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find Keyword "核磁共振" 31 results

    OBJECTIVE:To investigate the diagnostic meaning of MRI in intraocular tumors. METHODS:Forty-six cases of confirmed intraocular tumors,including choroidal melanoma(20 cases),retinoblastoma(18 cases),Coats disease(6 cases)and choroidal hemangioma(2 cases),were studied with MRI and compared with ultrasonography and CT. RESULTS:In making discoveries about intraocular tumors,there were no sighificant difference between MRI and B-ultrasonography or CT (P>0.03,chi;2=1.0716)while there were highly statistic sighificance in dediding characters and position (P<0.01,deceding character chi;2=29.8314,positionchi;2=13.659)of them. CONCLUSION:Among the examinations to find out about the position,character and secondary pathological insults of in traocular tumors MRI might be more available than CT and ultrasonography. (Chin J Ocul Fundus Dis,1997,13:93-95 )

    Release date:2016-09-02 06:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Diagnostic Value of Cardiac MRI for Viral Myocarditis: A Systematic Review

    Objective  To evaluate the clinical value of cardiac MRI for the diagnosis of viral myocarditis (VMC). Methods Such databases as PubMed (1950 to 2009), EMbase (1974 to 2009), and The Cochrane Library (December 2009) were searched to include clinical research reports of diagnosing viral myocarditis with MRI. QUADAS items were used to evaluate the quality of the included studies. The Meta-disc software was used to conduct merger analyses on sensitivity, specificity, positive likelihood ratio, and negative likelihood ratio. The Heterogeneity test was performed and summary receiver operating characteristic curve (SROC) was completed. Results Five trials were included. The value of merger sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) were 0.94, 0.69, 2.76, and 28.11, respectively. The area under of SROC curve (AUC) was 0.871 9. Conclusion The current evidence shows that cardiac MRI has high sensitivity (94%) and moderate specificity (69%) in the diagnosis of viral myocarditis. The positive rate in the viral myocarditis group is 28.11 times as high as that in the non-viral myocarditis group, so Cardiac MRI has good diagnostic values for viral myocarditis.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:03 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Hemispherebrain Multiple Sclerosis Misdiagnosed as the "Spinal Cord Lesions":3 Cases Clinical and MRI Analysis

    多发性硬化临床表现多样,其中大脑半球型多表现为精神症状、癫痫、偏瘫或感觉异常等,而以截瘫及排尿障碍为表现者少见。本文对表现为“脑性截瘫”的3 例MS患者的临床和MRI特点进行回顾分析,以此提高对于MS的认识水平。

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:00 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis of MRI Manifestations and Pathology Characteristic of Hepatic Focal Nodular Hyperplasia

    摘要:目的: 分析肝脏局灶性结节增生(FNH)的MRI表现和病理特点,探讨两者的相关性,提高FNH诊断的准确率。 方法 :回顾性分析23例(共28个病灶)经手术切除病理证实为FNH的MRI平扫及增强表现,与其病理特点进行对照。 结果 :25个病灶在平扫T1WI上呈等或稍低信号,T2WI上呈等或稍高信号,3个病灶在平扫T1WI及T2WI上均呈稍高信号,增强后所有28病灶动脉期可见明显强化,门脉期及延迟期呈稍高、等或稍低信号,其中12个病灶可见中心纤维瘢痕延迟强化。FNH组织病理上表现为富血供的实质性肿块,肿物内部组织较均匀,没有异型细胞,中心可见纤维瘢痕。 结论 :肝脏MRI平扫及增强检查能很好的反映FNH的组织病理及血供特点,能为FNH的诊断及鉴别诊断提供可靠证据。Abstract: Objective: To analyze the MRI manifestations and pathology characteristic of hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia(FNH),and to investigate their correlation. Methods : A retrospective analysis was made on the unenhanced and dynamic enhanced MR images of 23 patients (totally 28 lesions) with surgical and pathological proved FNH. Results :25 FNH lesions demonstrated isointensity or slightly hypointense on unenhanced T1WI,and isointensity or slightly hyperintense on unenhanced T2WI,3 FNH demonstrated hyperintense on both unenhanced T1WI and T2WI. 28 FNHs were markediyhyperintense in the arterial phase of dynamic contrast enhanced MRI, and isointense or slightly hyperintense in the portal and delayed phase.The seals were shown in 12 lesions, and enhanced in delayed phase.FNH is solid mass with vast blood supply,its inside structure is homogemeous. Typical seal can be found by microscopic examination.〖WTHZ〗Conclusion : MRI could disclose the pathologic features of FNH and its blood supply and improve the accuracy 0f its diagnosis.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 国际抗癫痫联盟诊断方法委员会儿科手术治疗协作组报告——诊断性检查在可外科治疗的儿童癫痫中的应用

    对于经过严格筛选的儿童耐药性局灶性癫痫病例, 外科手术是取得无痫性发作的成功手段。医学技术的发展使癫痫患者可以获得更精准的术前评估, 同时患者获得癫痫外科手术治疗的机会也有所增加。如今已在临床应用的癫痫灶评估方法不仅耗费资源而且在特定病例中不起作用, 抑或是副作用大。因此有必要及时制定标准化的术前评估流程。各项检查在特定临床病理类型的病例中的作用尚缺乏1级或2级证据支持。基于这一现状, 国际抗癫痫联盟(ILAE)的诊断与儿科学组的儿童癫痫外科协作组将各成员间的共识总结为专家建议发表。旨在减少将各项检查的利用不足, 同时促进临床更灵活地运用各项检查, 使现有的儿童癫痫中心尽可能标准化地进行癫痫的术前评估。

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  • Study of the Algorithm for Inversion of Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation Distribution

    It is difficult to reflect the properties of samples from the signal directly collected by the low field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analyzer. People must obtain the relationship between the relaxation time and the original signal amplitude of every relaxation component by inversion algorithm. Consequently, the technology of T2 spectrum inversion is crucial to the application of NMR data. This study optimized the regularization factor selection method and presented the regularization algorithm for inversion of low field NMR relaxation distribution, which is based on the regularization theory of ill-posed inverse problem. The results of numerical simulation experiments by Matlab7.0 showed that this method could effectively analyze and process the NMR relaxation data.

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  • Molecular Image of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanopariticle Labeled with hATF in Colon Tumor Models

    Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) is a membrane protein which is attached to the cellular external membrane. The uPAR expression can be observed both in tumor cells and in tumor-associated stromal cells. Thus, in the present study, the human amino-terminal fragment (hATF), as a targeting element to uPAR, is used to conjugate to the surface of superparamagnetic iron nanoparticle (SPIO). Flowcytometry was used to examine the uPAR expression in different tumor cell lines. The specificity of hATF-SPIO was verified by Prussian blue stain and cell phantom test. The imaging properties of hATF-SPIO were confirmed in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of uPAR-elevated colon tumor. Finally, the distribution of hATF-SPIO in tumor tissue was confirmed by pathological staining. Results showed that the three cells in which we screened, presented different expression characteristics, i.e., Hela cells strongly expressed uPAR, HT29 cells moderately expressed uPAR, but Lovo cells didn't express uPAR. In vitro, after incubating with Hela cells, hATF-SPIO could specifically combined to and be subsequently internalized by uPAR positive cells, which could be observed via Prussian blue staining. Meanwhile T2WI signal intensity of Hela cells, after incubation with targeted probe, significantly decreased, and otherwise no obvious changes in Lovo cells both by Prussian blue staining and MRI scans. In vivo, hATF-SPIO could be systematically delivered to HT29 xenograft and accumulated in the tumor tissue which was confirmed by Prussian Blue stain compared to Lovo xenografts. Twenty-four hours after injection of targeting probe, the signal intensity of HT29 xenografts was lower than Lovo ones which was statistically significant. This targeting nanoparticles enabled not only in vitro specifically combining to uPAR positive cells but also in vivo imaging of uPAR moderately elevated colon cancer lesions.

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  • Three-dimensional Structural Visualization of Subthalamic Nucleus for Deep Brain Stimulation

    The effect of deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery treatment for Parkinson's disease is determined by the accuracy of the electrodes placement and localization. The subthalamic nuclei (STN) as the implant target is small and has no clear boundary on the images. In addition, the intra-operative magnetic resonance images (MRI) have such a low resolution that the artifacts of the electrodes impact the observation. The three-dimensional (3D) visualization of STN and other nuclei nearby is able to provide the surgeons with direct and accurate localizing information. In this study, pre- and intra-operative MRIs of the Parkinson's disease patients were used to realize the 3D visualization. After making a co-registration between the high-resolution pre-operative MRIs and the low-resolution intra-operative MRIs, we normalized the MRIs into a standard atlas space. We used a special threshold mask to search the lead trajectories in each axial slice. After checking the location of the electrode contacts with the coronal MRIs of the patients, we reconstructed the whole lead trajectories. Then the STN and other nuclei nearby in the standard atlas space were visualized with the grey images of the standard atlas, accomplishing the lead reconstruction and nerve nuclei visualization near STN of all patients. This study provides intuitive and quantitative information to identify the accuracy of the DBS electrode implantation, which could help decide the post-operative programming setting.

    Release date:2017-01-17 06:17 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • MRI Appearances of Xanthogranulomatous Cholecystitis in 7 Patients

    ObjectiveTo investigate clinical value of MRI examination in diagnosis of xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis (XGC), and to analyze pathologic correlation of various imaging findings. MethodsMRI imaging data of 7 patients with XGC proved by surgery and pathology who underwent entire MRI sequences examination in Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital from Jan. 2013 to Dec. 2015, were analyzed retrospectively. The thickness and contrast enhancement of gallbladder wall, gallbladder wall nodules, completeness of gallbladder mucosa lines, gallbladder stones, and the changes around the gallbladder were focused in every patient. ResultsIn 7 patients with XGC: gallbladder wall thickening occurred in all patients, in which 2 patients were local thickening, 5 patients were diffuse thickening; ‘hypodense band sign' was found by enhance scan in 4 patients; the multiple intramural nodules were presented in 5 patients, which were low signal intensity on T1WI image and high signal intensity on T2WI image; the mucosal lines were continuous in 6 patients and discontinuous in 1 patient; 6 patients combined with cholecystolithiasis. The fat layer around the gallbladder was found fuzz in 7 patients, liver and gallbladder boundaries were not clear in 7 patients; temporal enhancement of arterial phase in liver parenchyma was observed in all patients, and 1 patient combined with liver abscess. Hilar bile duct narrowed and intra-hepatic bile duct dilated in 2 patients, intra-hepatic and extra-hepatic bile duct slightly dilated in 2 patients (lower part of the choledochus stone was found in 1 patient), liver cyst was observed in 3 patients, single or double kidney cyst was observed in 4 patients; all patients were not found intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal swelling lymph nodes. ConclusionMRI examination can accurately describe various imaging features of XGC, so MRI has important value in diagnosis of XGC.

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  • CT and MRI Appearances of Soild-Pseudopapillary Neoplasm of Pancreas

    ObjectiveTo investigate the CT and MR imaging manifestation of solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm of pancreas (SPNP), deepen the understanding of imaging and clinical pathological characteristics of SPNP and improve the level of diagnosis. MethodsBetween Jan 2010 and Dec 2015, the CT and MR imaging data of seven patients with SPTP proved by surgery and histopathologically were analyzed retrospectively. The following imaging features were reviewed: tumor size, location, shape, margin, encapsulation, calcification, hemorrhage, solid-cystic ratio, pancreatic and bile duct dilatation, the manifestation of plain scan and dynamic pattern of enhancement. ResultsThe population comprised 7 women, the average age was 28.3 years oldwith a median tumor size of 5.7 cm. Tumors were located at body tail of pancreas in 5 cases, at the head in 1 case, and at the tail in 1 case. The tumor were exogenous in 5 cases, endogenous in 2 cases. Five tumors showed the regular margin, inregular in 2 cases. Four cases of plain and enhanced CT scan showed cystic-solid tumors, the solid and encapsulation part ofSPNP presented as hipo-, iso-density, and gradually enhancement after injecting contrast medium. Three cases were examined by MRI, 2 cases appeared hemorrhage, tumor located in the head of pancreas leaded to the secondary ducts dilatations in 1 case. Conciusions There are some characteristics in CT and MRI manifestation of SPNP. Accurate diagnosis meybe created by the imaging study combined with the clinical feature.

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