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find Keyword "难治性癫痫" 69 results
  • Effectiveness and Safety of Flunarizine for Refractory Epilepsy: A Meta-Analysis

    Objective To assess the effectiveness and safety of flunarizine for refractory epilepsy. Methods Relevant randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were searched from the database of PubMed, EMbase, Cochrane Library, CNKI, CBM, and VIP, and the related references were traced to obtain the information. The methodological quality of included RCTs was assessed using Jadad scale and meta-analysis was performed using RevMan 5.0 software. Results A total of eight studies involving 545 patients were included. The results of meta-analyses showed that: based on the conventional therapy, compared with placebo and none-treatment, flunarizine was more effective on adults and children with refractory epilepsy (OR=2.98, 95%CI 1.88 to -4.73; OR=33.75, 95%CI 4.13 to -276.00). Major adverse events of flunarizine were fatigue, dizziness, headache, and weight gain etc. All those symptoms except for the weight gain were observed in the early stage of medication, which might get self-cured or could disappear by constant medication or reducing the dose or symptomatic treatment. Conclusion The present study shows that based on the conventional therapy, flunarizine is effective and safe for refractory epilepsy.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:53 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Expression of β-amyloid Precursor Protein in Brain Tissue of Pharmacoresistant Epilepsy Patients by Immunofluorescence Examination

    目的:β淀粉样蛋白(β-amyloid precursor protein,β-APP)是已知的参与阿尔茨海默病机制的关键因子。β-APP是否参与难治性癫痫中的病理机制并不清楚。这项研究在于了解β-APP的蛋白在难治性癫痫患者术后颞叶皮质和海马组织中的表达是否异常。方法:免疫荧光法半定量测定难治性癫痫患者术后颞叶皮质和海马组织中的β-APP阳性蛋白的荧光值,并应用统计软件对实验数据进行单因素方差分析。结果:免疫荧光强度值分析结果显示β-APP在耐药性癫痫脑组织中表达较对照组明显增高且有统计学意义。结论:β-APP在难治性癫痫脑组织中异常增高,增高的β-APP可能参与了难治性癫痫的病理机制。

    Release date:2016-08-26 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effectiveness and Safety of Progabide for Refractory Epilepsy: A Meta-Analysis

    Objective To assess the effectiveness and safety of progabide (PGB) for refractory epilepsy. Methods Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on PGB treating refractory epilepsy were searched from the following databases as PubMed, EMbase, The Cochrane Library, CNKI, CBM and VIP from the date of their establishment to July 2011. The data of RCTs meeting the inclusive criteria were extracted according to Cochrane methods by two reviewers independently, and after the quality was evaluated and cross-checked, meta-analyses were conducted using RevMan 5.1 software. Results A total of seven studies involving 231 patients were included. The results of Meta-analyses showed that based on the conventional therapy, PGB was ineffective in treating refractory partial epilepsy compared with the placebo (OR=1.76, 95%CI 0.40 to 7.65, P=0.45), but it was superior to the placebo in treating refractory partial and generalized epilepsy (OR=4.46, 95%CI 2.06 to 9.65, P=0.000 1). The main adverse events of PGB were somnolence, dizziness and headache, which were mild and transient, which could turn to normal after reducing the dose of PGB and only a few patients needed to stop taking PGB. Conclusion Current studies shows that progabide may be effective in treating refractory partial and generalized epilepsy, but its effectiveness in treating refractory partial epilepsy is still unknown. The side effects of PGB are mostly mild. For the possibility of moderate selection bias existing in the quality of the included studies which may affect the authenticity of outcomes, so this conclusion still needs to be further proved by conducting more high-quality, large-scale and double-blinded RCTs.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:00 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis of the Relationship between Prognosis of Different Intractable Epilepsy Surgery and the Disease Course

    【摘要】 目的 探讨难治性癫痫不同类型手术的预后与病程长短有无相关关系。 方法 回顾性分析2005年1月-2009年12月在四川大学华西医院神经外科进行难治性癫痫手术的143例患者,根据Engel分级对预后进行评估,分别分析各类型手术不同病程时间之间的预后差异以及相关关系。 结果 不同病程组颞叶手术和颞叶合并颞叶外手术的预后差异无统计学意义(Pgt;0.05),两者之间无相关关系;颞叶外手术的预后在不同病程组间差异有统计学意义(Plt;0.05),两者之间呈负相关。 结论 颞叶外癫痫手术的预后与病程存在相关关系;病程越短,预后越好。【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the relationship between prognosis of different intractable epilepsy surgeries and the disease course. Methods A total of 143 patients who had undergone surgeries for intractable epilepsy in the Neurosurgery Department of West China Hospital of Sichuan University from 2005 to 2009 were enrolled, and the prognosis with different disease course were assessed based on the Engel classification. Results Between different disease duration groups, the difference between the prognosis of the temporal surgery and the surgery of temporal lobe combined with other lobes was not statistically significant (Pgt;0.05), which indicated no relationship between the disease course and the prognosis. However, the difference between the prognosis of the surgeries outside the temporal lobe was statistically significant (Plt;0.05), which showed that patients with a longer disease course had a worse prognosis. Conclusion The prognosis of the epilepsy surgery outside the temporal lobe is correlated with the disease course. The shorter course has a better prognosis after surgery.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:24 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Diagnosis Value of Video-electroencephalography and MRI on Pharmacal Intractable Epilepsy

    【摘要】 目的 探讨用视频脑电图和MRI诊断药物难治性癫痫的临床价值。 方法 收集2006年12月-2010年5月间经手术和病理证实的药物难治性癫痫患者38例。其中,海马硬化25例,颞叶萎缩伴脑发育不良2例,脑灰质移位及巨脑回4例,血管畸形3例,胶质瘤2例,脑内囊肿1例,外伤性癫痫1例。用视频脑电图监测癫痫发作期及发作间期痫样放电的来源部位及脑电活动特点,用MRI扫描显示痫灶区的表现特征,并与手术、病理改变对照,进行回顾性分析。 结果 视频脑电图对癫痫发作期的致痫灶来源定位准确率为100%(38/38),发作间期定位准确率为53%(20/38)。MRI对发作间期的致痫灶及相关病变定位诊断准确率为89%(34/38),病变定性准确率为79%(30/38)。 结论 视频脑电图和MRI检查有机结合,对药物难治性癫痫,能更有效检出致痫灶的部位及性质,为药物难治性癫痫患者的手术治疗,提供重要信息。【Abstract】 Objective To study the clinical diagnosis value of video-electroencephalography (EEG) and MRI on pharmacal intractable epilepsy. Methods From December 2006 to May 2010, 38 cases of pharmacal intractable epilepsy were confirmed through operation and pathologic examination. Among them, there were 25 cases of hippocampal sclerosis, 2 cases of temporal lobe atrophy combined with brain dysplasia, 4 cases of heterotopic gray matter and macrogyria, 3 cases of vascular malformation, 2 cases of glioma, 1 case of cyst in brain, and 1 case of traumatic epilepsy. Video-EEG was applied to monitor the source of epileptoid discharge and the features of brain electrical activity during and between the occurrences of epilepsy. MRI was used to detect the manifestation characteristics of the epilepsy focus, and retrospective analysis was done to compare these findings with operational and pathological results. Results The accuracy rate of Video-EEG in locating the epilepsy focus was 100% (38/38) during the occurrence of epilepsy, and 53% (20/38) between the occurrences of epilepsy. The accuracy rate of MRI in diagnosing the epilepsy focus and relevant abnormalities during the occurrence of epilepsy was 89% (34/38), and 79% (30/38) in characterizing the abnormalities. Conclusion Video-EEG combined with MRI examination is effective in locating and characterizing the epilepsy focus, which can provide more useful information for the surgery in treating pharmacal intractable epilepsy.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:27 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Toll样受体信号通道在大脑皮层发育畸形中的研究

    大脑皮层发育畸形(Malformation of cortical development, MCD)是导致难治性癫痫的常见原因之一。随着神经影像学、神经生理学、分子生物学、基因组学的发展, 国内外学者对MCD发病机制研究的不断深入, 越来越多的证据表明大脑内Toll样受体(Toll-like receptors, TLR)信号通道参与其中。TLR信号通道作为一种重要的炎性信号介导通道, 广泛存在于机体各系统组织, 参与多种免疫炎性反应的发生、发展。最近的实验研究表明, 存在于大脑组织中的TLR信号通道可能介导MCD的产生, 从而导致难治性癫痫。现就围绕TLR信号通道与MCD关系作一综述, 为MCD的信号通道研究提供依据

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  • 外科手术与药物治疗对于难治性癫痫患者发作控制外的结局指标的比较

    约有1/3的癫痫患者发展为耐药性癫痫, 控制达无发作的可能性随着添加药物而降低。经适当筛选的患者, 癫痫手术增加了其达到无发作并彻底停药的可能性。癫痫手术和药物治疗一样, 并非没有副作用。为了给病人提供明智、全面的建议, 医疗人员需要了解这两种治疗的优势和劣势。随机对照试验结果显示对于颞叶癫痫, 手术比持续药物治疗效果更好。虽然所有治疗的最终目标都是无发作, 但它只代表了各种影响患者生活质量的其中一个预后指标。了解影响预后指标的变量以及预后指标间如何相互影响是有必要的。关于比较手术治疗与药物治疗难治性癫痫的研究数据有限, 对治疗结局相关指标的数据进行了回顾。这些结局指标除无发作以外, 还包括生活质量、认知、社会心理功能、死亡率及经济成本等

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  • The analysis of insula lobe function based on the Stereo-electroencephalography

    ObjectiveTo understand the relationship between the anatomy and the function of the insula lobe cortex based on the stereo-electro encephalography (SEEG) by direct electric stimulation of the insula cortex performed in the patients who suffered from the refractory epilepsy. MethodsRetrospective review was performed on 12 individuals with refractory epilepsy who were diagnosed in the Department of Functional neurosurgery of RenJi Hospital from December 2013 to September 2015. We studied all the SEEG electrodes implanted in the brain with contacts in the insula cortex. Direct electric stimulation was given to gain the brain mapping of the insula. Results12 consecutive patients with refractory epilepsy were implanted SEEG electrodes into the insula cortex. In all, 176 contacts were in the insula cortex, and 154 were included. The main clinical manifestations obtained by the stimulation were somatosensory abnormalities, laryngeal constriction, dyspnea, nausea, flustered. While somatosensory symptoms were located in the posterior insula, visceral sensory symptoms distribute relatively in the anterior insula, and other symptoms were mainly in the central and anterior part. ConclusionsThe symptoms of the insula present mainly according to the anatomy, but some of them are mixed. In addition, the manifestations of the insula are usually complex and individually.

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  • Correlation study of mTOR pathway and pharmacoresistance of Sprague-Dawley rat epilepsy model kindled by coriaria lactone

    ObjectiveTo investigate the association between mTOR pathway and pharmacoresistance of Sprague-Dawley rat epilepsy model kindled by coriaria lactone. MethodsA kindling model of pharmacoresistant temporal lobe epilepsy was developed by injecting Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats with coriaria lactone (CL) (1.75 mg/kg, every 84 h). Normal SD rats were injected with normal sodium (NS) served as control group. Rats with five or more consecutive stage 5 seizures were included in kindled group. Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the levels of P-S6 in both groups. ResultsThe expressions of P-S6 in CA1 and CA3 were significantly higher compared with control group, and were mainly in astrocytes (P < 0.001). In addition, the expression of P-S6 in DG area was significantly higher than that in control group, with more granular cell and neuron (P < 0.001). ConclusionsThe mTOR pathway may be correlated with the drug resistance of refractory lobe epilepsy kindled by coriaria lactone.

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  • Mechanism of mTOR signaling pathway in intractable epilepsy

    ObjectiveTo observe the expressions of p-mTOR, p-S6K1 and p-4EBP1 in the human brain with refractory epilepsy and to explore the role of mTOR signaling pathway in intractable epilepsy. MethodsCollecting the brain tissues of 24 patients with refractory epilepsy for surgical treatment from March 2010 to July 2011 as experimental group in hospitalized Epilepsy Center at the First Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun City. Collecting temporal lobe or frontal lobe brain tissue from 6 autopsy of patients who had emergency surgery for neurosurgery brain tranma during the same period. Using immunohistochemistry to observe the expression of p-mTOR, p-S6K1, p-4EBP1 in the two groups of brain tissues, and analyzed statistically. Results① p-mTOR, p-S6K1 and p-4EBP1 were expressed in both neurons and glial cells of experimental and control groups. P-mTOR, p-S6K1, p-4EBP1 positive cells of experimental group was significantly higher than the control group(P<0.01). The expression level of p-mTOR, p-S6K1, p-4EBP1 in the brain tissues of patients with different seizure frequency and with different duration:the expression level of p-mTOR, p-S6K1, p-4EBP1 in the brain tissues of patients in the group of epilepsy 10 years and more than 10 years were significantly higher than the group of epilepsy fewer than 10 years and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). ② The structural changes of brain tissues were observed under the optical microscope and electron microscope. Under the optical microscope:the distribution of nerve cells were uneven, the nucleus was vacuolated, the cytoplasm was less and gliosis. Under the transmission electron microscope:the number of neurons was reduced, nuclear condensation, the heterochromatin was increased, the nucleolus were dissymmetry and the nuclear membrane was breakage, also see neurons became psychotic, cell body became smaller, astrocyte cell membrane became edema, chromatin was dissymmetry, some mitochondrial were swelling and transparent, and others were vacuolated, the mitochondrial crista was in disorder. ③ p-mTOR, p-S6K1 and p-4EBP1 are expressed in the cerebral vascular of the brain in both experimental and control groups.In the experimental group, the expression is high concentration.In the control group, the expression is scattered in a small amount. Conclusionsp-mTOR, p-S6K1 and p-4EBP1 are widely expressed in neurons and glial cells with refractory epilepsy, which was significantly increased compared with control group. The expression of p-mTOR, p-S6K1and p-4EBP1 is related to frequency of epileptic seizures and course.

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