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find Keyword "药物" 926 results
  • Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation on Chemotherapy Combined with Rituximab for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: A Systematic Review

    Objective To systematically evaluate the pharmacoeconomic vaule of chemotherapy combined with rituximab for patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (NHL). Methods A systematic literature search of cost-effectiveness studies on rituximab treating NHL published from 1998 to 2012 was carried out in following databases: PubMed, ScienceDirect, Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR). And the references of included studies were also retrieved manually. The studies were screened according to the pre-designed inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the incremental cost- effectiveness ratio (ICER) in comparison between chemotherapy plus rituximab and chemotherapy alone was systematically evaluated according to the literature evaluation index system. Results The average ICER of Rituximab treating NHL was 16 318/QALY, 17 688/QALY, and 22 461/QALY in the UK, Mainland Europe, and US, respectively. All the reported ICERs in the included studies were below the implemented country-specific thresholds. Conclusion Based on present foreign literature, the integrated therapy of chemotherapy and rituximab for NHL is supposed to be a better cost-effective therapy with ICER below the implemented country-specific thresholds.

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  • Recommendations on Use of Antimicrobial Agents in Emergency Medical Rescue after Lushan Earthquake

    The injuries caused by earthquake were characterized as complicated injuries, multiple injuries, crush injury, commonly accompanied by the impairment of the organs, open wound with susceptibility to contamination, difficulties in the implementation of in-time treatment, and resource-limited settings. Considering the specialty of early treatment of earthquake victims and existing misconduct, we propose recommendations according to general principles of early rationale use of antibiotics, in order to treat the earthquake victims safely, effectively and feasibly, and to decrease wound infection rates after surgery.

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  • Application, Development and Innovation of Essential Medicine List

    It has been 36 years since the first version of essential medicine list (EML) was released by WHO in 1977,when 18 versions of WHO-EML and four versions of children essential medicine list have been released. In 1982, the first version of national essential medicine list (NEML) was released in China. Till 2012, there were eight versions of NEML in total. This paper introduces WHO-EML in aspects of origin, idea, definition, design, and innovation of selection methodology,principle, and workflow; compares the evolution, design, selection methodology between WHO-EML and Chinese NEML; and points out the challenges of evaluation and decision making of Chinese NEML.

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  • Adalimumab for Rheumatoid Arthritis Failing to Respond to Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs: A Systematic Review

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of adalimumab for rheumatoid arthritis failing to respond to disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). Methods The Cochrane Library, PubMed, EMbase, CBM, CNKI, VIP and Wanfang (from the date of their establishments to June 2010) were searched, and journals of relevant fields were retrieved to identify randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The data were analyzed by using RevMan 5.0 software. Results Four RCTs were included, all of which were from abroad and with good methodological quality. The baseline data of each trial were comparable. Meta-analyses showed that there was a significant difference between the adalimumab and the placebo in terms of ACR20, ACR50, ACR70, tender joint count, swollen joint count, patient assessment of pain, patient global assessment of disease activity, doctor global assessment of disease activity, and disability index of the HAQ. There was no difference between the adalimumab and the placebo in terms of serious adverse events, intractable adverse events and serious infection. Conclusion Adalimumab can treat rheumatoid arthritis failing to respond to DMARDs, but clinically the doctor should balance the benefit and the risk of the adalimumab.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Controlling Drug Dosage Based on Gold Zone Method to Reduce Adverse Drug Reaction

    What drug dosage range is appropriate for treatment? What drug dosage range can maximally reduce the incidence of adverse drug reaction (ADR)? The gold zone method as a new method of evidence-based medical research was proposed to study those two blind areas of drug dosage in this article. Studying the dose-effect relationship, taking gold zone as the middle range and dividing empirical range into 3 sections were the key to study design. The evidence-based survey with extremely large sample showed a U-shaped rule existing between the antibiotics’ dosage and the incidence of ADR; and the dosage in gold zone appeared at the bottom of U-shaped curve. The gold zone method for determining dosage is a special breakthrough currently for solving those two blind areas of drug dosage

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:39 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Global Guidelines Concerning Pharmacological Intervention for Complicated Hypertension: A Systematic R⑩eview

    Objective To systematically review the methodological quality of guidelines concerning pharmacological intervention for complicated hypertension. Methods The databases and relevant guideline websites such as MEDLINE, EMbase, CBM, WangFang Data, National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC), Guidelines International Network (GIN), National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and Clinical Practice Guideline Network (CPGN) were searched to collect the clinical guidelines concerning pharmacological intervention for complicated hypertension. By adopting the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE), the methodological quality of guidelines was assessed. Meanwhile the similarities, differences and features of drug recommendation in guidelines for different areas and diseases were analyzed by means of analogy comparison.Results A total of 21 guidelines concerning pharmacological intervention for complicated hypertension were included. The number of guidelines concerning hypertension complicated with coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, diabetes mellitus (DM) and kidney disease (KD) was 5, 5, 7 and 4, respectively. The publication year ranged from 2000 to 2011. According to the AGREE instrument, 19 and 2 guidelines were graded as Level B and C, respectively. The overall guidelines got low average scores in the domain of “Stakeholder involvement” and “Applicability”, including 9 evidence-based guidelines. There were totally 4 and 3 classes in terms of the level of evidence and recommendation, respectively; moreover, 10 and 6 expression forms were adopted in the level of evidence and recommendation, respectively. For hypertension with angina pectoris, -blocker (BB) and calcium channel blocker (CCB) were recommended unanimously. For hypertension with myocardial infarction, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) and BB were recommended unanimously. For hypertension with heart failure, ACEI, angiotensin-receptor blocker (ARB) and BB were recommended unanimously. For hypertension with later stage of post-stroke, 76.47% guidelines recommended diuretic (D) and ACEI. For hypertension with acute stroke, recommendations were mainly based on the guidelines developed by American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA). For hypertension with DM or KD, the guidelines basically recommended that systolic/diastolic pressure should be controlled in the range of less than 130/80 mmHg. For hypertension with DM, ACEI were recommended unanimously, followed by D and CCB. For hypertension with KD, ACEI/ARB was recommended, while 3 of the 5 guidelines recommending CCB were from Asian. Conclusion The overall methodological qualities of complicated hypertension guidelines differs, with high proportion of evidence-based guidelines. The classification criteria of the levels of evidence and recommendation are still suboptimal. For hypertension with CHD, DM, KD and later stage of stroke, results from high quality clinical evidence are consistent, and the recommendations are basically unanimous, with no regional and quality difference. But in some clinical researches beyond reaching a consensus at present, the recommendation discrepancy exists, and there still remains controversy for hypertension with acute stroke.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:39 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • A Survey on Current Situation of Gaozha Central Township Health Center in Wuzhong City of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

    Objective To investigate current situation of medical service and management in Gaozha Central Township Health Center (GzC), so as to provide baseline data for township health centers in both key techniques research and product development of drugs allocation and delivery. Methods A questionnaire combined with a special interview was carried out, which included the general information, human resources, medical service and management, and the practice of essential medicine list. Results a) The hardware condition of GzC was not good enough, and the economic status of the service recipients was lower than the average level of both Wuzhong City and China mainland; b) The constituent ratio of general practitioner (GP) and nurse, and GP and laboratorian were all lower than those of national level, while, the constituent ratio of GP and technician was a little bit higher. GzC was in short of medical technical personnel and, especially, the professional pharmacists. The logistics technical workers were as the same proportion as the nurses. The medical technical personnel without professional education background accounted for 3.4%, and about 38% of the staff members had no college degree, about 86.2% had at most primary profession titles. There was no personnel turnover of GzC in recently years; c) The bed utilization ratio was lower than national level (46.4% vs. 60.7%), while the average duration of stay and the in-patient and out-patient service workload of GP were longer or heavier than national level (8 vs. 4.8, 9 vs. 8.3, 4 vs. 1.3); d) The out-patient service in 2010 decreased 26.9% compared to 2009; and the in-patient service in 2010 decreased 42.4%; e) The average medical expense per outpatient and per inpatient increased 127.3% and 56.2%, respectively in 2010 compared to 2009; and f) Essential medicine list was put into practice in April 1st of 2010 and there was only 195 species available in GzC, which has not met the requirements of the national essential medicine list. Conclusion In order to meet the standards of general rural township health center in western China, GzC needs to cope with challenges of insufficient hardware conditions, short of staff, unreasonable personnel structure, low educational background and professional title of the staff, none human resources flow and low technical level of medical service. GzC dose well in drug expenses control, and the hospitalization costs are lower than those of the national level. However, it increases rapidly in 2010. The management of GzC may be influenced by zero-profit sale of the essential drugs, and appropriate subsidy and policy support are necessary to maintain its service quality. And it is required to complement the medicine based on the evidences, to carry out staff training and usage guidance of essential medicine, and to finally guarantee the safe and reasonable use of medicines.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • A Status Survey on Disease Constitution and Cost of Inpatients in Gaozha Central Township Health Center in Wuzhong City of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region from 2008 to 2010

    Objective To investigate the disease constitution and cost of inpatients in Gaozha Central Township Health Center (GzC) in Wuzhong City of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region from 2008 to 2010, so as to provide baseline data for further research. Methods A questionnaire combined with a special interview was carried out, and case records and cost information of GzC inpatients in 2008, 2009 and 2010 (from January to November) were collected. The diseases in discharge record were classified according to International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) based on the first diagnose and the cost was analyzed. Data including general information of the inpatients, discharge diagnosis, hospitalization expenses, and drug cost etc. were rearranged and analyzed by Excel software. Results a) The total number of the inpatients was 1124, 642 and 747 in 2008, 2009 and 2010, respectively. The female was more than the male in both 2008 (59.34% vs. 40.66%) and 2009 (60.75% vs. 39.25%), and their disease spectrum included 17 categories, which accounted for 81% of ICD-10; b) The top six most commonly seen systematic diseases with a constituent ratio from 86.63% to 92.06% in recent three years were as follows: the respiratory system, digestive system, circulatory system, genitourinary system, injury and toxicosis, skeletal musculature and connective tissue disease. Except the injury and toxicosis, the other five systematic diseases were commonly seen in females rather than in males; c) The top 15 monopathies in recent three years were pulmonary infection, tracheitis or bronchitis, coronary heart disease, soft tissue injury, gastritis or chronic gastritis, upper respiratory infection, hypertension, urinary tract infection, prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc, pelvic inflammation, fracture, pneumocardial diseases, superficial injury, chronic cholecystitis and arthritis; d) The main burdens of disease for inpatients focused on 35-54 age groups, then followed by the age groups above 55 in 2008 and 2009. Except the injury and toxicosis, the other diseases were commonly seen in females rather than in males. Pulmonary infection focused on the age groups above 35; the onset of hypertension increased obviously and a sharp rise of hypertension existed in the 45-54 age groups in 2008, but the hypertention focused on 35-44 age groups in 2009; e) The total inpatients with top 15 monopathies accounted for 64.06% to 71.21%, including 8-9 chronic diseases ranking higher in 2010, and 6-7 acute diseases focusing on infection and injury; and f) The average costs of chronic diseases were higher than those of acute diseases. Conclusion a) There is a big gap between GzC and Yong’an Central Township Health Center (YaC) regarding the level of the regional economic development, the situation of disease burden and cost of inpatients. The former is demonstrated as general Central Township Health Center, while the latter as affluent Central Township Health Center in western China; b) In recent three years, the main systematic diseases are in respiratory, circulatory and digestive system; the inpatients suffer from more chronic diseases rather than acute diseases in their young age; the acute diseases mainly include infection and injury, and the pulmonary infection has ranked as the first during the past three years; c) The inpatients in 2008 and 2009 are mainly in ages of 35 to 54, and then are over 55 years old. Except the injury and toxicosis, the other diseases were commonly seen in females rather than in males; d) The patients’ average costs of chronic diseases for hospitalization and drug in 2010 were lower than those of YaC. Consideration on reasonable constitution of the cost for hospitalization should be paid attention to; and e) It is urgent to strengthen the construction of infrastructure and informatization in GzC.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Investigation on the Awareness of and Training Needs for the National Essential Medicine (2009 version) in Medical Workers in Xinjiang Province

    Objective To understand the attitude of xinjiang medical workers towards national essential drugs and the requirements and suggestions about training, so as to provide necessary baseline information for spreading the application of Essential Medicine List (EML) in Xinjiang. Methods A questionnaire designed by Chinese Evidence-Based Medical Center was distributed for a face-to-face survey. The data were double-input by EpiData 3.1 with double checks, and statistically analyzed by EXCEL with constituent ratio as the statistical index. Results A total of 80 questionnaires were distributed and then retrieved with 100% recovery rate. Respondents employed in six public hospitals at or above the county level and in six community health service centers as well. a) The accuracy of 80 respondents about the basic concepts of essential drugs, serviceable range of EML, and the relationship between EML and basic medicare drug list were 72.6%, 89.5% and 17.8%, respectively; b) 33.8% (27) of the respondents always firstly considered using the essential medicine in their prescription, and 22.5% (18) of the respondents considered using essential drugs in most cases; c) EML were welcome loy 35% (28) of the respondents; d) The problems of practicing EML issued by respondents were the following in order: doctors’ awareness of essential drugs and prescribing habit of doctors, the safety and effectiveness of essential drugs, lower income, patients’ awareness of essential drugs and preference to medication, and the applicability of the essential medicine list; e) The main approaches to getting information about essential drugs were academic seminars (37 person-time, 46.2%), professional journals (27 person-time, 33.8%) and documents (25 person-time, 31.2%); f) There were 46 respondents who had participated in EML training once or twice; g) The total EML training or learning time of 34 respondents (42.5%) was less than one week; and h) Respondents suggested that, the training objects should be medical personnel, pharmacists and administrators; the training contents should be rational drug use, formularies and the use of essential drugs, drug policy, and the effectiveness of integration of the traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine; the training methods should be theoretical teaching and online learning; and the training place should be hospitals, homes or offices. Conclusion It is extremely urgent to improve doctors’ awareness of EML and strengthen the training of usage, and to conduct the research on EML applicability and effectiveness evaluation, financial subsidies, medical staff income, purchase and reimbursement problems.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Supplemental Essential Medicine Lists for Primary Healthcare in China: An Evidence-Based Analysis

    Objective  To investigate the situation of supplemental drugs to the national essential medicines list (EML) in primary health care facilities. Methods Supplemental essential medicine lists published by provincial governments around our country were identified. Characteristics of categories, names and quantities of the supplemental drugs were extracted and compared. Results Supplemental lists issued by 13 provinces were included. The number of the supplemental drugs of four provinces including Jiangsu, Guangdong, Inner Mongolia and Shandong surpassed 200. All the included lists contained chemicals and traditional Chinese medicine, as well as nine categories mentioned in the EML. The frequency of 17 drugs in the supplemental lists was over 10. Specific paediatrics drugs and antitumor drugs were considered by several provinces. Conclusion At present, EML cannot meet the requirements of the primary healthcare. Selection and amendment of EML may refer to the supplemental lists which reflect the demands of essential drugs in every area in our country.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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