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find Author "陈鑫" 53 results
  • Diagnosis and Management of Rare Pancreatic Neuroendocine Tumors

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:36 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Research progress of ferroptosis in cardiovascular diseases

    Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death in Chinese population. It is of great significance to further explore the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. Ferroptosis is a recently discovered iron-dependent and non-apoptotic form of regulated cell death, which exerts a regulatory role in a variety of biological events. Some studies have shown that ferroptosis plays an important role in the development of cardiovascular diseases. According to newly scientific reports, we summarized the mechanism and regulation in ferroptosis, and reviewed the results of ferroptosis in common cardiovascular diseases such as cardiac ischemia-reperfusion/myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, cardiac hypertrophy, atherosclerosis and abdominal aortic aneurysm.

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  • 右冠状动脉 -右心室瘘合并巨大右冠状动脉瘤一例

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:49 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 电视胸腔镜双侧肺减容术21例

    目的 总结电视胸腔镜双侧肺减容术(BLVRS)治疗慢性阻塞性肺气肿(COPE)的临床经验,并观察其疗效。 方法 2009年9月至2010年9月,南京医科大学附属南京医院对21例COPE患者行电视胸腔镜 BLVRS,均为男性,年龄(65.71±9.05)岁。采用电视胸腔镜专用切缝器(Endo-GIA)切除过度充气的肺大泡组织,常规用4-0 Prolene线连续往返缝合。术后观察患者的肺功能、血气分析指标和6 min步行距离(6-MWD)的变化,并与术前进行比较,评价手术疗效。 结果 无围术期死亡,术后住院时间(13.20±4.60) d,胸腔引流时间(5.33±3.67) d。术后持续肺漏气 (5.91±3.52) d 12例,出现急性呼吸衰竭1例,广泛皮下气肿2例,合并肺部感染5例,均经相应的处理治愈。随访21例,随访时间6个月,术后6个月第1秒用力呼气容积[(1.63±0.23) L vs. (1.21±0.17) L]、动脉血氧分压[(77.62±6.98) mm Hg vs. (67.54±8.12) mm Hg]和6-MWD [(430.55±80.49) m vs. (283.48±108.12) m]较术前增加,动脉血二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)、、残气量(RV) 较术前降低(P<0.05)。 结论 电视胸腔镜BLVRS安全、有效,特别对非均质性肺气肿,可明显改善患者的生活质量,近期效果显著。

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:50 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effect of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting on Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and Giant Left Ventricular Dimension but without Aneurysm

    Objective To investigate the effect of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) on patients with coronary heart disease and giant left ventricular dimension but without aneurysm. Methods The clinic data of 51 consecutive patients with coronary heart disease accompanied by enlarged left ventricle dimension without aneurysm, including 50 males and 1 female, undergoing CABG between January 2004 and December 2006 in Nanjing First Hospital of Nanjing Medical University was retrospectively reviewed. The patients were at the age of 54-61 years with an age of 57.5±3.2 years. All patients received CABG, combined with aortic valve replacement in 7, mitral valve replacement in 16, mitral valvoplasty in 17 and tricuspid valvoplasty in 7. After surgery, perioperative complications and mortality were closely observed and followup for a period of 37 months was carried out. Results The number of distal anastomoses per patient was 2.0-4.0(3.8±1.1). Four patients died perioperatively (7.8%), among whom 2 died from malignant ventricular fibrillation, 1 from acute kidney failure and 1 from stroke caused by severe low cardiac output syndrome. All other patients were discharged from hospital with good recovery. After operation, 5 patients had atrial fibrillation and 11 had ventricular fibrillation, but all of those patients survived after proper treatment. The followup period for 47 patients was 37-49 months (43±11months), with a followup rate of 100%. No death occurred during the follow-up. Ultrasound cardiography in the followup period showed that there was a decreased left ventricular enddiastolic dimension (59±2 mm vs. 68±5 mm; t=7.320, Plt;0.05) and an improved left ventricular ejection fraction (45%±17% vs. 34%±15%; t=4.770, Plt;0.05) compared with those before operation with statistical significance. Conclusion CABG is an effective surgical procedure in the treatment of coronary heart disease with giant left ventricular dimension but without aneurysm.

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:56 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Treatment of Coronary Heart Diseases and Carotid Arteriostenosis Through Offpump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Combined with Carotid Endarterectomy

    Objective To investigate the effect of combined carotid endarterectomy (CEA) and offpump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB) on patients with carotid arteriostenosis and coronary heart diseases. Methods A total of 121 consecutive patients with carotid arteriostenosis and coronary artery diseases underwent CEA and OPCAB between January 2003 and December 2009 in Nanjing First Hospital of Nanjing Medical University. There were 81 males and 40 females, with their ages ranged from 62 to 72 years (67.2±4.5 years). All patients had 3vessel coronary artery lesions, and there were 3 cases of left main coronary artery lesion. Unilateral carotid arteriostenosis (≥50%) occurred in 95 patients, and bilateral (≥50%) in 26 patients. The occurrence of stroke, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris and other complications after operation was observed, and followup was carried out. Results All patients underwent unilateral CEA including 50 on the right side and 71 left. The mean block time of carotid artery in CEA was 20.5±7.0 minutes. The average number of distal grafts per patient in OPCAB was 2.9±0.3. None of the patients had stroke or myocardial infarction and no perioperative death occurred. Eightyseven patients felt well in terms of their neuropsycho symptoms; 32 felt no change; and 2 worsened. Follow-up was done for all the patients with a follow-up rate of 100%. The mean time of the follow-up was 67.5±12.5 months. During this period, none of the patients manifested stroke, myocardial infarction or neuropsycho symptoms. Conclusion Concomitant OPCAB and CEA is a safe and effective procedure in patients with carotid arteriostenosis and coronary artery diseases. It can reduce the rate of postoperative stroke significantly. However, longterm outcome of the procedure needs operative experience accumulation, longterm follow-up and observation, and serious research and illumination.

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Correlation of Integrinlinked Kinase and Matrix Metalloproteinases9 Expression with Prognosis of Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer

     Abstract: Objective To observe the expression of integrinlinked kinase (ILK) and matrix metalloproteinases9 (MMP9) in human nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and investigate the correlation of ILK and MMP9 expression with the prognosis of NSCLC. Methods The expression of ILK and MMP9 in 75 specimens of NSCLC resected from January 2002 to January 2004 were detected by immunohistochemistry. According to the median of integral optical density (IOD), all patients were divided into the high or low ILK expression group and the high or low MMP-9 expression group. The relativity of ILK and MMP9 was determined, and the relationship of survival time with clinical features including expression of ILK and MMP-9 was compared by Logrank test. Results Both ILK and MMP-9 were expressed in NSCLC specimens. The expression between ILK and MMP-9 was positively correlated in 75 patients of our group (r=0.79, Plt;0.05). Patients with lower expression of ILK and MMP9 had a significantly longer survival time than those with higher expression of ILK and MMP-9 in the postoperative followup (χ2=15.067,14301,Plt;0.05). The survival time was not correlated with sex,age,smoking history or pathological type(χ2=0450,0078, 1.460, 1.623,Pgt;0.05), while tumor diameter, lymph node metastasis, TNM stage, the expression of ILK and MMP-9 significantly influenced the survival time (χ2=3.963, 15.169,20.529, 15.067,14.301,Plt;0.05). Conclusion  The expression of ILK and MMP9 affects the prognosis of NSCLC. MMP-9 may advance infiltration and metastasis of tumor cells through ILK pathway. In summary, the expression of ILK and MMP9 may play an important role in the evaluation of prognosis for patients with NSCLC.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:03 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • IABP辅助下非体外循环冠状动脉旁路移植术治疗冠心病合并严重左心室功能不全

    目的 总结严重左心室功能低下的冠心病患者行主动脉内球囊反搏(IABP)辅助下非体外循环冠状动脉旁路移植术(offpump CABG)的临床经验,以提高手术的成功率。 方法 66例严重左心室功能低下的冠心病患者,男48例,女18例;年龄68.4±10.3岁;左心室射血分数(LVEF)29.6%±5.3%。所有患者均在选择性IABP辅助下行offpump CABG。根据IABP置入的时间不同,将66例患者分为两组,术前IABP置入组:34例,于术前麻醉诱导后置入IABP;术后IABP置入组:32例,在手术完成后置入IABP。回顾分析其临床资料、手术资料、手术结果。结果  66例患者中每例移植血管3.4±0.7支,采用乳内动脉(IMA)66例,且全部吻合于左前降支,采用大隐静脉(SV)64例,桡动脉(RA)5例,吻合于除左前降支以外的所有冠状动脉。于术后15~48 h均顺利停用IABP;围术期死亡1例,于术后29 d发生低心排血量综合征合并肾功能衰竭,死于多器官功能衰竭。所有患者应用IABP后血流动力学和血气指标明显改善,连续心排血量(CCO)、心脏指数(CI)、混合静脉血氧饱和度(SvO2)、有创动脉收缩压(SABP)、有创平均动脉压(MABP)较术前明显升高,而毛细血管楔压(PCWP)较术前明显降低(Plt;0.05)。术前置入IABP组术后住ICU时间、室性心律失常和低心排血量发生率短于或低于术后置入组(Plt;0.05)。随访60例,随访时间1个月~3年,失访5 例。随访期间无心绞痛复发,无心肌梗死发生,心功能分级(NYHA)Ⅰ~Ⅱ级51例,Ⅲ级9例。无晚期死亡。 结论 合理使用IABP,使严重左心室功能低下的冠心病患者施行off-pump CABG有良好的近期效果,该方法是可行的。

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:06 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 老年冠心病患者应用桡动脉行冠状动脉旁路移植术的临床分析

    目的 总结老年冠心病患者行冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)中采集桡动脉(RA)后无相关并发症发生的临床经验。 方法 回顾性分析191例65岁以上老年冠心病患者(男121例,女70例;年龄65~83岁,平均年龄71.0岁)行CABG时运用RA的临床资料,观察围术期取材相关并发症的发生情况。 结果 RA远端吻合口数为1.30±0.25个/例,获取每支RA时间为25.0±7.5 min。术后发生心房颤动14例,行二次开胸止血4例,心肌梗死3例,脑卒中4例,急性肾功能不全5例,急性呼吸功能不全6例。术中未见RA痉挛,术后无切口感染、切口血肿、患肢感觉和运动异常。住院死亡4例(2.1%)。随访187例,随访时间3~12个月,患者均生存,无远期死亡,桡动脉取材侧肢体感觉及运动功能良好。 结论 老年患者行CABG时采用RA做移植血管,术后并发症少、取材安全,RA在CABG中将发挥越来越重要的作用。

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:06 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effects of Vascular Adventitia and Collagen Distribution on Intimal Hyperplasia and Vascular Remodeling

    Objective To investigate the dynamic changes of vascular adventitia and collagen distribution in the vein graft restenosis model, and evaluate the effects of adventitia and collagen distribution on intimal hyperplasia and vascular remodeling. Methods The pig autogenous vein grafts restenosis model from 18 longwhite pigs were created. 18 pigs were divided into 3 groups: 7th day group after operation, 30th day group after operation and 45th day group after operation according to animals harvested after surgery. The preoperative graft was as control group. According to HE and Masson staining slices, the vascular thickness, cell density, collagen distribution and vascular remodeling were investigated by histomorphometrical approach. Results In 7th day group after operation, the neointima formed and continuously thickened. The thickness and cell density of adventitia increased gradually, and the collagen of adventitia and neointima gradually increased, the luminal area gradually decreased after operation, but have no significant difference with control group(F=2.03,P=0.091). The residual restenosis rate increased inversely(F=5.16,P=0.033). Remodeling index and external elastic lamina area (EELA) slightly increased. In 30th day group after operation, the neointima thickened significantly, the thickness and cell density of adventitia reached the peak. There were a significant increase in the collagen of neointima, and the collagen of adventitia reached maximum. The luminal area and inter elastic lamina area(IELA) reduced distinctly as compared with 7th day group, the residual restenosis rate increased significantly(F=6.63,P=0.018), but remodeling index and EELA decreased distinctly as compared with 7th day group after operation. In 45th day group after operation, the thicknessof neointima reached maximum, but the cell density of adventitia reduced distinctly compared with 30th day group after operation(F=6.91, P=0.015). The collagen of neointima reached maximum, but the collagen of adventitia were smaller than those in 30th day group after operation, and there were some local fibrosis in adventitia. The luminal area, remodeling index, IELA and EELA reached minimum, but the residuum restenosis rate reached maximum. Conclusion Vein grafts restenosis is resulted by intimal hyperplasia and vascular remodeling. The thickness and fibrosis of adventitia and rearrangement of collagen are the important factors on intimal hyperplasia and vascular remodeling, which takes part in and accelerate the course of vein restenosis.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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