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find Keyword "报告" 853 results
  • Quality Evaluation on the Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analyses Related to Interventions Published in the Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine

    Objective To assess the reporting quality of systematic reviews/meta-analyses related to interventions published in Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine by PRISMA guidelines, and to analyze its influencing factors. Methods The systematic reviews/meta-analyses related to interventions were searched in the Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine from its inception to 2011. The quality of the included reviews was assessed in accordance with the PRISMA checklist. Based on the degree of conformity with each criterion of PRISMA, the reviews were scored as “1”, “0.5” or “0” orderly. The data were put into Excel, and the Meta-analyst software was used for statistical analysi. Results Among all literature in the volume 11 (95) of the Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine from 2001 to 2011, a total of 379 studies were included, and the number of publication showed a yearly rising trend. The PRISMA scale score ranged from 8.5 to 26 (X±SD) was 19.97±3.15. Among all studies, 25 (6.60%) scored 21-27 points, which were regarded as the complete reporting; 226 (59.63%) scored 15-21 points, regarded as relatively complete reporting; and 128 (33.77%) scored less than 15 points, regarded as serious lack of information. The results of stratified analysis showed that, both the issue of PRISMA and fund support could improve the reporting quality, with a significant difference (Plt;0.05); and authors more than 3, authors from universities, and authors from more than 2 institutions could improve the reporting quality, but without a significant difference (Pgt;0.05). Conclusion The overall reporting quality of systematic reviews/meta-analyses related to interventions published in the Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine is poor, and it is influenced by the factors of protocol and registration, risk of bias across studies, other analyses, and fund support, which have to be taken seriously. The reasonable utilization of the PRISMA checklist will improve the reporting quality of systematic reviews/meta-analyses.

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  • On Academic Health System△

    The health status, health needs and demands as well as the concept of health itself have changes dramatically in the last one hundred years, the organizational and institutional evolutions of health system took place accordingly. To adapt the changes of health system, medical education has experienced three generations of major reform in the last century: the science-based curricula, problem-based instruction, system-based and competence-oriented education. At the same time the organization of medical education evolved from academic medicine to academic health center to academic health system. This article briefly describes the process of this evolution and presents author’s personal views on academic health system.

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  • Methodological Quality Assessment of Systematic Reviews or Meta-Analyses of Intervention Published in the Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine

    Objective To assess the methodological quality of systematic reviews or meta-analyses of intervention published in the Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, so as to provide evidence for improving the domestic methodological quality. Methods The systematic reviews or meta-analyses of intervention published from 2001 to 2011 were identified by searching the Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine. The methodological quality of included studies was assessed by AMSTAR scale. The Excel software was used to input data, and Mata-Analyst software was used to conduct statistical analysis. Results A total of 379 studies were included. The average score of AMSTAR was 6.15±1.35 (1.5-9.5 point). Just some items of AMSTAR scale were influenced by the following features of included studies: publication date, funded or not, number of author, author’s unit, and number of author’s unit. The total AMSTAR score of studies published after 2008 was higher than those published before 2008 (P=0.02), but the improvement of methodological quality was limited. While the total AMSTAR score of studies published by 3 or more than 3 authors were higher than those published by 2 or less than 2 authors (P=0.04). Conclusion The methodological quality of the included studies published in the Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Pediatrics is uneven. Although the methodological quality improves somewhat after the publication of AMSTAR scale, there is no big progress, so it still needs to be further improved.

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  • Assessing the Quality of Reporting of Randomized Controlled Trials in Traditional Chinese Medicine

    Objective To assess the quality of reporting of randomized controlled trials(RCTs) on traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) in China from 1999 to 2004 by CONSORT statement and Jadad scale. Methods We randomly selected 13 journals of TCM including Chinese Journal of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine,ect using stratified sampling from about 100 journals of TCM in mainland China, and all issues of selected journals published from 1999 to 2004 were hand-searched according to the hand-search guideline developed by Cochrane Collaboration. All reviewers were trained in the method of evaluating RCTs . A comprehensive quality assessment of each RCT was completed using methods including the revised consolidated standards of reporting trials (CONSORT) checklist and Jadad scale. Disagreements were resolved by consensus. Results A total of 7422 RCTs were identified, and the percentage of RCTs was significantly increased by 18.6%, 23.9%, 27.5%, 28.8%, 33.0% and 35.6% from 1999 to 2004. The mean Jadad score was 1.03 ± 0.61 in all trials with 1 RCT with 5 points, 14 with 4 points, and 102 with 3 points, from 1999 to 2004, the mean Jadad score was 0.85±0.53 (n=746), 0.82±0.63 (n=941), 0.90±0.61 (n=1 243), 1.03±0.60 (n=1 325), 1.12±0.58 (n=1 533) and 1.20±0.62 (n=1 634) respectively, which was improved continuously but slowly. 39.4% of the items in CONSORT, which was equivalent to 11.82 (standard deviation=5.78) of a total of 30 items, were reported across those trials. Some important methodological components of RCTs such as sample size calculation (1.1%), randomization sequence (7.9%), allocation concealment (0.3%), implementation of the random allocation sequence (0.0%) , analysis of intention to treat (0.0%), were incompletely reported. Conclusion Our study suggests that the quality of reporting has been improved but still in poor status, which would urgently promote the establishment of the CONSORT for TCM.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Construction and Improvement of Reporting System of Nursing Adverse Events

    【摘要】 目的 探讨护理不良事件报告机制的构建与完善情况。 方法 根据护理工作不良事件发生的类别、范围,确定不良事件报告原则,报告程序,构建护理不良事件报告机制。 结果 护理不良事件申报机制形成后,院内护理不良事件发生率及重复发生率逐月下降、主动申报率上升,与构建护理不良事件报告机制前一年比较,差异有统计学意义(Plt;0.05)。 结论 护理不良事件报告机制有助于护理安全管理。【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the construction and improvement of reporting system of nursing adverse events. Methods According to the types and scales of the nursing adverse events, reporting principles and procedures were confirmed, and the reporting system of nursing adverse events was constructed. Results The rates of nursing adverse events and repetition incidence decreased gradually and the rate of initiative declaring increased significantly compared with those one year before the construction of the reporting system (Plt;0.05). Conclusion Reporting system of nursing adverse events helps to improve the management of nursing security.

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  • Adverse Drug Reactions in Our Hospital: A Retrospective Analysis of 67 Cases

    目的:了解我院药品不良反应(ADR)发生的特点。方法:对我院2006年1月至2009年8月收集到的67例ADR报告进行回顾性统计分析。结果:我院报告ADR例数最多的部门为新生儿,有51例(7612%);0~28 d年龄段患儿ADR发生率较高(5223%),且男性高于女性;静脉给药方式是导致ADR的主要因素(9701%);ADR发生率最高的为抗感染药(8056%),其中绝大多数是由头孢菌素类和青霉素类引发;临床表现以皮肤及其附件损害最为常见(8841%)。结论:儿童用药更应该加强ADR的监测,提高ADR报告的质量,合理、规范使用药物,尤其是抗菌药物,以减少或避免ADR的发生。

    Release date:2016-08-26 02:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Design and Application of the Shift Reporting in CSSD


    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • A Questionnaire Study Investigating Current Application Status of Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery of ThoracicSurgeons in Some Municipal Hospitals in China

    Objective To explore current view and application status of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) of thoracic surgeons in some municipal hospitals in China,and provide evidence for further VATS study and training.Methods We conducted a questionnaire study for thoracic surgeons in municipal hospitals who attended the 5th West China Forum on Mini-invasive Thoracic Surgery in 2012. The questionnaire content included general descriptions of the thoracic surgeons,the departments of thoracic surgery where they worked,and VATS application status in their hospitals. A total of 263 surgeons were investigated,and 183 (69.58%) valid questionnaires were collected for descriptive analysis.Results (1) Responders’ view of VATS:There were 89.62% (164/183) responders who believed that the advantages of VATS were mainly mini-invasive and fast postoperative recovery,while its disadvantage was high cost (76.50%,140/183). There were 71.04% (130/183) responders who thought that VATS lobectomy could provide a higher postoperative quality of life for lung cancer patients,while only 12.57% (23/183) responders thought that the 5-year survival rate of VATS was higher than that of open thoracotomy. There were 60.11% (110/183) responders who believed that VATS was less widely performed in China than America,but VATS level of very few hospitals in China was superior or equal to American level. There were 52.46% (96/183) responders who agreed that VATS could be used for the treatment of locally advanced lung cancer. (2) Training situation of VATS lobectomy for lung cancer:Learning class or short-term training (32.24%,59/183) was the best way to learn VATS lobectomy. Their main learning process was from open thoracotomy to mini- thoracotomy then to VATS (60.66%,111/183). Single-direction thoracoscopic lobectomy was the most popular VATS technique (54.64%,100/183),and its learning curve was at least 30 cases (26.78%,49/183). (3) VATS application status:VATS was performed in all the hospitals investigated. Benign thoracic diseases were most commonly chosen by thoracic surgeons who started to perform VATS (81.42%,149/183). The main initial hurdles of VATS lobectomy for lung cancer included poor operation theater conditions and surgical teamwork (39.34%,72/183) as well as unsatisfactory surgical techniques (36.07%,66/183). Further improvement of VATS technique (118/183,64.48%) was the developmental trend of VATS. Conclusions Thoracic surgeons in China have reached the consensus on the application of VATS for surgical treatment of thoracic diseases including lung cancer. Single-direction thoracoscopic lobectomy is a widely accepted technique. Further trends of VATS training and development are equipment upgrade and better teamwork.

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Shone’s综合征一例报告及文献复习

    目的 探讨Shone’s综合征的一般规律、治疗策略及其对预后的影响因素,为临床诊治提供借鉴。 方法  2009年7月中山大学附属第一医院收治1例主动脉缩窄合并先天性二尖瓣狭窄患者,女,年龄12岁。属于广义的Shone’s综合征,包括主动脉缩窄、动脉导管未闭、二尖瓣瓣上环、二尖瓣狭窄等畸形。采用体外循环、胸骨正中切口,切除主动脉狭窄段,剪开二尖瓣下与乳头肌粘连的腱索,充分松解两组乳头肌,剪除瓣上纤维环。计算机检索PubMed(1963~2009年)、Elsevier Science(1963~2009年)、Wiley Online Library(1963~2009年)、Ovid(1963~2009年)数据库,收集有关Shone’s综合征的临床研究(前瞻性或回顾性)、病例报告和综述,分析其诊治特点。 结果 本例患者手术时间350 min,体外循环时间156 min,主动脉阻断时间48 min。手术矫治了所有畸形。患者术后2 d拔除气管内插管,3 d转出监护室,心肺功能恢复好;术后第7 d复查超声心动图提示:降主动脉与肺动脉间未见血流相通,降主动脉处未见狭窄和血流障碍,二尖瓣瓣口面积1.9 cm2,肺动脉压降至28 mm Hg;术后2周顺利出院。经检索共纳入19篇文献:其中典型Shone’s综合征回顾性研究5篇,包括112例患者;有关先天性二尖瓣狭窄或左心室流出道狭窄的临床研究14篇。各文献报道的病例类型各异,对手术策略基本达成共识:尽量矫正所有畸形。 结论 Shone’s综合征一经诊断,则应手术治疗,左心室流入道梗阻矫正是影响患者预后的重要因素。

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:56 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 外伤性大黄斑裂孔自行闭合一例

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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