role of preoperative 64 multi-detector spiral CT (MDCT) in predicting the extent of radical resection for advanced gastric cancer (AGC). MethodsThe imaging data of 70 patients with AGC were collected and analyzed. The N2 lymph node metastasis was predicted by the MDCT indications, and compared with that postoperative pathological results. Results Sixty-two patients were treated with surgical intervention. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of N2 positive prediction by MDCT was 92.0% (46/50), 75.0% (9/12) and 88.7% (55/62), respectively. Extended resection was performed in 81.6% (40/49) patients who were predicted as N2 positive, and D2 resection was performed in 92.3% (12/13) patients who were predicted as N2 negative.Conclusion The MDCT is a valuable technique to predict N2 lymph node metastasis, and to determine the extent of resection for AGC.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:50 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Bowel Wall Thickening——CT Findings and Diagnostic Values

    肠道是人体容易发生疾病的部位之一,肠外局部或全身性疾病也易累及肠道。无论肠道原发疾病还是肠外疾病累及肠道,肠壁增厚都是一种常见而重要的病理改变。钡餐、钡灌肠和纤维内镜是常用的检查手段,但它们只能显示肠腔内及黏膜面的情况; 灰阶超声和多普勒超声可发现肠壁及肠外异常,但敏感性和准确率低,且受操作者经验影响较大。随着影像检查技术的不断进步,CT用于肠道疾病的诊断已日益普遍,多层螺旋CT快速薄层扫描和强大的图像后处理能力使其成为显示肠壁及相关肠外病变的主要手段[1]。虽然很多疾病可造成肠壁增厚,但正确认识肠壁增厚的CT表现特征,包括部位、范围、程度、密度、强化方式和相关肠外异常征象有助于疾病的诊断和鉴别诊断[2,3]。现通过复习肠壁增厚的相关文献,介绍肠壁增厚的基本CT征象,归纳引起肠壁增厚的常见疾病及其表现,并提出CT在诊断肠壁增厚中存在的问题……

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  • Effect of Substance P on Intracellular Free Calcium Concentration in Cultured Gastric Cancer Cell in Vit ro

    Objective  To study the effect of substance P ( SP) on int racellular f ree calcium concent ration in human poorly-differentiated gast ric cancer cell in vitro. Methods  Human gast ric cancer cell line MKN45 was cultured in RPMI 1640. Then the cells were loaded with specific calcium fluorescent probe Furu23/ AM. ASN21377642 (NK21 receptor antagonist) , Nicardipine (calcium channel blocker) and different concent rations of SP were used to treat gast ric cancer cells. The concent ration changes of int racellular free calcium were detected by laser scanning confocal microscope. Results  It was found that 10 , 50 and 100 nmol/ L SP could significantly increase the int racellular free calcium concent ration of gast ric cancer cells in Hanks solutions , which contain ext racellular calcium ( P lt;0. 05) , and the change was in a dose-dependent manner ( P lt; 0. 05) . When there was ext racellular calcium existed ,the increasing amplitude of intracellular f ree calcium concent ration was significantly higher than that when there was no extracellular calcium ( Plt; 0. 05) . And when Hanks solutions were pretreated with ASN21377642 and Nicardipine , the effects of 100 nmol/ L SP were partly inhibited , and the concent rations of int racellular f ree calcium were significantly lower than those in group s without pret reatment s ( P lt; 0. 05) . Conclusion  SP can significantly increase free calcium concent ration in the gastric cancer cells. Releasing of stored calcium in the cells and influx of extracelluar calcium may contribute to the elevation of int racellular free calcium concentration.

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  • Advances in Medical Imaging Evaluation of Fatty Liver

    Objective  To evaluate the value of medical imaging technology in qualitative and quantitative diagnosis of liver steatosis. Methods  To describe the current status and advancement s of medical imaging technology such as sonography , CT and MRI in qualitative and quantitative diagnosis of liver steatosis , and to cont rast their advantages and shortages. Results  Sonography could be used as the primary screening and evaluate measures in qualitative and quantitative diagnosis of liver steatosis , and CT was more reliable in quantitative diagnosis , MRI had significant improving with its high sensitivity and specificity. Conclusion  Medical imaging technology has significant clinical value in qualitative and quantitative diagnosis of liver steatosis , especially with the help of functional MR imaging techniques such as spect roscopy and chemical shif t Gradient-Echo technic.

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  • Gallbladder Abnormal Changes Caused by Liver Parenchymal Diseases Versus Inflammatory Cholecystitis: Differential Diagnosis by MultiDetector Row Spiral CT

    【Abstract】ObjectiveBy using multidetector row spiral CT (MDCT) to investigate the CT imaging findings of gallbladder abnormalities caused by hepatic parenchymal diseases and those of inflammatory cholecystitis. MethodsCT and clinical data of 80 patients with gallbladder abnormalities were retrospectively reviewed. Fifty patients were in hepatic disease group, including 20 chronic hepatitis, 25 liver cirrhosis, and 5 cirrhosis with hepatocellular carcinoma. Thirty patients were in inflammatory group, including 19 chronic cholecystitis, 6 acute cholecystitis, 3 cholecystitis with acute pancreatitis, 1 gangrenous cholecystitis, and 1 xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis. All patients underwent MDCT plain scan and contrastenhanced dualphase scanning of upper abdomen. ResultsIn hepatic disease group, 48 cases had evenly thickened gallbladder wall (96%) with mean thickness of (3.67±0.49) mm; 38 cases had clear gallbladder outlines (76%); 38 cases had gallbladder wall enhancement of various degree (76%); 14 cases had gallbladder bed edema and localized nondependant pericholecystic fluid collection (28%). In inflammatory cholecystitis group, 28 cases had obscuring gallbladder outlines (93%) ; 26 cases had gallbladder wall evenly thickened (87%), 4 cases showed unevenly thicked wall (13%), the mean thickness being (4.54±1.14) mm; 30 cases had inhomogenous enhancement of the gallbladder wall (100%); 9 cases had highattenuation bile (30%); 4 cases had dependant pericholecystic fluid collection (13%); 5 cases had transient enhancement of adjacent hepatic bed in arterial phase (17%); microabscess and gas in the gallbladder wall was observed in 1 case respectively. ConclusionMDCT can offer imaging findings useful for differentiating abnormal gallbladder changes caused by hepatic parenchymal diseases from those due to inflammatory cholecystitis.

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:30 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Gallbladder Abnormal Changes Caused by Liver Parenchymal Diseases Versus Inflammatory Cholecystitis: Differential Diagnosis by MultiDetector Row Spiral CT

    【Abstract】ObjectiveBy using multidetector row spiral CT (MDCT) to investigate the CT imaging findings of gallbladder abnormalities caused by hepatic parenchymal diseases and those of inflammatory cholecystitis. MethodsCT and clinical data of 80 patients with gallbladder abnormalities were retrospectively reviewed. Fifty patients were in hepatic disease group, including 20 chronic hepatitis, 25 liver cirrhosis, and 5 cirrhosis with hepatocellular carcinoma. Thirty patients were in inflammatory group, including 19 chronic cholecystitis, 6 acute cholecystitis, 3 cholecystitis with acute pancreatitis, 1 gangrenous cholecystitis, and 1 xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis. All patients underwent MDCT plain scan and contrastenhanced dualphase scanning of upper abdomen. ResultsIn hepatic disease group, 48 cases had evenly thickened gallbladder wall (96%) with mean thickness of (3.67±0.49) mm; 38 cases had clear gallbladder outlines (76%); 38 cases had gallbladder wall enhancement of various degree (76%); 14 cases had gallbladder bed edema and localized nondependant pericholecystic fluid collection (28%). In inflammatory cholecystitis group, 28 cases had obscuring gallbladder outlines (93%) ; 26 cases had gallbladder wall evenly thickened (87%), 4 cases showed unevenly thicked wall (13%), the mean thickness being (4.54±1.14) mm; 30 cases had inhomogenous enhancement of the gallbladder wall (100%); 9 cases had highattenuation bile (30%); 4 cases had dependant pericholecystic fluid collection (13%); 5 cases had transient enhancement of adjacent hepatic bed in arterial phase (17%); microabscess and gas in the gallbladder wall was observed in 1 case respectively. ConclusionMDCT can offer imaging findings useful for differentiating abnormal gallbladder changes caused by hepatic parenchymal diseases from those due to inflammatory cholecystitis.

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:30 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Lupus Ischemic Bowel Disease Presenting as Acute Abdominal Pain——Diagnostic Value of Spiral CT

    ObjectiveTo evaluate the value of spiral CT in diagnosing ischemic bowel changes in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients presenting with acute abdominal pain. MethodsThe clinical data and spiral CT imaging files of 23 SLE patients presenting with acute abdominal pain were retrospectively reviewed. Sixteen had contrastenhanced spiral CT scanning of the abdomen, the rest had plain CT study. Observation emphasis was placed on the changes of bowel wall (wall thickness, enhancement pattern, lumen size) and mesentery (mesenteric edema, engorgement of mesenteric vessels and their abnormal arrangement pattern). Other abnormal findings (e.g. fluid accumulation, changes of abdominal solid organs, lymphadenopathy) were also observed. ResultsNineteen patients had intestinal wall thickening (19/23, 82.6%), with the “target sign” in 12 patients (12/16, 75.0%); Bowel lumen dilatation was present in 16 patients (16/23, 69.6%). Mesenteric swelling with increased density of adipose tissue was noticed in 21 patients (21/23, 91.3%); 18 patients had engorgement of mesenteric vessels (18/23, 78.3%), with comb like arrangement in 4 patients (4/16, 25.0%). Other abnormal findings included ascites, hydrothorax, hydropericardium, hepatosplenomegaly and so on. ConclusionThe most common CT findings in SLE patients presenting with acute abdominal pain are the signs associated with ischemic bowel disease. Contrastenhanced spiral CT is a preferable imaging method for both the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of ischemic bowel disease associated with SLE.

    Release date:2016-08-28 04:43 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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