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find Author "肖永龙" 25 results
  • 临床病理讨论——发热、双肺磨玻璃影

    Release date:2016-09-14 11:25 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Sleep Apnea in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

    Objective To investigate the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome ( OSAHS) in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ( IPF) and its clinical significance. Methods Sleep quality and breathing disorders were measured by polysomnography and the relationship with lung function was analyzed in 20 IPF patients. Results Thirteen of 20 subjects ( 65% ) had OSAHS as defined by an AHI ≥5 events per hour. Three subjects ( 15% ) had mild OSAHS ( AHI,5 to 20 events per hour) , and 10 subjects ( 50% ) had moderate-to-severe OSAHS ( AHI≥20 events per hour) . The sleep architecture in these patients showed a reduction in sleep efficiency, rapid eye movement ( REM) sleep and slow wave sleep, and a marked sleep fragmentation due to an increased arousal index. The AHI was negatively correlated with FVC% pred ( r =-0.672, P=0.001) and FEV1% pred ( r =-0.659, P=0.002) , and positively correlated with body mass index ( BMI) ( r=0.791, Plt;0.0001) . Conclusions OSAHS is a common comorbidity in IPF. Early treatment of OSAHS may improve quality of life and the prognosis of patients with IPF.

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:56 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • A Comparative Study on Connective Tissue Diseases Related Interstitial Lung Diseases and Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias

    ObjectiveTo compare the clinical characteristics,high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) manifestations,pulmonary function results,serum autoantibodies and treatment modality of connective tissue diseases related interstitial lung diseases (CTD-ILDs) and idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (ⅡPs). MethodsPatients explicitly diagnosed with CTD-ILDs and ⅡPs were retrospectively selected from Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital between January 2004 and December 2012.The clinical features were abstracted,including age,gender,symptoms,signs,serum autoantibody results,HRCT findings,and treatment.Patient characteristics were compared between CTD-ILDs and ⅡPs using a Pearson's χ2 test for categorical variables,and a Student's t test for continuous variables. ResultsA total of 692 patients with complete data were included in this study,with 240 CTD-ILDs cases and 452 ⅡP cases.CTD-ILDs could exist in different types of CTDs,which were mainly shown in Sjogren's syndrome,rheumatoid arthritis,and dermatomyositis/polymyositis.Age,gender,connective tissue diseases related characteristics such as dry eyes,dry mouth,and arthralgia,and several autoantibodies such as ANA,SSA,SSB all showed significantly difference between CTD-ILDs and ⅡPs (P<0.05).However there were no significant differences in cough,dyspnea after exertion,velcro crackles on auscultation,or finger clubbing between two groups (P>0.05). The HRCT manifestations of CTD-ILDs were reticular opacities,patchy consolidation,band-like shadows,and pleural thickening.Pulmonary function tests commonly showed restrictive lung function and decreased diffusing capacity.The histopathologic findings of lung biopsies of CTD-ILDs were mostly chronic inflammatory cell infiltration,as well as hyperplasia of fibrous tissue and septal thickness.The finding of chronic inflammatory cell infiltration showed significant difference between CTD-ILDs and ⅡPs (P<0.05),while the HRCT manifestations,pulmonary function results or other histopathologic findings did not(P>0.05).The current treatment modality was corticosteroids plus immunosuppressants. ConclusionDespite the similarities,CTD-ILDs show distinct clinical,laboratory and imaging features from from ⅡPs in clinical practice.

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  • 非HIV感染者肺孢子菌定植及临床意义研究进展

    Release date:2016-10-21 01:38 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Comparison of airspace consolidation in thoracic CT between organizing pneumonia and community acquired pneumonia

    ObjectiveTo explore the differential diagnosis value of airspace consolidation in thoracic CT between organizing pneumonia (OP) and acquired community pneumonia (CAP).MethodsA retrospective study was taken by retrieving the patients CT database from October 2010 to August 2016. Fifty-six consecutive patients with OP and 99 consecutive patients with CAP whose CT showed airspace consolidation were enrolled and their clinical characteristics and radiological characteristics were analyzed.ResultsThe percentage of patients whose CT image showed various amount of air bronchogram (ABG) with different shapes is higher in OP group than that in CAP group (87.5% and 72.7% respectively, χ2=4.558, P=0.033). The median and interquartile range amount of ABG in the OP patients were significantly higher than those in CAP group [4 (ranged from 2 to 8) and 2 (ranged from 0 to 4) respectively, z=3.640, P=0.000]. Morphologically, 58.9% of the OP patients showed entire air bronchogram (EABG) on the thoracic CT, significantly higher than that in CAP group (21.2%) (χ2=22.413, P=0.000). Interrupted ABG was found in 26.3% of CAP patients, while 16.1% of OP patients shared same features and the difference was not statistically significant (χ2=2.125, P=0.148). Traction bronchiectasis and ground glass opacity (GGO) were more likely to be found in the OP patients rather than CAP patients with 26.8% and 39.3% respectively, while they were found in 1.0% and 11.1% in the CAP patients (P<0.05). Reversed halo sign was found only 1.0% of the CAP patients, significantly lower than that in OP group, 26.8% (χ2=25.671, P=0.000). Pleural effusion and bronchial wall thickening were more commonly found in the CAP group with 56.6% and 35.4% respectively. By multivariate logistic analysis, EABG (OR=5.526, P=0.000), traction bronchiectasis (OR=21.564, P=0.010), GGO (OR=4.657, P=0.007) and reversed halo sign (OR=13.304, P=0.023) were significantly associated with OP, while pleural effusion (OR=0.380, P=0.049) and bronchial wall thickening (OR=0.073, P=0.008) were significantly associated with CAP. Other features in thoracic CT coexisting with ABG all reach significance statistically between the OP and CAP group (all P<0.05).ConclusionsAirspace consolidation in thoracic CT may be valuable for the differential diagnosis between OP and CAP. EABG is more commonly found in OP patients than in CAP patients. When EABG exists or ABG coexists with traction bronchiectasis, GGO and reversed halo sign, a diagnose of OP should be considered.

    Release date:2018-05-28 09:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Giant Cell Interstitial Pneumonia: Two Cases Report and Literature Reviews

    Objective To highlight the characteristics of giant cell interstitial pneumonia ( GIP) . Methods The clinical, radiological, and pathological data of two patients with GIP pathologically proven by open lung and TBLB biopsy were presented respectively, and relevant literatures were reviewed. Results Patients with GIP usually had a history of exposure to metal dust. Clinical presentations included cough and dyspnea on exertion, and pulmonary function testing showed a restrictive abnormality. On chest radiography and high-resolution CT scans, it presented as bilateral areas of ground-glass attenuation, areas of consolidation, diffuse small nodules, extensive reticular opacities, and traction bronchiectasis. The main pathological findings included a desquamative interstitial pneumonia ( DIP) -like reaction with intra alveolar macrophages and numerous large multinucleated histiocytes that ingested inflammatory cells were admixed with macrophages. The finding of GIP was almost pathognomonic for hard metal pneumoconiosis. Conclusions GIP is a very rare chronic interstitial pneumonia, and has no characteristic clinical manifestations. Radiographic findings are similar to other idiopathic interstitial pneumonias. Careful collection of the occupational history can help to minimize misdiagnosis.

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:56 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Retrospective Study on Prognostic Factors of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

    Objective To explore the prognostic significance of baseline clinical and pulmonary physiological variables on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ( IPF) . Methods Patients diagnosed with IPF according to 2011 ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT statementwere selected from Nanjing DrumTower Hospital between January 1, 2002 and July 31, 2010. The baseline characteristics were abstracted, including age, gender, smoking history, corticosteroid, delay before diagnosis, body mass index, finger clubbing, oxygenation index ( PaO2 /FiO2 ) , C-reaction protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR) , serum lactate dehydrogenase ( LDH) , albumin, vital capacity ( VC) , forced vital capacity ( FVC) , total lung capacity ( TLC) , and singlebreath diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide ( DLCO) . The relationships between all factors and survival were examined with a univariate Cox proportional-hazard model. Kaplan-Meier method was used to assess the survival probabilities between groups with different baseline characteristics. Results Eighty-four patients were included in this study, with the median survival time of 34. 7 months. PaO2 /FiO2 , FVC% pred, VC% pred, TLC% pred, and DLCO% pred showed significant associations with the mortality of IPF ( hazard ratios 0. 940-0. 994, P lt; 0. 01) . The Kaplan-Meier analyses for above variables also showed significant differences ( P lt;0. 05) . Besides, the statistical difference of survival probability could be found between the patients with elevated serumLDH and those with normal LDH ( 27. 0 months vs. 43. 1 months, P =0. 014) . Conclusions Baseline oxygenation and pulmonary function parameters may indicate the prognosis of IPF patients. Serum LDH may provide clinicians with additional prognostic information.

    Release date:2016-09-13 04:07 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Prognostic Significance of Preoperative Pulmonary Ventilation Function Test for Postoperative Survival of Patients with Primary Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

    Objective To explore the prognostic value of preoperative pulmonary ventilation function for postoperative survival of patients with non-small cell lung cancer ( NSCLC) . Methods 146 NSCLC patients who underwent cured lung surgical resection between January 1, 2003 and December 31,2008 in Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital were recruited in the study. Pulmonary ventilation function was obtained preoperatively for each patient, including vital capacity ( VC) , forced vital capacity ( FVC) , forcedexpiratory volume in 1 second ( FEV1 ) , FEV1 /FVC, and peak expiratory flow ( PEF) . The effects of the above lung function variables on postoperative survival were evaluated by both univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazard models. Kaplan-Meier method was used to assess the survival probabilities betweendifferent groups.Results The median survival time after surgery was 31. 0 months ( 95% CI 22. 55-39. 45) . VC% pred, FVC% pred and FEV1% pred showed significant associations with the risk of mortality in the NSCLC patients after surgery ( hazard ratios 0. 979-0. 981, P lt; 0. 05) . The survival time after surgery was significantly shorter in the patients with VC ≤ 80% predicted compared to those with VC gt; 80% predicted ( median survival time: 31. 0 months vs. 34. 0 months) . The same difference could be found between the patients with FVC≤80% predicted and those with FVC gt; 80% predicted ( median survival time: 27. 0 months vs. 43. 0 months) . There was also significant difference in median survival between the patients with FEV1 ≤80% predicted and those with FEV1 gt; 80% predicted ( median survival time: 17. 0 months vs. 44. 0 months) . Conclusion Preoperative pulmonary ventilation function parameters may be used to informclinical decisions and indicate the prognosis of NSCLC patients after surgery.

    Release date:2016-09-13 03:50 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Relationship of Biomarkers with Clinical and Radiographic Characteristics in Autoimmune Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis

    ObjectiveTo describe the clinical,radiographic,and laboratory features of autoimmune pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) from a single center. MethodsConsecutive autoimmune PAP cases diagnosed in the Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital between January 2006 and December 2012 were recruited in the study. The clinical,radiographic and laboratory data of the PAP patients were analyzed to explore the clinical significance of serum GM-CSF autoantibody (GMAb) and serum cytokeratin (CYFRA21-1). ResultsThe median serum GMAb level of the 26 cases was 28.64 μg/mL (interquartile range,19.2-75.4 μg/mL),which were diagnosed as autoimmune PAP based on the serum GMAb levels of these patients all above the cut-off value of 2.39 μg/mL while the serum GMAb levels of 30 normal controls were 0.10(0.05-0.15)μg/mL and all below the cut-off value. 34.6% of all recruited 26 autoimmune PAP patients had identified occupational inhalational exposure. There was no significant correlation in the serum GMAb in autoimmune PAP patients with disease severity scores (DSS),lung function parameters,chest high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scores,or PaO2 (P>0.05). There was significant correlation of DSS of autoimmune PAP patients with PaO2,FVC%pred,TLCO%pred,opacity extent score of chest HRCT,and opacity severity score of chest HRCT (P<0.05). The median serum level of CYFRA21-1 of the autoimmune PAP patients was 9.9(4.3-19.5)ng/mL,which was significant higher than that of the normal control group (P<0.05). However there was no significant correlation in the serum CYFRA21-1 in the autoimmune PAP patients with DSS,lung function parameters,and chest HRCT scores. 92.3% of the chest HRCT of 26 autoimmune PAP patients had crazy paving sign,while 100% of them had geographic sparing sign. ConclusionSerum GMAb and CYFRA21-1 may be important biomarkers for diagnosis of autoimmune PAP. The PAP with occupational inhalational exposure constitutes a high proportion of autoimmune PAP patients.

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  • Clinicopathological Features of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Combined with Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia

    ObjectiveTo summarize the clinical, radiological and pathological characteristics of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) combined with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), so as to improve the clinicians' understanding of the disease. MethodsThe clinical data of 50 AIDS patients combined with PCP admitted between February 2006 and May 2015 were retrospectively analyzed, including medical history, physical signs, laboratory examination, chest high resolution CT (HRCT), pathological characteristics, treatment and prognosis, etc. ResultsThe clinical features of AIDS patients combined with PCP included cough, dyspnea and fever, without obvious positive signs in the lung.The patients were divided as a mild group, a moderate group and a severe group according to the levels of PaO2.There was significant difference among three groups in serum albumin level [(23±3) g/L vs. (30±5) g/L and (28±6) g/L, P < 0.01].There were no significant differences among three groups in CD4+ T lymphocyte and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (P > 0.05).The typical chest radiograph feature of HRCT was ground-glass shadows in both lungs, and may be associated with reticular shadows or "gravel sign" and cyst.Of 50 patients, 16 patients were diagnosed via pathology of transbronchial lung biopsy(TBLB) and only 5 patients were diagnosed via silver staining of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF).The other patients were clinically diagnosed.100% of the patients were treated with sulfamethoxazole (SMZco), 64%with caspofungin, and 72% with glucocorticoid.All the patients relieved with no death in hospital. ConclusionWhen a patient got cough, dyspnea and fever, especially ground glass on HRCT in both lungs, AIDS combined with PCP should be highly considered, and diagnostic treatment with SMZco and CD4+ T lymphocyte measurement should be conducted as soon as possible, so as to reduce misdiagnosis and mortality.

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