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find Keyword "管理模式" 27 results
  • Investigation on the Governance Model and Effect of Medical Schools Merged with Comprehensive Universities in China

    This investigation analyzes the management of medical schools merged with comprehensive universities through internet search and research review in order to reveal management model and effect of the merger. The conclusion is safely reached that governance models are divided into two different patterns: centralized management and decentralized management. Eight universities, representing the two models, were selected and evaluated comprehensively. Among them, the universities that carried out decentralized management have greater development after the merger based on a quality comparison concerning freshmen, faculty, teaching and research between the two patterns. In China, decentralized management in comprehensive universities is more beneficial to the development of medical schools

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  • International Comparative Analyses of Incidents Reporting Systems for Healthcare Risk Management△

    Objective To compare administration of incidence reporting systems for healthcare risk management in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, and Taiwan, and to provide evidence and recommendations for healthcare risk management policy in China. Methods We searched the official websites of the healthcare risk management agencies of the four countries and one district for laws, regulatory documents, research reports, reviews, and evaluation forms concerned with healthcare risk management and assessment. Descriptive comparative analysis was performed on relevant documents. Results (1) A total of 142 documents were included in this study. The United States had the most relevant documents (68). (2) The type of incidents from reporting systems has expanded from medication errors and hospital-acquired infections to near-misses, and now includes all patient safety incidents. (3) The incidence-reporting systems can be grouped into two models: government-led and legal/regulatory/NGO-collaborative. (4) In two cases, reporting systems were established for specific incident types: One for death or serious injury events (the sentinel events database in Britain, SIRL), and one for healthcare-associated infections (NHSN in America). (5) Compared to the four countries, Taiwan’s system put more emphasis on public welfare, confidentiality, and information sharing. The contents of reporting there covered every aspect of risk management to create a more secure environment. Conclusion (1) Britain’s national reporting and learning system was representative of a government-led model; (2) The United States was the earliest country to have a reporting system, which included a limited range of incident types. Management of incidents became more reliable with increased application of laws, regulations, and guidances; (3) Both the Canadian and the Australian systems drew from the American experience and are still developing; (4) The Taiwanese system was comprehensive and is an instructional case.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:03 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 基于电子病历管理的ICU医护共同查房模式对临时医嘱执行效率的影响

    目的 探讨基于电子病历(EMR)系统的重症医学科胸外ICU医护共同查房模式对临时医嘱执行效率的影响。 方法 随机选取2010年4月-2011年11月入住ICU且实行EMR管理的200例患者及30名管床护士、10名一线医生为调查对象,回顾比较基于EMR模式下医护分离查房和医护共同查房两种方式对临时医嘱执行的效果及满意度。 结果 采取医护共同查房模式后,患者及管床护士对临时医嘱执行的满意度提高(P<0.05),临时医嘱平均执行时间较以前增快(P<0.000 01),护理差错率减少(P=0.04)。 结论 医护共同查房模式可行,对ICU临时医嘱的执行效率有良好的促进作用,值得推广。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:37 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 品质圈管理模式在神经内科护理管理中的运用

    目的  探讨品质圈管理模式在神经内科护理管理中的运用及效果。 方法 2011年1月起引入品质圈管理模式,并针对神经内科患者疾病特点采用特殊时段舒适护理,且对舒适护理的运行效果进行分析。 结果 舒适护理品质圈管理实施后,患者平均满意度得分由实施前的94.45分上升为96.19分,满意度有一定提高;病房平均用电量由实施前的13 535 kW·h下降至12 400 kW·h,用电量有明显下降。 结论 品质圈管理模式为科室的建设发展和舒适护理方式的尝试与确立奠定了一定的基础。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effect Assessment of PDCA Conducted in Central Sterile Supply Department for Nosocomial Infection Management

    目的 探讨消毒供应中心的管理方法,切实提高其质量。 方法 2008年8月-2010年12月应用PDCA循环管理模式,对消毒供应中心实施标准化、规范化、系统化和科学化的管理。 结果 应用PDCA循环管理模式以来,消毒供应中心的建筑布局及工作流程得以规范;手术器械处置效率、清洗消毒灭菌质量得以提高;手术切口、Ⅰ类手术切口的感染率均得以降低。2009年与2008年、2010年与2008年比较,手术切口感染率均得以降低,差异有统计学意义(χ2=39.95,P<0.05;χ2=27.80,P<0.05);2009年与2010年比较,手术切口感染率差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.02,P>0.05)。2009年与2008年、2010年与2008年、2010年与2009年比较,Ⅰ类手术切口感染率降低,但差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.83,P>0.05;χ2=2.21,P>0.05;χ2=0.05,P>0.05)。 结论 推行PDCA循环管理模式,促进了消毒供应中心的规范化管理,实现了消毒器械质量控制的前馈控制、过程控制以及反馈控制;拓展了消毒供应专业领域,使医院的现有资源得到了最为高效的利用;使患者安全得到了切实保障。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 药品货位号管理模式在医院药房中的应用

    目的探讨药品货位号管理模式在提高药房工作效率和减少调剂差错方面的作用。 方法对2012年12月开始启用的药品货位号管理模式的运行情况进行总结,并与传统模式比较,分析利弊。 结果药品货位号管理模式提高了药房的工作效率并减少调剂差错。 结论药品货位号管理模式便捷、高效,适合在已采用医院信息系统的医院推广。

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  • 大型医院建立科级静脉输液管理执行小组的研究

    目的探索大型医院中建立科级静脉输液管理执行小组的作用与意义,确保静脉输液的安全性和有效性。 方法于2012年1月启动静脉输液管理执行小组,对综合科9个科室的静脉输液治疗进行静脉输液知识技能培训、制定相关制度与规范、感染控制、质量控制、开展科研设计等综合管理。评估建立科级静脉输液管理执行小组后(2013年1月-12月)患者的满意度,输液不良事件发生率,临床教学效果和科研成效等相关情况。 结果开展后(2013年1月-12月)与开展前(2011年1月-12月)相比,患者满意度提高(P<0.05);外周静脉炎、静脉渗出、输液感染以及刺激性、腐蚀性药物严重外渗等输液不良反应的发生率较开展前明显降低(P<0.05);临床教学效果和科研成效也有所提高。 结论超大型医院中成立科级静脉管理执行小组在临床、教学及科研方面发挥了突出作用,为专科建设提供了有效的探索模式,具有重要意义。

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  • The Effectiveness Evaluation of Antibiotics Management by Applying PDCA Cycle Model

    ObjectiveTo analyze the effectiveness of PDCA cycle model in antibiotics management by comparison of antibiotics use before and after the use of PDCA in a tertiary hospital. MethodsProspective study was adopted to analyze the using rate of antibiotics in outpatients, emergent patients and inpatients between June 2011 and December 2013. ResultsThe reasonable antibiotics use was improved since the beginning of PDCA cycle model. The antibiotics using rates of outpatients were 33.00%, 29.09% and 19.31%, of emergent patients were 45.00%, 32.81% and 28.94%, and of inpatients were 71.00%, 57.76% and 53.28% in year 2011 (from June to December), 2012 (from January to December) and 2013 (from January to December) respectively. Meanwhile, ClassⅠ incision antimicrobial use also decreased and bacteria examination rate continuously increased during the last three years. As a consequence, patients' cost was reduced. ConclusionThe PDCA cycle model promotes the standardized management of clinical medication application.

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  • 日间手术流程再造及管理模式优化研究


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  • Study on Indicators of Management Effect within NCMS

    ObjectiveNew Rural Cooperative Medical Systems (NCMS) has been constructed as a financial protection for rural population commencing 2003. With the development of NCMS, there were quite a few management models existing across the nation. In order to assess the management alternatives, we try to explore how to set up a set of indicators to analysis management effect of different management models. MethodsBy literature review, we sorted all qualitative indicators into 8 types. Delphi and Multi-Attribute utility theories were applied to construct the appraisal indicators, including shaping first and second level indicators and assigning the weights for each type of indicators. ResultsWe managed to identify the indicator system which was comprised of 4 types of first level indicators, aiming at claim, manament process, transparency and supervision on accredited hospitals. Besides, there were 9 sub-indicators. ConclusionThe evaluation indicators are constructed for future assessment on management effect of rural health insurance.

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