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find Keyword "文献" 319 results
  • Bibliometrics on Electronic Health Records of Web of Science

    Objective To investigate the current status and development of electronic health records (EHR) at home and abroad to grasp the development trends of EHR, so as to point out the direction of the development and relevant research on EHR. Methods Based on the Web of Science citation database and the principle of bibliometrics, we analyzed the retrieved literature in aspects of publication date, language, country/region, institution, author, etc. Results A total of 1 262 eligible studies were identified. The number of articles on EHR increased rapidly from only 2 in 1995 to 218 in 2012. In terms of country/region, the United States ranked the top in all countries (763 articles, accounting for 60.46%). In terms of institution, Harvard University ranked the top (135 articles, accounting for 10.70%). In terms of journal, the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association ranked the top (106 articles, accounting for 8.40%). In terms of authors, David W. Bates ranked the top (45 articles, accounting for 3.57%). In terms of subject type, health care sciences services and medical informatics were mainly focused on. Conclusion The research on EHR has become a global hot spot and relevant bibliometrics will contribute to the timely and correctly grasp the whole picture of its development trends and main research direction.

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  • Status Survey on Systematic Review/Meta-analysis Related to Interventions Published in the Chinese Journals Entitled with Evidence-Based

    Objective To survey the current situation of the systematic review (SR)/ meta-analysis (MA) related to interventions published in the Chinese medical journals entitled with evidence-based. Methods According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine (2001.1 to 2011.12), the Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine (2001.1 to 2011.12), the Chinese Journal of Evidence Based Pediatrics (2006.1 to 2011.12) and the Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Cardiovascular Medicine (2008.1 to 2011.12) were searched for SRs/MAs related to interventions. Two reviewers extracted data independently using predesigned a data extraction form, crosschecked data, and discussed to solve discrepancy. Excel software was used to for statistical analysis. Results A total of 487 SRs/MAs were included. 379 (77.82%) SRs/MAs were published in the Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 70 (14.38%) in the Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 30 (6.17%) in Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Pediatrics, and 8 (1.63%) in the Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Cardiovascular Medicine. The number of SRs/MAs published generally increased during 2001 to 2011. The number of author of SRs/MAs was 5±2, the number of studies that included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of SRs/MAs varied from 1 to 129 (median: 8), involving 20 diseases. 83 (17.04%) SRs/MAs focused on neoplasms, 64 (17.04%) on diseases of the circulatory system, and 54 (11.09%) on diseases of the genitourinary system. 82.75% of the included 487 SRs/MAs assessed the methodological quality of included RCTs. 44 (9.03%) SRs/MAs mentioned the methods of quality assessment, without reporting the results. The Cochrane Collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias was the most frequently used for evaluation (314 SRs/MAs, 64.48%). Conclusion The number of SRs/MAs related to interventions published in the journals entitled with evidence-based is increasing generally and their topics are extensive. However, further studies should be improved in the aspects of selecting and applying the quality assessment criteria of randomized controlled trials.

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  • Status Quo of Global Interventional Therapy for Tumors: A Systematic Review

    Objective To evaluate the trends, dominant diseases and clinical outcomes of the global interventional therapy for tumors based on evidence, so as to provide references for standard access of interventional technology. Methods Such databases as PubMed, EMbase, Web of Science, The Cochrane Library, CBM, CNKI and VIP were electronically and comprehensively searched for relevant clinical or fundamental studies about interventional therapy for tumors from inception to September, 2012. Two reviewers independently screened literature according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and extracted data. Then, descriptive analysis was performed using SPSS 13.0 and Microsoft Excel 2003 software. Results Totally, 4 544 studies were included, consisting of 4 136 (91.0%) clinical studies and 408 (9.0%) fundamental studies. These clinical studies including 155 systematic reviews (SRs), 338 randomized controlled trials (RCTs), 1 191 clinical controlled trials (CCTs), and 2 451 case series or case reports (CSs/CRs). Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) were the most clinically frequenly-used interventional technologies for tumors, accounting for 32.6% and 17.1% of the total, respectively. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) was the dominant tumor, which was mentioned in 99 SRs (57.6%), 198 RCTs (58.6%), 824 CCTs (69.1%) and 1 191 CSs/CRs (48.6%), following by colorectal liver metastases (CLM). Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) treating HCC resulted in a higher rate of 3-year survival (12 SRs/Meta-analyses) and lower recurrence (10 SRs/Meta-analyses) compared with percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI). Compared with hepatic resection (HR), RFA treating HCC resulted in lower rates of 3-year (11 SRs/Meta-analyses) and 5-year survival (9 SRs/Meta-analyses), and no significant difference was found in 1-year survival between the two groups (17 SRs/Meta-analyses). Preoperative TACE before HR or liver transplantation could not improve the survival for patients with advanced HCC (6 SRs/Meta-analyses), but postoperative TACE might prolong the 1-and 3-year survival (3 SRs/Meta-analyses). TACE combined with other interventional therapy (i.e., RFA, PEI) could also prolong the survival of HCC patients. For the treatment of uterine leiomyoma, uterine artery embolization (UAE) resulted in less hospital duration or operative time, and it caused a higher re-intervention rate, compared with surgery, but it lacked long-term outcomes. Conclusion Interventional therapy is an optional and promising technology for patients with tumors. We should well-consider currently available best clinical evidence as well as local medical facilities or skill level when applying them to clinical practice, so as to perform relevant interventional techniques with scientific, rational and standardized methods.

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  • Publication and Quality of Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analyses Conducted by Hospital Pharmacists in China

    Objective  Through assessing the quality of systematic reviews/meta-analyses conducted by hospital pharmacists in China, to learn relevant situations and to promote the development and application of evidence-based pharmacy in hospital. Methods  The following databases such as CBM, CNKI, Wanfang Database, VIP, CMCI, The Cochrane Library, EMbase and PubMed were searched from the establishment date to April 15th, 2011, to collect all published systematic reviews/meta-analyses conducted by hospital pharmacists in China. Two reviewers independently extracted the published information according to the inclusive and exclusive criteria, and assessed the methodology and reporting quality of the included literatures with OQAQ and PRISMA. Disagreements were discussed or resolved by the third reviewer. Data analysis was conducted by using SPSS17.0 software. Results  Two hundred and sixteen Chinese literatures (including 40 on traditional Chinese medicine), and 15 English literatures were identified. The number of literatures has increased rapidly since 2008. Beijing and Sichuan were the top 2 districts in the number of literatures. All of the included literatures were published in 62 magazines sponsored by 87 hospitals, such as China Pharmacy, and Chinese Journey of Evidence-Based Medicine. The total downloads of Chinese literatures were 14346, and the total citations of all literatures were 154. The methodology and reporting quality of the randomized controlled trials (RCTs) involved in 220 systematic reviews/meta-analyses literatures were assessed, which showed the highest and lowest scores of methodological quality were 6 and 3, respectively, and the average score was 4.27±0.55. The highest and lowest scores of reporting quality were 22.5 and 9, respectively, and the average score was 16.49±2.98. Conclusion  Although the evidence-based pharmacy in hospital begins late in China, it develops rapidly, and offers lots of evidence to policy decision, guidelines and rational drug use. However, there is still room for improvement of the methodology and reporting quality in future reviews.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:39 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Definition and Literature of Evidence-Based Pharmacy: A Systematic Review

    Objective To provide evidence for the definition, current development and prospect of Evidence-based pharmacy through systematically assessing the extant literatures. Methods We searched CBM, VIP, CNKI, PubMed, EMbase, and Google for supplement. We extracted definitions of evidence-based pharmacy, types of studies, published year, topics of studies, and the author information from the included studies. We compared the definitions on different domains, and assessed the current development of evidence-based pharmacy literature. Results a) The definition of evidence-based pharmacy: We found 4 definitions, and there were great differences among them on the people who practiced evidence-based pharmacy as well as the methods and areas of the practice. b) The evidence-based pharmacy literature: 12 English and 202 Chinese articles were included in the review. The number of Chinese evidence-based pharmacy articles was increasing annually, especially in recent 3 years; Most of their authors were from hospitals, especially from pharmacy department; Their study orientations mostly involved clinical pharmacy and hospital pharmacy; The topics mainly refered to the practice and development of clinical pharmacy, rational drug use, and development of hospital pharmacy. Conclusion a) There is yet no consensus on the definition of evidence-based pharmacy. b) Few researchers worldwide know or show interest in evidence-based pharmacy, while, so far, more and more researchers are getting to know evidence-based pharmacy in China. c) Further efforts should be made to develop the theoretical system of evidence-based pharmacy and the pattern of its practice.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Acupuncture Resources in Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

    Objective To analyze acupuncture resources in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR). Methods We identified acupuncture literature from CDSR (2008 year) electronically. W analyzed this literature by research time date, author, study contents, and conCochrane Library usions. Results     We initially found 82 articles. Finally, we identified 67 systematic reviews. The number of acupuncture articles has increased all over the world with higher growth rate in China than overseas. The disease spectrum of acupuncture treatment increased widely, focusing on nervous system diseases and pain diseases. Eight articles (25.8%) definitely supported the efficacy of acupuncture. Twenty two articles (71%) considered the efficacy of acupuncture as uncertain owning to insufficient evidence. Just one article expressed that acupuncture treatment was ineffective according to current evidence.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis of randomized controlled trials on otorhinolaryngologic diseases in China

    Objective To evaluate the quality of randomized controlled trials in otorhinolaryngology in China and provide to comprehend the possibility of its contribution in providing reliable, evidence in clinical practice; thus providing evidence to elevate the clinical treatment level. Methods Five Chinese clinical otorhinolaryngology journals were searched and randomized controlled trials were identified and analyzed according to the standards of evidence-based medicine. Results Two hundred and eighty seven issues were referred to and eighty-one randomized controlled trials were identified and analyzed. Of these randomized controlled trials, 34.57% (28/81) had definite diagnostic standards, 38.27% (31/81) had inclusion standards and 33.33% (27/81) had exclusion standards; only 1.23% (1/81) got the approval of the participants; 40.74% (33/81) had moderate sample size; 3.70% (3/81) had large sample size and no one mentioned sample size estimation; 81.48% (66/81) didn’t report the method of randomization and 38.27% (31/81) had baseline comparison; 18.52% (15/81) didn’t define the control interventions and 8.64% (7/81) even didn’t explicate the experimental interventions; 32.10% (26/81) used blank comparison; 86.42% (70/81) didn’t use blindness; 37.04% (30/81) didn’t mention the adverse effects; 23.46% (19/81) used accredited standards to evaluate the outcomes; l l.11% (9/81) mentioned the loss of participants and only 1.23% (1/81) treated the loss with statistics methods. Conclusions The quantity and quality of the otorbinolaryngologic randomized controlled trials in present review can not meet the clinical need. Higher quality of randomized controlled trials are required to improve the level of prevention and the treatment of otorhinolaryngologic diseases.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:16 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Methodological evaluation of clinical research literatures forregulating the immune function of COPD

    Objective To assess the quality of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and clinical controlled trials (CCTs) relevant to COPD besides chronic bronchitis and chronic pulmonary cor disease in strengthening immune published in Chinese medical journals to provide scientific basis of systematic review (SR) of regulating the immune function of COPD in Chinese herbs. Methods 54 articles with clinical controlled trials were obtained by electronic searching and handsearching, and the method for randomized allocation, blindness, multi-centres, sample sizes, diagnosis criteria, exclusion criteria, source of cases, immune markers (cellular immunity, humoral immunity, erythrocyte immunity, nonspecific immunity), the clinical outcome assessment, statistical management, course of treatment and the side effects or adverse drag reaction, follow-up were investigated and then methodologically evaluated. According to the investigation, literatures with the method for randomized allocation, correct controls, appropriate sample sizes (≥60), the nation-wide diagnosis criteria, the objective clinical outcome assessment distinct statistical method were stipulated as the high-quality ones relatively. Results Among the 54 trials, 70.4% had explicit diagnosis criteria, 18.5% with exclusion criteria, 20.4% with comparability of baseline, 37.0% with distinct statistical method. In the therapy, 63.0% were with Chinese herbs. Conclusion The selected 7 articles belong to the high quality and possibly are to be explored in Meta-analysis.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:16 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Brief introduction on studies bias of systematic reviews

    Literature bias, which can reduce the validity of a systematic review, comes mainly from the fact that all the related studies can not be collected without exception. The following three types of literature bias are most common. (1) Publication bias. The reason is that some studies can not get published, or the publication has been delayed. (2) Literature retrieval bias. This bias is the result that not all published studies are retrieved during the course of systematic review. (3) Literature inclusion bias. While an improper literature selection strategy is adopted, some useful studies are kicked out by error, leading to such bias. A funnel plot (Y-axis is rumple size, X-axis effect) is usually useful to assess literature bias in a systematic review.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:16 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Assessment of clinical studies published in Chinese Journal of Infectious Diseases for 18 years

    Objective To know about the baseline and quality of clinical prophylaxis and treatment study on communicable diseases in China, by identifying and assessing the clinical studies published in Chinese Journal of Infectious Diseases for 18 years. Method Handsearching page by page to identify and register the clinical studies from the journal, the definition of randomized controlled trial (RCT) and controlled clinical trial (CCT) strictly according to the Cochrane Collaboration Handbook (1997). Results There were totally 214 clinical studies during the 18 years, including 67 RCTs, 67 CCTs and 80 Non-CCTs. The average sample size of the RCTs was 103.0±70.2 (range from 17 to 296). Counted by every 5 years period (3 years period from 1998 to 2000), the proportion of RCTs in clinical studies was increasing steadily. The proportion were 22.9% from 1983 to 1987 (11/48), 29.2% from 1988 to 1992 (14/48), 41.9% from 1993 to 1997 (26/62), 28.6% from 1998 to 2000 (16/56) respectively. The main diseases studied in 214 clinical studies include: virus hepatitis (65 studies), hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (19 studies), typhoid fever (11 studies), bacterial infection (13 studies), bacillary dysentery (5 studies), epidemic encephalitis B (3 studies) and parasitosis (9 studies). Conclusion RCT study design should be applied as much as possible. The quality of clinical studies on communicable diseases in China remains to be improved. Multi-center and large-scale collaborative study is worthy to advocate.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:16 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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