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find Keyword "肺结核" 64 results
  • Epidemic Factors and Preventing and Management Countermeasure of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Zhushan County

    Objective To investigate and analyze the epidemic characteristics and factors of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) to provide foundation and make prevention and treatment policy. Methods Statistical analysis was conducted to analyze the current existing PTB prevention and control data in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Zhushan County and corresponding prevention and treatment policy was proposed. Results Since 1997 when PTB was included into B infectious diseases in Zhushan County, 4 431 cases of PTB had been reported by the end of 2009. Annual reported incidence rate was 74.73 per 100 000 and the disease was found in 17 towns. All seasons witnessed the incidence but winter and summer had more sufferer. The youngest patient was 4 months whereas the oldest was 86 years old. The majority of the patients were from 20 to 59 years old, peasants were the main patients, and the incidence of male was higher than that of female. The use of chemotherapy resulted in a significant decline of PTB death rate. Poor immunity of elder group, population flow caused by poverty, low detection rate of patients and AIDS were the major causes to PTB epidemic. A lack of prevention and treatment in the grassroots hospital and difficulty to fully implement the Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course (DOTS) strategy in remote areas were also bottlenecks to PTB control process. Conclusion The followings should be performed to improve the quality of DOTS strategy implementation: strengthen the government’s commitment, provide policy and funding safeguard, conduct health education and health promotion widely, reinforce management according to the law, fully implement the DOTS strategy, and fortify the prevention and control construction.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:53 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Could Corticosteroids Be Used for Pulmonary Tuberculosis Combined with Tuberculous Meningitis and Tuberculous Pericarditis: An Evidence-based Treatment for a 14-year-old Boy

    Objective To formulate an evidence-based treatment for a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis combined with tuberculous meningitis and tuberculous pericarditis. Methods According to the principles of evidencebased clinical practice, we searched The Cochrane Library (Issue 2, 2008), Ovid-Reviews (1991 to 2008), MEDLINE (1950 to 2008), and http://www.guideline.org. to identify the best evidence for treating a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis combined with tuberculous meningitis and tuberculous pericarditis. Results Nine guidelines, 2 systematic reviews, and 11 randomized controlled trials were included. The evidence showed that corticosteroids could help reduce the risk of death and disabling residual neurological deficiencies in patients with tuberculous meningitis. After adjusting for age and gender, the overall death rate of patients with tuberculous pericarditis was significantly reduced by prednisolone (P=0.044), as well as the risk of death from pericarditis (P=0.004). But for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, there was still a controversy about the use of corticosteroids. Given the evidence, the patient’s clinical conditions, and his preferences, dexamethasone was used for the boy in question. After 7 weeks of treatment, his cerebrospinal fluid returned to normal and pericardial effusion disappeared. Conclusion  Corticosteroids should be recommended in HIV-negative people with tuberculous meningitis or/and tuberculous pericarditis. The difference in the effectiveness of various corticosteroids such as dexamethasone, prednisolone, or methylprednisolone and the optimal duration of corticosteroid therapy is still unknown.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:36 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 33 例肺结核合并肺癌原因分析

    摘要:目的:探讨本文33例肺结核并发肺癌的原因。方法:回顾分析我院33例肺结核合并肺癌临床病历。结果:33例患者均接受3~4种抗结核药物治疗,疗程1 a~2 a;结核与肺癌发生在同一侧肺14例,结核与肺癌不在同一侧肺12例,双侧肺结核于一侧发生肺癌7例;肺癌类型:鳞癌16例,腺癌15例,鳞癌腺癌混合型2例。结论:通过对33例肺结核合并肺癌原因分析,认为免疫功能异常、长期抗结核治疗,有可能诱发癌变。应积极进行短程化疗的研究,缩短抗结核疗程,减少抗结核药物的不良反应。

    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 凉山州实施全球基金结核病控制项目效果分析


    Release date:2016-09-08 10:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Initial Resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Patients with Culture Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis

    Objective To investigate the initial drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ( M.tuberculosis) in patients with culture positive pulmonary tuberculosis. Methods 1184 patients who hospitalized in Shandong Provincial Chest Hospital with culture positive pulmonary tuberculosis were enrolled. The absolute density method was used to assess the drug resistance of M. tuberculosis. Results M.tuberculosis were sensitive to all anti-tuberculosis drugs in 834 cases( 70. 44% ) , and resistant in 350 cases( 29. 56% ) , in which initial resistance and secondary resistance accounted for 44. 86% ( 157/350) and 55. 14% ( 193 /350) respectively. In 157 cases with initial resistance, 53 cases ( 33. 8% ) were mono-drug resistant tuberculosis( MonoDR-TB) , of which 38 cases were resistance to Streptomycin( 24. 2% ) ; 72 cases( 45. 9% ) were polydrug-resistant tuberculosis ( PDR-TB) ; 20 cases ( 12. 7% ) were multidrug-resistant tuberculosis ( MDR-TB) ; 12 cases ( 7. 6% ) were extensively drug resistant tuberculosis ( XDR-TB) . There was no totally drug-resistant tuberculosis ( TDR-TB) . Conclusions The initial drug resistance of M.tuberculosis in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis is still serious. Unified management of TB control programs and full supervision of chemotherapy are very imperative.

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 59 例老年涂阳肺结核病例分析

    老年肺结核是指60 岁以上的肺结核患者。由于老年人组织器官的退化和衰老, 机体免疫功能下降, 结核菌乘虚而入, 通过内源性复燃或外源性再感染而易发生结核病。目前老年肺结核病患者明显增多, 已成为一个重要的公共卫生问题。本文主要对2007 年1 月至2009 年1 月永嘉县59 例老年涂阳肺结核患者的特点及治疗情况进行调查分析。

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 极不典型的肺结核一例误诊分析

    肺结核目前仍是全球最严重的传染性疾病, 据世界卫生组织统计每年有超过800 万的新发肺结核病例, 大约有300万患者死于肺结核, 95% 以上的肺结核发生在发展中国家[ 1] 。近年来由于农村人口城镇化的速度剧增、艾滋病发病率上升、结核杆菌耐药菌株产生及医护人员对不典型性肺结核的认识不够等多种因素, 导致不典型性肺结核病发病率逐年增高。由于不典型肺结核临床表现无特异性、胸部影像学多变性、血清学检查缺乏特异性及病菌检出率低等因素, 易被临床工作者漏诊或者误诊。现报告1 例极不典型肺结核的误诊经过。

    Release date:2016-09-13 04:07 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 血型播散型肺结核120例临床分析

    目的 回顾性调查血型播散型肺结核的临床特点。方法 收集温州市第二人民医院2007 年1 月至2011 年2 月住院的120 例初治成人血型播散型肺结核患者为血型播散组, 选择同期住院浸润型肺结核患者120 例为对照组, 对两组患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 血型播散型肺结核以青壮年居多, 近年老年患者渐有增多趋势, 60 岁以上者29 例( 24. 1% ) 。血型播散型肺结核痰标本涂片查抗酸杆菌阳性较浸润性肺结核低( P lt; 0. 01) 。血型播散型肺结核血清抗结核抗体阳性率较浸润性肺结核低( P lt;0.01) 。痰标本涂片抗酸杆菌检查阴性, 血清抗结核抗体阴性易对早期诊断造成干扰。血型播散型肺结核患者以发热为主要症状, 因结核菌由血液传播, 易合并肺外结核( 44. 2% ) , 其中合并结核性脑膜炎的比例最高( 29. 2%) , 2 例重症结核性脑膜炎患者因脑疝死亡。血型播散型肺结核并发脑膜炎的比例较浸润性肺结核高( P lt;0. 01) 。结论 对于发热原因待查的患者, 需动态观察胸CT 或胸片变化, 对于伴有头痛或脑膜刺激征阳性者, 应及时进行腰椎穿刺术, 进一步检查, 早期诊断, 积极治疗, 是降低病死率的关键。

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:56 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 某重症医学科暴发流行肺结核同比对照分析

    目的 探讨某重症医学科暴发流行肺结核的原因及预防措施。方法 对某重症医学科进行流行病学调查及回顾性分析; 同时与肺结核的高危科室———感染科和呼吸内科进行同比对照研究。结果 本次暴发流行的肺结核患病率为22. 6% , 其中传染性肺结核患病率为12. 9% 。结论 规范结核病收治制度, 完善职业安全防护措施, 加强督导管理。

    Release date:2016-09-13 04:07 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Complicated by Aspergillus Infection

    Objective To investigate diagnosis and treatment strategies of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) complicated by Aspergillus infection. Methods Clinical data of 38 patients with pulmonary TB complicated by Aspergillus infection who underwent surgical treatment from January 2008 to December 2010 in Chengdu Infectious Disease Hospital were retrospectively analyzed. There were 23 male patients and 15 female patients with their average age of 37.8 (23-59) years. Preoperatively,all the patients received regular anti-TB treatment for more than 2 weeks,and patients with definite Aspergillus infection received anti-Aspergillus therapy for more than 3 days with consultation of infectious disease physicians. After above treatment,26 patients underwent lobectomy,1 patient underwent right pneumonectomy,and 11 patients underwent left pneumonectomy. All the patients were followed up at the outpatient department after discharge. They were evaluated every 2 weeks in the first 3 months,every 1 month after 3 months,and every 6 months after 1 year. During follow-up,they received acid-fast bacillus smear and sputum culture to check Aspergillus,as well as CT chest scan. Results All the patients successfully received surgical resection of the pulmonary lesion without perioperative death or severe complication. Postoperative pathology examination confirmed pulmonary TB with Aspergillosis infection in all the 38 patients,whose basic diseases included TB cavity in 17 patients,TB-destroyed lung in 12 patients,and post-TB bronchiectasis in 9 patients. All the patients were followed up after discharge for 1.5-4.5 years. During follow-up,they received regular anti-TB therapy for adequate duration in addition to antifungal medications such as voriconazole. None of the 38 patients had recurrence of Aspergillus infection or pulmonary TB. One patient had hemoptysis which was controlled after proper treatment during follow-up. Conclusion Missed diagnosis rate of pulmonary TB complicated by Aspergillus infection is high. Surgical resection of the pulmonary lesion and postoperative medication treatment are the most effective treatment strategies for patients with pulmonary TB complicated by Aspergillus infection.

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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