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find Author "杨旸" 7 results
  • 系统性护理干预在腹腔镜下小儿美克尔憩室切除术中的应用

    目的探讨系统性护理干预在腹腔镜下小儿美克尔憩室切除术中的应用及效果。 方法选择2012年3月-2014年4月收治的60例美克尔憩室患儿,依照入院时间先后顺序分组,两组患儿均采取腹腔镜下美克尔憩室切除手术,并采用相同的常规检查、输液、抗生素消炎和止血止痛治疗,护理组采取系统性护理干预,建立医护患一体化协作机制,在术前、术后均对患儿进行有针对性的护理;对照组采用常规护理手段。观察比较两组患儿术后7 d的大便潜血情况及30 d后的治疗效果。 结果两组患儿在术后7 d进行的大便常规检查结果差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);30 d后的总疗效评定,护理组均明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论对行腹腔镜的美克尔憩室切除术患儿进行系统性护理干预,采取针对性的护理,有助于提高患儿痊愈率和总疗效率,值得借鉴和推广。

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  • 尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形术治疗尿道下裂的护理

    【摘要】 目的 总结尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形术治疗尿道下裂围手术期的护理方法,提高护理质量。 方法 对2009年1-12月收治的64例患者采用尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形术治疗尿道下裂,对其临床及围手术期的护理进行回顾性分析。患者年龄11个月~31岁,中位年龄5岁。尿道下裂分型:Ⅰ型11例,Ⅱ型53例;均伴不同程度阴茎下曲。 结果 经手术治疗及术前、术后有效护理,64例患者阴茎下曲均已矫正,围手术期平稳,切口愈合。尿道口位于龟头正位,包皮分布均匀,能站立排尿。 结论 良好的护理对策可减少尿道成形术后并发症的发生率,促进患儿身心健康的恢复。

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  • 非胸腔镜辅助Nuss微创漏斗胸矫正术的护理体会


    Release date:2016-09-08 09:45 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 继发性脉络膜淋巴瘤误诊为后巩膜炎1例

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  • Quality of life of pediatric living donor liver transplantation recipient and it’s influencing factors

    Objective To investigate quality of life of pediatric living donor liver transplantation recipient (PLDLTR) and analyze it’s influencing factors. Methods The convenient sampling method was adopted. Fifty-three PLDLTRs from May 2012 to January 2017 in the West China Hospital of Sichuan University were selected. At the same time, 56 children who participated in the physical examination and had no abnormality results were selected as reference (control group), their age and gender matched with the PLDLTRs. A general data inventory and a self-assessment scale for children’s quality of life (Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory 4 Generic Core Scales, PedsQL4.0) were used to evaluate the quality of life of the 53 PLDLTRs. Results A total of 53 questionnaires were distributed to all the 2 groups, all of them were effectively recovered. The points of quality of life of the physiological function, emotional function, social function, and school performance for the PLDLTRs were significantly higher than those of the control group (P<0.050), which for the PLDLTRs with male and more than 3 years after the operation were significantly higher than those of the PLDLTRs with female and within 1 year after the operation (P<0.050). For the PLDLTRs with age >4 years old, the points of the emotional function, social function, and school performance were significantly higher than those of the PLDLTRs with age ≤4 years old. For the PLDLTRs without postoperative complications, the points of quality of life of the physiological function, emotional function, and school performance were significantly higher than those of the PLDLTRs with Ⅱ grade of postoperative complications (P<0.050). Conclusions Life quality of PLDLTR is poorer than that of normal children. Postoperative time, postoperative complications, age, and gender are certainly associated with quality of life for PLDLTR.

    Release date:2018-08-15 01:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Comprehensive analysis of pathogenic genes and clinical phenotypes in patients with Leber congenital amuarosis

    ObjectiveTo observe clinical phenotypes and analyze the pathogenic genes of Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA). MethodsA retrospective clinical study. From 2019 to 2020, 2 patients diagnosed with LCA by genetic testing in Tianjin Medical University Eye Hospital and their 6 unaffected family members were enrolled in the study. Two patients were from 2 unrelated families, both were probands. The patient's medical history was inquired in detail, slit lamp microscopy, ultra-widefield fundus photography, autofluorescence, and flash visual evoked potential (F-VEP) were performed. Peripheral vein blood (3-5 ml) was collected and genomic DNA was extracted from all study subjects. A total of 381 pathogetic genes associated with inherited retinal diseases, were selected by targeted exome sequencing capture strategy. Sanger sequencing was used to verify suspected pathogenic mutations. Candidate pathogenic mutations were identified after bioinformatics analysis. Sanger sequencing, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and family co-identification were used to confirm the final mutations. ResultsTwo patients were male, aged 3 and 27 years. One case had vision loss in both eyes, accompanied by nystagmus and acupressure eye sign since childhood. The clinical hallmark of the proband (F1-Ⅱ-3) in F1 includes clearly boundary of optic disc, normal retinal blood vessels and macular fovea. The implied period of the maximum forward wave in both eyes of F-VEP was roughly normal, and its amplitude decreased significantly. The phenotype of the proband (F2-Ⅱ-1) in F2 includes optic nerve head pallor, bone-spicule intraretinal pigmentation, “gold-foil maculopathy”, retina patchy hypo-autofluorescence in both eyes. There was no abnormal phenotype in the eyes of the family members. According to the genetic diagnosis, the proband (F1-Ⅱ-3) carried the GUCY2D gene c.835G>A (p.D279N) (M1) and exon 9-19 deletion (M2) compound heterozygous mutations, in which M1 was derived from healthy mother and M2 was derived from healthy father. The proband (F2-Ⅱ-1) carried CRB1 gene c.1576C>T(R526X) (M3) and c.1522T>C (C508R) (M4) compound heterozygous mutations, in which M3 from the healthy father, M4 from the healthy mother. M2 and M4 were novel mutations. ConclusionGUCY2D gene mutations lead to LCA1 type in the F1 family, CRB1 gene mutations lead to LCA8 type in the F2 family; there are significant different phenotypes caused by different pathogenic genes.

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  • Interleukin-8 antagonist down regulates the adhesion and migration of retinal vascular endothelial cells by inhibiting the production of reactive oxygen species

    ObjectiveTo observe the effect of interleukin-8 (IL-8) on the adhesion and migration of retinal vascular endothelial cells (RCEC). MethodsA cell experiment. Human RCEC (hRCEC) was divided into normal control group (N group), advanced glycation end product (AGE) treatment group (AGE group), and AGE-induced combined IL-8 antagonist SB225002 treatment group (AGE+SB group). The effect of AGE on IL-8 expression in hRCEC was observed by Western blot. The effect of SB225002 on hRCEC migration was observed by cell scratch assay. The effects of SB225002 on leukocyte adhesion and reactive oxygen species (ROS) on hRCEC were detected by flow cytometry. Student-t test was performed between the two groups. One-way analysis of variance was performed among the three groups. ResultsCompared with group N, the expression level of IL-8 in cells of AGE group was significantly increased, with statistical significance (t=25.661, P<0.001). Compared with N group and AGE+SB group, cell mobility in AGE group was significantly increased (F=29.776), leukocyte adhesion number was significantly increased (F=38.159, 38.556), ROS expression level was significantly increased (F=22.336), and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). ConclusionIL-8 antagonist SB225002 may down-regulate hRCEC adhesion and migration by inhibiting ROS expression.

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