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find Keyword "缺陷" 96 results
  • Contingent Negative Variation in First Episode Deficit and Non-Deficit Schizophrenia: A Comparative Study

    Objective To detect the contingent negative variation (CNV) in first episode deficit and non-deficit schizophrenia and the relationship between CNV and clinical symptoms. Methods Nihon Kohden evoked brain potentials machine were used to measure CNV in 60 patients with non-deficit schizophrenia (NDS), including 50 patients with deficit schizophrenia (DS) and 60 unrelated healthy controls (HC). Click-flashing paradigm was used to record the CNV and the differences among three groups were compared. The clinical status of patients with schizophrenia was determined using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). The overall functioning status was assessed using the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (GAF). Partial correlations were computed to explore associations among the CNV in DS and the clinical data, controlling the sex, age, and education level. Results Compared to HC, both DS and NDS groups showed significantly reduced amplitude of B (F=27.38, P=0.00), significantly delayed reaction time (F=50.30, P=0.00). Compared to HC, the course of PINV in the DS group significantly shortened, while it was significantly delayed in the NDS group (F=15.32, P=0.00). Only in DS, when compared with that in HC, the latency of point A in CNV was delayed (F=61.01, P=0.00). There was no significant difference among three groups in both area of A-S2’ (F=2.34, P=0.10) and area of PINV (F=1.07, P=0.35). Amplitude of B and the course of PINV in the DS group correlated negatively with PANSS subscale of negative symptoms (r= –0.94, –0.89, respectively, Plt;0.05), whereas in the NDS group amplitude of B correlated negatively with PANSS subscale of positive symptoms (r= –0.87, Plt;0.05), but the course of PINV correlated positively with PANSS subscale of positive symptoms (r=0.88, Plt;0.05). Latency of point A in CNV, which was delayed in the DS group, correlated negatively with GAF (r= –0.48, Plt;0.05). Conclusion Generalized abnormalities of CNV existed in DS and NDS, while DS may cause more impairments in CNV than in NDS. The latency of point A in CNV may predict the social function outcomes of DS.

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  • 学龄儿童注意力缺陷多动障碍及抽动秽语综合征与智商及学习困难的关系

    摘要:目的:探讨注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)和抽动秽语综合征(TD)患儿的智商及学习困难关系。方法:采用韦氏儿童智力量表(C WISC)对ADHD和TD病组及正常学龄儿童(对照组)各100例进行智力测验, 分别计算各分测验的量表分、 言语智商(VIQ)、操作智商(PIQ)和总智商(FIQ), 进行对比分析。结果:ADHD组言语量表中的知识、词汇、理解分测验及操作量表中的填图、积木分测验及PIQ、FIQ均显著低于正常对照组(Plt;0.01)。TD组中言语量表中的算 术、词汇、理解分测验以及PIQ、FIQ均低于正常对照组(Plt;0.05)。结论:ADHD和TD病组儿童智商均在正常范围或处于边缘水平, 但均存在智力发展不平衡的现象。

    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Analysis of 85 Cases of AIDS with Opportunity Infections

    目的:进一步认识获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)并发机会感染的临床特点,提高临床诊断水平,减少误诊。方法:回顾性分析我院85例住院的AIDS患者的临床资料。包括临床表现、常见的机会感染、实验室检查异常情况及机会感染的确诊时间等情况。结果:本组资料中发生机会感染患者主要为青壮年男性,发病后误诊率为70%,大多经两家医院就诊后确诊。60%以上患者首诊于非感染科。临床表现主要有发热、咳嗽、腹泻、消瘦、皮疹、贫血等症状和体征。肺部感染35例(14%),肺结核12例(14%),乙型肝炎9例(10%),丙型肝炎10例(11%),梅毒 7例(8%),耶氏肺孢子菌肺炎(PCP)15例(17%),败血症1例 (1%)。结论:HIV机会感染呈多器官受累,临床表现复杂,不具特异性。临床应提高认识,减少误诊。

    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective The immunogenicity of tissue engineered skins is still vague, though it has been appl ied cl inically for several years. To observe the evidence of immunologic rejection of tissue engineered skins transplanted to severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice, which are implanted human splenic lymphocytes to construct human immunesystem. Methods Tissue engineered skins and acellular dermic matrix were constructed in vitro. Twenty SCID mice, aging4-6 weeks and weighing 16-17 g, were randomly divided into four groups equally (n=5). The tissue engineered skins, human foreskins from circumcision and acellular dermic matrix were transplanted to groups A, B, and C, respectively; group D was used as a control. After 2 weeks of transplanting, 3 × 107 human splenic lymphocytes were injected into every SCID mouse intraperitoneally. After 4 weeks, the morphology, histology, immunohistochemistry and human IgG immunofluorescence were used to observe immunologic rejection. Results Group A showed that transplanted tissue engineered skins had the bilayer structure of dermis and epidermis, which was similar to the normal human skin structure. Group B showed that the transplanted human foreskins still retained normal structure of human skin. Group C showed that acellular dermic matrix were located in situ and had no sign of degradation. After injecting human splenic lymphocytes into the SCID mice, no inflammatory cells infil itration were observed basically in groups A, C, and D; the inflammatory cells infil itration of group B were significantly higher than that of other 3 groups (P lt; 0.05). The results of anti human keratin 14 monoclonal antibody (mAb) staining and anti human type IV collagen mAb staining were positive in group A; no positive cells for CD3, CD4, and CD8 were observed in groups A, C, and D; and many positive cells for CD3, CD4, and CD8 were observed in group B. The results of IgG immunofluorescence staining was negative in group A, C, and D, and positive in the great vessel wells of group B. Conclusion The immunogenicity of tissue engineered skins is very weak, and tissue engineered skins would not be rejected by host immune system after transplantation.

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 免疫缺陷综合征合并霜样树枝状视网膜静脉周围炎一例

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Fundus characteristics of human immunodeficiency virus with acquired immune deficiency

    Objective To observe the fundus characteristics of human immunodeficiency virus with acquired immune deficiency (HIV/AIDS). Methods A total of 1041 HIV/AIDS patients were enrolled in this study. The patients included 882 males (88.70%) and 159 females (11.30%). The patientsprime; ages ranged from 12 to 73 years, with a mean age of 41 years. The median time of HIV/AIDS diagnosis was 12 months, which ranged from one month to 10 years. HIV infection was acquired through sexual contact, intravenous drug use, blood transfusion or mother-to-child transmission in 475 patients (45.63%), 508 patients (48.80%), 44 patients (4.25%) and 14 patients (1.34%), respectively. Ocular examinations (vision acuity, slit lamp microscope and fundus examination) were performed on recruited patients with HIV/AIDS. Additional exams (intraocular pressure, fundus photography and fundus fluorescein angiography) were done if abnormal ocular fundus was found. The ocular manifestations were diagnosed according to clinic reference. Results Ocular manifestations of HIV/AIDS were detected in 247 patients (23.73%). Of 247 patients, the most common ocular manifestation was HIV retinopathy, which was present in 132 patients (53.44%); cytomegalovirus retinitis (CMVR) was second place, affecting 70 participants (28.34%). Clinic findings of HIV retinopathy included retina microaneurysm, hemorrhage along the blood vessel with cotton-wool spots, while irregular dry edge, granular appearing border, were present in CMVR, and the optic nerve may be affected. Fluorescein angiogram of HIV retinopathy demonstrated that hemorrhage was shown as sheltered fluorescence, with b fluorescence without leakage in center of hemorrhage. Fluorescein angiogram of CMVR demonstrated significant hemorrhage appearing as sheltered fluorescence with leakage and/or transparent fluorescence. The optic disk and lesioned area were stained with fluorescence. Conclusions There are various HIV/AIDS related ocular manifestation. HIV retinopathy and CMVR are common ocular manifestations. The main clinical findings of HIV retinopathy are hemorrhage and/or cotton-wool spots, while irregular granular appearing edges and hemorrhage were observed in CMVR.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:26 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Fundus characteristics of acquired immune deficiency syndrome in human immunodeficiency virus retinopathy

    Objective To observe the fundus characteristics of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) retinopathy. Methods Eighty eyes of 52 AIDS patients with HIV retinopathy were enrolled in this study. The patients included 42 males (67 eyes) and 10 females (13 eyes). The patients ages ranged from 16 to 78 years, with a mean age of (43plusmn;12) years. All patients' visual acuity, intraocular pressure, slit-lamp microscopy and mydriatic indirect ophthalmoscopy, fundus color photography and CD4+ T cell count was documented. Experienced ocular fundus doctors carried out fundus examinations. Retinopathy characteristics were recorded. Seventeen patients (24 eyes) were followed for a period between two days to two years, with a median of 125 days. We failed to follow up the remaining 35 patients (56 eyes) due to death or moving away. Results Among 52 patients (80 eyes), 28 patients (56 eyes, 70.0%) had bilateral HIV retinopathy and 24 patients (24 eyes, 30.0%) had unilateral HIV retinopathy. Cotton-wool spots (CWS), mostly located close to temporal peripapillary vessels, were found in 46 patients (72 eyes, 90.0%). Six patients (eight eyes, 10.0%) were found to have flaming or spotting hemorrhage located in posterior pole. Among 72 eyes with CWS, 57 eyes were found to have CWS only and 15 eyes were found to also have retinal hemorrhage, mostly located near CWS. Among 24 eyes of 17 followed-up patients, three eyes of three patients were found with no significant changes during the less than two week follow-up. In 18 eyes of 11 patients, CWS or hemorrhage disappeared after one to three months without treatment and in five eyes new CWS or hemorrhage were found in other parts of the posterior pole. Three eyes of three patients initially considered as lint plaque-like lesions were eventually detected with CMVR as lesions during one to five months follow-up. Conclusion CWS are the most common ocular lesions in HIV retinopathy.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:26 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 病理性近视伴脉络膜新生血管患者抗血管内皮生长因子单克隆抗体bevacizumab治疗后视物变色一例

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:40 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Color damage in patients with idiopathic optical neuritis after the treatment

      Objective To detect the color damage in patients with idiopathic optical neuritis (ION) after the treatment.Methods A total of 26 ION patients (44 eyes) with ION whose visual acuity were above 1.0 were collected. All the patients had undergone the treatment of incretion and had the visual acuity more than 1.0 after the treatment.The results of MRI and blood examination were normal. Another 24 healthy persons were selected as the normal control. Total error scores (TES) and each error score of red, green and blue were measured via Farnsworth Munsell100 hue tester. The TES origin scores and their square roots were used for a statistical analysis. The results of the two groups were compared.Results There weresignificant differences in TES and its square roots between ION group and the normal control group (t=3.079,3.133;P=0.0033,0.0026).The differences in the level of error scores of each color between the tow groups were not significant (t=1.91,1.15,1.62; P=0.061,0.26,0.11);but the differences in the square roots of red color between the two groups were statistically(t=2.21,P=0.031).Conclusion After the treatment,the visual acuity of ION patients increases,but the color damage still exist; red color damage happens first.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:41 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Ocular manifestations of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

    Objective To observe ocular manifestations of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS).Methods Fourtytwo AIDS patients(66 eyes)with ocular complaints received examinations of visual acuity, slit-lamp microscope, ophthalmoscope and fundus fluorescence angiography (FFA). The results were retrospectively analyzed. Results There are five types of ocular findings, including cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis (37 eyes, 56.0%), retinal microvasculopathy of human immunodeficiency virus (21 eyes, 32.0%), optic nerve diseases (three eyes, 4.5%), retinal neuroepithelial layer detachment (two eyes, 3.0%) and uveitis (three eyes, 4.5%).Conclusions The common ocular manifestations showed progressive necrotic retinitis, retinal hemorrhage and retinal vasculitis and attenuated,cotton-wool spots in AIDS patients.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:41 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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