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find Keyword "病理" 735 results
  • Multiple Systemic Sarcoidosis Misdiagnosed as Lymphoma: One Case Report and Literature Review

    ObjectiveTo improve the diagnosis and treatment of multiple systemic sarcoidosis (MSS) and avoid misdiagnosis. MethodsTo analyze the diagnosis and treatment of a MSS patient misdiagnosed as lymphoma. Related literatures were also reviewed. ResultsThe patients' clinical manifestations were not specific including cough and stethocatharsis. Lung and thoracic lymph nodes were most commonly involved in MSS. MSS was characterized by symmetrical lymph nodes enlargement in the bilateral lung hilus and/or mediastinum. The enlarged lymph nodes had a clear boundary and showed homogeneous enhancement. Symmetrical fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake in the hilar and/or mediastinal node was a typical finding of sarcoidosis on FDG PET/CT. Mucosal inflammation and mucosal nodules could be seen in the bronchoscope. Sarcoidosis was characterized by the presence of noncaseating groanulomas histologically. Hormonal therapy was effective for MSS. ConclusionSarcoidosis is a kind of disease involving multiple systems and organs with unknown etiology. The clinical manifestation of sarcoidosis is nonspecific,so it's likely to be misdiagnosed. Imaging examination and laboratory examination are helpful to the diagnosis of MSS. The definitive diagnosis depends on the pathologic biopsy.

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:31 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 胰腺导管内乳头状黏液性肿瘤的影像学研究进展


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  • 腹膜后Castleman病CT表现


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  • Clinical and Pathological Features of Pure Class Ⅴ Lupus Nephritis with Membranous Nephropathy

    【摘要】 目的 发现提示早期Ⅴ型狼疮性肾炎(lupus nephritis,LN)的指标。 方法 2004年 1月-2009年11月24例经肾活检诊断为Ⅴ型LN患者,与同期50例膜性肾病伴抗核抗体(antinuclear antibody,ANA)阳性患者、50例膜性肾病ANA阴性患者,以及13例膜性肾病ANA阳性且肾组织荧光为“满堂亮”患者的一般资料、肾病表现、肾脏病理以及实验室指标进行比较。 结果 Ⅴ型LN与膜性肾病ANA阴性的患者相比,两组的性别、起病年龄、血红蛋白、补体水平、内皮和系膜增殖的比例等有明显差异。膜性肾病ANA阳性患者的临床和病理表现更接近于ANA阴性的膜性肾病,但其性别比仍以女性居多。而膜性肾病ANA阳性伴“满堂亮”的患者在性别、肾病表现、血红蛋白、补体水平等方面与Ⅴ型LN更为接近。 结论 膜性肾病ANA阳性患者具有异质性,其中肾脏病理表现为“满堂亮”的患者可能系早期Ⅴ型LN。【Abstract】 Objective To find out the clinical and pathological characteristics of early pure class Ⅴ lupus nephritis (LN). Methods A total of 24 patients with pure class Ⅴ LN diagnosed between January 2004 and November 2009 were included, and were compared with 50 antinuclear antibody (ANA)-positive patients with membranous nephropathy (MN) and 50 ANA-negative patients with MN. The clinical and pathological characteristics, laboratory test results were compared between the two groups. Then, 13 patients with "full house" fluorescence in renal biopsy specimens were chosen from the group of ANA-positive membranous nephropathy, whose clinical characteristics and laboratory test were compared with class Ⅴ LN patients. Results There were significant differences in sex ratio, age, positive rate of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), levels of hemoglobin, white blood cell, platelet,complement, endothelial and mesangial proliferation between class Ⅴ LN and ANA-negative MN group. However, the sex ratio, levels of white blood cell, platelet were similar between class Ⅴ LN and ANA-positive MN group. The renal biopsy specimens in patients with ANA-positive MN with "full house" fluorescence were similar with those in the patients with class Ⅴ LN in sex ratio, renal injury, hemoglobin and complement and the positive rate of hepatitis B surface antigen. Conclusion The demographic information and clinical manifestations in patients with class Ⅴ LN were similar to those in patients with ANA positive MN, especially in the patients wiht ANA-positive MN with "full house" fluorescence in renal biopsy specimens.

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  • Cutaneous Leiomyosarcoma:A Clinic Pathologic Study of Two Cases

    摘要:目的:探讨皮肤平滑肌肉瘤的临床病理特点和诊断要点及预后。方法:对2例皮肤平滑肌肉瘤组织病理学、免疫组化观察,并复习相关文献。结果: 例1为皮下平滑肌肉瘤,具有结节型的生长形态,瘤细胞丰富,异型性较大,核分裂活跃;例2为真皮平滑肌肉瘤,具有弥漫型的生长形态,瘤细胞较少,分化好,核分裂象不明显。免疫组化2例均表达SMA、MSA、Vim,1例灶性表达Desmin。2例随访迄今均无复发及转移。结论:皮肤平滑肌肉瘤少见,可分为真皮和皮下两种类型,两者具有不同的组织起源和预后特点,我们要注意区分,诊断除核分裂象计数外,尚需进行综合评估,对某些病例建议采用恶性潜能未定的平滑肌肉瘤的诊断,治疗首选外科手术切除。Abstract: Objective: To investigate the clinic pathological features diagnosis main point and prognosis of cutaneous leiomyosarcoma(CLMS).Methods:Histopathology,immunohistochemical stainings observation were analyzed in two cases of CLMS and the related literatures were reviewed. Results:Case 1 was subcutaneous leiomyosarcoma with tubercular growth pattern,rich tumor cell,big heterogeneous type,active mitotic;Case 2 was dermis leiomyosarcoma with diffuse growth pattern,few tumor cell,well differentiated,no more mitotic. Immunohistochemically,the two cases reacted positively with smooth muscle action、MSA and Vim,Case 1 also expressed desman partially. The two cases were revisited to date,no recurrences and metastases.Conclusion:Cutaneous leiomyosar coma is a rare tumor,subdivided into dermis and subcutaneous forms because of their different tissue origins and prognosis features. We must discriminate between them. Diagnosis need synthetic appraisal besides mitotic counts and “smooth muscle tumor of uncertain malignant potential” should be used for diagnosis of certain cases.Primary treatment for cutaneous leiomyosarcoma is surgical excision.

    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Mirizzi Syndrome


    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Retrospective Analysis of Multi-detector Spiral CT in Adrenal Ganglioneuroma(8 Cases)

    目的:探讨肾上腺节细胞神经瘤的CT表现特征,以提高此病CT诊断的准确性。方法:回顾性分析8例经病理确诊为节细胞神经瘤的CT表现,并与病理结果对照研究。结果:8例肿瘤边界均清晰,无周围组织和血管侵犯征象。CT平扫呈均匀稍低密度,CT值约18~35 HU,其中内有点状钙化者3例(37.5%)。CT增强扫描有轻度强化,CT值约30~45 HU。CT征象符合病理表现。结论:肾上腺节细胞神经瘤有一定的CT表现特点,多层螺旋CT扫描有助于提高肾上腺节细胞神经瘤诊断的准确性。

    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Clinical Analysis of 48 Cases of Psoriasis with Proteinuria


    Release date:2016-09-08 10:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Rare Mediastinal Masses:Helical CT Features and Predominant Anatomic Distribution in Mediastinum


    Release date:2016-09-08 10:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Analysis and Recognition on Surgical Treatment of Remnant Gastric Cancer

    Objective To analyze surgical treatment and clinicopathologic features of remnant gastric cancer,and to recognize the strategies of treatment. Methods The clinical data of 26 cases patients with remnant gastric cancer diagnosed by endoscopy and pathological examination and underwent surgical treatment were retrospectively analyzed in our hospital between January 2004 and March 2011.In this study,14 cases of remnant gastric cancer from benign disease (RGCB) and 12 cases of remnant gastric cancer after stomach cancer operation (RGCC) were included.The clinical findings,Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection,surgical methods, histopathological features,and prognosis were analyzed.Results The patients developed a carcinoma in the gastric remnant about 15-44 years after operation for benign disease (median 26.3 years) and about 1-10.5 years after gastric cancer operation (median 4 years),and there was significant differences of the two groups(P<0.05).HP infection of the gastric remnant was found in 73.1%(19/26) patients,and infection rate of patients was 71.4%(10/14) in RGCB and 75.0%(9/12) in RGCC, but there was no statistical different in two groups (P>0.05).All 26 patients underwent surgical procedure,and the rate of radical resection was 46.2% (12/26), which was 57.1% (8/14) in RGCB and 33.3% (4/12) in RGCC respectively,there was no statistical different (P>0.05).Among the 12 cases underwent radical resection, the highest lymphatic metastasis rate was in No.3 group (83.3%, 10/12),which came in second in lymph node of mesojejunum or splenic hilum (33.3%, 4/12).Postoperative pathological staging was as follows:stageⅠin 3 cases, stageⅡ in 2 cases, stage Ⅲ in 14 cases and stage Ⅳ in 7 cases. In 18 patients underwent tumor excision,the metastasis of lymph node occurred in 13 cases (72.2%),and the pancreas,transverse colon,or spleen were invaded in 13 cases according to histopathological results. Meanwhile,peritoneal metastasis were founded in 8 cases patients,and the peritoneal metastasis rate of patients with RGCB (14.3%;2/14) was significantly lower than that with RGCC (50.0%, 6/12), P<0.05.The overall one-year survival rate and three-year survival rate was 54.5% and 38.5%,respectively, and the survival time was 2-61 months (median 12 months).Survival analysis indicated that pathological stage and radical resection were significant prognostic factors for patients with remnant gastric cancer(P<0.01),and radical resection was an independent prognostic factor (P<0.05),while age,gender,disease of first operation, degree of differentiation and HP infection were not (P>0.05). Conclusions Early detection and standard radical resection are the key factor to improve the prognosis of patients with remnant gastric cancer and laparoscopic exploration may minimize unnecessary injures of surgery.Because of the different clinical characteristics,strategy of treatment for RGCC and RGCB shall be discriminatory.

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