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find Keyword "脑电图" 164 results
  • Bedside Accompany Behavior Affecting Video-electroencephalography Monitoring

    【摘要】 目的 分析床旁陪护行为对视频脑电图的影响,总结护理指导的意义。 方法 2008年7-9月对214例患者行24 h视频脑电图监测(video EEG,VEEG)监测,每例患者留一床旁陪护。重点观察坐床沿或同睡、用手机、拍打及按摩行为,并比较初次及再次护理指导后上述行为发生情况。 结果 坐床沿或同睡、用手机、拍打、按摩均可影响VEEG,初次指导后以上行为出现率分别为62.6%、55.1%、30.4%、20.1%;再次指导后以上行为分别减少78.4%、75.4%、78.5%、79.1%,VEEG监测质量均有提高。 结论 应将规范床旁陪护行为的指导贯穿于VEEG监测的全过程。【Abstract】 Objective To assess the impacts of bedside accompany behavior on the quality of video-electroencephalography (VEEG). Methods A total of 214 patients underwent 24-hour VEEG monitoring from July to September 2008. Each patient had a bedside-accompany family member. The behaviors of accompany included sitting at the bed, using mobile phone, clapping, and kneading the patients, which were evaluated after the first and second nursing education. Results Sitting at the bed, using mobile phone, clapping, and kneading the patients influenced the quality of VEEG. After the first education, the occurrences of the above unfavorable behaviors were 62.3%, 55.1%, 30.4%, and 20.1%. After the second education, the unfavorable behaviors reduced 78.4%, 75.4%, 78.5%, and 79.1% respectively; the VEEG quality improved. Conclusion Proper bedside accompany behavior may improve the quality of VEEG monitoring.

    Release date:2016-08-26 02:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Diagnosis Value of Video-electroencephalography and MRI on Pharmacal Intractable Epilepsy

    【摘要】 目的 探讨用视频脑电图和MRI诊断药物难治性癫痫的临床价值。 方法 收集2006年12月-2010年5月间经手术和病理证实的药物难治性癫痫患者38例。其中,海马硬化25例,颞叶萎缩伴脑发育不良2例,脑灰质移位及巨脑回4例,血管畸形3例,胶质瘤2例,脑内囊肿1例,外伤性癫痫1例。用视频脑电图监测癫痫发作期及发作间期痫样放电的来源部位及脑电活动特点,用MRI扫描显示痫灶区的表现特征,并与手术、病理改变对照,进行回顾性分析。 结果 视频脑电图对癫痫发作期的致痫灶来源定位准确率为100%(38/38),发作间期定位准确率为53%(20/38)。MRI对发作间期的致痫灶及相关病变定位诊断准确率为89%(34/38),病变定性准确率为79%(30/38)。 结论 视频脑电图和MRI检查有机结合,对药物难治性癫痫,能更有效检出致痫灶的部位及性质,为药物难治性癫痫患者的手术治疗,提供重要信息。【Abstract】 Objective To study the clinical diagnosis value of video-electroencephalography (EEG) and MRI on pharmacal intractable epilepsy. Methods From December 2006 to May 2010, 38 cases of pharmacal intractable epilepsy were confirmed through operation and pathologic examination. Among them, there were 25 cases of hippocampal sclerosis, 2 cases of temporal lobe atrophy combined with brain dysplasia, 4 cases of heterotopic gray matter and macrogyria, 3 cases of vascular malformation, 2 cases of glioma, 1 case of cyst in brain, and 1 case of traumatic epilepsy. Video-EEG was applied to monitor the source of epileptoid discharge and the features of brain electrical activity during and between the occurrences of epilepsy. MRI was used to detect the manifestation characteristics of the epilepsy focus, and retrospective analysis was done to compare these findings with operational and pathological results. Results The accuracy rate of Video-EEG in locating the epilepsy focus was 100% (38/38) during the occurrence of epilepsy, and 53% (20/38) between the occurrences of epilepsy. The accuracy rate of MRI in diagnosing the epilepsy focus and relevant abnormalities during the occurrence of epilepsy was 89% (34/38), and 79% (30/38) in characterizing the abnormalities. Conclusion Video-EEG combined with MRI examination is effective in locating and characterizing the epilepsy focus, which can provide more useful information for the surgery in treating pharmacal intractable epilepsy.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:27 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 脑部疾病患者的小脑电图观察


    Release date:2016-09-08 09:45 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Comparsion of Electrocorticogram and Video Electroencephalogram Effectiveness for Surgical Treatment of Refractory Epilepsy

    【摘要】 目的 探讨顽固性癫痫外科术前与术中癫痫病灶定位的异同及手术方式的选择。 方法 2002年7月-2009年10月收治复杂、部分发作的顽固性癫痫78例。术前癫痫病灶定位主要采用头MRI及24 h视频脑电图检查,癫痫病灶局限于颞叶31例,颞叶、额叶47例。术中行24导皮层脑电图监测进一步定位癫痫病灶,并在其指导下联合多种癫痫术式完成手术。 结果 术前视频脑电图检查定位癫痫病灶与术中皮层脑电图监测定位具有高度一致性,但后者定位范围较前者有扩大。 结论 术中皮层脑电图监测证实并进一步精确定位癫痫病灶范围,以及在指导手术切除癫痫病灶范围,癫痫术式选择方面具有重要意义。【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the preoperative and intraoperative epileptogenic focus location variation, and indication of surgical options for elevating outcome of refractory epilepsy patitents. Methods All of 78 refractory epilepsy patitents were complex partial seizure. Magnetic resonance imaging and 24 hour video electroencephalogram (VEEG) were used to orientate epileptogenic focus preoperatively. Thirty-one patiens were limited to temporal and forty-seven patients were both temporal and frontal. Twenty-four lead electrocorticogram (ECoG) was used to orientate epileptogenic focus intraoperatively and directed multiple operative patterns. Results Thereisa certain coherence between Preoperative VEEG and intraoperative ECoG epileptogenic focus location, but larger rangein latter. Conclusion Intraoperative e ECoG may orientate epileptogenic focus further accurately, for the suitable surgical options and appropriate surgical excision.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 癫痫持续状态研究进展

    从国内外研究现状出发, 对癫痫持续状态(Status epilepticus, SE)的定义、流行病学和病因、发病机制、分类、诊断评估、治疗及预后等进行了全面阐述。有关SE定义的历史变迁, 从理论性定义到实用性定义均给出了明确界定, 其中实用性定义为适应人们对SE病理生理机制的进一步理解和满足临床容易操作需要不断更新。国际抗癫痫联盟(ILAE)已对强直-阵挛SE、复杂部分发作SE和失神SE实用性定义给出了明确规定。并对SE的流行病学及病因进行了探讨, 多种神经系统及全身性病理生理改变可导致SE, 发作自我维持与自我终止的平衡破坏是SE发生的必要条件, 发作导致神经系统兴奋性和抑制性系统失衡, 后者反过来又促进发作持续。有关SE分类一直备受关注, 几经变迁, 最新方案重新按惊厥性和非惊厥性分为两大类。诊断需依靠脑电图监测, 尤其非惊厥类型, 典型癫痫发作且持续时间足够长, 可无需脑电图监测证据。神经影像及实验室检查有助于发现病因。SE为神经科急症, 尽早控制发作, 并应与详细的病史采集同时进行, 院前积极给药明显增加SE控制率, 咪达唑仑和苯二氮卓类为首选药物。对难治性SE及早应用麻醉药物, 可减少并发症及死亡率, 提高控制率

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  • 特发性全面性癫痫的神经影像研究进展

    特发性全面发作性癫痫(Idiopathic generalized epilepsy, IGE)是一类没有明显病因和大脑病灶的癫痫, 主要脑电图(EEG)表现为突出背景的双侧对称的癫痫放电。现在新兴的无创的神经成像技术改变了以前对IGE的脑结构和功能网络的研究模式。当前的研究者已经迅速地采用这些新技术研究IGE的脑特征性改变, 包括EEG、功能磁共振、同步脑电和功能磁共振、结构磁共振、弥散张量成像以及结构功能脑网络技术。这些发现表明IGE中皮层-丘脑网络中存在着结构和功能指标的异常, 且越来越多的多模态神经成像结果也评估了癫痫活动对大量脑功能网络的影响。将来的研究将集中在多学科的融合和发展多模态神经成像技术, 更深入地研究IGE的脑网络机制

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  • The analysis of insula lobe function based on the Stereo-electroencephalography

    ObjectiveTo understand the relationship between the anatomy and the function of the insula lobe cortex based on the stereo-electro encephalography (SEEG) by direct electric stimulation of the insula cortex performed in the patients who suffered from the refractory epilepsy. MethodsRetrospective review was performed on 12 individuals with refractory epilepsy who were diagnosed in the Department of Functional neurosurgery of RenJi Hospital from December 2013 to September 2015. We studied all the SEEG electrodes implanted in the brain with contacts in the insula cortex. Direct electric stimulation was given to gain the brain mapping of the insula. Results12 consecutive patients with refractory epilepsy were implanted SEEG electrodes into the insula cortex. In all, 176 contacts were in the insula cortex, and 154 were included. The main clinical manifestations obtained by the stimulation were somatosensory abnormalities, laryngeal constriction, dyspnea, nausea, flustered. While somatosensory symptoms were located in the posterior insula, visceral sensory symptoms distribute relatively in the anterior insula, and other symptoms were mainly in the central and anterior part. ConclusionsThe symptoms of the insula present mainly according to the anatomy, but some of them are mixed. In addition, the manifestations of the insula are usually complex and individually.

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  • A comparative study on the value of stereo-electroencephalography and subdural cortical electrodes monitoring in preoperative evaluation of epileptogenic zone: stereo-electroencephalography with less complication of hemorrhage and infection

    ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to compare the value of SEEG and subdural cortical electrodes monitoring in preoperative evaluation of epileptogenic zone. MethodsFeatures of patients using SEEG (48 cases) and subdural cortical electrodes monitoring (52 cases) to evaluate the epileptogenic zone were collected from June 2011 to June 2015. And the evaluation results, surgical effects and complications were compared. ResultsThere was no significant difference between SEEG and subdural cortical electrodes monitoring in identifying the epileptogenic zone or taking epileptic surgery, but SEEG could monitor multifocal and bilateral epileptogenic zone. And there was no significant difference in postoperative seizure control and intelligence improvement (P > 0.05). The total complication rate of SEEG was lower than subdural cortical electrodes monitoring, especially in hemorrhage and infection (P < 0.05). ConclusionsThere was no difference among SEEG and subdural cortical electrodes monitoring in surgical results, but SEEG with less hemorrhagic and infectious risks. SEEG is a safe and effective intracranial monitoring method, which can be widely used.

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  • Clinical application of MRS combined with long-term VEEG on the surgical treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy

    ObjectiveTo explore the application value of MRS combined with VEEG on the surgical treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy. MethodsThere were 31 males and 20 females, age between 4 and 62 years.Their illness duration ranged from 4 to 10 years.The clinical manifestations showed complex partial seizure in 10 cases, secondary generalized seizure in 12 and generalized tonic-clonic seizure in 29. Based on their results of clinical manifestations, MRS and VEEG results, all the patients underwent anterior temporal lobectomy(including the most parts of the hippocampus and amydala). ResultsThe follow-up of 1~3 years after the operation showed seizure free in 36 cases(Engle Ⅰ), and significant improvement in 11(Engle Ⅱ), no improvement in 4 cases(Engle Ⅳ). The overall effective rate was 92.16%. ConclusionsMRS combined with VEEG has significant localization value for temporal lobe epilepsy. The prognosis of postoperative result is quiet good to the patient of typical temporal lobe epilepsy after anterior temporal lobectomy.

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  • 诊断心因性非癫痫性发作的最低要求:阶梯式程序

    为了给心因性非癫痫性发作(Psychogenic nonepilepticseizures,PNES)建立一个清晰的诊断标准,由癫痫、精神病学、神经心理学、神经精神医学领域的医生和研究者们组成的一个国际共识团体竭诚合作。由于作为金标准的视频脑电图并不是全世界每个中心都有,或者是每例患者都进行了该检查,该团体为非癫痫性发作的诊断阐释了一种阶梯式程序。该团体通过使用一致的文献回顾,评价了关键的诊断方法,包括:病史,脑电图,动态脑电图,视频脑电图/监测,神经生理、神经内分泌、神经影像、神经心理检查,催眠疗法,谈话分析。根据病史,被目击的事件,和检查结果(包括视频脑电图),将诊断确定性分层,包括可能的,很可能的,临床确立的,和记录的诊断。国际抗癫痫联盟非癫痫性发作协作组报告的目标与希望在于提高PNES的诊断过程和诊断的确定性,以更好地管理癫痫和非癫痫性发作的患者。

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