背景 研发随机对照试验报告规范 CONSORT 声明旨在帮助生物医学研究人员透明地报告随机对照试验(randomised controlled trials,RCTs)。我们已针对社会和心理干预措施制定了 CONSORT 2010 声明扩展版(CONSORT-SPI 2018),以帮助行为和社会科学家透明地报告这些研究。 方法 在对现有报告规范进行系统评价之后,我们进行了在线德尔菲流程(Delphi process)以优先考虑从系统评价中确定的 CONSORT-SPI 2018 清单的潜在条目。384 位国际参与者中有 321 位(84%)完成了 2 次调查。然后我们召开了由 31 位科学家、期刊编辑和研究资助者组成的共识会议(2014 年 3 月),最终确定 CONSORT-SPI 2018 检查清单和流程图的内容。 结果 CONSORT-SPI 2018 扩展了 CONSORT 2010 检查清单中的 9 个条目(包括亚条目在内的 14 个条目),增加了一个与利益相关方参与试验有关的新条目(包括 3 个亚条目),并修改了 CONSORT 2010 流程图。本解释与说明(E&E)文件是 CONSORT-SPI 2018 的用户手册,可帮助使用者更好地理解 CONSORT-SPI 2018。本文讨论了每个清单条目的含义和原理,并提供了完整及明晰的报告示例。 结论 CONSORT-SPI 2018 扩展版、解释与说明文件及 CONSORT 网站(www.consort-statement.org)是有助于改善社会和心理干预措施 RCTs 报告的有用资源。
背景 随机对照试验(randomized controlled trials,RCTs)常用于评估社会和心理干预措施的效果,这些结果亦常被用于制定决策。有关社会及心理干预措施试验结果的准确、完整和透明的报告,对了解针对这些干预措施的临床试验设计、实施、结果及这些结果的应用至关重要。然而,关于社会和心理干预措施的 RCT 报告质量仍不理想。CONSORT(consolidated standards of reporting trials)声明改善了生物医学领域 RCT 的报告质量,同样,行为和社会科学方面也需要类似的高质量报告规范。我们的目标是基于 RCT 报告规范 2010 年声明(Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials 2010 Statement,CONSORT 2010)的官方扩展版,制定适用于社会和心理干预措施(social and psychological interventions,SPI)的 RCT 报告规范(CONSORT-SPI 2018)。 方法 我们遵循最佳方案制定报告规范的扩展版。首先,我们对现有报告规范进行了系统评价。随后,我们进行了有 384 位国际参与者参加的德尔菲在线调查。2014 年 3 月,我们举行了为期 3 天的共识会议,由 31 位专家参与,确定针对社会和心理干预措施的 RCT 报告的检查清单内容。专家们仔细讨论了先前与社会和心理干预措施 RCT 相关的研究和方法学问题。然后,投票决定对 CONSORT 2010 条目的修改或扩展。 结果 CONSORT-SPI 2018 检查清单扩展了 CONSORT 2010 的 25 个条目中的 9 个,包括:背景和目标、试验设计、受试者、干预措施、统计方法、受试者流程、基线数据、结果和估计及资助来源。此外,与会者还添加了一个与利益相关方参与度有关的新条目,此外,也修改了与受试者招募和及其后续维持相关的流程图。 结论 作者应使用 CONSORT-SPI 2018 来改善社会和心理干预相关的 RCT 的报告质量。期刊应修改编辑政策和程序,要求作者使用报告规范准备相关稿件,要求同行评议者使用报告规范评审相关稿件,以使读者能够评估研究的质量,评价研究结果的推广性,并重复有效的干预措施。
Objective The purpose of the extension of the RIGHT statement for introductions and interpretations of clinical practice guidelines (RIGHT for INT) was to promote the development of comprehensive and clear article those introduced and interpreted clinical practice guidelines. MethodsThe RIGHT for INT checklist was developed following methods recommended by the EQUATOR Network. The development process included three stages. In the first stage, a multidisciplinary team of experts was recruited by email and WeChat and further divided into three groups (a steering group, a consensus group, and a secretariat group); in the second stage, the initial items were collected by literature review and brainstorming; and in the third stage, the final items were formed through a Delphi survey and expert consultation. ResultsA total of 40 initial items were collected through literature review and brainstorming. A final checklist of 27 items was formed after the Delphi survey and expert consultation. ConclusionThe RIGHT for INT checklist provides guidance for guideline interpreters on how to introduce and interpret clinical practice guidelines in a scientific and comprehensive manner.
Digital health technology implementation has grown rapidly in recent years. To standardize the quality of digital health implementation research and increase the transparency and integrity of reporting, Perrin published iCHECK-DH: guidelines and checklist for the reporting on digital health implementations in 2023. This article interprets the contents of the list with a view to improving the reporting quality of digital implementation studies to develop more effective digital health interventions and achieve better health outcomes.
Clarifying the burden of disease is of great significance for determining the focus of healthcare and optimizing the allocation of medical resources. However, differences in research methods and assumptions often affect the comparability of different research results, thus leading to difficulties in healthcare decision-making. Disability-adjusted life year (DALY) is the most commonly used indicator to measure the burden of disease, but the reporting quality of disease burden studies using the DALY metric is uneven. To standardize the reporting of such studies, international scholars developed and recently published the STROBOD statement in Population Health Metrics. Its checklist includes seven parts: title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and open science, involving a total of 28 items. To assist domestic scholars in better understanding and applying this reporting standard, this article interprets each item with published examples, aiming to improve the overall quality of disease burden research and provide high-quality evidence references for public health decision-making.