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find Keyword "疗效评价" 32 results
  • Endoscopic Sinius Surgery Combined with Middle and Inferior Meatus Fenestration for Fungal Ball Maxillary Sinusitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

    Objective To compare endoscopic sinius surgery plus middle meatus fenestration with endoscopic sinius surgery plus middle and inferior meatus fenestration for fungus ball maxillary sinusitis. Methods Applying a prospective randomized controlled trial, 80 patients with fungal ball maxillary sinusitis from January, 2010 to March, 2011 were collected and then divided into two groups, including experiment (40 cases) and control groups (40 cases). The trial group received endoscopic sinius surgery plus middle and inferior meatus fenestration, which the control group received endoscopic sinius surgery plus middle meatus fenestration. Then a follow-up was conducted from the end of surgery to February 28th, 2013. All patients took subjective and objective assessment before and after the surgery, including VAS, SNOT-20, Lund-Mackay CT system scores and Lund-Kennedy endoscopic mucosal score. Results with the trial group was superior to the control group in VAS score, SNOT rating and Lund-Kennedy mucosa score 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years after surgery (Plt;0.01). Lund-Mackay CT score of the control group was significantly higher than the trial group after 1 year of surgery (Plt;0.01). According to the Haikou standard to assess the efficacy of surgery, we found that the total effectiveness rate of the trial group (100.0%; recovery: 36 cases; improved: 4 cases) was higher than that of the control group (87.5%; recovery: 28 cases; improved: 4 cases), with a significant difference (P=0.021). Conclusion Endoscopic sinius surgery plus middle and inferior meatus fenestration with a lower reoccurrence rate is superior to endoscopic sinius surgery plus middle meatus fenestration for fungus ball maxillary sinusitis in clinical efficacy.

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  • Premalignant Vulval Disorders

    临床证据检索和评价截止至2002年3月.结果: ⑴硬化性苔癣: ①口服视黄醛(阿维A): 1个小样本RCT经过20~22周随访发现,阿维A与安慰剂相比,能显著减轻瘙痒和减小病变程度,但与严重的脱皮、脱发有关.②外科手术:我们未找到手术治疗妇女硬化性苔癣疗效的充足证据.③局部用0.05%丙酸氯倍他索(又名氯氟美松):1个小样本RCT经过3个月的治疗发现,局部用丙酸氯倍他索比局部用丙酸睾丸酮或矿物油软膏能更有效地控制症状.高质量的前瞻性观察性研究发现,丙酸氯倍他索用于维持治疗时副作用轻微.④局部用睾丸酮:2个小样本RCT认为,不管是用于12个月的初始治疗,还是在用了丙酸氯倍他索16周后的继续治疗,都没有证据证明丙酸睾丸酮比矿物油软膏更能缓解症状.丙酸睾丸酮与男性化有关.⑵外阴上皮内瘤样病变:我们发现,外阴上皮内瘤样病变的外科手术治疗效果和局部应用α-干扰素治疗效果,目前临床证据不足.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:33 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Non-penetrating Trabecular Surgery versus Trabeculectomy for Open Aangle Glaucoma: A Systematic Review

    Objectives To assess the clinical effectiveness of non-penetrating trabecular surgery versus trabeculectomy for open angle glaucoma. Methods We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (issue 2, 2007), MEDLINE (1966 to May 2008), EMbase (1980 to May 2008), and CMB-disk (1979 to May 2008). We also hand searched relevant journals and conference proceedings. Data were extracted by two reviewers independently using an extraction form. The Cochrane Collaboration’s RevMan 5.0 software was used for statistical analysis. Results Three RCTs involving 127 participants (144 eyes) with previously untreated open angle glaucoma were included. Meta-analysis showed that compared with non-penetrating trabecular surgery, trabeculectomy increased the proportion of patients with reduced postoperative intraocular pressure (WMD2.78, 95%CI 1.41 to 4.15), improved the operation success rate (RR 0.53, 95%CI 0.37 to 0.77), and reduced the use of postoperative antiglaucoma medication (WMD 0.96, 95%CI 0.84 to 1.08). Non-penetrating trabecular surgery reduced the incidence of postoperative complications (RR 17.00, 95%CI 8.36 to 26.00). Conclusion  Since the sample sizes of the included trials are relatively small, and the two procedures are also related to progressive visual field loss and optic disk damage, more well-designed large-scale RCTs are required.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:36 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Comparative Study on the Efficacy and Safety of Thrombolysis and Anticoagulation Therapy for Patients with Acute Sub-Massive Pulmonary Thromboembolism

    Objective To compare the clinical efficacy and safety of thrombolysis with anticoagulation therapy for patients with acute sub-massive pulmonary thromboembolism. Methods The clinical data of 84 patients with acute sub-massive pulmonary thromboembolism were analyzed retrospectively, mainly focusing on the in-hospital efficacy and safety of thrombolysis and/ or anticoagulation. The efficacy was evaluated based on 6 grades: cured, markedly improved, improved, not changed, deteriorated and died. Results Among the 84 patients,49 patients received thrombolysis and sequential anticoagulation therapy( thrombolysis group) , 35 patients received anticoagulation therapy alone( anticoagulation group) . As compared with the anticoagulation group, the thrombolysis group had higher effective rate( defined as patients who were cured, markedly improved or improved, 81. 6% versus 54. 3%, P = 0. 007) , lower critical event occurrence ( defined as clinical condition deteriorated or died, 2. 0% versus 14. 3% , P = 0. 032) . There was no significant difference in bleeding rates between the two groups ( thrombolysis group 20. 4% versus anticoagulation group 14. 3% , P gt; 0. 05) . No major bleeding or intracranial hemorrhage occurred in any of the patients. Conclusions Thrombolysis therapy may be more effective than anticoagulation therapy alone in patients with acute sub-massive pulmonary thromboembolism, and thus warrants further prospective randomized control study in large population.

    Release date:2016-09-14 11:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To compare the therapeutic effect of cannulated screws fixation at different time points through different reduction methods on the heal ing of displaced femoral neck fractures. Methods From January 1997 to September 2007, 240 patients with displaced femoral neck fracture were treated, including 121 males and 119 females aged 22-79 years old (average 56 years old). All cases were fresh and close fractures. According to the fractured part, there were 133cases of subcapital fracture, 64 of transcervical fracture and 43 of basal fracture. According to Garden classification, there were 105 cases of type III and 135 of type IV. Cannulated screws fixation was performed on all the patients, and the time from injury to operation was 6 hours to 7 days. Fifty-five cases received closed reduction and 59 cases received l imited open reduction as emergency treatment, while 65 cases received closed reduction and 61 cases received l imited open reduction as selective operation. Different groups were compared in terms of the heal ing rate of fracture, the excellent and good rate of reduction as well as the excellent and good rate of fixation. Results There was no significant difference between the closed reduction and the l imited open reduction in terms of operation time and bleeding volume (P gt; 0.05). Postoperatively, all wounds healed by first intention, no infection was observed, avascular necrosis of femoral head occurred in 44 cases, and the rate of avascular necrosis of femoral head in the l imited open reduction at emergency group was less than that of other 3 groups (P lt; 0.01). All the patients were followed up for 12-72 months (average 38 months), 193 cases got fracture heal ing at 10-23 months after operation (average 14 months). For the closed reduction as emergency operation group, the l imited open reduction as emergency operation group, the closed reduction as selective operation group, and the l imited open reduction as selective operation group, the heal ing rate of fracture was 74.55%, 91.53%, 69.23% and 86.89%, respectively; the excellent and good rate of reduction was 73.73%, 94.92%,70.77% and 91.80%, respectively; the excellent and good rate of fixation was 76.36%, 93.22%, 73.85% and 88.52%, respectively. The heal ing rate of fracture, the excellent and good rate of reduction as well as the excellent and good rate of fixation in the l imited open groups were higher than that of the closed reduction groups (Plt; 0.01), and there was no significant difference between the emergency operation groups and the selective operational groups (Pgt; 0.05). Conclusion The reduction methods have significant influences on the heal ing of fractures after cannulated screws fixation of the displaced femoral neck fracture, and the operation time has no obvious effect on fracture heal ing.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:05 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    To evaluate the cl inical results of less invasive stabil ization system (LISS) for femur supercondylar and intercondylar fractures. Methods From March 2004 to November 2005, 47 patients with 49 intercondylar and supercondylar fractures were treated. Of all the patients, there were 34 males and 13 females with an average of 39.7 years (range 19-56 years). The locations were left side in 21 cases and right side in 28 cases. Fracture was caused by traffic accident in 31 cases, fall ing in 8 cases, violence in 6 cases and others in 2 cases. Forty-nine fractures included 14 intercondylar fractures, 21supercondylar fractures and 14 intercondylar and supercondylar fractures; 32 closed fractures and 17 open fractures. According to the AO typing, there were 6 type 33-A1, 8 type 33-A2 , 10 type 33-A3, 7 type 33-C1, 3 type 33-C2 and 15 type 33-C3. The disease course was 30 minutes to 6 days. Articular surface reduction was first performed, then the LISS plate was inserted via two incisions and locking screws were used later. Results The average operation time was 126 minutes (range 48-248 minutes). The blood loss was 180 mL(range 60-1 200 mL). The average follow-up time was 18.6 months (range 12-23 months). There were 4 patients with AP angular deformity and 5 patients with lateral angular deformity (range 2-5°). External rotation deformity was presented in 2 patients. There were no plate breakage, screw loosen and fixation failure. Average bone union time was 5.6 months (range 3-8 months) without infection case. Six cases were treated with il iac bone transplantation for delayed union. Conclusion LISS is one kind of effective treatment to femoral intercondylar and supercondylar fractures.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To discuss shortterm effect of rotating hinge knee prosthesis. Methods From July 2002 to April 2005, 17 cases of severe knee joint deformity and instability received rotating hinge knee prosthesis for total knee arthroplasty. There were 8 males and 9 females, aging from 41 to 79 years. The left joints were involved in 10 cases and right joint in 7 cases. All patients were admitted because of pain. The course of disease was from 1 to 7 years. There were 10 cases of osteoarthritis,5 cases of rheumatoid arthritis,1 case of traumatic arthritis after operation of left femur fracture,and 1 case of traumatic arthritis with injury of anterior cruciate ligament, meniscus medialis and medial collateral ligament after operation of left fracture of tibial plateau. According to HSS(hospital for special surgery) scoring system,the preoperative score was 36 to 58 with an average of 48.6. The preoperative flexed motion range of articulation was 21° to 80° with an average of 57.4°. Results All patients were followed up from 7 months to 3 years with an average of 23.6 months. There were no complications of thrombogenesis of veins of lower extremity, pulmonary embolism, palsy of peroneal nerve, fracture, and breakage of extended knee structure. Infection occurred in 1 case at 3 months postoperatively,the prosthesis was dislodged,antibiotic-impregnated cement was filed with knee joint,twostage arthroplasty was expected. At the last follow-up,the HSS score was 78 to 98 with an average of 91.1 in 16 patients. The flexed motion range of articulation was 75° to 100° with an average of 852° at 2 weeks postoperatively. The flexed motionrange of articular was 85° to 123° with an average of 1083° at the last followup. There were significant differences in HSS score and motion range of articular between preoperation and thelast follow-up (P<0.05). Conclusion The short-term outcome of rotating hinge knee prosthesis is good and a long term followup is necessary.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis on Therapeutic Effects and Influencing Factors of Focused Ultrasound in 7027 Patients with Cervicitis Related Diseases

    Objective To explore the effectiveness, safety and applicability of focused ultrasound (FU) in rural patients with cervicitis-related diseases. Methods Patients with cervicitis-related diseases (n=8 352) from 80 township health centers of 9 counties in Chongqing were enrolled in this multicenter clinical study, and they were treated with CZF Model of FU for one time and then were visited in the following 3 months. According to the category 4 scoring method and the curative index, the effectiveness, safety and applicability in 7027 cases (1 156 mild cases, 5 312 moderate cases, 559 severe cases) with complete records were analyzed. The influencing factors were also analyzed with logistic regression analysis. Results A total of 6 413 cases (91.26%) were treated within 5 minutes. After 3-month follow-up, the total effective rate was 99.59%, and 5 012 cases (71.32%) were cured. Just little or medium amount of vaginal bleeding occurred in 656 cases (9.34%) after treatment, while only 12 cases (0.17%) had bleeding in the similar amount tomenstruation, which were relieved by hemostasis and anti-inflammatory treatment. Conclusion As a promising new therapy, focused ultrasound therapy for treating cervicitis-related diseases is safe and effective, with little postoperative bleeding and short-term of vaginal effusion, so it is suitable to be popularized in rural areas.

    Release date:2016-09-07 10:59 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Pre-eclampsia and Hypertension

    截至2002年8月,有关妊娠子痫及高血压的临床证据如下:预防: ①抗血小板药物:1个系统评价发现,对可能发生先兆子痫的孕妇使用抗血小板药物(主要是阿司匹林)与使用安慰剂或不治疗相比,在降低发生先兆子痫的危险、减少胎儿死亡和早产方面有统计学意义,在其他重要结局上无统计学意义.随后的1个小样本随机对照试验(RCT)也得出相似的结论.该系统评价还发现,无证据表明使用阿司匹林会比安慰剂增加孕妇或胎儿出血的危险. ②补钙(用于高危孕妇或钙摄入不足的孕妇):1个系统评价发现,给孕妇补钙(2 g/d)与使用安慰剂相比,在降低先兆子痫的发病危险及减少胎儿出生时体重不足 2 500 g方面有统计学意义,但对降低死产、住院期间围产儿死亡、减少剖腹产或早产没有统计学意义. ③补镁 : 1个系统评价发现,尚无充足证据证明补镁对有发生先兆子痫或其并发症危险的孕妇有效. ④其它药物干预:两个RCT比较了使用阿替洛伟或硝酸甘油与安慰剂,但由于纳入的病例数太少不能得出可靠结论. ⑤限制盐的摄入: 1个系统评价的有限证据表明,低盐饮食与正常饮食相比,在降低孕妇先兆子痫的发生率方面无统计学差异. ⑥ Vit C和Vit E:在高危孕妇中进行的1个RCT中,有限的证据显示,使用Vit C和Vit E与安慰剂相比,前者可明显减少先兆子痫的发生率,但是,我们不能对其疗效得出可靠结论,也无足够证据证明Vit C和Vit E对其它临床指标有影响. ⑦夜间服用月见草油或鱼油:我们找到6个关于服用月见草油和鱼油的RCT,但其样本量都太小,不能得出可靠的结论.治疗: ①积极治疗与姑息疗法对首发严重先兆子痫孕妇的疗效比较:纳入两个小样本RCT的1篇系统评价发现,无证据表明积极治疗对严重先兆子痫孕妇比姑息疗法更能减少死产率或围产儿死亡率.相反,与姑息疗法相比,积极治疗增加了新生儿进入重症监护病房的比例和发生坏死性小肠结肠炎及呼吸窘迫的危险.与姑息疗法相比,无充足证据表明积极治疗对母亲有效. ②降压药用于治疗轻、中度高血压:两个系统评价发现,使用降压药与安慰剂、不用降压药或另外一种降压药比较,前者能明显减少发展为严重高血压的危险,但是对先兆子痫和围产儿死亡无明显效果.该系统评价发现,在妊娠期使用血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂与胎儿发生肾衰有关,还发现使用β受体阻滞剂会增加孕龄过小的危险. ③降压药用于治疗妊娠期重度高血压(尽管在药物的最佳选择方案上尚无足够的证据):在患有孕期重度高血压需要立即采取治疗的孕妇中做的1个系统评价和1个RCT中,无证据表明用不同的降压药控制血压在疗效上有差异.由于这些研究的样本量太小,尚不能得出关于不同药物之间相互关系的进一步结论. ④抗氧化剂用于治疗严重的先兆子痫:1个RCT发现,无足够证据表明,在治疗严重先兆子痫的疗效方面,Vit E、Vit C和别嘌呤醇联用与安慰剂相比有差异. ⑤卧床休息对出现蛋白尿的孕期高血压患者的作用:1个系统评价发现,无足够证据表明卧床休息与常规住院活动相比,前者对出现蛋白尿的孕期高血压患者更有效. ⑥卧床休息/住院治疗:我们没有找到关于住院、卧床休息或日间观察与门诊观察或住院但不限制活动相比较的充足证据. ⑦严重先兆子痫患者无痛分娩麻醉方式的选择:1个RCT发现,严重先兆子痫患者进行无痛分娩时,与静脉麻醉相比,硬膜外麻醉能明显降低平均疼痛指数,但这种差异的临床重要性不清楚. ⑧无蛋白尿的妊娠高血压患者的住院治疗:1个系统评价发现,住院治疗与门诊治疗相比,两者在主要临床结局上无统计学差异. ⑨硫酸镁用于治疗子痫(其疗效优于其它抗惊厥药):多个系统评价发现,对于子痫患者,硫酸镁比较苯妥英钠、地西泮或抗自主神经合剂(冬眠合剂)能明显减少子痫的进一步发作.所有系统评价都显示,使用硫酸镁有降低孕产妇死亡率的趋势,尽管其差异没有统计学意义. ⑩扩张血容量用于治疗严重先兆子痫:1个系统评价发现,无足够证据表明是否扩容治疗对严重先兆子痫患者在疗效上有差异.B11严重先兆子痫患者预防性使用硫酸镁:1个系统评价和1个大样本RCT发现,对于严重先兆子痫患者,与使用安慰剂相比,预防性给予硫酸镁可以使发生子痫的危险减半.但是这些试验中无证据表明,患有严重先兆子痫的孕妇使用硫酸镁和安慰剂,其胎儿在死产率或围产期死亡率方面有统计学差异.据报道,有1/4的孕妇会出现轻微的不良反应,主要是面部潮红. B12严重先兆子痫患者预防性使用地西泮:1个系统评价发现,无足够证据表明,在严重先兆子痫的孕妇中使用地西泮与不用抗惊厥药物治疗有差异.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:27 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Treatment of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

    至2002年6月,有关上呼吸道感染治疗的临床证据如下:①止痛剂/抗炎药用于缓解症状:1个系统评价发现与安慰剂比较止痛剂或抗炎药在1~5 d时显著减轻咽喉炎症状;1个RCT发现在服用抗生素的急性鼻窦炎患者,激素鼻喷剂较安慰剂明显改善症状,持续21 d.②抗生素用于预防β溶血链球菌咽炎的少见并发症:1个系统评价发现抗生素可预防β溶血链球菌咽炎的非化脓性并发症,但在工业化国家该并发症少见.③抗生素能缩短流感嗜血杆菌、卡他莫拉菌或肺炎链球菌感染的康复时间,在少部分患者中其上呼吸道感染由流感嗜血杆菌,卡他莫拉菌或肺炎链球菌引起.1个RCT发现抗生素较安慰剂明显增加这些患者在5 d时的康复.但目前尚无简捷的方法将此亚组患者从众多鼻咽培养阴性的患者中甄别出来.④抗生素缩短急性支气管炎、咽喉炎和鼻窦炎的康复时间:系统评价发现抗生素能轻度改善症状.与安慰剂比较,使用抗生素常出现副作用(恶心、呕吐、头痛、皮疹、阴道炎).⑤抗生素在感冒患者中的作用:2个系统评价发现,在患感冒6~14 d时使用抗生素在治愈率或全身改善方面与安慰剂没有差异.⑥抗组胺药用于流涕和喷嚏:1个系统评价发现,使用抗组胺药2 d后流涕和喷嚏明显减轻,但临床获益较小.⑦β受体激动剂缩短成人支气管高反应性、喘息或气流受限患者咳嗽的持续时间:1个系统评价发现,与安慰剂或红霉素比较,在7 d时β受体激动剂可减轻成人咳嗽症状,但亚组分析表明此种获益仅限于伴有支气管高反应性、喘息或气流受限者.β受体激动剂明显增加手抖、震颤和神经过敏的发生比例.儿童中进行的2个小样本RCTs发现在7 d时咳嗽症状在β受体激动剂和安慰剂间没有显著差异.但是,这些RCTs规模太小,故不能检出临床上重要的差异.⑧减充血剂用于充血症状的长期缓解:1个系统评价发现,无证据支持数天中反复使用减充血剂.1个病例对照研究发现,有微弱证据支持去甲麻黄碱可能增加出血性中风的风险.⑨减充血剂用于充血症状的短期缓解:1个系统评价发现,与安慰剂比较单剂减充血剂显著减轻鼻充血,持续3~10h.⑩紫锥花属用于预防:1个系统评价发现与不干预比较,紫锥花属显著减少一次感染发作的人数,但与安慰剂比较,无有效证据支持紫锥花属的作用.(11)紫锥花属制剂:2个系统评价发现有限证据支持紫锥花属的某些制剂在改善症状方面优于安慰剂,但我们未发现有效证据支持任何特定产品的疗效.(12)蒸汽吸入:1个系统评价发现,无证据支持蒸汽吸入的作用.(13)维生素C:1个系统评价发现与安慰剂比较维生素C可轻度缩短感冒症状持续时间,但该作用较小且可能是发表偏倚.(14)锌(鼻内锌胶或锭剂):2个RCTs发现,与安慰剂比较鼻内锌胶缩短感冒症状的平均持续时间,但仅有1个RCT发现差异有显著性.2个系统评价发现,与安慰剂比较葡萄糖酸锌或醋酸盐锌锭剂在7d时减轻症状的持续.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:27 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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