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find Keyword "氯胺酮" 13 results
  • Ketamine Reduces the Influence of Midazolam-induced Emergency Intubation in Critically Ill Patients on Blood Pressure

    目的 研究氯胺酮能否降低咪达唑仑诱导急诊危重患者气管插管对血压的影响。 方法 将2010年6月-2011年12月收治的56例急诊危重呼吸衰竭成年患者,随机分成咪达唑仑+芬太尼(MF)组和咪达唑仑+氯胺酮(MK)组,气管插管前咪达唑仑0.05 mg/kg静脉注入,然后MF组芬太尼2 μg/kg静脉注入,MK组氯胺酮0.5 mg/kg静脉注入,待患者达镇静状态后实施气管插管。记录用药前和插管后10 min的收缩压(SBP)、舒张压(DBP)、平均动脉压(MAP)、心率(HR)的变化,观察低血压的发生情况。 结果 实施药物诱导气管插管后血压下降以MF组更明显(P<0.01)。低血压发生率MF组为51.7%,MK组为18.5%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.715,P=0.01)。 结论 急诊危重患者气管插管应用氯胺酮可减少咪达唑仑所致低血压的发生率。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 七氟醚在小儿麻醉诱导中的临床研究

    目的 观察七氟醚在患儿吸入麻醉诱导中的临床应用效果与满意度。 方法 2011年5月-2012年7月将60例患儿分为两组,七氟醚组予以七氟醚诱导麻醉,氯胺酮组采用肌肉注射氯胺酮诱导麻醉。 结果 七氟醚吸入诱导麻醉患儿及家长术前接受度高,分别是68.3%和80.0%,其62.1%患儿顺利吸入诱导入睡,麻醉效果满意,术后苏醒迅速、恶心呕吐及复睡发生少,家长满意度高达98.2%。 结论 七氟醚吸入诱导麻醉家长及患儿易于接受,有利于患儿身心健康,值得基层推广应用。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:38 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Comparison of Three Kinds of Anesthesia Used in Pediatric Inguinal Surgery

    目的 观察七氟烷吸入复合骶管阻滞、基础麻醉复合骶管阻滞及单纯静脉全麻在小儿腹股沟区手术的应用。 方法 将2008年5月-2009年8月收治的90例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级择期手术患儿分为3组:Ⅰ组为七氟烷吸入复合骶管阻滞组,Ⅱ组为静脉麻醉复合骶管阻滞组,Ⅲ组为全凭静脉麻醉组。每组30例,观察3组麻醉效果。 结果 Ⅰ组患儿心率、平均动脉压、呼吸频率变化不明显,Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组患儿术中和术后心率、平均动脉压较术前升高(Plt;0.05),呼吸频率明显低于术前;Ⅲ组患儿苏醒时间明显延长,Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组患儿苏醒期并发症低于Ⅲ组,其中Ⅲ组患儿术后躁动与哭闹多见。 结论 七氟烷吸入复合骶管阻滞用于小儿腹股沟区手术,患儿易于接受,麻醉过程中呼吸循环功能稳定,苏醒快,清醒质量高,苏醒期不良反应少,是临床上值得推广的麻醉方法。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:49 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Evaluation of Butorphanol Tartrate Combined with Ketamine in Postoperative Patient Self-Controlled Intravenous Analgesia

    目的 评估术后亚麻醉剂量的氯胺酮提高布托啡诺自控静脉镇痛(patient sey-controlled intravenous analgesia, PCIA)效果的可行性及应用价值。 方法 将2008年6月-2009年5月收治的68例美国麻醉师协会(ASA)分级Ⅰ~Ⅱ级的择期外科手术患者随机分为B组(0.2 mg/mL布托啡诺组)和BK组(0.2 mg/mL布托啡诺和4 mg/mL氯胺酮混合液组),每组34例。患者于手术结束后连接自控镇痛泵行自控PCIA。观察并记录拔除气管导管后及PCIA后1、4、8、12、24 h患者疼痛评分视觉模拟评分(VAS)、镇静评分、血压、心率、血氧饱和度(SPO2)、按压次数和布托啡诺消耗量,以及呼吸抑制(SPO2≤92%)、恶心呕吐、尿潴留等并发症。 结果 BK组24 h布托啡诺用量减少40%,VAS评分降低,与B组比较差异均有统计学意义(Plt;0.05)。同时VASgt;3的发生率明显减少(Plt;0.05)。镇静评分和过度镇静发生率降低,但差异无统计学意义(Pgt;0.05)。恶心呕吐的发生率两组差异无统计学意义(Pgt;0.05)。 结论 布托啡诺配伍亚麻醉剂量的氯胺酮在术后患者PCIA中能增强布托啡诺的镇痛效果,不良反应无明显增加。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:49 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Preemptive Analgesia of Ketamine on Remifentanil Induced Acute Postoperative Pain

    【摘要】 目的 观察在腹腔镜胆囊切除术中,氯胺酮超前镇痛对瑞芬太尼麻醉后急性疼痛的影响。 方法 2009年10月-2010年1月,将择期行腹腔镜胆囊切除术患者90例,随机分为对照组(C组)、氯胺酮超前镇痛组(K组)、氯胺酮术毕镇痛组(K1组),每组30例。所有患者均采用瑞芬太尼复合丙泊酚静脉麻醉,K组在切皮前静脉给予氯胺酮0.5 mg/kg,K1组在关腹前静脉给予氯胺酮0.5 mg/kg,C组不给予任何药物。记录术毕患者麻醉恢复情况,各时间点疼痛程度。 结果 K组、K1组躁动发生率均明显低于C组(Plt;0.05);术后2、4、8、24 h,K组VAS评分及镇痛药使用率明显低于C组和K1组(Plt;0.05)。 结论 氯胺酮超前镇痛能明显降低瑞芬太尼术后疼痛,并且不增加并发症发生率。【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the preemptive analgesia of ketamine on remifentanil induced acute postoperative pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Methods Ninty patients scheduled for laparoscopic cholecystectomy between october 2009 to Jannary 2010 were randomly assigned to three groups (n=30). Group K was administrated with 0. 5 mg/kg ketamine intravenously before skin incision, and Group K1 were administrated with 0. 5 mg/kg ketamine intravenously before abdominal closure, while Group C received nothing. The recovery and the side effects were recorded, the VAS at two, four, eight and 24 hours after surgery, and the use of anodyne were recorded. Results The incidence of restlessness in Groups K and K1 was remarkably lower than that of Group C (Plt;0. 05). The analgesic effects two, four, eight and 24 hours after surgery were obviously better in group K than those of Group C and Group K1 (Plt;0. 05). Conclusion Ketamine can produce preemptive analgesia to relieve remifentanil-induced acute pain, and it would not increase incidence of side effects.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:50 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effect of LowDose Ketamine on Postoperative Pain and Cognitive Function after Laparoscopic Hysterectomy


    Release date:2016-09-08 09:56 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effects of Remifentanly and Ketamin on Parturient Blood Pressure, Heart Rate and Neonate Apgar Score

    目的:对照研究在全麻剖宫产术中应用瑞芬太尼和氯胺酮诱导对母婴的影响。方法:选择100例禁忌椎管内麻醉而须行全麻剖宫产手术的患者,分为两组,氯胺酮组静注异丙酚1.5mg/kg+氯胺酮1mg/kg+琥珀胆碱1.5mg/kg;瑞芬太尼组静注异丙酚1.5mg/kg+瑞芬太尼1μg/kg+琥珀胆碱1.5mg/kg诱导插管,胎儿娩出后均静注芬太尼2g/kg、泵注异丙酚3mg/(kg·h)和吸入异氟醚0.5MAC维持麻醉,阿曲库铵维持肌松。结果:瑞芬太尼组插管(切皮)后血压、心率升高幅度显著小于氯胺酮组,两组新生儿1min、5min Apgar评分无明显差异。结论:瑞芬太尼用于产科全麻优于氯胺酮,安全可行。

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:02 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 2种异丙酚镇静方案在妇科腹腔镜检查术中的比较

    目的:采用随机双盲方法比较异丙酚分别联合芬太尼和氯胺酮在门诊妇科腹腔镜检查术中的应用。方法:行门诊妇科腹腔镜检查术的女性患者60例,随机分为芬太尼-异丙酚组(F组)和氯胺酮-异丙酚组(K组),每组30例。F组和K组分别静注芬太尼1 μg/kg和氯胺酮1mg/kg后,静脉缓推异丙酚2.5mg/kg行镇静诱导。采用双盲法观察镇静诱导时间和异丙酚注射痛、术中异丙酚追加量和呼吸循环改变、术后恶心呕吐(PONV)、患者清醒出院时间、及患者的满意度。结果:K组的镇静诱导时间短于F组,其异丙酚注射痛的发生率和严重程度明显低于F组。F组术中需要追加异丙酚的人数、异丙酚平均追加量、以及需阿托品和辅助通气治疗的人数均明显高于K组。K组的清醒时间长于F组。两组的出院时间、PONV和患者麻醉满意度差异无统计学意义。结论:较1 μg/kg芬太尼相比,1mg/kg氯胺酮联合异丙酚是门诊妇科腹腔镜检查术更安全有效的镇静方案。

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:04 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Evaluation of Induced Rescue Intubation by Ketamine and Midazolam in Patients with Respiratory Failure

    Objective To evaluate the rescue intubation induced by ketamine and midazolam in patients with acute respiratory failure.Methods 81 patients with acute respiratory failure admitted between June 2010 and June 2012 were recruited in the study. They were randomly divided to a MF group to receive 0. 05 mg/kg of midazolam + 1 to 2 μg/kg of fentanyl ( n =41) , and aMK group to received 0. 05 mg/kg of midazolam + 0. 5 to 1 mg/kg of ketamine ( n =40) for rescue intubation. The APACHEⅡ score on initial24 hours after admission in ICU, length of ICU stay, and 28-day mortality were recorded. The differences in arterial blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate, and blood oxygen saturation before intubation and 10 minutes after intubation were compared. Incidences of hypotension and other adverse events and difficult intubation were also recorded.Results The midazolamdose in the MK group was significantly less than that in the MF group ( P lt; 0. 01) . The blood pressure in both groups decreased. The systolic blood pressure dropped most significantly in the MF group ( P lt;0. 05) . The incidence of hypotension was 41. 5% in the MF group, significantly higher than that in the MK group ( 20. 0% , P lt;0. 05) . The incidence of hypotension had no correlation with midazolamdosage ( P gt;0. 05) . There was no significant difference in adverse events except for the arrhythmia between two groups. The length of ICU stay and 28-day mortality were similar in both groups ( P gt; 0. 05) . The incidence of difficult tracheal intubation was nearly 50% in both groups.Conclusions In patients with respiratory failure, rescue intubation induced by ketamine can reduce the dose of midazolam and reduce the incidence of hypotension without more complications. The optimal dose of ketamine in induced tracheal intubation requires further study.

    Release date:2016-09-13 03:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effects of dexmedetomidine combined with subanesthetic doses of ketamine on cognitive function after surgery for elderly patients with femoral neck fractures

    Objective To investigate the effects of dexmedetomidine combined with subanesthetic doses of ketamine on cognitive function after surgery for elderly patients with femoral neck fractures. Methods A total of 78 elderly patients with femoral neck fracture who were admitted to hospital between January 2015 and June 2016 were divided into the control group (n=38) and the study group (n=40) according to the admitting time. The cases in the control group were treated with dexmedetomidine given anesthesia and the cases in the study group received dexmedetomidine combined with subanesthetic dose of ketamine. The incidences of postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) and the scores of Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE) and Ramsay scores were compaired, and serum levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were detected. Results There was no difference in operation time, blood loss, blood pressure and oxygen partial pressure between the two groups (P>0.05). The 1-, 3-day postoperative incidences of POCD in the study group were significantly lower than those in the control group (P<0.05). The 1-, 3-, 7-day postoperative MMSE scores and Ramsay sedation scores 1 hour, 3 and 6 hours after stopping anaesthetic drugs in the study group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). The 1-, 3-day postoperative serum levels of IL-6 and TNF-α in the study group were significantly lower than those in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion For elderly patients with femoral neck fracture after surgery, taking dexmedetomidine flax composite drunk dose of ketamine anesthesia method helps to reduce the incidence of postoperative cognitive dysfunction.

    Release date:2017-08-22 11:25 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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