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find Keyword "癫痫持续状态" 27 results
  • Abnormal MRI Findings of Brain Caused by Status Epilepticus

    【摘要】 目的 探讨癫痫持续状态引起的脑部异常MRI表现的特点。 方法 回顾分析2004年—2007年5例患者由癫痫持续状态引起的脑部异常MRI表现,患者均在发作后72 h内行头颅MRI检查,常规进行了T2WI、T1WI、液体衰减反转恢复序列、弥散加权成像(diffusion-weighted imaging,DWI),同时进行了磁共振血管造影(magnetic resonance angiography,MRA)及增强扫描。 结果 5例患者均由部分性发作泛发为全面性强直-阵挛发作,均在发作后行MRI时出现明显单侧大脑半球异常表现,且与部分性发作侧相对应,在T2WI上均表现为局部皮层肿胀,呈高信号,其中3例DWI上出现皮层高信号,病灶不按脑血管分布。4例在MRA上出现病灶同侧大脑中动脉血管较对侧明显增多。5例行增强扫描后均见病灶侧脑膜明显强化。5例患者临床发作后均遗留有与MRI异常病灶相应的临床神经功能缺失。其中3例病情稳定后复查MRI,发现异常病灶及MRA完全恢复正常。 结论 癫痫持续状态引起脑部异常MRI表现特点:①常局限于大脑皮层的T2WI、DWI高信号,且病灶不按血管分布区分布;②MRA提示单侧脑血管增多;③增强扫描见单侧脑膜强化。大部分病灶可逆。这些特点可用来区别是癫痫引起的异常病灶还是脑部的致痫灶。【Abstract】 Objective To summarize the characteristics of abnormal MRI findings of brain caused by status epilepticus. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the abnormal MRI findings of brain in five patients with status epilepticus from 2004 to 2007. All of them received MRI examination within 72 hours after seizures, including the routine examination of T2WI, T1WI, FLAIR and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). Meanwhile, MRA and enhancement scanning were carried out. Three of them were reexamined with MRI after the disease came into a stable condition. Results All the five patients transferred from partial seizures initially to generalized tonic clonic seizures, and obvious abnormal MRI findings were detected at the unilateral cerebral hemisphere, corresponding to the side of partial seizures. They appeared regional swelling of cortex with high signal in T2WI, and three cases were found with cortex high signals in DWI, which were not distributed according to cerebral vessels. In four cases, we found that the branches of the middle cerebral artery increased markedly than the contralateral branches on the ipsilateral lesions in MRA. Enhancement scanning also showed that the meninges at the side of the lesion was strengthened significantly in five cases. The loss of neurological functions corresponding to abnormal lesions in MR remained after seizures in five cases among whom three patients recovered completely in terms of their abnormal focuses and MRA findings after their diseases came into a stable condition. Conclusions The features of abnormal brain MRI findings caused by status epilepticus are: ① High signals in T2WI and DWI are confined to the cortex, and the focuses are not distributed according to cerebral vessels; ② MRA shows that unilateral cerebral vessels increases in number; ③ Strengthened unilateral meninges can be observed in enhanced scanning and most of lesions are reversible. According the characteristics, we can distinguish the abnormal lesions caused by epilepsy from focuses in the brain causing epilepsy.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:26 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 癫痫持续状态研究进展

    从国内外研究现状出发, 对癫痫持续状态(Status epilepticus, SE)的定义、流行病学和病因、发病机制、分类、诊断评估、治疗及预后等进行了全面阐述。有关SE定义的历史变迁, 从理论性定义到实用性定义均给出了明确界定, 其中实用性定义为适应人们对SE病理生理机制的进一步理解和满足临床容易操作需要不断更新。国际抗癫痫联盟(ILAE)已对强直-阵挛SE、复杂部分发作SE和失神SE实用性定义给出了明确规定。并对SE的流行病学及病因进行了探讨, 多种神经系统及全身性病理生理改变可导致SE, 发作自我维持与自我终止的平衡破坏是SE发生的必要条件, 发作导致神经系统兴奋性和抑制性系统失衡, 后者反过来又促进发作持续。有关SE分类一直备受关注, 几经变迁, 最新方案重新按惊厥性和非惊厥性分为两大类。诊断需依靠脑电图监测, 尤其非惊厥类型, 典型癫痫发作且持续时间足够长, 可无需脑电图监测证据。神经影像及实验室检查有助于发现病因。SE为神经科急症, 尽早控制发作, 并应与详细的病史采集同时进行, 院前积极给药明显增加SE控制率, 咪达唑仑和苯二氮卓类为首选药物。对难治性SE及早应用麻醉药物, 可减少并发症及死亡率, 提高控制率

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  • Prognositic factors in status epilepticus and prognosis evaluation

    ObjectiveTo analyze the prognosis factors in status epilepticus and confirm the external validity of the Status Epilepticus Severity Score (STESS) prediction functions for outcome in patients with statusepilepticus. MethodsRetrospectively, collecting prognosis factors in status epilepticus of 50 patients. These factors include gender, age, SE aetiology, seizure type at SE onset, history of prior seizures or epilepsy, level of consciousness, duration of SE, albumin and infection. Using STESS score to evaluate the prognosis of patients, then evaluate the effectiveness of the STESS score. Results1. Single factor analysis:age,history of prior seizures or epilepsy, level of consciousness and infection were prognosis factors in status epilepticus (P<0.05). Gender, SE aetiology, seizure type at SE onset and albumin were not prognosis factors (P>0.05). Multivariablelogistic regression models selected two factors:duration of SE (OR3.645), level of consciousness (OR2.877). 2. 28 status epilepticus patient in the STESS 0-2 group were all alive. 10 status epilepticus patients in the STESS 3-6 group were died (45.4%), 12 patient were alive (54.6%). There were significant differences among the prognostic of patienst in different groups (P<0.01). The receiver operating characteristic curve for prediction of death by the STESS Score had an area under the curve of 0.92. The optimal cut-off point is 3. ConclusionAge, history of prior seizures or epilepsy, level of consciousness, duration of SE and infection were prognosis factors in status epilepticus. Level of consciousness and duration of SE were the directly related factors of the prognosis of status epilepticus. STESS score performed reasonable prognositic role on our patients with status epilepticus.

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  • The dynamic expressional changes of neuronal growth and differentiation-associated miR-124a and miR-9 in the process of epileptogenesis

    ObjectiveTo explore the dynamic expression changes of neuronal growth and differentiation-associated miR-124a and miR-9 in the process of epileptogenesis. MethodsEstablish the lithium-pilocarpine induced status epilepticus (SE) rat model. Animal behavior change induced by SE as well as in the period of chronic epilepsy was observed by naked-eye or video-recording. Major time points for the study were chosen at 1d, 7d, 14d and 28d post-SE, on which the post-SE rats were decapitated and their hippocampal specimens were obtained. Total RNA from each specimen was extracted and qPCR was exploited to detect miR-124a and miR-9 expression in the specimens. Statistical analysis was used to show the dynamic expressional changes of miR-124a and miR-9 in rat hippocampus at 1d, 7d, 14d and 28d post-SE during the process of epileptogenesis. ResultsCompared with normal rats, the expression level of miR-124a in rat hippocampus did not show a significant difference at 1d post-SE, but it had shown markedly differences at 7d, 14d and 28d post-SE(P < 0.05), with a declining trend. Compared with normal rats, the expression level of miR-9 had demonstrated significant differences at 1d, 7d, 14d and 28d post-SE(P < 0.05)with a generally increasing trend, although there was slight fluctuation of expressional up-regulation at 7d post-SE. ConclusionNeuronal growth and differentiation-associated miR-124a and miR-9 had shown dynamic changes of down-regulation or up-regulation in the process of epileptogenesis. It can be suspected that miR-124a and miR-9 take part in hippocampal neurogenesis post-SE and be involved in epileptogenesis process.

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  • The analysis of the etiology, clinical features, treatment and prognosis of 17 partial statas epileptic cases

    ObjectiveTo investigate the etiology, clinical features, treatment, and prognosis of Partial status epilepticus (PSE). MethodsSeventeen PSE patients were hospitalized in the Department of Neurology at the First Hospital of Jilin University from April 2013 to June 2015. Clinical data were retrospectively analyzed. ResultsA total of 17 patients, 8 male and 9 female, 18~91years old, at mean age (48.90±21.17) years were included. About 12 cases (70.59%) had acute symptomatic status epilepticus, the etiologies including central nervous system inflammation (5 cases), cortical infarction (3 cases), metabolic disorder (1 case), hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (1 case), space-occupying lesions(1 case) and degeneration (1 case); four cases (23.53%) were diagnosed with epilepsy, one case (5.88%) had no definite pathogenesis. The seizure types included complex partial status epilepticus (8 cases, 47.06%), complex part of the secondary comprehensive status epilepticus (3 cases, 17.65%), supplementary motor area (SMA) status epilepticus (4 cases, 23.53%), epilepsia partialis continua (EPC) (1case, 5.88%)and complex partial status epilepticus & aura continua (1case, 5.88%). Nine cases (52.94%) were effective after one hour treament, eight cases (47.06%) were negative. 17 cases are followed-up and 4 cases lost, the average follow-up time is (10.89±8.64) months. 8 cases are completely seizure free, and 3 cases have experience less seizures or the symptom is relived; the other 2 cases die from Creutzfeldt-Jacob desease(case No.10) and Respiratory failure(case No.12). ConclusionsThe inpatients of partial status epilepticus are mostly "situation related". Patients with clinical suspect should be administrated with long term video-Electroencephalogram(EEG) monitoring timely. Early diagnosis, treatment and the aggressive treatment can help to improve the prognosis. Patients of encephalitis usually progress into refractory status epilepticus, the anesthetic drugs should be used as soon as possible.

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  • 癫痫持续状态的定义与分类——ILAE工作组关于癫痫持续状态分类的报告

    国际抗癫痫联盟(ILAE)分类与术语委员会和流行病学委员会组织了一个工作组来修订癫痫持续状态(Status epilepticus, SE)的概念、定义和分类。提出SE的新定义如下:癫痫持续状态是一种由于癫痫发作终止机制的失败或者导致异常的、延长的(在时间点t1之后)癫痫发作机制的启动而导致的情况。这是一种产生长期后果(在时间点t2之后), 包括神经元死亡、神经元损伤及神经元网络改变的情况, 具体取决于癫痫发作的类型和持续时间。该定义是概念性的, 包括两个操作维度:第一是癫痫发作的时长以及时间点(t1), 超过该时间点的发作应当被认为是"持续的发作活动"; 第二时间点(t2)正在进行的发作活动的时间, 在该时间点之后存在造成长期后果的风险。在抽搐性(强直-阵挛)SE的病例中, 2个时间点(t1为5 min, t2为30 min)是基于动物试验和临床研究的。此证据不完整, 并且有待进一步证实, 所以这些时间点应被认为是目前可用的最佳时间点。其它形式的SE数据尚不可用, 但对它们的了解正在增加, 可以基于科学证据为特定形式的SE定义时间点并整合到定义当中而不改变基本的概念。一个新的SE诊断性分类系统被提出, 将为每个患者的临床诊断、研究、治疗方法提供框架。共有4个轴:①症状学; ②病因学; ③脑电图(EEG)相关; ④年龄。轴1(症状学)列出了SE的不同形式, 分为具有显著运动系统症状、无显著运动系统症状和目前尚不确定的情况(如急性意识障碍伴癫痫样EEG图形)。轴2(病因学)分为已知病因和未知病因。轴3(EEG相关)采用了最新的专家共识推荐, 应用以下EEG指标:图形的名称、形态、部位、时间相关特点、调节和干预的影响。轴4将年龄组分为新生儿、婴幼儿、儿童、青少年、成年和老年。

    Release date:2016-10-02 06:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The investigation of diagnosis and treatment for status epilepticus in some hospitals of China

    Objective To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of status epilepticus in hospitals of different levels and the knowledge of status epilepticus in clinical physicians, in order to better guide clinical education in the future. Methods From August 2014 to August 2015, a questionnaire was designed and used to investigate the general situation of the hospital, the diagnosis of status epilepticus and the clinical practice among trainee doctors and students in the epilepsy training class in the Neurological Intensive Care Unit and the Department of Neurology of West China Hospital, Sichuan University. The results of the investigation were statistically analyzed. Results Ninety questionnaires were distributed, and all the questionnaires were retrieved with validity. The number of investigated physicians was 42 (46.7%) from the Department of Neurology, 6 (6.7%) from the Department of Neurosurgery, 30 (33.3%) from the Intensive Care Unit and 12 (13.3%) from other departments. Twenty-seven (30.0%) physicians were from class Ⅲ grade A hospitals, 31 (34.4%) from class Ⅲ grade B hospitals, and 32 (35.6%) from class Ⅱ grade A hospitals. All the class Ⅲ hospitals and 53.1% of class Ⅱ hospitals had electroencephalograph monitoring facilities. The proportion of status epilepticus patients ranged from 0.5% to 10.0% in different hospitals. There were great differences in the identification and treatment of convulsive status epilepticus among different hospitals. Conclusions Status epilepticus is a common emergency. Questionnaire survey is an effective means to reflect the difference in identifying and treating the emergency among different departments and hospitals. It can guide clinical education and promote the identification and treatment of the emergency more accurately in doctors of all levels.

    Release date:2017-05-18 01:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The clinical features and Video-EEG of Eyelid myoclonia-nonconvulsive status epilepticus in children

    ObjectiveTo study the clinical and EEG features, therapeutic response and prognosis of eyelid myoclonia-nonconvulsive status epilepticus (EM-NCSE) in children.MethodsCollected the clinical and EEG data of 3 children with EM-NCSE that were diagnosed in department of neurology in Qilu Children Hospital of Shandong university during the January in 2015 to August in 2016.Analysed the therapeutic response to antiepletic drugs(AEDs).ResultsAmong the three children, there were 2 girls and 1 boy.The age at the onset of the disease was from 6 to 10 years old.The average age of them is 8.67 years old.The clinical manifestations include mental confusion, dysphoria, winking and scrolling up the eyes.The typical vedio electroencephalography (VEEG) in the patients showed 3~6 Hz generalized spike and waves and polyspikes burst, especially in the frontal and the anterior temporal region.In addition, the eye closure and intermittent photic stimulation helped to induce discharges and clinical events as eyelid myoclonia (EM).ConclusionsEM-NCSE is one of the idiopathic and generalized epileptic disease and characterized by EM.Video EEG monitoring plays an important role in the diagnosis of this disease.The drugs of choice for treatment was diazepam.When the event was controlled, AEDs were effective for the following therapy.

    Release date:2017-05-24 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Study on the expression of NGB in hippocampus after status epliepticus in rats

    ObjectiveTo observe the dynamic changes of neuroglobin (NGB) expression in hippocampus after status epilepticus(SE) in rats, and to explore the role of NGB in epileptic seizures.Methods40 healthy male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into two group according to random number table method:control group (n=5) and epilepsy model group(n=35).Epilepsy model group according to observation time was divided into:0h, 1h, 3h, 12h, 24h, 10d and 30d.Intraperitoneal injection Lithium-pilocarpine (20 mg/kg~127 mg/kg, Li-PC) to establish the rat model of SE.Observe the behavioral changes in rats with epilepsy.Nissl staining was used to detect the neuronal damage in hippocampus. Streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase complex immunohistochemical method was used to detect the expression level of NGB in hippocampus;ResultsAfter SE, the neurons in hippocampus were severely damaged with the progress of epileptic seizures, the number of surviving neurons in CA1, CA3 regions showed a near linear decline.Among them, the number of surviving neurons in (12h, 24h, 10d, 30d)CA1, (0h, 12h, 24h, 10d, 30d)CA3 and(12h, 24h, 10d, 30d) DG area were significantly lower than that of the control group (P < 0.05).The expression level of NGB in CA1, CA3 and DG region of hippocampus were increased after SE, and both of CA1 and DG were reached peak in 24h after SE, but was still higher than the control group.And the CA3 area showed a continue rising trend.Among them, CA1(24h, 10d, 30d), CA3(24h, 10d, 30d) and DG(12h, 24h, 10d, 30d) were higher than that of control group significantly (P < 0.05).In addition, it was found that there was a positive correlation between the number of surviving neurons in CA3 area and the expression level of NGB (R=0.306, P=0.011).ConclusionUp-regulation of NGB expression in hippocampus after status epilepticus, and was positively correlated with the number of neurons in the CA3 area, suggesting that up regulation of NGB expression may be a compensatory protective mechanism of ischemic injury induced by seizures, and participate in the protection of epilepsy related neuronal damage.

    Release date:2017-05-24 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 儿童癫痫持续状态的预后

    癫痫持续状态(Status epilepticus, SE)是儿童最常见的神经系统危重症,具有较高的致死率和致残率,因此了解其预后及相关危险因素至关重要。文章对儿童SE预后的相关文献进行综述,主要涉及儿童SE的死亡率、复发率、继发癫痫、海马损伤、神经功能障碍及其相关危险因素分析,以期对SE患儿的预后判断有所帮助。

    Release date:2017-05-24 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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