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find Keyword "气体" 30 results
  • Efficacy of C3F8 versus silicone oil intraocular tamponade for severe highly myopic macular hole retinal detachment

    Objective To compare the outcome of C3F8 versus silicone oil intraocular tamponade after pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for the treatment of severe highly myopic macular hole retinal detachment (MHRD). Methods Thirty-two highly myopic MHRD patients (32 eyes) with extreme long axial lengths (ge;29.0 mm), quot;severequot; retina pigment epithelium (RPE) and chorioretinal atrophy, and posterior staphyloma who underwent PPV, were enrolled in this study. The patients were divided into two groups according to different intraocular tamponade agents: C3F8 (group A, 15 eyes) and silicone oil (group B, 17 eyes). The patients with retinal re-detachment after surgery received PPV again. The differences of sex (P=1.000), age (t=0.444, P=0.660), best-corrected visual acuity (t=0.084, P=0.934), diopter (t=0.449, P=0.978), lens state (P=1.000), time of the symptoms (t=0.375, P=0.710) and degree of retinal detachment (chi;2=0.014, P=0.907) between group A and B were not statistically significant. The anatomic reattachment of the retina, macular hole closure, and vision acuity were observed at one week, one, three, six and 12 months after surgery. Results The rates of retinal reattachment and macular hole closure were 60.00% and 13.33 % in group A, 82.35% and 29.41% in group B in the first time of surgery. There was no difference in rates of retinal reattachment and macular hole closure between two groups (P=0.243, 0.402). The rates of retinal reattachment and macular hole closure were 86.67% and 20.00% in group A, 94.12% and 29.41% in group B in the second time of surgery. There was no difference in rates of retinal reattachment and macular hole closure between two groups (P=0.589, 0.691). Twelve months after surgery, the vision acuity improved in five eyes, unchanged in seven eyes , and decreased in three eyes in group A; the vision acuity improved in seven eyes , unchanged in eight eyes , and decreased in two eyes in group B. The differences of vision result was not statistically significant between two groups (chi;2=0.209, P=0.647). Conclusion The rates of retinal reattachment and macular hole closure with silicone oil tamponade was higher than that with C3F8 tamponade in eyes with severe highly myopic MHRD, but the differences are not statistically significant.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 充气性视网膜固定术治疗孔源性视网膜脱离的疗效观察

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:37 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Preliminary access of efficacy of vitreoretinal surgeries without endotamponade for diabetic tractional retinal detachment

    Objective To evaluate the long-term results of vitreoretinal surgery without use of intraocular silicone oil or gas in patients with diabetic tractional retinal detachment (DTRD). Methods The clinical interventional caseseries study included 104 patients (112 eyes) with DTRD, who were consecutively treated by pars plana vitrectomy without use of intraocular silicone oil or gas. Among the eyes, there were 6 eyes with iris neovascularization (INV), 1 eye with neovascular glaucoma (NVG) and 50 eyes with macular retinal detachment. There were no preexisting retinal holes or breaks prior to surgery nor any iatrogenic retinal breaks developed during vitrectomy. Cataract removal combined with intraocular lens implant surgeries were performed on 15 eyes. Followup duration varied from 12 to 65 months (mean: 29 months). Results Subretinal fluid was completely absorbed within 2 months after surgery. In 107 eyes (95.54%), the retina reattached after surgery and remained attached till the end of followup period. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) improved in 79 eyes (70.53%), remained unchanged in 14 eyes (12.50%) and got worse in 19 eyes (16.79%). The BCVA improving rate was lower in the macular detached group (33 eyes/50 eyes, 66.00% Vs 46 eyes/62 eyes, 74.19%,chi;2=0.89, P=0.344). No obviously aggravated opacity of lens was observed after vitreoretinal surgeries in the eyes without cataract surgeries. Seven (6.25%) eyes showed INV (5 new onset eyes), and none of them developed into NVG. In multivariate logistic regression, factors associated with postoperative rubeosis iridis were pre-existing rubeosis iridis [adjusted odds ratio (OR)=10.2], low preoperative BCVA (OR=11.1) and low postoperative BCVA (OR=16.7). Conclusions Vitreoretinal surgery for DTRD may not necessarily be combined with silicone oilor gas tamponade if there are no preoperative or intraoperative retinal breaks, and only using irrigation fluid could access a good longterm prognosis result.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:42 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • N2O气体和氧气戏入对玻璃体切割术后眼内存在C3F8 气泡的免眼眼压影响的观测

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:52 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Application of Multi-slice Spiral CT in the Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Perforation

    目的 探讨胃肠道穿孔的多层螺旋CT(MSCT)表现及诊断价值。 方法 收集2010年3月-2011年3月18例经手术证实为胃肠道穿孔患者的临床及MSCT资料,回顾性分析了胃肠道穿孔及穿孔部位的MSCT表现。 结果 18例患者中,MSCT明确诊断穿孔17例,对穿孔部位准确定位11例。其中术后诊断胃穿孔4例、十二指肠球部穿孔9例、小肠穿孔3例、结肠穿孔1例、阑尾穿孔1例。MSCT表现有腹腔游离气体,肠壁周围局限性积气、腹腔积液及肠袢积液、肠壁增厚、肠腔周围脂肪间隙密度增高(条纹征)。 结论 MS CT有利于显示腹腔游离气体、胃肠道穿孔部位及其肠壁周围的变化情况,对胃肠道穿孔术前的定性及定位诊断有较明显的优势 ,可为临床提供更多有价值的诊断信息。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 危险点分析预控系统在医用气体管理中的应用


    Release date:2016-09-08 09:13 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Gaseous Signal Molecule Hydrogen Sulfide and Diseases

    Objective To investigate the relation between gaseous signal molecule hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and diseases. Methods Literatures about the advancement of H2S were reviewed and analyzed. Results H2S is recognized as a novel gaseous signal molecule. By acting specially on KATPchannels, H2S can relax smooth muscle cells to regulate blood pressure.It even plays an important roles in pulmonary hypertension, ischemia/reperfusion injury, neurotransmission, apoptosis and inflammatory reaction. Conclusion H2S has been regarded as the third gaseous signal molecule, which exerts many physiological and pathological effects on mammals, and will pave way for development of new drugs and provide therapeutic intervention for various diseases.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 急性吸入性氯氰菊酯中毒13 例临床分析

    目的 通过分析氯氰菊酯吸入中毒的临床特点与救治经验, 比较与口服中毒的不同临床特点, 以加深对氯氰菊酯中毒的认识。方法 回顾性分析2012 年6 月群体性5% 高效氯氰菊酯可湿粉吸入中毒13 例患者的临床表现、影像学、实验室检查、治疗及转归。结果 除神经毒性及消化道损害之外, 氯氰菊酯吸入中毒患者中, 咽干( 61. 5% ) 、咳嗽咳痰( 61. 5% ) 、呼吸困难( 30. 8% ) 、胸闷( 23. 1% ) 等呼吸道症状明显。结论 氯氰菊酯吸入中毒可以造成明显的呼吸系统损害, 轻者表现为上呼吸道刺激症状或气管-支气管炎症表现。

    Release date:2016-09-13 03:50 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 低、高频超声联合应用诊断胃肠穿孔引起的腹腔游离气体

    目的探讨低、高频超声联合应用在诊断胃肠穿孔引起的腹腔游离气体中的敏感性。 方法对2007年1月-2013年9月50例胃肠穿孔患者采用低、高频超声联合检查,并与腹部X线透析检查结果进行对照。 结果低、高频探头联合检查,“双层气体征”及“小气泡征”为腹腔游离气体较具特征性的声像图。术前超声检出腹腔游离气体47例(94%),高于腹部X线透视检出的39例(78%),两者差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论联合应用低、高频超声对胃肠穿孔引起的腹腔游离气体的诊断具有较高的灵敏度。由于其无创性且能及时、准确地作出诊断,在胃肠穿孔中具有重要的诊断价值。

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  • 玻璃体切除联合眼内气体或硅油填充术的护理配合

    目的探讨玻璃体切除联合眼内气体或硅油填充术治疗复杂性视网膜脱离的护理配合。 方法对2006年8月-2011年9月120例行玻璃体切除联合眼内气体或硅油填充术患者的临床资料进行回顾总结,并就护理配合方法及体会予以交流。 结果120例患者均顺利完成手术,手术时间2~4 h,患者平均住院时间14~21 d;术中3例发生晶体后囊膜损伤,随即联合行晶体切除、晶体置换术后好转。所有患者术后3、6个月随访,发现患者视力均较术前有所提高。 结论注重患者术前心理护理及由专业护士配合手术,有助于玻璃体切除联合眼内气体或硅油填充术手术获得成功。

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