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find Keyword "癫痫发作" 61 results
  • Changes of Neuron-specific Enolase and Myelin Basic Protein in the Serum and Cerebrospinal Fluid in Patients with Epilepsy after Single Episodes

    【摘要】 目的 探讨单次癫痫发作是否会引起脑损伤。 方法 2007年6月-2009年11月,采用电化学发光法检测癫痫发作后24 h内40例和对照组40例患者血清和脑脊液中神经元特异性烯醇化酶(neuron-specific enolase,NSE)水平,采用ELISA法测定其血清和脑脊液中髓鞘碱性蛋白(myebin bosic protein,MBP)水平。 结果 癫痫组血清和脑脊液中NSE水平明显高于对照组(Plt;0.01);癫痫组血清MBP水平与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(Pgt;0.05);癫痫组脑脊液中MBP水平高于对照组(Plt;0.05)。 结论 单次癫痫患者血清和脑脊液中NSE明显升高,脑脊液中MBP升高,提示单次癫痫发作可导致神经元损伤。【Abstract】 Objective To detect the possibility of brain damage in the epileptic patients after single episodes. Methods The levels of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in 40 patients with single episodes within 24 hours after seizures from June 2007 to November 2009 were determined respectively by electrochemiluminescence. Another 40 healthy individuals were enrolled as the control. The levels of myelin basic protein (MBP) were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results The levels of NSE in the serum and CSF in epileptic group within 24 hours after seizures were significantly higher than those in the control group (Plt;0.01), and the levels of MBP in the serum in the two group didn′t differ much (Pgt;0.05). The levels of MBP in CSF in epileptic group were significantly higher than those in the control group (Plt;0.05). Conclusion After single episodes, the levels of NSE in serum and CSF and the levels of NSE in CSF increase,which suggests that single episodes may lead to neuronal damage.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:52 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 电刺激癫痫动物模型的研究进展

    癫痫以脑神经元异常放电引起反复痫性发作为特征。建立癫痫动物模型对研究癫痫的发病机制及治疗具有重要意义。近年来建立了多种动物模型, 主要包括化学点燃和电点燃模型等。经典的癫痫电点燃是对大脑边缘结构进行重复的电刺激, 导致逐渐增强的后放电和行为学上的癫痫发作。电点燃形成后, 即使不再给予刺激, 异常的痫性放电可以持续很长时间, 甚至终生。电刺激癫痫动物模型具有诱导致痫的优点, 而且与人类癫痫发生和形成极为相似。现就电点燃模型、电刺激的部位、参数, 动物点燃的行为表现、点燃方法及病理机制进行综述

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  • Analysis of autoimmune encephalitis seizure types and EEG characteristics

    ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to investigate the autoimmune encephalitis (AE) seizure types and EEG characteristics and the value of diagnosis. MethodsFifteen AE patients were hospitalized in the Department of Neurology at the First Hospital of Jilin University from November 2012 to July 2014. Data from their clinical manifestations, seizure types, EEG characteristics and laboratory investigation were analyzed. ResultA total of 15 patients, 5 males and 10 females, aged 19-75 years were included. Eight cases of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, five cases of LGI1 receptor encephalitis and two cases of anti-Hu antibody encephalitis were diagnosed clinically.①Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis:seven patients had seizures, which inclued complex partial seizure, generalized tonic-clonic seizure, simple partial seizure and status epilepticus.Three patients had extreme delta brush.②LGI1 receptor encephalitis:two cases had seizures, while four cases with FBDS. Sharp and slow waves with irregular delta waves appeared in bilateral temporal areas in EEG of three cases, while one case showed clinical seizure. Two cases detected "limb shaking and others" attack, but the corresponding EEG showed no abnormalities.③Anti-Hu antibody encephalitis:one case showed seizures, the EEG showed a lot of sharp and slow waves with irregular delta waves in bilateral temporal areas, while one case showed sharp and slow waves. ConclusionAnti-NMDA receptor encephalitis can present with various types of seizures and non-convulsive status epilepticus, interictal extreme delta brush is more specific. It has important value. LGI1 receptor encephalitis is characterized by FBDS, it has important clinical significance.Anti-Hu antibody encephalitis lesions diffuse distribution, clinical manifestations are different. It may be associated with seizures, seizure types are not-specific.It may have slow waves or sharp and slow waves.

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  • Neuroprotective effects and mechanisms of selective histone deacetylases inhibitor MS-275 on lithium-pilocarpine induced seizures in rats

    ObjectiveTo investigate the neuroprotective effects and mechanisms of selective histone deacetylases inhibitor MS-275 on rats after seizures. MethodsA total of 75 rats were randomly divided into 5 groups for treatment:control group,pilocarpine group, treatment group Ⅰ(administered with MS-275, 20mg/kg, once a day,intraperitoneally in 7 consecutive days), treatment group Ⅱ(administered with MS-275, 40mg/kg, once a day, intraperitoneally in 7 consecutive days), MS-275 pretreatment group. We used lithium and pilocarpin to induce seizures. Behaviors of rats in each group were observed. At 72 hours after seizures, Nissl staining and immunohistochemical were respectively used to evaluate the loss of neurons and histone acetylation levels of hippocampal CA1 and CA3 regions in each group. Escape latency in the control group, treatment group Ⅰ, treatment group Ⅱ and MS-275 pretreatment group were longer than pilocarpine group(P<0.05). ResultsCompared with the pilocarpine group, rats in MS-275 pretreatment group could delay pilocarpine-induced seizures and reduce mortality (P<0.05). Degree of neuronal loss and degeneration in both treatment group Ⅰ and treatment group Ⅱ were reduced compared with the pilocarpine group (P<0.05) and the level of histone acetylation in hippocampal CA1 and CA3 regions of the rats were increased compared with the pilocarpine group (P<0.05). ConclusionHDACs inhibitors MS-275 can improve the neuronal damage, histone deacetylation of rats' brain and rats cognitive decline, which can exert an neuroprotective effect on rats after seizures, whose mechanism may be related to its antiinflammatory effect.

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  • The analysis of the etiology, clinical features, treatment and prognosis of 17 partial statas epileptic cases

    ObjectiveTo investigate the etiology, clinical features, treatment, and prognosis of Partial status epilepticus (PSE). MethodsSeventeen PSE patients were hospitalized in the Department of Neurology at the First Hospital of Jilin University from April 2013 to June 2015. Clinical data were retrospectively analyzed. ResultsA total of 17 patients, 8 male and 9 female, 18~91years old, at mean age (48.90±21.17) years were included. About 12 cases (70.59%) had acute symptomatic status epilepticus, the etiologies including central nervous system inflammation (5 cases), cortical infarction (3 cases), metabolic disorder (1 case), hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (1 case), space-occupying lesions(1 case) and degeneration (1 case); four cases (23.53%) were diagnosed with epilepsy, one case (5.88%) had no definite pathogenesis. The seizure types included complex partial status epilepticus (8 cases, 47.06%), complex part of the secondary comprehensive status epilepticus (3 cases, 17.65%), supplementary motor area (SMA) status epilepticus (4 cases, 23.53%), epilepsia partialis continua (EPC) (1case, 5.88%)and complex partial status epilepticus & aura continua (1case, 5.88%). Nine cases (52.94%) were effective after one hour treament, eight cases (47.06%) were negative. 17 cases are followed-up and 4 cases lost, the average follow-up time is (10.89±8.64) months. 8 cases are completely seizure free, and 3 cases have experience less seizures or the symptom is relived; the other 2 cases die from Creutzfeldt-Jacob desease(case No.10) and Respiratory failure(case No.12). ConclusionsThe inpatients of partial status epilepticus are mostly "situation related". Patients with clinical suspect should be administrated with long term video-Electroencephalogram(EEG) monitoring timely. Early diagnosis, treatment and the aggressive treatment can help to improve the prognosis. Patients of encephalitis usually progress into refractory status epilepticus, the anesthetic drugs should be used as soon as possible.

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  • 癫痫伴慢波睡眠期持续棘慢波(CSWS)患者的治疗:北美治疗选择的调查

    现有文献没能为癫痫伴慢波睡眠期持续棘慢波(Continuous spikes and waves during sleep, CSWS)患者的治疗方法提供充分的证据。文章的目的在于描述北美临床医生在面对CSWS患者时做出的治疗选择。在美国癫痫学会(American Epilepsy Society, AES)成员中进行了关于CSWS治疗选择的问卷调查, 调查包含24项题目。问卷中描述了CSWS的治疗临床情境。题目询问的是在该临床情境下的治疗选择。被调查人通过在线调查网站(www.surveymonkey.com)自行填写问卷收集。完成问卷共计232份, 81%的调查对象认为明显的睡眠棘波增强应当治疗。睡眠棘波增强在经过有效治疗之后, 调查对象表示16%的患者的认知功能有>75%的改善, 52%的患者有25%~75%的改善, 20%的患者有 < 25%的改善, 还有12%的调查对象称患者的认知功能并没有明确的改变。减少睡眠诱发的痫样放电增强的首选疗法分别为:高剂量苯二氮类药物(47%)、丙戊酸(26%)和皮质类固醇(15%)。次选疗法分别为:丙戊酸(26%)、高剂量苯二氮卓类药物(24%)和皮质类固醇(23%)。在高剂量苯二氮卓类药物中, 最常用的是地西泮, 第一夜用1 mg/kg, 之后用0.5 mg/(kg·d)。丙戊酸的常用剂量为30~49 mg/(kg·d)。在皮质类固醇中, 最常用的是口服泼尼松2 mg/(kg·d)。终止治疗的疗效指标有(从强到弱排列):脑电图上癫痫样放电的相应改变、认知功能好转、发作减少。在培训水平及临床经验不同的调查对象中, 结果是一致的。在儿童和成人神经科医生之间, 存在着概念和治疗方法的差异。大部分临床医生认为睡眠期明显增强的痫样放电是应当治疗的。调查对象们没有就最佳疗法的问题达成一致, 但可选疗法包括了:高剂量苯二氮卓类药物、丙戊酸、左乙拉西坦和皮质类固醇。

    Release date:2016-10-02 06:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 癫痫持续状态的定义与分类——ILAE工作组关于癫痫持续状态分类的报告

    国际抗癫痫联盟(ILAE)分类与术语委员会和流行病学委员会组织了一个工作组来修订癫痫持续状态(Status epilepticus, SE)的概念、定义和分类。提出SE的新定义如下:癫痫持续状态是一种由于癫痫发作终止机制的失败或者导致异常的、延长的(在时间点t1之后)癫痫发作机制的启动而导致的情况。这是一种产生长期后果(在时间点t2之后), 包括神经元死亡、神经元损伤及神经元网络改变的情况, 具体取决于癫痫发作的类型和持续时间。该定义是概念性的, 包括两个操作维度:第一是癫痫发作的时长以及时间点(t1), 超过该时间点的发作应当被认为是"持续的发作活动"; 第二时间点(t2)正在进行的发作活动的时间, 在该时间点之后存在造成长期后果的风险。在抽搐性(强直-阵挛)SE的病例中, 2个时间点(t1为5 min, t2为30 min)是基于动物试验和临床研究的。此证据不完整, 并且有待进一步证实, 所以这些时间点应被认为是目前可用的最佳时间点。其它形式的SE数据尚不可用, 但对它们的了解正在增加, 可以基于科学证据为特定形式的SE定义时间点并整合到定义当中而不改变基本的概念。一个新的SE诊断性分类系统被提出, 将为每个患者的临床诊断、研究、治疗方法提供框架。共有4个轴:①症状学; ②病因学; ③脑电图(EEG)相关; ④年龄。轴1(症状学)列出了SE的不同形式, 分为具有显著运动系统症状、无显著运动系统症状和目前尚不确定的情况(如急性意识障碍伴癫痫样EEG图形)。轴2(病因学)分为已知病因和未知病因。轴3(EEG相关)采用了最新的专家共识推荐, 应用以下EEG指标:图形的名称、形态、部位、时间相关特点、调节和干预的影响。轴4将年龄组分为新生儿、婴幼儿、儿童、青少年、成年和老年。

    Release date:2016-10-02 06:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Portable Epileptic Seizure Monitoring Intelligent System Based on Android System

    The clinical electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring systems based on personal computer system can not meet the requirements of portability and home usage. The epilepsy patients have to be monitored in hospital for an extended period of time, which imposes a heavy burden on hospitals. In the present study, we designed a portable 16-lead networked monitoring system based on the Android smart phone. The system uses some technologies including the active electrode, the WiFi wireless transmission, the multi-scale permutation entropy (MPE) algorithm, the back-propagation (BP) neural network algorithm, etc. Moreover, the software of Android mobile application can realize the processing and analysis of EEG data, the display of EEG waveform and the alarm of epileptic seizure. The system has been tested on the mobile phones with Android 2.3 operating system or higher version and the results showed that this software ran accurately and steadily in the detection of epileptic seizure. In conclusion, this paper provides a portable and reliable solution for epileptic seizure monitoring in clinical and home applications.

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  • Timing of long term antiepileptic drug therapy for stroke related seizures

    ObjectiveThis study aimed to explore the timing of the long-term antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) therapy in patients with stroke related seizures. MethodsWe enrolled 90 Patients with post-stroke seizures who diagnosed in neurology and epilepsy specialist clinic of Tianjin Medical University General Hospital and followed up for at least 12 months from September 2014 to August 2016. The patients were divided into early-onset seizure group (occurring within 2 weeks of stroke) and late-onset seizure group (occurring after 2 weeks of stroke).The two groups were subdivided into treated and untreated group after the first seizure. ResultsThe patients were followed up for 12~96m (median 20m). 31 patients in ES group, 19 of which in treated group and 12 of which in untreated group. 59 patients in LS group, 36 of which in treated group and 23 of cases in untreated group. The recurrence rate of second seizures occurred in each group and the comparison between the subgroups in the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th mouth of follow-up as follows. 1 LS group compared with the group of ES, the recurrence rate of second seizures was high (25.81%~38.71% vs. 49.15%~69.49%), and there was statistical difference (P < 0.05). 2 The recurrence rate of ES in untreated group was lower than that in untreated LS group (16.77% 33.33% vs. 56.52% 73.91%), but only in 3m and 12m the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). 3 There was on statistically significant different in ES treated group compared to untreated group, LS treated group compared to untreated group, ES treated group compared to LS treated group (P > 0.05). Both in group of ES and LS, The ratio of seizure recurred patients at different time points during follow-up period was highest at the time of 3m, 3 6m followed, within six months respectively as high as 91.67% and 76.59%. ConclusionOnly one early-onset seizure after stroke can be suspended long-term AEDs treatment, once it recurred that indicates the need for treatment. However, the recurrence rate of late-onset seizure was higher than that of early-onset seizure and it should be given long term AEDs treatment after the first seizure.

    Release date:2017-01-22 09:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 2016年国际抗癫痫联盟癫痫发作分类的更新及介绍

    国际抗癫痫联盟(ILAE)提出了癫痫发作类型的操作性修订方案。此修订的目的包括认识到一些发作类型既可以是局灶起源亦可以为全面起源, 允许临床在不能观察到发作起源的情况下进行发作分类, 纳入某些尚不了解的发作类型, 以及采用更加易懂的命名。由于现有知识不足以形成一个科学的分类方案, 2016年的分类方案是在1981年和2010年分类的基础上进行的操作性(实用性)修订。新分类的变化包括: ① "部分性"改为"局灶性"; ②起源未知的癫痫发作也可以归类; ③知觉状态用作局灶性发作的区分因素; ④删除"认知障碍性"、"简单部分性"、"复杂部分性"、"精神性"、"继发全面性"等术语; ⑤认识到局灶性强直、阵挛、失张力、肌阵挛和癫痫性痉挛发作, 这些发作也有双侧性类型; ⑥增加了新的全面性发作类型:伴眼睑肌阵挛的失神发作, 肌阵挛失神发作, 肌阵挛-失张力发作, 阵挛-强直-阵挛发作, 癫痫性痉挛; 癫痫性痉挛可以是局灶性、全面性或起源不明性; ⑦双侧强直阵挛发作取代了继发全面性发作。新的分类方案并未进行根本性的改变, 但可以使癫痫发作类型的命名有较大的灵活性和透明度。

    Release date:2017-01-22 09:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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