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find Keyword "救治" 26 results
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Severe Cranio-cerebral Injury

    【摘要】 目的 探讨重型颅脑损伤的临床特点和救治经验。 方法 回顾性总结2002年1月-2008年12月所诊治重型颅脑损伤96例的临床资料。 结果 96例重型颅脑损伤患者,其中手术治疗59例,非手术治疗37例。按GOS评分,出院时恢复良好33例(34.4%),中残15例(15.6%),重残16例(16.7%),植物生存8例(8.3%),死亡24例(25.0%)。 结论 重型颅脑损伤仍然具有较高的病死率和致残率,早期及时手术清除颅内血肿解除脑疝,早期气管插管或气管切开并呼吸机支持治疗及其它积极恰当的综合治疗措施是抢救治疗成功的关键;后期加强护理注重防治并发症,可以最大可能挽救患者生命。【Abstract】 Objective To explore the clinical characteristics of severe cranio-cerebral injury and its treatment experience. Methods The clinical data of 96 patients with severe cranio-cerebral injury from January 2002 to December 2008 were retrospectively analyzed. Results In 96 patients with cranio-cerebral, 59 had undergone the surgeries and the others had undergone the conservative treatment. According to the Glasgow outcome scale (GOS), 33 (34.4%) had a good outcome, 15 (15.6%) had moderate disability, 16 (16.7%) had severe disability, 8 (8.3%) had vegetative persistent and 24 (25.0%) died. Conclusion The mortality and morbidity rate of the patients with severe cranio-cerebral injury are high, we should clean out the intracranial hematoma and relieve cerebral herniation in time, performed early tracheal intubation or tracheotomy with respirator therapy, and other active and appropriate general therapies, and avoid complications via rehabilitation time intensify nursing to rescue the patients.

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  • 86例脑外伤合并多脏器功能障碍临床分析

    目的:探讨脑外伤合并多脏器功能障碍的发病机制与综合治疗方法。方法:回顾性分析2000年3月~2009年6月我院NICU中收治的脑外伤合并多脏器功能障碍患者86例的临床资料。 结果:394例脑外伤患者救治过程中出现多脏器功能障碍综合征86例(发生率为21.83%),其中死亡56例(病死率65.12%)。 结论:及时有效地缓解颅内高压、恢复脑干功能是治疗的首要问题;而肺部继发症的合理治疗是控制多脏器功能障碍综合征的重要环节;综合救治策略仍然是降低病死率的关键手段。

    Release date:2016-08-26 02:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis of Treatment Results of 1387 Patients with Severe Cranio-cerebral Injury


    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    目的 探讨应用带蒂大网膜治疗严重肝创伤的方法。方法回顾性地对1986~1999年收治的严重肝创伤应用带蒂大网膜填塞覆盖缝合术91例的临床资料进行分析。结果 治愈81例(89.0%),死亡10例(11.0%)。术后近期出血、胆汁渗出4例(4.4%),胆漏3例(3.3%),膈下脓肿5例(5.5%)。结论 带蒂大网膜在救治严重肝创伤中有着重要的作用,对肝创面彻底清创、止血、妥善缝扎创口和胆管等是应用带蒂大网膜缝合术的先决条件。

    Release date:2016-08-28 05:30 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Lessons Learnt from Wenchuan Earthquake: Performance Evaluation for Treatment of Critical Injuries in Extremely-hit Areas after Great Earthquake

    Objectives Performance of critical injury treatment among extremely-hit areas after great earthquake was retrospectively analyzed to provide references for policy-making as reducing mortality and disable rate besides increasing rehabilitation rate for global post-quake medical relief. Methods Retrospective analysis, primary research and secondary research were comprehensively applied. Results 1.According to incomplete statistics datum, there were 30,620 self-save injured among extremely-hit areas in 72 post-quake hours. And, the number of critical injured took 22% of the total inpatient injured. 2. Mortalities decreased successively from that of municipal healthcare centers in extremely-hit areas to that municipal medical units in peripheral quake-hit areas and then to those of municipal, provincial and MOH-affiliated hospitals as 12.21%, 4.50%, 2.50% and 2.17% respectively. 3. Injured with fractures on body, limbs or unknown-parts, severe conditions as well as other kinds of non-traumatic diseases received in second-line hospitals were much more than those treated in first-line hospitals with more severe injuries. 4. Among 10,373 injured in stable conditions transferred to third-line hospitals, 99.07% were discharged off hospitals with mortality as 0.017% during 4 post-quake months. Conclusions The medical relief model as “supervising body helping subordinate unit, severely-stricken areas assisting extremely-hit ones, quake-hit areas supporting both extremely-hit and severely-stricken ones, and save-saving amp; mutual assistance applied between extremely-hit areas” is roughly established for injured from severely-stricken areas after Wenchuan earthquake. 2. “Four concentration treatment” principle for those injured in critical conditions did effectively reduce mortality(15.06%→2.9%). 3. Timely, scientific and standard on-site triage and post-medical transfer under guidance of accurate injury information determine rescue effect for the injured, while there is large space to fulfill as for treatment for critical diseases among extremely-hit areas under extreme conditions after Wenchuan earthquake.

    Release date:2016-09-07 10:59 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Features of 143 Tibetan Victims of Yushu Earthquake

    Objective To analyze clinical characteristics and treatment experience of 143 tibetan victims of China Yushu earthquake, so as to provide reference for emergency preparation for earthquake disasters. Methods A retrospective study from April 16th to April 22th, 2010 was designed. A total of 143 injured Tibetans (74 men, 69 women) of the magnitude 7.1 Yushu earthquake were included in this study. Data from victims was collected retrospectively as follows: age, gender, cause of injury, place and time of rescue, chief complaint, primary diagnosis, onsite treatment, transfer, psychological crisis intervention and so on. Results The 143 tibetan victims contained 67 fracture cases (4 open fracture, 63 closed fracture), 5 joint dislocation cases and 3 neural injury cases. 62 victims with fracture were treated by Tibetan-Chinese therapy combined with external fixation, 5 victims were operated with emergency surgery, 6 victims refused to the surgical debridement and suture, and no dead case reported. All patients were given 3 to 11 psychological intervention treatments. As to the aspect of the wounded transferring, 48 cases among 54 supposed evacuating victims were transferred to Xinin hospitals, and the other six refused to be transferred and kept staying in the original place for treatment. Conclusion The clinical characteristics of the tibetan victims are outstanding. The medical rescue for disaster in ethnic region should be appropriate for features of disaster areas.Both the individualized remedy and early psychological intervention are regarded as the important measures for improving the general level of earthquake medical rescue in ethnic regions.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:06 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Problems and Consideration for the Right of Emergency Treatment of Hospitals

    Through reviewing the regulations on the right of emergency treatment of hospitals, we analyzed reasons of emergency treatment of hospitals, including uninformed patients and informed patients without consent in emergency situations, as well as the risk of emergency rescue of hospitals. We put forward how to consider the judgment of emergency situations, justification of emergency treatment of hospitals, and risk attribution. We suggested improving the related legislation and regulations, developing compulsory medical insurance and a medical rescue system on emergency treatment.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Treatment of 23 Cases of Blunt Abdominal Injury in the Deyang People’s Hospital after the Wenchuan Earthquake

    Objective To analyze the outcome of patients with Blunt Abdominal Injury (BAI) in the Deyang People’s Hospital after the Wenchuan Earthquake, in order to provide evidence for future improvement in emergency response after earthquakes and in the treatment of BAI patients. Methods Data on the BAI patients within 1 week after the earthquake were collected from the Information Department of the Hospital. Microsoft EXCEL was used for data input. Results A total of 23 BAI inpatients were treated, of whom 15 were from Mianzhu City and sent to hospital within 12 hours of the earthquake. This was 1.9% of the total inpatients. The BAI inpatients suffered severe and complex injuries, and 5 of them died (mortality rate: 22%). Linenectomy was conducted for patients with spleen injuries and two inpatients developed incision infection due to lack of antibiotics during the perioperative period. Conclusions  It is important to establish an emergency response mechanism for medical rescue for patients with the viscera injury, including BAI, after an earthquake. This would help to guarantee rational allocation of the rescue workers, triage of the wounded, optimization of operation, as well as a reduction in mortality from BAI.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Treatment of 23 Cases of Axial Open Fractures and Resulting Severe Infection in the Sichuan Wenchuan Earthquake in Front-line Hospital of Grade III Level A

    Objective To retrospectively analyze and classify 23 open fractures that resulted in severe infection, in order to provide evidence that can be used in future disaster scenarios. Methods Based on medical records of 23 cases of open fracture and subsequent bacterial infection, we analyzed the clinical diagnosis, treatment, laboratory tests, bacterial smear of wound secretion, and the bacterial culture of the wound secretion. We then analyzed which antimicrobial agents were used and how they were applied, and the subsequent effect on controlling the serious infection.? Results All cases were related to seismic injury and belonged to class VI open fracture. Eight cases were male and 15 were female. All cases had similar symptoms such as chills, fever, large scale muscle necrosis, and severe infection. A direct smear of the wound showed that the number of cases with one bacterial infection was 6 (26.09%), the number that had double bacterial infections was 12 (52.18%), and the number with multiple bacterial infections was 5 (21.74%).There were 18 strains of 11 types of bacteria recovered from wound samples. Conclusion Early treatment with the joint application of multiple antibacterial agents, early debridement, and adequate drainage all helped to control the infection and avoid nosocomial infection. Employing these strategies in the future will control infection in disaster situations.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Role of First-aid Fast Track in Triaging Earthquake Trauma Patients

    Objective To elucidate the effect of first-aid fast track in triaging earthquake trauma patients by studying the earthquake trauma patients staying in the Emergency Department of West China Hospital after “5•12 Wenchuan Earthquake” so as to accumulate experience in the treatment of disaster traumas. Methods A retrospective study was done on earthquake trauma patients staying in the Emergency Department of West China Hospital after “5•12 Wenchuan Earthquake” from 14:28 May 12, 2008 to 14:27 May 15, 2008. Differences in care given during the time period were analyzed. Results There were 536 earthquake trauma patients in West China Hospital within 72 hours after the earthquake. Twohundred and seven earthquake trauma patients staying in the Emergency Department had an average stay of 129 minutes during the 24 hours after the quake; 104 earthquake trauma patients staying in the Emergency Department had an average stay of 97 minutes in the second 24 hours; and 226 earthquake trauma patients staying in the Emergency Department had an average stay of 86 minutes in the third 24 hours. Each consecutive day showed shorter average stays. Conclusion The first-aid fast track not only guarantees earthquake trauma patients are saved as soon as possible but also shortens the time in the Emergency Department.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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