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find Keyword "重症监护病房" 59 results
  • Analysis on the Antibiotics Resistance and Risk Factors of Multidrug Resistant Bacteria in Respiratory Intensive Care Unit

    Objective To investigate the antibiotic resistance distribution and profiles of multidrug resistant bacteria in respiratory intensive care unit ( RICU) , and to analyze the related risk factors for multidrug resistant bacterial infections. Methods Pathogens from79 patients in RICU from April 2008 to May 2009 were analyzed retrospectively. Meanwhile the risk factors were analyzed by multi-factor logistic analysis among three groups of patients with non-multidrug, multidrug and pandrug-resistant bacterialinfection. Results The top three in 129 isolated pathogenic bacteria were Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( 24. 0% ) , Staphylococcus aureus( 22. 5% ) , and Acinetobacter baumannii( 15. 5% ) . The top three in 76 isolated multidrug-resistant bacteria were Staphylococcus aureus ( 38. 9% ) , Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( 25. 0% ) , and Acinetobacter baumannii( 19. 4% ) . And the two main strains in 29 isolated pandrug-resistant bacteria were Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( 48. 3% ) and Acinetobacter baumannii ( 44. 8% ) . Multi-factor logistic analysis revealed that the frequency of admition to RICU, the use of carbapenem antibiotics, the time of mechanical ventilation, the time of urethral catheterization, and complicated diabetes mellitus were independent risk factors for multidrug-resistant bacterial infection( all P lt; 0. 05) . Conclusions There is a high frequency of multidrug-resistant bacterial infection in RICU. Frequency of admition in RICU, use of carbapenem antibiotics, time of mechanical ventilation, time of urethral catheterization, and complicated diabetes mellitus were closely related withmultidrug-resistant bacterial infection.

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:52 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Homogeneous Analysis of Multidrug Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in Emergency Intensive Care Unit

    Objective To investigate the drug resistance and homogeneous analysis of Acinetobacter baumanii in emergency intensive care unit ( EICU) . Methods Four multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii ( MDR-Ab) strains isolated fromnosocomial inpatients fromJuly 25 to September 7 in 2009 were collected and tested for drug sensitivity and MIC determination as well. The A. baumannii isolates were typed with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis ( PFGE) to determine whether they derived fromthe same clone.Results Four isolates from nosocomial inpatients were resistant to multiple antibiotics including carbapenem. The PFGE types identified from four isolates were A and B. The A. baumannii isolates did not derived from the same clone. Conclusion The prevalence of nosocomial infection is not due to transmission of the same strains among different individuals in EICU.

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:56 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Evidence-Based Nursing for an Unconscious Patient Undergoing Mechanical Ventilation with Eye Complication

    Objective To formulate an evidence-based nursing scheme of eye care for an unconscious patient undergoing mechanical ventilation with eye complication. Methods Under the principle of PICO, the issue was put forward aiming directly at patient’s clinical manifestations, and the following databases as The Cochrane Library (Issue 12, 2011), PubMed (January 1980 to November 2011), EMbase (1974 to 2011) and CBM (1978 to 2011) were searched. Results A total of 3 guidelines, 2 systematic reviews and 9 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were included. The evidence showed that eye cleaning was the very important part of eye care, and the commonly-used cleaning or rinsing solutions were saline and sterile water. Both moist cover and lubricating eye drops / ointment were used to prevent dryness in the eyes. For instance, polyethylene moisture covers could effectively prevent corneal abrasion, and lubricating eye drops / ointment were beneficial to eye observation, so these two methods needed to be properly selected in combination with patient’s conditions. Nurses had to assess the ability of the patient to close eyelids daily and helped the patient to close eyes, but the passive eyelids closure was inferior to the artificial tear ointment in the effect on preventing corneal abrasions; the integrated intervention of maintaining eyelids closure and forming eyeballs moisture chamber was more effective to prevent eye complications. According to the available evidence mentioned herein and the patient’s conditions, the following nursing scheme of eye care was formulated: cleaning the eyelids and peripheral skin using 0.9% saline gauze, covering the eyes with sterile polyethylene films which were fixed by anti-allergic adhesive tapes, changing the dressing every 12 hours, and observing closure of the eyelids every day. Seven days later, eye symptoms got obviously improved, with decreasing secretion, without congestion and chemosis, and negative results of fluorescein staining test. Conclusion Eye cleaning removes secretion and bacteria from the eyes. Polyethylene film prevents tear from evaporation and fully promotes the immune function of tears which can reduce the risk of infection. Eyelids closure and local moisture environment benefit the corneal epithelial repair.

    Release date:2016-09-07 10:58 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 重症监护病房医院感染目标监测结果分析及对策

    目的 探讨医院重症监护病房(ICU)院内感染特点及高危因素。 方法 按照原卫生部发布的WS/T 312-2009 《医院感染监测规范》,对2010年-2012年入住ICU时间>48 h的患者进行目标性监测,监测时间每年6个月,分析发生医院感染的相关危险因素,并对3年的数据进行分析,从中找到不足之处及时采取措施整改。 结果 监测301例次,发生医院感染分别为:2010年9例次、2011年6例次、2012年5例次,感染率分别为11.11%、6.74%、3.82%,呈逐年下降趋势,医院感染部位以泌尿道感染最高,其次为下呼吸道。 结论 切实可行的目标监测手段对预防与控制ICU患者医院感染起着重要的作用。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:38 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Monitoring and Analysis of Ventilator-associated Pneumonia in Intensive Care Unit

    目的 了解综合重症监护病房(ICU)呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)感染率、危险因素、病原菌分布及其耐药情况,探讨有针对性的预防控制措施。 方法 2009年1月-12月综合ICU共收治患者447例,采用主动监测方法,由ICU医务人员和专职人员每日对综合ICU病房住院时间≥48 h且撤停机械通气后48 h内的患者进行VAP监测。 结果 447例患者中住院时间≥48 h的患者168例,96例患者使用呼吸机,使用呼吸机时间182 d,ICU住院总日数1 339 d,发生VAP 17例,呼吸机使用率13.59%,VAP感染率93.4例/1 000机械通气日,根据平均病情严重程度(ASIS法)调整后的VAP感染率为2.38%。呼吸机使用方式与VAP发生有关联。检出病原菌18株,全部为Gˉ杆菌,其中鲍曼不动杆菌4株,对包括硫霉素、氨曲南在内的多种抗菌药物耐药。 结论 综合ICU病房VAP感染率为2.38%,呼吸机使用不当是VAP的危险因素,VAP致病菌为Gˉ杆菌,其中鲍曼不动杆菌耐药率达100%,并呈多重耐药性;抗生素使用时间过长,预防性使用不当是致病菌产生多重耐药的重要原因。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Value of Selective Digestive Decontamination for Hospital Acquired Pneumonia in Intensive Care Unit

    【摘要】 目的 探讨在重症监护病房(intonsive cane tmit,ICU)行选择性消化道脱污染(selective digestive decontamination,SDD)的临床实用价值。 方法 选取2007年1月—2010年1月危重症患者376例,随机分为两组,对照组予常规口腔护理治疗,治疗组予选择性消化道脱污染治疗,比较两组患者病情疗效的参数。 结果 治疗组院内获得性肺炎发生率为18.4%、院内获得性肺炎发生时间(7.2±3.2)d、人工气道(气管插管/切开)保留天数(10.5±3.8)d、机械通气天数(8.4±3.1)d、入住ICU天数(14.7±4.8)d、病死率11.6%;对照组院内获得性肺炎发生率为30.1%、院内获得性肺炎发生时间(5.6±3.6)d、人工气道(气管插管/切开)保留天数(12.5±4.6)d、机械通气天数(10.2±4.2)d、入住ICU天数(17.2±6.2)d、病死率19.4%;两组比较差异均有统计学意义(Plt;0.05)。 结论 在ICU内行选择性消化道脱污染可有效控制院内获得性肺炎,改善患者病情,减少住院天数,降低病死率。【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the clinical value of selective digestive decontamination in the intensive care unit (ICU). Methods From January 2007 to January 2010, 376 critically ill patients were randomly divided into two groups. Patients in the control group received conventional oral cavity nursing treatment, and those in the treatment group underwent the selective digestive decontamination. Then, we compared the curative effect parameters of these two kinds of procedures for the two groups of patients. Results For patients in the treatment group, the rate of hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) was 18.4%, the occurring time of HAP was (7.2±3.2) days, the time of retaining artificial gas channel (trachea cannula / incision) was (10.5±3.8) days, the time of mechanical ventilation was (8.4±3.1) days, ICU stay time was (14.7±4.8) days, and the mortality rate was 11.6%. For the control group, the correspondent parameters were respectively 30.1%, (5.6±3.6) days, (12.5±4.6) days, (10.2±4.2) days, (17.2±6.2) days, and 19.4%. The differences of these parameters between the two groups were significant (Plt;0.05). Conclusion For patients in the ICU, the selective digestive decontamination can effectively control the occurrence of HAP, improve patient conditions, reduce hospitalization time, and decrease mortality rate.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:26 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Targeted Surveillance of Nosocomial Infection in Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit

    ObjectiveTo analyze targeted surveillance results of nosocomial infection in Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and investigate the characteristics of nosocomial infection, in order to provide reference for constituting the intervention measures. MethodsWe monitored the incidence of nosocomial infection, the application and catheter-related infection of invasive operation, and the situation of multiple resistant bacteria screening and drug resistance characteristics of each patient who stayed more than two days in neurosurgical ICU during January to December 2013. ResultsThere were a total of 1 178 patients, and the total ICU stay was 4 144 days. The nosocomial infection rate was 4.92%, and the day incidence of nosocomial infection was 13.75‰. The nosocomial infection rate was significantly higher in January and between July and December compared with other months. Ventilator utilization rate was 9.75%; ventilator-associated pneumonia incidence density was 14.85 per 1 000 catheter-days; central line utilization rate was 28.40%; central line-associated bloodstream infection incidence density was 0.85 per 1 000 catheter-days; urinary catheter utilization rate was 97.90%; and the incidence density of catheter-associated urinary tract infection was 0.25 per 1 000 catheter-days. ConclusionThe nosocomial infection rate has an obvious seasonal characteristic in neurosurgical intensive care unit, so it is necessary to make sure that the hospital infection control full-time and part-time staff should be on alert, issue timely risk warning, and strengthen the risk management of hospital infection.

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  • Target Monitoring and Analysis of Ventilator-associated Pneumonia in Intensive Care Unit

    ObjectiveTo observe the effect of target monitoring on the patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in intensive care unit (ICU), analyze the risk factors and take effective measures to reduce the VAP occurrence. MethodsTarget monitoring was performed on patients with ventilator in ICU from January to July 2013 (observation group), and they were compared with those patients accepting general comprehensive monitoring in ICU from January to July 2012 (control group). The incidence of VAP was compared between the two groups. ResultsThe incidence of VAP in the observation group and the control group was 21.73‰ and 53.33‰, respectively. There was a significant difference between the observation group and the control group (P<0.05). ConclusionFor patients undergoing mechanical ventilation, target monitoring can control the risk factors and incidence of VAP, adjust the interference in time, and improve the curing rate.

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  • 浅谈重症监护病房实施优质护理服务模式的效果

    目的总结重症监护病房开展优质护理服务活动的经验及效果。 方法于2012年12月20日开始开展优质护理服务活动,实施责任制整体护理模式,改革护理排班模式,加强基础护理、安全护理和专科护理,提高护士的专科技能操作,建立健全护理工作制度。 结果通过优质护理的开展,2013年的病床周转率、床护比、患者满意度和护士满意度均高于2012年,不良事件发生率较2012年明显降低。 结论优质护理服务活动的开展可以提高重症监护病房的护理质量;提高患者及护理人员的满意度;减少或杜绝护理纠纷。

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  • 重症监护病房呼吸道耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌感染概况及控制对策

    目的探讨重症监护病房耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)感染的概况及控制对策。 方法对重症监护病房2012年1月-12月的23例呼吸道感染MRSA的患者进行回顾分析,并提出防控措施。 结果高龄、免疫低下、侵袭性操作频繁、住院时间长、使用广谱抗菌药物和抑酸剂使用量大且时间长是患者发生MRSA感染的危险因素。 结论应采取合理必要的防控措施防止院内交叉感染,并积极治疗和精心护理患者促进其康复,以控制MRSA在医院内的发生和流行。

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