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find Keyword "饮食" 61 results
  • Research Progress on Diet and Heart Failure

    As the eventual end of the cardiovascular disease, heart failure is aggravated or results in cachexia when the patient is under malnutrition or exposes to certain risk factors of diet mode during the long disease duration. Researches reveal that the diet has effects on patho-physiology, energy metabolism, inflammation and oxidative stress of heart failure. This article conducts a literature review on the association between diet and heart failure.

    Release date:2016-08-25 02:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 尿石症患者的饮食护理


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  • Investigation of Dietary Hygiene Behavior and Attitude among College Students

    Objective?To study the existent dietary hygiene behavior and attitude among college students and to provide references for further education and management. Methods?A self-designed dietary hygiene-related questionnaire based on the KAP (knowledge-attitude-practice) model was conducted in Sichuan University students, with a method of proportionate sampling classified by sex, grade, and major. Results?College students’ hygienic habits were not good enough. It indicated that only 7.8% of the students were concerned about Hygiene License and 30.7% of them held that tableware should be sterilized before using. Besides, only 21% of the students washed hands before meals, 14.9% believed that a health certificate was required for foodservice employees, more than 80% students may buy food on stalls sometimes. Conclusion?A majority of students have requirements for hygienic situations while dining, but they do not know clear specific health standards. A number of students are not used to washing hands before dining. Moreover, lack of hygienic awareness is emphasized when they are facing food with potential safety problems. It is very necessary to strengthen health education and to improve hygienic behaviors in college students.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Individual Psychotherapy in the Outpatient Treatment of Adults with Anorexia Nervosa

    Objective Anorexia nervosa is a disorder of high morbidity and significant mortality. The aim of the present review was to evaluate the evidence from randomized controlled trials for the efficacy of outpatient psychotherapies used in the treatment of older adolescents ( aged >16 years) and adults with anorexia nervosa. Methods The search strat egy comprised database searches of Medline, EXTRAMED, EMBASE, PSYCLIT, Current Contents, Cochrane Con trolled Trials Register and the Depression and Anxiety Neurosis Cochrane Group ( CCDAN), the search date was Novem ber 2002. A hand-search of The International Journal of Eating Disorders from its first issue up to March 2003, and the ref erence lists of all papers selected. Personal letters were sent to identified leading researchers published in the area, requesting information on trials that are unpublished. All randomized controlled trials of adult individual outpatient therapy for anorexia nervosa, as defined by the DSM-IV or similar international criterion, were included. Quality ratings were made according to the CCDAN criteria. A range of outcome variables were selected, including physical state, severity of eating disorder attitudes and behefs, interpersonal function, and general psychiatric symptom severity. Continuous outcome data comparisons were planned with the standardized mean difference statistic, and binary outcome comparisons planned with the relative risk statistic. Results Six small trials only, two of which included children or adolescents, were identified from the search and aggregation of data was not possible. Bias was possible due to lack of blinding of outcome assessments. The results in two trials suggested that "treatment as usual" or similar may be less efficacious than a specific psychotherapy. No specific treatment was consistently superior to any other specific approach. Dietary advice as a control arm had a 100% non-completion rate in one trial. Conclusions No specific approach can be recommended from this review. It is unclear why "treatment as usual" performed so poorly, or why dietary advice alone appeared so unacceptable. There is an urgent need for large well-designed trials in this area.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:28 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 探索重症监护病房量化表饮食护理干预的有效性

    目的 探讨重症监护病房(ICU)患者饮食健康教育的有效方式,为ICU患者及家属更好地了解所需膳食结构,从而进行日常饮食护理提供实践依据。 方法 将2011年1月-6月收治的82例清醒可进软食患者随机分为观察组和对照组,每组各41例;观察组结合《ICU病人安全饮食指导表》进行饮食保健指导和营养状态监测等护理干预;对照组给予常规的营养支持和药物治疗。1个月后进行问卷调查,观察临床沟通效果。 结果 观察组较对照组患者及其家属对安全饮食的了解度增加,满意度升高,营养状态好转,护士开展健康指导时间减少(P<0.05)。 结论 应用《ICU病人安全饮食指导表》等护理干预,可有效增加ICU患者及家属对其所需膳食了解程度,帮助护士或家属更好地安排其膳食,大幅提高护士和患者及家属沟通有效率和优质护理服务满意度。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:11 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 饮食干预对尿毒症行HDF治疗患者营养状况的效果分析

    目的:探讨饮食干预改善尿毒症行血液透析滤过(HDF)治疗患者营养不良的措施和效果。方法:加强饮食指导,制订饮食方案,严格保证一日三餐中蛋白质、脂肪、热量和维生素及纤维素的摄入,同时辅以口服α酮酸。连续观察8 周,对比分析采取措施前后患者体重和血浆白蛋白的上升情况,行改良主观全面营养评价法(MSGAN)评分评估其营养状况。结果:25 例患者干体重和血浆白蛋白均不同程度增加,患者营养状况普遍得到改善。结论:科学的膳食并辅以口服α-酮酸,能显著改善尿毒症患者的营养状况

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Gastroscope Observation of 3661 Cases about Special Diet in Ethnic Minority Areas

    摘要:目的: 研究分析特殊饮食结构和生活习惯人群发生上消化道疾病的病种及发生率。 方法 :对1998年11月至2008年11月我院经胃镜检查的3661例患者进行统计,并参考饮食结构和生活习惯进行分析。 结果 :汉族调查2343例,彝族调查1318例:汉族患病率胃溃疡1626%、十二指肠溃疡858%、复合性溃疡098%、糜烂出血性胃炎1434%、胃癌、食道癌089%;彝族患病率胃溃疡2527%、十二指肠溃疡1282%、复合性溃疡25%、糜烂出血性胃炎1988%、胃癌、食道癌152%。 结论 :少数民族地区特殊饮食人群上消化道疾病发病率及胃、十二指肠溃疡的发生率和癌变比率明显增高。Abstract: Objective: To study the structure of the special diet and the lifestyle of people who occurred the upper digestive tract diseases and disease incidence. Methods : From 199811 t0 200811,3661 cases in our hospital carryed out statistics and analysis with reference to diet and lifestyle. Results : Han people with 2343 cases, Yi people with 1318 cases, in Han people, the rate of ulcer was 1626%,858% of duodenal ulcer,098% of compound ulcer,1434% of erosive hemorrhage gastritis,089% of stomach and esophagus; in Yi people,2527% of gastric ulcer,1282% of duodenal ulcer,25% of compound ulcer,1988% of erosive gastritis hemorrhage,152% of stomach and esophageal cancer. Conclusion : The upper digestive tract diseases, the incidence of stomach, duodenal ulcer and cancer incidence rate increased significantly in special diet groups in ethnic minority areas.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effect of Modified Sleeve Gastrectomy on Ghrelin and Glucagon Like Peptide-1 in Rats with Diet Induced Obesity

    ObjectiveTo explore a surgery of effective weight loss concentrating on gut hormone release. MethodsWistar rats were fed with high-fat diet for inducing obesity and which randomly divided into sleeve gastrectomy plus decent jejunoileal bypass (SJB) group (n=12), sleeve gastrectomy (SG) group (n=12), and sham operation (SO) group (n=11), the body weight reduction, food intake, plasma ghrelin level, and glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1) level were compared among three groups. ResultsThere were no differences of the body weight and food intake before operation among three groups (Pgt;0.05). Compared with the SO group, the body weight descended and the food intake decreased obviously on 1-8 weeks after operation in the SJB group (Plt;0.05), the body weight of rats on 1-8 weeks after operation in the SJB group significantly descended as compared with the SG group (Plt;0.05), and the food intake of rats on week 3, 6, 7, and 8 in the SJB group signicantly decreased as compared with the SG group (Plt;0.05). There were no differences of the levels of the plasma ghrelin and GLP-1 before operation among three groups (Pgt;0.05). Compared with SO group, the plasma ghrelin level decreased and the GLP-1 level increased in the SJB group and the SG group, meanwhile the SJB group significantly decreased level of plasma ghrelin and elevated level of plasma GLP-1 as compared with the SG group on week 8 after operation(Plt;0.05). ConclusionThe data demonstrate that SJB could represent an effective way of losing weight by interfering with food intake and obesity related hormone levels.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:40 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effect of Sleeve Gastrectomy on LOX-1 Expression of Aortic Epithelium in Rats with High-Fat-Diet-Induced Obestiy

    ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of sleeve gastrectomy on preventing adipose infiltration and LOX-1 expression in aortic epithelium of high-fat-diet-induced obese rats. MethodsTwenty-four Wistar rats were randomized into normal chow group (CO group), high-fat diet group (HD group), and high-fat diet combined with sleeve gastrectomy group (SG group). Rats of three groups before operation and CO group after operation were fed with normal diet, rats of HD and SG group were fed with high-fat diet. Body weight of all the rats were examined on day 10, 20, and 30 after operation, respectively. Animals were sacrificed on day 30 after operation and plasma HDL and LDL were detected by ELISA, LOX-1 and LOX-1 mRNA expression in aortic epithelium were measured by Western blot and real-time RT-PCR, respectively. Immunochemical histological Nile red stain was adopted in adipose infiltration examination of aorta. ResultsThe body weights in HD group were much higher than those of other groups (Plt;0.01). The HDL in CO, HD, and SG groups was (32.9±6.2) mg/dl, (43.4± 4.0) mg/dl, and (37.5± 4.3) mg/dl, respectively. The LDL in CO, HD, and SG groups was (31.8±4.5) mg/dl, (53.3±5.1) mg/dl, and (40.5±3.7 ) mg/dl, respectively. The HDL and LDL values in HD group were higher than those of other two groups (Plt;0.05, Plt;0.01). The LOX-1 protein and mRNA expressions in HD group were much higher than those of other groups (Plt;0.01). Adipose staining in HD group was also ber than that of other groups. ConclusionsHigh-fat diet can induce elevation of LOX-1 protein and mRNA expression in aorta. Sleeve gastrecto my can relieve plasma LDL level, as a result, LOX-1 protein and mRNA expression should be down-regulated.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:41 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Efficacy and safety of ketogenic diet in tuberous sclerosis complex with epilepsy

    ObjectiveTuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a multiorgan disorder and mostly associated with intractable epilepsy. Now several individual reports suggest that epilepsy in children with TSC might benefit from a ketogenic diet (KD). We prospectively studied the curative effect of 14 children with the KD in the treatment of TSC with epilepsy. MethodsBetween 2008 and 2015, we enrolled 14 children with TSC and epilepsy who received KD treatment in Shenzhen Children's Hospital and followed up for at least three months.Outcome was measured by the change of seizure frequency before and after the KD in the use of anticonvusant drugs, adverse effects, and change in cognitive function. Results14 children aged 8 months to 7 years were included. 7/14 (50%) children had a > 50% reduction in seizure frequency at 3 months on the diet, 5/14 (36%) children had a seizure free response. 12/14 (86%) children with refractory epilepsy, 6/12 (50%) children had a > 50% reduction in seizure frequency, 2 children had reduced medications, one child did not use any antiepileptic drugs during KD. 6 of 12 children with developmental delays had cognitive function improvement. ConclusionsKD is a generally effective and safe therapy for TSC children with epilepsy, especially for refractory epilepsy. KD could reduce antiepileptic drugs, and also improve children's cognitive function.

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