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find Author "郭伟" 26 results
  • Diagnosis and Management of Endoleak after Endovascular Aneurysm Repair in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

    腹主动脉瘤(AAA)腔内修复术(EVAR)是目前大动脉病变腔内治疗最成熟的技术之一。AAA EVAR术后内漏指支架型血管置入后,在支架型血管腔外、被旷置的瘤体及邻近血管腔内出现持续性血流的现象[1~3]。内漏是AAA EVAR术后最为常见、对疗效影响很大的并发症,其发生率大约15%~50%[4]。内漏可导致瘤体进一步增大甚至破裂。目前,内漏的机理尚不完全明确,诊断与治疗方面也存在争议。现根据我院临床经验,结合近年来相关文献报道探讨AAA EVAR术后内漏的诊治。......

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  • 高龄患者小肠憩室出血治疗1例报道

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  • 腹主动脉瘤腔内修复术后Ⅰ b 型内漏的预防和处理

    Release date:2019-01-16 10:05 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Progress in total endovascular aortic repair of chronic post-dissection thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm

    The treatment of aortic dissection has already shifted to endovascular strategies. However, with the evolution of this disease and a deeper understanding of it, experts from various countries have developed a series of innovative endovascular techniques and devices in areas such as lumen reconstruction, false lumen embolization, entry sealing, and branch arteries reconstruction, targeting the long-term complication of chronic post-dissection thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm. The past few decades have seen that Chinese vascular surgeons have gradually emerged on the world stage and contributed multiple “Chinese solutions” for post-dissection thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm. The author in this review intends to provide an overview of these techniques and devices mentioned above.

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  • 电解可脱弹簧圈联合微弹簧圈治疗宽基底肾动脉瘤一例

    Release date:2016-08-25 10:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Progress of Perioperative Management for Esophagectomy

    Abstract: Due to complicated procedures and severe trauma, esophagectomy still remains an operation with high mortality and morbidity. With the advancement of anesthetic and surgical technique, as well as perioperative management, the mortality and morbidity after esophagectomy decreased significantly in recent years. The optimal perioperative management, normalized and individualized treatment was of importance in preventing postoperative complications and decreasing mortality after esophagectomy. This review summarizes the current state of perioperative management for esophagectomy.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:01 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 食管、肺间质细胞瘤各一例

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To review the progress of the robotic applications in vascular surgery. Methods Recent literature about the robotic applications in vascular surgery was reviewed and analyzed. Results Robotic system is composed of surgery robotic system and endovascular interventional robotic system. The time of aortic clamping and anastomosis is reduced considerably during the robotic-assisted aorta bypass surgery, and the dissection of aorta is completed successfully in totally robotic approach. Endovascular interventional robotic system has good performance in navigation and stability, and shows apparent advantages in passing special anatomical segment and complicated lesion. However, the robotic systems are still limited in application for high cost. The problem of tactile feedback should also be solved quickly. Conclusion Robotic systems have apparent advantages and good prospect in vascular surgery. Nevertheless, it still require many clinical trials to formulate the indication and contraindication, to establish standard procedure, to assess the long-term effectiveness of the robotic systems and so on.

    Release date:2016-08-31 04:05 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To review the strategies on repairing elastic fibers in aorta. Methods Literature concerningelastic fiber as well as its repairment was consulted and summarized from three aspects: enhancement of the expressions ofits components, improvement of the condition of its assembly, and reduction of the destructive effects. Results Elastinis concerned as the main protein to be enhanced with three different methods including gene transfection, stimulationwith ectogenesis factors, and induction of phenotype transition of smooth muscle cell. Fibul in and lysyl oxidases show theabil ity to improve the assembly of the elastic fiber, while the related mechanisms are not clear. Matrix metalloproteinasesare regarded as the main destructive factors, and researches focus on reducing their expression as well as their destructiveeffects. Conclusion To assure a high-qual ity repair of elastic fibers in aorta, their components should be sufficientlyexpressed and effectively assemblyed, and the destructive effects caused by dangerous factors should also be reduced.

    Release date:2016-08-31 04:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 骨移植修复胫骨长段缺损

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