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find Keyword "检查" 394 results
  • Influence of PICC Ultrasound Guidance on Elbow Puncture and Catheterization and Its Complications: A Systematic Review

    Objective To systematically evaluate the influence of PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) ultrasound guidance on success rates and incidences of complications of elbow catheterization. Methods The Cochrane Library (Issue 3, 2012), Library of JBI evidence-based nursing center, MEDLINE, EMbase, CBM, VIP, CNKI and WanFang Data were searched for relevant studies to influence on success rates of puncture and catheterization and complications from upper arm placement of PICC ultrasound guidance as well as conventional PICC placement from inception to March, 2012. The data were extracted according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria by two reviewers, the quality of included studies was also evaluated. Meta-analysis was conducted using RevMan 5.1, or only descriptive analysis was conducted instead. Results Eleven randomized controlled trials, five clinical controlled trials and four cohort studies were included, involving 4 052 patients. The results of meta-analysis showed that, upper arm placement of PICC ultrasound guidance combined with modified Seldinger technique was associated with significantly higher one-time success rates of puncture and catheterization than conventional PICC placement below the elbow, with significant differences (OR=4.71, 95%CI 1.97 to 11.28, P=0.000 5; OR=8.63, 95%CI 1.92 to 38.82, P=0.005). Conventional elbow catheterization had a significantly higher incidence of phlebitis than catheterization on the elbow that under the guidance of PICC ultrasound and modified Seldinger technique (OR=0.13, 95%CI 0.08 to 0.21, Plt;0.000 01). Conclusion Elbow catheterization under the guidance of PICC ultrasound combined with modified Seldinger technique has an obvious advantage in improving the success rates of puncture and catheterization and reducing the incidence of complications, compared with conventional elbow catheterization.

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  • Discussion on Application Value of Hysteroscopy in Infertility

    Objective To investigate the application of hysteroscopy in pathological changes of infertility uterus. Methods The clinical data of 226 cases of infertility females receiving hysteroscopy from January 2007 to June 2009 in Sichuan Provincial Hospital for Women and Children were retrospectively analyzed. Results In 226 cases, hysteroscopic examination identified 147 cases of intrauterine diseases (65.04%), including 56 cases of intrauterine adhesion (24.78%), 32 cases of endometritis (14.16%), 27 cases of endometrial polyps (11.94%), 15 cases of uterine malformation (6.64%), 9 cases of submucous myoma (3.98%), 3 cases of endometrial tuberculosis (1.33%), 3 cases of uterus cavity narrow (1.33%), 2 cases of cervical internal relaxation (0.88%). No postoperative complications occurred, except for a small amount of vaginal bleeding. Conclusion For the diagnosis of the pathological changes in uterus, hysteroscopy is a direct and accurate method with less operative duration, less trauma, less pain, quick recovery, no complications, and no necessity for hospitalization. It is worth to be popularized.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:53 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Evidence of Ultrasound Screening to Pregnant Women on Fetus of Fetal Genital System Malformations

    Objective To define an evidence-based conclusion concerning ultrasound screening for fetal genital system malformations during pregnancy. Methods In order to assess whether or not ultrasound screening for fetal genital system malformations is effective and feasible, we searched The Cochrane Library (Issue 3, 2009), MEDLINE (1981 to 2009), ACP Journal Club (1991 to 2008), and BMJ Clinical Evidence (1999 to 2008) for systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials (RCTs), cohort studies, and controlled clinical trials. Results Five cohort studies and three crosssectional studies were retrieved. The results showed ultrasound screening detected fetal sex determination by the contour of the rump and the angle of the genital tubercle to a horizontal line through the lumbosacral skin surface in the first trimester. Scrotal size and penile length increases with gestational age for male fetuses, and by 32 weeks, bilateral testicular descent was observed in most cases. Ultrasonographic scans, fetal genetic studies, and hormonal assays of amniotic fluid can diagnosis certain diseases, fetal sex differentiation disorders, fetal endocrinal disorders, and chromosome abnormality. Conclusion The findings of this study should reassure physicians and parents alike that ultrasound screening is an reliable option for the prenatal diagnosis of fetal genital system malformations, but more randomized controlled trials are needed to further supply relevant evidence.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:36 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis of Transvaginal Ultrasound Results of 1872 Healthy Women’s Endometrium in Yongchuan District

    Objective To investigate the endometrial thickness and echo patterns of healthy women, so as to provide a basis for the formulation of a standard to define normal endometrium in Chinese women. Method A total of 1872 married healthy women in Yongchuan District received transvaginal ultrasound examination. The endometrial sonograph was observed and endometrial thickness was measured for statistical analyses. Results In pre-menopausal women of different age groups, the endometrial thickness was increased and the endometrial echo was enhanced from the proliferative phase, ovulatory phase and secretory phase. The endometrial thickness varied significantly among different menstrual cycles, while no significant difference was observed in the endometrial thickness of a same menstrual cycle among women of different age groups. Pre-menopausal women had significantly different endometrial thickness when compared with post-menopausal women. Conclusion Through a general survey of women by transvaginal ultrasound, a large sample database can be established, which may contribute to the formulation of a standard to define normal endometrium in Chinese women and to help identify abnormal endometrium.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:36 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Observation of Propofol Combined with Dezocine and Laryngeal Mask Airway for Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy

    目的 评价地佐辛配伍丙泊酚联合喉罩用于无痛纤维支气管镜检查的效果。 方法 将2012年10月-12月拟行纤维支气管镜检查,且按美国麻醉医师协会分级Ⅰ或Ⅱ级的60例患者,随机分为芬太尼组(F组)、地佐辛组(D组)、生理盐水组(N组),每组20例。采用双盲法给药,静脉注射芬太尼(10 μg/mL)或地佐辛(1 mg/mL)或生理盐水0.1 mL/kg,5 min后3组缓慢静脉注射丙泊酚2 mg/kg诱导后置入喉罩,术中保留自主呼吸,持续泵入丙泊酚4~6 mg/(kg·h)维持麻醉,观察3组患者诱导前(T0)、诱导后时(T1)、纤维支气管镜操作时(T2)、术毕时(T3)及拔除喉罩时(T4)的生命体征,记录丙泊酚总用量、苏醒时间、苏醒时的呼吸道疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS),记录术中及术后有关并发症的发生情况。 结果 与N组相比,D、F两组丙泊酚总用量减少、苏醒时间缩短,头昏及术中体动发生率、VAS评分明显降低(P<0.05);呼吸暂停的发生率D组最低(P<0.05);恶心、呕吐的发生率F组最高(P<0.05)。 结论 地佐辛配伍丙泊酚联合喉罩用于无痛纤维支气管镜检查,麻醉效果满意,术后镇痛效果好,值得临床推广。

    Release date:2016-08-26 02:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 系统护理干预对电子结肠镜检查患者的影响

    【摘要】 目的 总结系统护理干预对电子结肠镜检查患者的影响。 方法 2008年9月-2009年8月将156例首次进行电子结肠镜检查的患者随机分为对照组和观察组各78例,对照组予以常规护理,观察组在常规护理基础上实施心理支持、认知护理、家庭支持及行为护理等系统护理干预措施。 结果 观察组经系统护理干预后焦虑自评量表评分、疼痛程度、检查所需时间与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(Plt;0.01)。 结论 系统护理干预能有效降低电子结肠镜检查患者的焦虑程度,提高患者对疼痛的耐受性,减轻腹痛,有效缩短检查时间和成功率。

    Release date:2016-08-26 02:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Value of Acute Ultrasonography in Diagnosing Right Hypogastric Acute Abdomen

    【摘要】 目的 探讨急诊超声在右下腹急腹症诊断中的应用价值。 方法 回顾性分析2008年8月-2009年12月150例右下腹急腹症患者急诊超声检查结果,所有患者均经手术和病理资料或者临床治疗后得到证实,将超声诊断的结果与临床出院诊断进行对比分析。 结果 150例右下腹急腹症患者中,超声正确诊断126例(84%),漏诊18例,误诊6例,其中急性阑尾炎漏诊率最高,漏诊的主要原因为部分患者阑尾解剖位置特殊或者肠道气体干扰。 结论 超声检查能够较准确判断右下腹急腹症的病因。熟悉常见急腹症疾病的临床表现、体征及熟练掌握常见疾病的超声声像图特点,对右下腹急腹症的诊断及鉴别诊断至关重要。【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate acute ultrasonography in diagnosing right hypogastric acute abdomen. Methods The results of acute ultrasonography of 150 patients with right hypogastric acute abdomen were retrospectively analyzed. The disease was confirmed by surgery and pathological examination. The results of ultrasonography and clinical diagnosis were compared. Results Among 150 patients, correct ultrasonography diagnosis was found in 126 (84%), missed diagnosis in 18, and misdiagnosis in six; the highest rate of missed diagnosis occurred in patients with acute appendicitis. Conclusion Acute ultrasonography can feasibly and accurately diagnose right hypogastric acute abdomen. The accuracy depends on the common clinical manifestations and the common diseases ultrasonography characters of right hypogastric acute abdomen.

    Release date:2016-08-26 02:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Value of Radiological Diagnosis for the Injured in Yushu Earthquake

    【摘要】 目的 探讨青海玉树地震伤员损伤影像学表现及其诊断价值。 方法 2010年4月15-16日,对83例玉树地震伤员进行影像学表现分析。 结果 胸部损伤33例,四肢损伤32例,脊柱损伤22例,骨盆损伤15例,头颅及颌面部损伤12例,腹部损伤7例,仅软组织挫伤13例。 结论 影像学检查结合患者临床表现能快速、准确、有效对地震性损伤进行临床诊治。【Abstract】 Objective To observe and investigate the manifestations and diagnostic value of radiological features for the injured in Yushu earthquake. Methods From 15th to 16th April, 2010, 83 patients who were injured in Yushu Earthquake underwent CT or DR examinations. Results In 83 patients, chest injury was found in 33, limb injury was in 32, spinal injury was in 22, pelvic injury was in 15, head and maxillofacial injuries were in 12, abdominal injury was in seven,and single soft tissue injury was in 13. Conclusion Radiological examination can exactly, quickly and effectually diagnose the injuries caused by the earthquake.

    Release date:2016-08-26 02:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Highfrequency Ultrasonography Study and Establishment of Softtissue VX2 Tumor Model of Rabbit


    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Value of CT-guided Transthoracic Core Needle Biopsy in Diagnosis of Solitary Pulmonary Small Nodule Lesions

    目的:评价CT引导下经皮穿刺活检肺内小结节病灶的诊断价值。方法:在CT导向下穿刺活检肺内直径≤2 cm的孤立性的小结节病灶51例,作细胞学和组织学的检查。结果:本组51例共行58次穿刺活检,24例获得细胞学涂片检查,39例获得组织学检查。诊断准确率82.3%(42/51)。并发症主要为肺出血和气胸,其发生率分别为21.6%(11/51)和13.7%(7/51)。结论:CT导向下穿刺活检肺内小结节病灶的诊断确诊率高,并发症轻。可作为一种常规检查手段。

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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