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find Keyword "负担" 82 results
  • Disease Burden and Quality of Life of Rheumatoid Arthritis in China: A Systematic Review

    Objective To get known about the disease burden and quality of life (QOL) of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in China by conducting a systematic review. Methods The observational studies about the disease burden and QOL of RA in China were systematically searched in the following databases: CNKI, CBM, VIP, WanFang Data, MEDLINE/Pub Med, EMbase, and Science Citation Index. The retrieval time was from January 1st, 1990 to July 31st, 2010. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the literature was screened, the data were extracted, and the methodological quality of the included studies was assessed. The morbidity of RA was pooled by adopting generic inverse variance model, the meta-analyses on 8 dimensions of SF-36 life quality score (LQS) was conducted by suing RevMan5.0 software, the weighted mean difference (WMD) was regarded as the indicator of intervention effect, and the impact of studies’ quality on the results was assessed by sensitivity analysis. Results A total of 20 studies with medium quality in general were included. The morbidity of RA was 14.7/100 000. The disability adjusted of life years (DALYs) per capita were 4.92. If excluding the cost resulted from DALY, the overall economic cost was RMB 1 250.45 yuan per capita per year; While considering DALY, the cost was RMB 15 717.91 yuan per capita per year. The average cost of outpatient medications was RMB 8 018±17 238 yuan per capita per year. The weighted morbidity was 0.42% (95%CI 0.39% to 0.45%), and it was higher in female than male (Plt;0.05). There was no secular trend and difference between southern and northern (Pgt;0.05), but there were statistical significances in the WMD of 8 dimensions of SF-36 LQS. Sensitivity analyses revealed that the weighted pooled results were stable. Conclusion The epidemiological and economic burden of rheumatoid arthritis are heavier in China, which needs to be concerned by both government and society.

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  • Association between Costs and Complication of Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism of West China Hospital in 2011

    Objective To investigate the association between costs of hospitalized patients with diabetes mellitus and their complications in the West China Hospital of Sichuan University, so as to provide baseline data for further research. Methods We extracted the hospitalization case data of hospitalized patients with diabetes mellitus who were discharged from the department of endocrinology and metabolism, or discharged after being transferred to other departments for treatment from January 2011 to December 2012, using the hospital information system (HIS) of the West China Hospital of Sichuan University. The data included baseline of hospital patients, discharge diagnosis, hospitalization costs, and if their medical insurance had been registered in hospital. Then, we classified the diseases according to ICD-10 based on discharge diagnosis, coped the data using Excel 2010 software, and conducted statistical analysis using SPSS 13.0. Results a) In 2011, acute and chronic diabetes complication in diabetes inpatients were 11.9% (166/1 396) and 67.1% (930/1 396), respectively. Most of them had peripheral neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease. b) The most frequently-occurred complications were hypertension, followed by dyslipidemia, and osteoporosis. c) The median hospital stay was 13 days (7 to 9 days), and the median total cost of hospital/person-time was 6 578.88 yuan (4 186.93 to 10 953.89 yuan). d) The total cost and duration of hospitalization increased along with the increasing number of the chronic complications of diabetes. e) The diabetic foot patients were 255 person-times, the median duration of hospitalization was 18 days (13 to 29 days), and the median total cost of hospital/person-time was 16 672.19 yuan (10 903.93 to 28 530.37 yuan). Diabetes patients with foot complication had higher total costs and longer duration of hospitalization than those without foot complication. Conclusion Diabetes mellitus is one of the most important diseases in the department of endocrinology and metabolism, which is heavy disease burden. The costs of hospitalization and chronic complications are closely associated. Among these complications, diabetic foot is the heaviest disease burden.

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  • Survey on Financial Burden of In-patients with Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Gland/Gonad Diseases in Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism of West China Hospital in 2011

    Objective To investigate financial burden of in-patients with hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal gland/gonad diseases in the West China Hospital of Sichuan University, 2011, so as to provide baseline data for further research. Methods The data of in-patients (who had been discharged from the department of endocrinology and metabolism or discharged after being transferred to other departments for diagnosis and treatment in the West China Hospital in 2011) were collected from the Hospital Information System (HIS) of the West China Hospital, including basic information, initial diagnosis when the patients were discharged, hospital costs, the information about whether the patients had been registered the insurance in hospital, etc. We classified diseases according to ICD-10 based on the initial diagnosis when the patients were discharged on the first page of case reports. The data were input using Excel 2010 software, and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 13.0 software. Results The results showed that: in 2011, 352 person-times of in-patients with hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal gland/gonad disease as first diagnosis were hospitalized in the department of endocrinology and metabolism, of which, 139 were male and 213 were female, with mean age of 42.9±15.0 years; and b) median hospital stay was 11 days, the average cost of hospital stay for each patient was RMB 4 361.09 yuan, most of which was for lab tests, examination, and biomedicine cost. Conclusion Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal gland/gonad diseases are an important health problem in the department of endocrinology and metabolism in a Triple-A Hospital. Most of hospitalization costs are for lab tests, examination, and biomedicine cost.

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  • Research on Family Burden of Depression Inpatients and Its Correlation with Family Social Support

    Objective To investigate the family burden of depression inpatients, analyze the influencing factors and explore the approach to reduce the family burden. Methods On-the-spot investigation was conducted for the family members of 200 depression inpatients in Mental Health Center of West China Hospital of Sichuan University from January to December, 2008. Following questionnaires used for investigation were all self-scale and filled out by the family members: “Basic Information Scale of Patients and Family Members”, “Family Burden Scale of Patients with Depression” revised from Pai’s scale of “Burden on the Family of Disease” (scoring 0-48 points and covering 24 items under 6 dimensions, namely, financial burden, disruption of routine family activities, disruption of family leisure, disruption of family interactions, effect on physical health of family members, and effect on mental health of family members; rating each item on a 3-class scale, namely, zero for no burden, one for moderate burden, and two for severe burden) , and Xiao Shuiyuan’s “Social Support Scale” (10 items in total, a higher score indicates a better social support). SPSS 13.0 software was adopted to perform statistical analyses. Results The total score of family burden was 26.3±12.6, the positive answer rate of family burden was 100.0%, and the positive answer rate of the every dimension was above 80%. The score of family burden for parents and spouse was higher than that of children (Plt;0.05). The total score of social support was 40.22±9.06, and the correlation coefficient between family burden and family social support was –0.485 (Plt;0.001). Conclusion It is common for family members of depression patients to get family burden at different levels. The more social support family members get, the less the family burden is.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:04 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Medical Residents in the Department of Internal Medicine at a Tertiary Hospital: a Survey of the Personnel Allocation and Their Workloads

    Objectives To investigate the personnel allocation and workloads of the medical residents across the subspecialties of the Department of Internal Medicine at a tertiary hospital. Methods A cross-sectional survey was performed to investigate personnel allocation and workload. The resulting data were compared with the ministerial standard that regulates the training of medical residents. Results Aside from the subspecialty of Rheumatology, medical residents accounted for 40% to 70% of the total staff physicians. The faculty physicians accounted for only 20% to 50% of the total. When the non-faculty residents were not taken into account, each individual faculty physician took charge of between 5.3 to 15.5 beds across all the subspecialties. When only the non-faculty residents were accounted for, each individual resident took charge of 1.7 to 9.4 beds, 1.3 to 5.7 bed-days per day, and 5.8 to 17.3 patients per month. When both were accounted for, each physician was responsible for 1.3 to 5.9 beds, 1 to 3.6 bed-days per day, and 4.2 to 10.7 patients per month. In comparison with the ministerial standards, medical residents have managed more patients per month in the subspecialties of Nephrology, Respiratory Diseases, Digestive Diseases, Neurology and Infection.Fewer patients were managed in the subspecialty of Endocrinology. Conclusion The medical resident allocation is balanced across the subspecialties of the Department of Internal Medicine, although it is less stable. The total number of physicians is smaller than required, and physicians generally bear an overload of work. The number of patients managed by each individual resident is more than the requirement set by the ministerial standards, and has significant variations across subspecialties. Medical residents need to be allocated in accordance with the corresponding workloads.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Relation between Randomized Clinical Trials of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Local Burden of Disease in China

    目的 评估中医药临床研究是否与我国主要疾病负担相关。 方法 首先从1999年-2004年出版的13种中医、中西医结合杂志中手工检索出随机对照试验(RCT),并提取出杂志名称、出版年限、治疗的疾病类别及样本含量等数据。然后采用死亡率和伤残调整寿命年(DALY)作为衡量标准,统计2002年我国疾病负担前30位病因的RCT数量,采用秩相关分析这些疾病负担与发表的中医药RCT及其受试者数量的关系。 结果 最终确认7 422个RCT,约38%的RCT来自于3种国家级杂志。这些RCT覆盖了我国疾病负担中的主要病种,其中4 280个RCT(57.7%)研究前30位病因合并产生的42个病种,只有3个病种(7%)没有任何RCT研究。采用DALY得到的相关系数分别是0.108(P=0.569)、0.092(P=0.628),通过死亡率产生的相关系数分别是0.453(P=0.012)、0.536(P=0.002)。 结论 中医药RCT与采用死亡率衡量的疾病负担明显相关,但采用DALY分析却未发现二者存在相关性。中医药临床研究可能更注重死亡率高的病种,一定程度上忽略了DALY衡量的疾病负担。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:13 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 恶性肿瘤患者家属的负担来源及其影响


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  • Evaluation of Clinical Data and Quality of Life of Hemophilic Children in Sichuan Province

    ObjectiveTo collect and analyze the clinical data and quality of life of hemophilic children, understand the present condition of these patients in Sichuan Province, and analyze related influencing factors. MethodWe retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of hemophilic children treated in our hospital from January 1, 2008 to May 30, 2015. ResultsThere were 92 child patients from Sichuan Province with a median age of 9.6 years old (ranging from 3.6 to 18.0). There were 87 cases (94.6%) of hemophilia A and 5 (5.4%) of hemophilia B; the number of light cases was 4 (4.3%), of moderate cases was 67 (72.8%), and of severe cases was 21 (22.9%); eighteen (19.6) of the patients had family history. First bleeding episode occurred at a median age of 11 months (0-48 months). Mild bleeding occurred in 23 cases (25.0%), moderate bleeding in 31 cases (33.7%), and severe bleeding in 38 cases (41.3%). First bleeding site was mainly the mucous membrane of the skin, followed by the joint muscles. Fist joint bleeding occurred at a median age of 18 months (2-107 months). Forty-six patients (59.0%) had severe joint damage during the course of the disease. Intracranial hemorrhage occurred in 4 patients (4.3%), among whom 3 were cured and discharged from the hospital, and 1 had neurological sequelae. Median diagnostic age was 12 months (0-120 months). Sixty-two (67.4%) were diagnosed in a short period of time, 9 (9.8%) in a mediate period of time, and 21 (22.8%) in a long period of time. Forty (43.5%) of the patients had been given sufficient coagulation factors, while all the others had not received sufficient replacement therapy. Fifty-six (60.9%) children had received prophylactic treatment. First prophylaxis was administrated at a median age of 36 months (1-199 months), but 27 (48.2%) discontinued. The median score of the 29 retreated Disease Burden Scale was 22.7±11.6 (4-43), and among them, 11 (37.9%) could not care for themselves. Twenty-three participated in the assessment of social activity ability, among whom, 2 did not attend school, and 6 could not take part in the assessment because of school learning. Correlation analysis showed that there was no significant relationship between diagnostic timing and family history (P=0.795) or between diagnostic timing and areas they came from (P=0.495). However, significant association was found between diagnostic timing and the severity of first bleeding (r=0.392, P=0.035). Disease burden of family was significantly correlated with the number of target joints (r=0.370, P=0.048), and was not closely related with area, severity of bleeding, frequency of hemorrhage, medical insurance, or physical and social activities. ConclusionsThe general diagnosis and treatment condition of child hemophilia in Sichuan is relatively under-developed with a high prevalence of joint damage, poor quality of life, and high disease burden to the family. Improvement in the care of hemophilia children is urgently needed.

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  • Effect of Drug Management Skill Training on Lightening the Family Burden of Schizophrenic Patients in the Recovery Period

    ObjectiveTo explore the effects of drug management skill training on lightening the family burden of schizophrenic patients in their recovery period. MethodsBetween December 2011 and December 2013, 101 patients with schizophrenia were randomly divided into experimental group (n=56) and control group (n=45). The experimental group was given drug management skill training, while the control group only received routine follow-up. The course of the research was six months. Both groups were assessed by the positive and negative syndrome scale on patients' psychological symptoms, and family burden scale of diseases was used to assess the burden of the family. ResultsCompared with the controls, patients in the experimental group improved more in their positive symptoms (t=2.692, P=0.008), negative symptoms (t=2.729, P=0.008), general psychopathology symptoms (t=3.231, P=0.002) and the whole psychiatric symptoms (t=3.870, P<0.001). Moreover, the degree of patients' symptom improvement was positively correlated with the degree of family burden lightening (r=0.44, P<0.001). ConclusionFor patients with schizophrenia, reasonable drug management skill training can effectively improve patients' medication compliance, promote treatment effect and lighten family burden.

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  • 孤独症谱系障碍儿童的家庭负担及康复治疗研究进展

    孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)是一类以社会交往障碍、交流障碍、兴趣狭窄和刻板重复的行为方式为特征的心理发育障碍性疾病。现从 3 个角度对 ASD 儿童家庭负担及康复治疗研究进展进行综述:以点来看, ASD 儿童对家庭有严重影响;以横切面看, ASD 儿童各阶段的康复需要多方的参与;以时间轴纵看, ASD 儿童的康复计划是随着成长动态变化的过程。期望以上内容能为相关领域未来的研究提供参考。

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