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find Keyword "特发性" 115 results
  • Effectiveness of N-acetylcysteine Combined with Low-Dose Glucocorticoid for Patients with IPF: A Meta-Analysis

    Objective To systematically evaluate the effectiveness of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) combined with low-dose glucocorticoid for patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Methods Such databases as The Cochrane Library (Issue 12, 2012), EMbase (January 1974 to July 2012), PubMed (January 1966 to July 2012), CHEST (January 1995 to July 2012), CNKI (January 1994 to July 2012), CBM (January 1978 to July 2012), VIP (January 1989 to July 2012) and WanFang Data (January 1995 to July 2012) were searched to collect the randomized controlled trials (RCTs) about NAC combined with low-dose glucocorticoid versus glucocorticoid alone for IPF patients. Two reviewers independently screened the literature according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, extracted the data, and assessed the quality, and then the meta-analysis was performed using RevMan 5.1 software. Results A total of seven RCTs including 264 IPF patients were included. The results of meta-analysis demonstrated that, compared with the glucocorticoid used alone, a) NAC combined with low-dose glucocorticoid could significantly improve PaO2 (SMD=0.82 mmHg, 95%CI 0.30 to 1.35, P=0.002) and DLco (SMD=0.59 mmHg, 95%CI 0.16 to 1.03, P=0.008) with a significant difference. b) NAC combined with low-dose glucocorticoid could significantly improve all clinical symptoms (RR=1.56, 95%CI 1.26 to 1.92, Plt;0.000 1). Conclusion NAC combined with low-dose glucocorticoid for IPF patients can significantly improve PaO2, DLco, and the clinical symptoms such as cough, difficulty breathing after activities, cyanosis, and Velcro rales. Due to the quantity and quality limitation of included studies, this conclusion still needs to be further proved by more high quality and double blind RCTs.

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  • Effectiveness of Platelet Increasing Capsule Combined with Hormone in Treating Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: A Systematic Review

    Objective To systematically evaluate the effectiveness of platelet increasing capsule combined with hormone in treating idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Methods Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of ITP treated by platelet increasing capsule combined with hormone were electronically searched from PubMed (1966 to 2012), The Cochrane Library (CENTRAL, Issue 3, 2012), CBM (1978 to 2012), CNKI (1979 to 2012), WanFang Data (1998 to 2012), and VIP (1991 to 2012). References of included studies were also retrieved. The literature was independently screened according to exclusion and inclusion criteria by two researchers independently and meta-analysis was conducted using RevMan 5.1 software after data extraction and quality assessment. Results 10 RCTs were included involving 588 patients. The results meta-analysis showed that, the group which was treated by platelet increasing capsule combined with hormone was superior to the hormone alone group in the aspects of overall effectiveness rate (RR=1.18, 95%CI 1.06 to 1.32, P=0.003), the significant effectiveness rate (RR=1.57, 95%CI 1.29 to 1.91, Plt;0.000 01), blood platelet count (MD=21.54, 95%CI 13.85 to 29.23, Plt;0.000 01), and the recurrence rate (RR=0.49, 95%CI 0.34 to 0.69, Plt;0.000 01) which was lower. Conclusion Current evidence has showed that platelet increasing capsule combined with hormone in treating ITP is better than hormone alone. However, more high quality RCTs are needed to verify the above conclusion in future.

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  • Recombinant Human Growth Hormone for Idiopathic Short Stature: A Systematic Review

    Objective To evaluate long-term effectiveness of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) for children with idiopathic short stature (ISS). Methods The randomized controlled trials (RCTs) about rhGH in treating ISS published from 1985 to 2010 were searched in PubMed, ScienceDirect, EBSCOHost, EMbase, The Cochrane Library, CBM, CNKI and VIP. According to the Cochrane Handbook, two reviewers independently screened literature, extracted data, assessed methodological quality, and conducted meta-analysis using RevMan 5.0 software. Results A total of 11 RCTs involving 607 ISS children were included. The results of meta-analysis showed that, compared with the blank/placebo control group after 1-year treatment, the rhGH group resulted in a significant increase in height standard deviation score (SDS) (MD=0.29, 95%CI 0.03 to 0.54, P=0.03), growth velocity (MD=2.68 cm/year, 95%CI 1.70 to 3.65, Plt;0.000 01), and adult SDS (MD=0.46, 95%CI 0.29 to 0.63, Plt;0.000 01). Conclusion rhGH can effectively promote the growth of ISS children. But due to the limitation of quality and small sample size of the included studies, its effectiveness still needs to be further proved by more high quality RCTs.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:39 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Sanqi Tongshu Capsule for Acute Idiopathic Facial Paralysis: A Clinical Controlled Trial

    Objective To evaluate the effect of PNS on Idiopathic facial palsy. Methods A total of 86 cases of acute idiopathic facial paralysis were randomly divided into the treatment group (PNS group, 44 cases), and the control group (42 cases). The basis of the two groups included hormone therapy, B vitamins, anti-viral treatment, as well as acupuncture and physical therapy, both in the incidence of 7 days to give the treatment. House-Brackmann facial nerve function classification and evaluation were used to determine clinical efficacy; ENoG line was tested before and after treatment. Results Before H-B classification of facial nerve function, EnoG side of the latency and amplitude in the two groups were comparable. At 28 days after treatment, H-B scores for the treatment group and the control group were (2.33 ± 1.21) and (3.08 ± 1.35), respectively, and the two groups had significant differences (Plt;0.05); ENoG incubation period (2.46 ± 0.34) and amplitude (189 ± 67) of the treatment group were more than those of the control group; the incubation period (3.37 ± 0.49) and amplitude (131 ± 52) improved, and there were significant differences between the two groups (Plt;0.05). Comparison of efficacy of the two groups showed the total effective rate: 95.45% in the treatment group, 80.95% in the control group, and the efficacy of the treatment group was better than that of the control group (Plt;0.05). Conclusion Sanqi tongshu, B vitamins, anti-virus, such as the acupuncture and physical therapy for the treatment of acute idiopathic facial paralysis have significant effect.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Evidence-based Treatment of Mycophenolate Mofetil for Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy with Nephrotic Syndrome: A Case Report

    Objective To report an evidence-based treatment of Mycophenolate Mofetil for idiopathic membranous nephropathy (IMN) with nephrotic syndrome (NS). Methods We searched The Cochrane Library (Issue 3, 2005), MEDLINE (1978 to 2006) and CNKI (1978 to 2006), and critically appraised the available evidence. Results The available Level C (low quality) evidence showed that Mycophenolate Mofetil was effective for the remission of proteinuria, and effective in patients who were resistant to steroid or cytotoxic agents. However, there was no evidence on its long-term effect on renal survival. Given the current evidence, together with our clinical experience and the patient’s preference, Mycophenolate Mofetil and glucocorticoid were administered to the patient. After 3 months of treatment, proteinuria was relieved. The patient is still can followed up. Conclusions We only find Level C evidence to support the short-term efficacy of Mycophenolate Mofetil on the remission of proteinuria. Further studies on its long-term effects on renal survival, and a health economics evaluation are needed.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 阿昔洛韦治疗特发性周围性面瘫

    目的 探讨阿昔洛韦抗病毒治疗对特发性周围性面瘫患者的治疗作用。 方法 通过病例对照研究对2010年1月-2012年6月入院的特发性面瘫患者78例,使用随机表法随机分为阿昔洛韦治疗组和对照组,每组39例。治疗2周,对两组患者治疗前、2周、4周及8周后使用House-Brackmann面神经分级标准进行评定面瘫恢复情况。 结果 两组患者面瘫2 周缓解率分别为51.3%和48.7%;8周后面瘫恢复率分别为84.6%和87.2%,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论 特发性面瘫患者加用抗病毒治疗疗效未见明显提高,不推荐常规使用抗病毒治疗。

    Release date:2016-08-26 02:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 成人特发性肺含铁血黄素沉着症一例

    患者女性,49岁。因“间断胸闷、咳嗽、咯血1+个月”,于2006年7月15日入院。曾在当地医院拟诊为“肺结核,肿瘤性病变待排,缺铁性贫血”,给予相应治疗无效。既往体健,无过敏史、寄生虫接触史及家族遗传史。体格检查:体温36.5 ℃,脉搏70次/min,呼吸22次/min,血压16.5/11.5 kPa,SaO2 97%(未吸氧);轻度贫血貌,皮肤黏膜、浅表淋巴结及心肺均未见异常,腹平软,肝右肋下2 cm,质中偏软,无压痛,脾肋下未及。

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinicoradiologic Features of Acute Exacerbation of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Two Cases Report and Literature Review

    Objective To analyze the clinical presentations and radiological characteristics of acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ( IPF) . Methods Clinical and radiological data of 2 patients with acute exacerbation of IPF from April 2006 to July 2008 were retrospectively analyzed and literatures were reviewed. Results Both patients were senior male patients over 60 years old. Dyspnea, cough and inspiratory crackles were the major symptoms and signs. Two patients were experiencing an exacerbation of dyspnea for one week and half of month, respectively. PaO2 /FiO2 of both patients was less than225 mm Hg. In both patients, high-resolution computed tomography ( HRCT) scans at the exacerbation showed typical signs of IPF including peripheral predominant, basal predominant reticular abnormality, with honeycombing and traction bronchiectasis and bronchiolectasis, and newly developing alveolar opacity. HRCT scan showed peripheral area of ground-glass attenuation adjacent to subpleural honeycombing in one patient, and diffusely distributed ground-glass opacity in another patient. Two patients had received corticosteroid treatment. For one patient, the symptoms improved, and ground-glass attenuation adjacent to subpleural honeycombing had almostly resolved. The other patient died of respiratory failure. Conclusions Some acute exacerbation in idiopatic pulmonary fibrosis can be idiopathic. The clinical presentations mainly include the worsening of dyspnea within short time. HRCT generally demonstrates new bilateral ground-glass abnormality with or without areas of consolidation, superimposed on typical changes of IPF.

    Release date:2016-09-14 11:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Acute Exacerbation of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Imaging Characteristics under High Resolution Computed Tomography

    Objective To explore the imaging features of acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ( IPF) under high-resolution computed tomography ( HRCT) . Methods The HRCT imaging features of six patients who met the criteria for acute exacerbation of IPF were analyzed retrospectively. Results The manifestations of IPF on HRCT scan were various in forms and distribution, as multifocal, ground-glass opacity, reticular shadow, honeycombing densities, capillary bronchiectasis,subpleural lines, traction bronchiolectasis and emphysema. The characteristic lesions were newly diffuse bilateral ground-glass opacity at the time of acute exacerbation, superimposed on subpleural reticular and honeycombing densities. Conclusions Chest HRCT findings in acute exacerbation of IPF are characteristic.HRCT is accurate and superior in diagnosis of IPF and in determining acute exacerbation of IPF.

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:52 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 吡非尼酮治疗特发性肺纤维化: 我们拥有多少证据?

    特发性肺纤维化( idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, IPF) 为原因不明, 局限于肺, 以普通型间质性肺炎( usual interstitialpneumonitis, UIP) 为病理特征的慢性进行性发展的纤维化性间质性肺疾病。该病预后不良, 现无有效治疗药物[1] , 寻找有效治疗IPF的药物始终是该研究领域的热点之一。迄今已有诸多针对肺纤维化发病机制的基础研究成果, 并陆续转化为新的研究药物[2] 。IPF 临床中心协作网的建立使数以百计的IPF患者比较快地入组参加新药物临床试验, 并顺利完成了多项高质量的双盲、随机、安慰剂对照临床试验, 有力推动了IPF 治疗领域的进展。遗憾的是, 近几年已发表的多项临床试验结果[3-6] 令人失望。在挫折和期盼之中, 最新发表的吡非尼酮( pirfenidone) 治疗IPF临床试验结果[7] 为无药可治的IPF患者带来了一线希望的曙光。

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:53 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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