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find Keyword "流行病学" 171 results
  • Incidence Trend of Female Breast Cancer in Urban Shenyang from 2000 to 2009

    Objective To explore the incidence, age distribution and change tendency of female breast cancer in urban Shenyang from 2000 to 2009. Methods The incidence data of female breast cancer recorded in Shenyang Center for Disease Control and Prevention from 2000 to 2009 were collected, and the incidence and standardized incidence of breast cancer were analyzed by using SPSS 16.0 software. The incidence trend was analyzed by means of χ2 trend test and linear regression. Results The annual average crude incidence rate of female breast cancer in urban Shenyang from 2000 to 2009 was 46.03/100 000, while the annual average standardized incidence rate was 35.63/100 000, increased by 160.41% and 109.39% respectively during past 10 years, and the annual average increase was 11.22% and 8.56%, respectively. Both crude incidence rate and standardized incidence rate were in increasing trends with statistical significance (Plt;0.001). The crude incidence rate of the female at age of 50-64 showed a perpendicular rise trend, increased by 271.97%, and the annual average increase was 15.72%. The χ2 trend test and linear regression showed a significant difference (χ2=276.743, P=0.000; y= –22 355.560+11.205x, P=0.000). Conclusion The incidence of female breast cancer in urban Shenyang tends to rise with a younger-aged trend, and the female at age of 50-64 are commonly affected.

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  • Association of Central Obesity and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Han, Uygur and Kazak Female Adults in Xinjiang

    Objective To investigate the association of central obesity (Waist-to-Hip Ratio) and carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) in Han, Uygur and Kazak female adults in Xinjiang. Methods Four-stage stratified cluster random sampling was used to select adult samples aged over 35 years in different districts in Xinjiang, and then a study was conducted using a questionnaire, physical exams (including blood pressure, height, weight, waist length, and hip length) and lab biochemical tests, while IMT was measured by ultrasound. According to WHR, the people were divided into two groups (WHR≥0.9 group and WHRlt;0.9 group). Results 14 618 cases had been surveyed, including 7 294 female adults (Han: 2 793 cases; Uygur: 2 490 cases; and Kazak: 2 011 cases). Among the same nationality, the WHR≥0.9 group had higher levels of systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, urea nitrogen, fasting blood-glucose, triglyceride and total cholesterol than the WHRlt;0.9 group, with significant differences (P=0.000). The two groups were the same in creatinine, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and low density lipoprotein with no significant differences (Pgt;0.05). Among all people, the WHR≥0.9 group had slightly thicker IMT than the WHRlt;0.9 group (P=0.17). Among the Han nationality, the two groups were the same in IMT (P=0.23). Uygur’s IMT and Kazak’s IMT in the WHR≥0.9 group were thicker than that in the WHRlt;0.9 group (P=0.00). Among different populations, in the WHR≥0.9 group, Kazak’s IMT was the thickest, while Uygur’s IMT was the thinner, with significant differences (P=0.00). Within the WHR≥0.9 group, in different age groups, Kazak’s IMT was the thickest; except in the group of aged over 75 years, there were significant differences among other subgroups, the Han group, and the Uygur group (all Plt;0.05). The result of logistic regression showed that, WHR≥0.9 was an independent risk factor of IMT thickening among the three groups. Conclusion WHR increase is positively associated with IMT among the three nationalities. Also, WHR≥0.9 was an independent risk factor of IMT in all the three nationalities.

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  • An Epidemiology Study on Child Behavior Problems among High-Grade Primary School Students in Chongqing Urban Area

    Objective To explore the prevalence and related factors of behavior problems among the high-grade primary school students (in Grade 4 to Grade 6) in Chongqing urban area. Methods By means of cross-sectional survey, a total of 3 137 high-grade primary school students in Chongqing urban area were investigated with Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL, version for parents) and self-designed basic information questionnaire. Results The relevance ratio of behavior problems was 27.26%. The univariate analysis revealed that type of school, grade, residential and family environment, and parental attitude toward children had effects on children’s behavior problems with significance difference (Plt;0.05). The stepwise regression revealed that grade, educational level of father, healthy conditions of parents, family structure, academic performance and parental attitude toward children were the independent and main influencing factors (Plt;0.05). Conclusion The relevance ratio of behavior problems among high-grade primary school students in Chongqing urban area is much higher, which is related to the following factors: family situation, parental attitude toward children, social and school environment. It indicates that the status of children’s mental heath is not optimistic in Chongqing urban area. Comprehensive measures combining family, school with psychologist should be taken to reduce the prevalence of behavioral problems.

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  • Epidemic Survey Echinococcosis for Human and Livestock in ABa Prefecture of Sichuan Province of Year 2008

    Objective To survey and analyze the epidemiological and distribution situation of echinococcosis for human and livestock in Aba Prefecture of Sichuan Province. Methods According to the Standard WS257-2006 of Diagnose Hydatidosis which was published by the WHO, the residents from 141 countrysides of 13 counties where echinococcosis prevailed were examined by B-ultrasound. Sera anti-echinococcosis IgG of children under 12 years old and dejecta-antigen of dogs were examined by ELISA. Visceral of yaks and sheep were examined in slaughter places to make sure their infection. Results Human surveillance: 48 288 people were examined by B-ultrasound, 470 of which were patients. The positive rate was 0.97%; 19 people was Alveolar Echinococcus, and 451 people was Cystic Echinococcus. Sera of 5 372 children was examined, 358 of which were positive. The positive rate was 6.67%. Livestock surveillance: 5814 dejecta-antigens of dogs were examined, 989 of which were positive. The positive rate was 17.01%. 3 336 yaks and sheep were examined, 113 of which were positive. The rate was 3.39% (113/3 336). Conclusion Alveolar and Cystic Echinococcus exist and prevail among humans and cattles in Aba Prefecture of Sichuan Province, with a larger proportion of Cystic Echinococcus.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Comparing analysis on the status of applying diagnostic tests in imaging study in and out of China

    Objective To analyze the status of applying diagnostic test in imaging scientific study internationally and domestically, and to compare the application of the image diagnostic studies of our country with that of abroad. Method We hand-searched the diagnosis tests published in the "Chinese Journal of Radiology", the most influential in China, and in "Radiology’’, the most influential abroad, from 1998 to 1999 respectively. Then we evaluated each of the diagnosis tests according to the international standards. Results We searched 408 original articles in "Chinese Journal of Radiology" in which the diagnostic test articles were 12%, and 796 original articles in "Radiology" with the diagnostic test articles 23% from 1998 to 1999 respectively. In these diagnosis tests, by comparing the "Chinese journal of radiology" with the "Radiology", it was found that 19% applied blind comparison with Gold Standard, 28% calculated sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, 9% both calculated negative predictive value and positive predictive value and none calculated likelihood ratios in the former versus 64%, 57%, 33% and 26% and 3% respectivdy in the latter. Conclusions Compared with the international level, both the quality and the quantity of the diagnosis tests applied in the specialty of imaging scientific study in China are much lower and far from meeting the clinical requirement. Improving the methods of scientific study and carrying on more diagnosis tests with high qualities are of important significance in improving the diagnostic level of imaging.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:16 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Investigation and analysis of the status in applying clinical epidemiology andevidence-based medicine in the field of dentistry of China

    Objective To investigate problems in applying clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine in the field of dentistry in China. Method In early April of 2001, about 200 copies of a questionnaire were sent to chief editors of dental journals, directors and famous experts of the university dental schools and/or dental departments of the provincial/metropolitan hospitals located in the mainland of China. The sent back questionnaires were summarized and analysized. Results At the end of June, 2001, 40 replies from the experts of 12 universities and one metropolitan dental hospital were received. The main points are summarized as following: EBM in China is at starting stage of "anti-illiteracy" campaign. There are 6 out of 12 universities having delivered clinical epidemiology courses to postgraduates (2 to undergraduates), only 3 added lectures on evidence-based medicine to dental students and/or professionals, only one university held intensive training courses on EBM to clinicians. In dental practice there are still scram dentists making decisions simply by experiences. In the research practice some dentists are eager for quick success, and instant benefits, ignoring, scientific design aid quality control of the studies. Randomized controlled clinical trials are seldom appeared in Chinese dental journals. To popularize EBM in all dental clinicians is important for them to use and produce the best evidences. Conclusions EBM in dental field of China is at starling stage. Collection and dissemination of best dental evidences in dental professionals is a key to raise the dental care levels in China.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:16 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • An Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine Glossary I

    It is vital for disciplines to introduce their glossary in a standardized manner, and Evidence-Based Medicine is no exception. Unification and standardization for evidence-based medicine glossary are indispensable and urgent. This paper will introduce what is evidence-based medicine glossary and why it is important.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:36 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Epidemiological Study of Hyperlipidemia with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Urban and Rural Communities

    目的 探讨成都市高脂血症患病率及合并心血管危险因素的现状及城乡差异。 方法 2010年3月-11月随机抽样选取城市和农村社区,采用问卷、体格检查和实验室检查共调查35~70岁人群2 032例,其中城市社区1 015例,农村社区1 017例。进一步调查其中高脂血症患者合并的主要心血管危险因素。 结果 ① 成都市城乡高脂血症患病率为23.53%(474/2 032)。城市高于农村,分别为27.88%(283/1 015)和18.78%(283/1 017);② 城市高脂血症人群中合并高血压、糖尿病和冠心病均高于农村。高脂血症合并高血压人群最多,城乡分别是51.95%(147/283)和31.94%(61/191),其次是合并“糖尿病”和“冠心病”人群;③ 城市高脂血症患者合并高血压人群无论男女均高于农村,但城市男性合并糖尿病者高于农村,城市女性合并冠心病者高于农村;④ 城乡高脂血症患者在合并饮酒、脑卒中史、腹型肥胖和肥胖之间差异无统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 高血压、糖尿病和冠心病是城市高脂血症患者干预的重点危险因素。其中城市男性的糖尿病和城市女性冠心病干预更为重要。

    Release date:2021-06-23 07:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Epidemiology Analysis of the Distribution of People with Trauma due to Traffic Accidents in Deyang City

    目的 探讨德阳市道路交通伤中人员分布的流行病学特点。 方法 回顾性统计分析德阳市2003年-2005年发生的5 300例道路交通伤资料,总结其中的规律和特点。 结果 在5 300例交通伤中,伤亡人员以男性居多(男︰女= 2.58︰1),其中16~55岁的青壮年占了全部伤亡人员的75.72%;工人、农林牧渔业人员和学生占交通伤的比例最高,达52.73%。步行、二轮摩托车和自行车是造成人员伤亡的最主要三个原因,三者比例达到了59.34%。 结论 加强交通安全意识的教育,加大交通法规的宣传和贯彻力度,加强部门间协作是减少交通伤发生的有效措施。Objective To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of the distrubution of people with trauma due to traffic accidents in Deyang City. Methods The data of 5 300 road traffic accidents from 2003 to 2005 in Deyang were retrospectively analyzed. The rules and characters were summarized. Results More males were injured or dead than females in the 5 300 road traffic accidents (male : female = 2.58︰1 ). The young adults aged from 16 to 55 accounted for 75.72% of all the casualties. The workers, agriculture employees and students had the largest percentage (52.73%) of the injuries. Walking and riding motorcycles and bicycles were the main causes leading to the injury, which occupied 59.34%. Conclusion The effective measures to reduce trauma due to traffic accidents will attribute to enhance the personnel awareness of road safety education, improve the publicity work and enforcement of traffic laws, and strengthen collaboration of different epartments.

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  • Epidemiological Investigation on Cerebral Apoplexy in Community of Chengdu City

    【摘要】 目的 了解成都市社区居民脑卒中的流行病学特征,为脑卒中预防、干预提供科学依据。 方法 采用整群随机抽样方法抽取成都市2个社区。对132 303人采用前瞻性的热追踪,搜集社区中脑卒中发病及死亡人群。 结果 2008年脑卒中发病率、死亡率分别为217.68/10万、49.13/10万,2009年发病率、死亡率分别为239.60/10万、41.57/10万,2008年—2009年标化发病率216.01/10万,标化死亡率43.61/10万。缺血性脑卒中患者构成比最高,占半数以上。发病率随年龄增长而增高(χ2=1 095.11,Plt;0.001),男女发病率差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.367,P=0.124)。 结论 成都市社区居民发病率与我国平均水平相当,死亡率略低于我国平均水平。【Abstract】 Objective To explore the epidemiologic features of cerebral apoplexy in community of Chengdu, and to provide references for intervention and prevention of cerebral apoplexy. Methods Two communitis in Chengdu were selected by randomized cluster sampling method. The morbidity and mortality in 132 303 people were calculated by prospective tracing. Results The annual incidence was 217.68 per 100 000, and the annual mortality was 49.13 per 100 000 in 2008. The annual incidence was 239.60 per 100 000, and the annual mortality was 41.57 per 100 000 in 2009. The age-standardized incidence was 216.01 per 100 000, and the age-standardized mortality was 43.61 per 100 000 in the two years. Ischemic cerebral apoplexy exceeded half of all and had a highest constituent ratio. The incidence Increased with the age (χ2=1 095.11, Plt;0.001), while there was no significant difference between the male and female (χ2=2.367, P=0.124). Conclusion The incidence of cerebral apoplexy in Chengdu City is similar to the average incidence of our country, and the mortality is lower than that of the average mortality.

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