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find Author "胡晓林" 3 results
  • 护理本科实习生临床能力评价指标品质检验

    【摘要】 目的 检验经三轮德尔菲专家咨询法拟定的“护理本科实习生临床能力评价指标体系”的品质。 方法 2007年7月-12月,采用拟定的指标体系对52名护理本科实习生进行临床能力实测,采用克朗巴赫α系数进行信度检验,运用内容效度进行效度分析,并论证指标体系的区分度。 结果 指标体系整体的α系数为0.969 8,指标体系内部各构成要素的α系数介于0.831 6~0.942 3之间(gt;0.8);逻辑分析表明指标体系内容效度较好;指标体系各维度与总指标体系评价结果的相关系数介于0.845 1~0.958 2之间,各维度与其内部各指标间的相关系数介于0.300 8~0.952 5,均有统计学意义(Plt;0.05);指标体系的区分指数为0.518 3(gt;0.4)。 结论 指标体系品质较好。

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  • Clinical application research progress of skin chronic wound dressings based on nanomaterials

    Skin trauma is a global public health issue, and chronic wound healing is complex. Its care faces problems such as long cycles and poor outcomes. In recent years, research on novel wound dressings and nursing methods has gradually increased, but there is still a lack of systematic summary of nanomaterials dressings for repairing chronic skin wounds. This article reviews the application and nursing effects of nanomaterials dressings in chronic wound repair, explores their potential, and looks forward to the research directions of chronic wound prevention, science popularization, and service system construction, providing a reference for the clinical application of nanomaterials.

    Release date:2024-12-27 02:33 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Emergency management in university students during coronavirus disease 2019 epidemics: West China urgent recommendation

    During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemics, universities take responsibility for the health of their students and epidemic control. Our urgent recommendation focuses on four key questions of emergency management in universities following rigorous evidence-based approaches and provides timely suggestions to university managers, academic faculties and student affairs managers. We recommend universities during the COVID-19 epidemics should: 1) suspend offline lectures; 2) provide proper health education on the disease; 3) encourage face masks, however oppose using N95 masks on the campus; 4) encourage hand hygiene and provide sanitizing products on the campus.

    Release date:2020-04-18 07:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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