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find Keyword "术前准备" 11 results
  • 加速康复外科护理在喉癌患者术前准备中的应用

    目的 观察加速康复外科(FTS)护理在喉癌患者术前准备中的有效性。 方法 对2011年3月-7月实施全喉切除术加颈淋巴结清扫术的30例喉癌患者(A组),按FTS要求,通过采用制定详细的健康教育计划及缩短术前禁食、禁饮时间等方法予以护理,并与2010年同期采取传统护理方式的30例患者(B组)资料进行比较,评价两组患者术后依从性、胰岛素抵抗发生率及住院时间。 结果 两种护理方式相比,A组患者术后依从性为85%,较B组的52%高;A、B两组术后胰岛素抵抗发生率分别为3.3%、13.3%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);A组平均住院日为(11.47 ± 1.25)d,B组为(14.3 ± 1.36)d,两组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 按FTS理念护理,安全有效,对加速患者术后康复有较好的积极作用。

    Release date:2021-06-23 07:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Relationship Between Hypertension and Perioperative Complications in patients Undergoing Abdomen Surgery

    Objective To evaluate whether to defer abdomen surgery in patients having poorly controlled or untreated hypertension before operation. MethodsThe perioperative clinical data of 531 patients with hypertension in our hospital from January 1997 to December 1998 was retrospectively analyzed. ResultsThe modility of perioperative hypertensive events was not significantly different, between controlled and uncontrolled patients with grade one and grade two(Pgt;0.05). In grade three and systolic hypertension, certain complications in patients with poorly controlled hypertension were higher than in those with wellcontrolled hypertension(P<0.05). Conclusion The patients with grade one and grade two hypertension are not at increased operative risk. In patients with grade three and systolic hypertension, perioperative complications are increased and elective surgery should be postponed until their blood pressure is brought under 24/14.7 kPa (180/110 mm Hg) over 1 to 2 weeks.

    Release date:2016-08-28 05:10 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Study on the Necessary of Mechanical Bowel Preparation before Large Bowel Surgery

    Objective We searched and reviewed medical evidence to find the guide of bowel preparation we should choose before large bowel preparation. Method Firstly, we put forward clinical questions. Secondly, we searched medical evidence from PubMed, MEDLINE, EMbase, Cochrane Library, Science and ACP in recent 10 years. And then we reviewed the results. Results We finally identified 17 literatures including 2 system reviews, 6 meta-analyses and 9 randomized control trials which included 4 multicentre randomized clinical trials. Most of literature suggested that there was no evidence showing the benefit of mechanical bowel preparation (MBP). No MBP before large bowel surgery would not increase rate of anastomotic leakage. On the contrary, MBP may increase the percentage of anastomotic leakage and wound infection. Considering the research with the clinical situation, we produced a new method of simplified MBP to treat the patient. It reached the predictive effect. Conclusion No evidence of systematic review and meta-analysis supports the benefit of BMP. The new simplified bowel preparation before surgery in West China Hospital was worthy to test.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:10 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 经食道超声心动图检查患者的护理干预

    【摘要】 目的 总结经食道超声心动图(TEE)检查患者的护理干预及方法。 方法 对2004年1月-2009年12月行TEE检查的1 988例患者进行回顾分析。 结果 术前充分准备,术中配合及良好的术后护理,无医疗事故发生,取得了良好效果。  结论 对行TEE检查的患者在不同的检查阶段进行不同的护理干预,有助于提高患者对检查的正确认识及减少并发症的出现。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:24 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Application of Impact Method in Perioperative Management of Hyperthyroidism

    目的 探讨冲击法在甲状腺功能亢进症(简称甲亢)围手术期处理中的应用价值。 方法 对2006年2月至2011年1月期间笔者所在医院收治的36例应用传统方法和32例应用冲击法进行围手术期处理的甲亢患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,比较采用两种不同术前准备方法的患者在住院时间、术后并发症、住院费用及甲状腺激素水平变化的差异。 结果 2组患者手术过程均顺利,术后均未出现窒息、呼吸困难、声嘶、呛咳、甲状腺危象等并发症。术前准备时间、住院时间和住院费用在冲击法组分别是(8.09±1.03) d、(10.69±1.45) d和(2 230.78±220.74)元,传统方法组分别是(15.83±1.61) d、(17.97±1.44) d和(5 549.69±560.55)元,冲击法组明显短于或少于传统方法组(P<0.05)。在给药后第7天,冲击法组患者的FT3和FRT4水平下降幅度均高于传统方法组(P<0.05)。 结论 冲击法在甲亢围手术期处理中是安全可靠的,是甲亢的一种快速术前准备方法。

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:38 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 妊娠合并嗜铬细胞瘤的诊断与围手术期处理

    目的探讨妊娠合并嗜铬细胞瘤的诊断与围手术期处理方法。 方法回顾性分析2004年3月-2014年3月妊娠合并嗜铬细胞瘤接受剖宫产手术的3例患者的临床资料。3例患者术前予以扩充血容量,给予α和(或)β肾上腺素能受体阻滞药控制病情。在蛛网膜下隙与硬脊膜外隙联合阻滞麻醉下实施纵切口剖宫产手术。术中严密监测有创动脉压、中心静脉压、血糖浓度与电解质。 结果3例患者纵切口剖宫产手术均成功实施。1例患者术中血流动力学平稳,2例患者术中血流动力学有波动。3例患者胎儿1、5 min Apgar评分均为10分。剖宫产术后转入泌尿外科行肿瘤切除术,经病理确诊腹膜后占位为肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤。 结论术前正确的诊断、充分的准备、严密的监测与术中管理,是妊娠合并嗜铬细胞瘤手术麻醉成功的关键所在。

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  • 开放性尿道手术术前会阴部泡洗方法探讨

    目的探索3种不同泡洗溶液在开放性尿道手术术前会阴部泡洗中的效果。 方法将2012年4月-12月行开放性尿道手术的36例患者随机分为A、B、C组,每组各12例,术前会阴部泡洗分别采取:A组应用0.1%聚维酮碘进行泡洗,B组应用0.1%聚维酮碘+1.6%食盐水进行泡洗,C组应用1.6%的食盐水进行泡洗。比较3种泡洗方法的安全性、有效性及差异。 结果36例患者中A、B组各有1例仅在首次泡洗过程中的前2 min稍感瘙痒、皮肤发红等不适,尔后症状逐渐消失,顺利完成相应泡洗方案,3种泡洗方案均为安全。A、B、C组共34例完成手术,其中B、C组各1例出现感染,3组患者伤口感染率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);3组患者伤口痊愈时间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论A、B、C 3种泡洗方法运用于开放性尿道手术术前准备时是安全的,患者耐受性较好;仅从预防感染的效果上来说,A组泡洗溶液更优,但三者在预防感染和促进伤口痊愈时效果无明显差异。

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  • Application of Thyroid Defunctionalization Method in Endoscopic Hyperthyroidism Surgery

    ObjectiveTo analyze and explore the thyroid defunctionalization method for preoperative preparation of hyperthyroidism patients in endoscopic thyroid surgery. MethodsThe clinical data of 45 cases of hyperthyroidism treated with endoscopic surgery in this hospital from June 2009 to June 2014 were analyzed retrospectively. These patients were divided into study group (n=20) and control group (n=25) according to the preoperative preparation method, the study group was prepared with thyroid defunctionalization method, the control group was prepared with antithyroid drugs and iodine. The intraoperative blood loss, conversion to open surgery, and postoperative complications were compared in these two groups. ResultsThe intraoperative blood loss and the operation time of the study group were significantly less than those of the control group﹝intraoperative blood loss: (120.32±50.26) mL versus (200.63±60.95) mL, P < 0.05; operation time: (120.43±40.56) min versus (180.76±50.92) min, P < 0.05﹞. There was no case of conversion to open surgery in the study group, there were three cases of conversion to open surgery in the control group. The incidence of postoperative complications of the study group was significantly lower than that of the control group﹝10% (2/20) versus 24% (6/25), P < 0.05﹞. ConclusionThyroid defunctionalization method is more suitable as compared with the traditional method for the preoperative preparation of hyperthyroidism in endoscopic thyroid surgery.

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  • Efficacy of dyclonine and lidocaine for preparation pirior to gastroscopy: a meta-analysis

    ObjectivesTo systematically review the efficacy of dyclonine and lidocaine for preparation before gastroscopy.MethodsPubMed, CNKI, CBM, VIP and WanFang Data databases were electronically searched to collect randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of dyclonine vs. lidocaine for preparation before gastroscopy from inception to December 31st, 2017. Two reviewers independently screened literature, extracted data and assessed the risk of bias of included studies. Meta-analysis was then performed by using RevMan 5.3 software.ResultsA total of 11 RCTs were included. The results of meta-analysis showed that: dyclonine could improve anesthetic effect (RR=1.38, 95%CI 1.31 to 1.47, P<0.000 01), and was more capable to remove bubble (RR=1.40, 95%CI 1.28 to 1.52,P<0.000 01), and had superior textures (RR=1.43, 95%CI 1.18 to 1.74,P=0.000 3).ConclusionsOral dyclonine can improve the visual definition of gastric mucosa and anesthetic effect, and has superior textures. Thus, dyclonine can be regarded as a recommended option prior to gastroscopy. Due to limited quality and quantity of the included studies, more high quality studies are required to verify above conclusions.

    Release date:2018-07-18 02:49 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 地塞米松联合用药方案在原发性甲状腺功能亢进患者术前准备中的临床实践经验

    目的探讨地塞米松联合用药方案在原发性甲状腺功能亢进症(简称 “甲亢” )患者术前准备中应用的效果。方法回顾性收集郑州大学第一附属医院甲状腺外科2021年1月1日至2022年10月1日期间收治的原发性甲亢手术患者。采用地塞米松联合碘剂和β-受体阻滞剂联合应用的7 d术前准备方案(简称 “7 d方案” ):连续口服7 d复方碘溶液(3次/d,0.75 mL/次),在口服复方碘溶液的第5、6、7天时同时加用地塞米松注射液缓慢静脉滴注(1次/d,20 mg/次,上午10∶00开始,每次输入间隔时间24 h),手术前1 d口服β-受体阻滞剂普萘洛尔(剂量因人而异),于术前准备完成后第2天(第8天时)手术。观察入院时及使用地塞米松后的第1、2、3、4、5天时血清促甲状腺激素、游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(free triiodothyronine,FT3)及游离甲状腺素(free thyroxine,FT4)水平的变化情况以及并发症情况。结果本研究共收集到58例患者,使用地塞米松后第1、2、3、4、5天时的FT3及FT4水平总体一直呈持续下降趋势(F=88.355,P<0.001;F=21.291,P<0.001),并且使用地塞米松后第2天开始FT3均值一直维持在正常水平,FT4均值虽未完全达到正常水平但比较接近正常水平;促甲状腺激素水平总体比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.607,P=0.900)。术后未发生甲状腺危象。结论从本研究结果看,“7 d方案”进行术前准备,较传统术前准备方法缩短了术前准备时间,对原发性甲亢的围术期管理安全、有效。

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