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find Keyword "黄斑病变" 26 results

    PURPOSE:Understanding the characteristics of color vision defects in patients with maculopathy. METHODS:Applying Panel D-15 test and FM 100-hue test to evaluate the color vision of 78 patients (122 eyes) with maculopathy and analyzing the types of color vision defects and the relationship between the color discrimination and the visual acuity. RESULTS:All eyes of the wetform AMT(14 eyes),Stargardt's disease(10 eyes),macular hole (6 eyes)and central exudative retinochoroidopathy(3 eyes)showed color vision defects and high average roots of total error scores of FM 1000-hue test.The abnormal rates of color vision and the average roots of tota error scores in patients with epiretinal membrane (18 eyes)and dry-form AMD(71 eyes)were low.The roots of total error scores in FM 100-hue test was negatively relative with the visual acuity(r-0.8944). CNCLUSION:The types and severities of color vision defects vary in different maculopathy.The color discrimination was negatively relative with the visual acuity. (Chin J Ocul Fundus Dis,1996,12: 80-82)

    Release date:2016-09-02 06:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 眼底血管样条纹合并黄斑病变一例

    报告1例眼底血管样条纹合并黄斑病变患者.右眼黄斑为浆液性脱离,左眼黄斑为机化瘢痕色素沉着,均严重影响视力.并对本病病因、诊断及治疗进行简要讨论. (中华眼底病杂志,1993,9:182-182)

    Release date:2016-09-02 06:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 雷珠单抗治疗渗出型老年性黄斑变性的护理

    目的 探讨针对性护理在渗出性老年性黄斑变性(AMD)治疗中的作用。 方法 对2012年6月-12月在门诊经荧光素眼底血管造影和光相干断层扫描,确诊为渗出型AMD并行雷珠单抗玻璃体腔内注射的83例患者治疗护理情况进行回顾性分析。 结果 83例患者经治疗及护理,术后均未发生眼内炎,21例有少许结膜下出血,3~7 d后吸收。术后8例眼压略高于正常,但监测3 d后恢复至正常范围内。 结论 良好的护理配合是AMD治疗成功的关键,在减轻医生负担的同时,也为患者的治疗与康复提供了应有的指导与帮助。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:38 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The clinical characteristic analysis of idiopathic hypotony maculopathy in a series of 18 patients

    ObjectiveTo summarize the clinical features in idiopathic hypotony maculopathy.MethodsA retrospective case series study. Eighteen eyes of 18 patients who were diagnosed with idiopathic hypotony maculopathy were enrolled in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University from August 2012 to December 2017. There were 8 males (8 eyes) and 10 females (10 eyes). All patients underwent examinations including BCVA, optometry, slit lamp microscope, fundus color photography, UBM, B-mode ultrasound, OCT, FFA and axial length (AL). BCVA was recorded with logMAR acuity. The results of affected eyes and contralateral healthy eyes were compared. Paired t test was performed to compare the intraocular pressure (IOP), diopter and AL of the affected eyes and contralateral healthy eyes.ResultsAmong 18 eyes, there were 6 eyes with logMAR BCVA<1.0, 10 eyes with logMAR BCVA 1.0−2.0, 2 eyes with light perception. The average diopter was +2.32±1.78 D. The average IOP was 5.18±1.38 mmHg (1 mmHg=0.133 kPa). The average AL was 20.92±1.61 mm. The differences of IOP (t=21.6, P<0.000), diopter (t=5.9, P=0.002) and AL (t=9.13, P<0.000) between the affected eyes and contralateral healthy eyes were significant. The inflammatory reaction in the anterior segment was observed in 13 eyes (72.22%). In the posterior segment, all the eyes were documented with chorioretinal folds, optic disc swelling and retinal phlebectasia were also demonstrated in 14 eyes, while with macular uplift in 7 eyes. In the UBM and gonioscope examination, the angle chamber was open in all patients with ciliary body cyst in 6 eyes, while no ciliary body detachment was detected. All eyes had been examined with B-scan ultrasound and found the increasing thickness of eye ball in all eyes, and nodular changes in the optic papilla in 5 eyes. The chorioretinal folds were further confirmed by OCT with the appearance of the gear shape, much more obviously in the choroid than that in retina. In the FFA, fluorescein leakage was found around the optic disc in 13 eyes at the late stage, while there was no obvious abnormal leakage in the macular or poster part of retina.ConclusionsIdiopathic hypotony maculopathy could present with various clinical manifestations. The choroiretinal folds is typical clinical sign.

    Release date:2019-05-17 04:15 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Current status and progress of torpedo maculopathy

    Torpedo maculopathy is a rare, congenital lesion of RPE, which locates temporal to the macula and along the horizontal raphe. The lesion is torpedo-shaped with its torpedo-like tip pointing towards the fovea. As an incidental finding, it often affects only one eye with no damage to central visual acuity. According to its characteristics on OCT, it is divided into 2 types: typeⅠ, attenuation of outer retinal structures without outer retinal cavitation; typeⅡ, those with both attenuation of outer retinal structures and outer retinal cavitation. Diseases with pigment changes in the RPE layer similar to torpedo maculopathy include congenital hypertrophy of the RPE, RPE lesions in Gardner syndrome, etc. The main point to distinguish the disease from other diseases is its unique location and shape. Most of the torpedo maculopathy lesions are stable and do not require special treatment, but the disease can be complicated by neurosensory retinal detachment, choroidal neovascularization and so on, and symptomatic treatment is needed if necessary.

    Release date:2020-03-18 02:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 急性旁中心中层黄斑病变一例

    Release date:2020-05-19 02:20 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Enhance the cognition of myopic traction maculopathy to select the surgical approach reasonably

    Myopic traction maculopathy is a general term for a class of diseases including vitreomacular traction, foveoschisis, and macular hole. Posterior staphyloma plays a vital role in the occurrence and development of myopic traction maculopathy. At present, there is no uniform standard for the timing and method of surgery for myopic traction maculopathy. Based on OCT examination, the classification of traction maculopathy and the degree of visual function damage are important basis for judging the timing of surgery at this stage. Pars plana vitrectomy has been widely used in the treatment of myopic traction maculopathy, but for those with a long axis, the operation is complicated and the effect is not ideal. Macular buckling can effectively alleviate the traction caused by posterior staphyloma, but this surgery has a certain learning curve for clinicians, surgical materials need to be improved and perfected, and more evidence-based medical evidence is needed. We believe that with the continuous clinical understanding of myopic traction maculopathy, surgical treatment will be more rationalized and better treatment results will be achieved.

    Release date:2021-01-16 10:10 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 儿童急性高眼压致视杯可逆性改变伴旁中心急性中层黄斑病变一例

    Release date:2021-10-19 01:27 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Interobserver agreement of international classification of myopic maculopathy

    ObjectiveTo observe the interobserver agreement of classification of macular degeneration in severe pathological myopia (PM) by ophthalmologists with different clinical experience. MethodsA retrospective study. From January 2019 to December 2021, 171 eyes of 102 patients with severe PM macular degeneration who were examined at Eye Center of Beijing Tongren Hospital of Capital Medical University were included in the study. The clinical data such as age, gender, axial length, spherical equivalent power, fundus color photography, and optical coherence tomography (OCT) were collected in detail. Six independent ophthalmologists (A, B, C, D, E, F) classified each fundus photography based on META-PM and ATN classification of atrophy (A) system and interobserver agreement was assessed by Kappa statistics. According to the classification standard of traction (T) in the ATN classification, the OCT images were interpreted and classified, in which T0 was subdivided into retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and choroidal thinning, choroidal neovascularization (CNV) with partial RPE and choroidal atrophy, RPE, and choroidal atrophy. Lamellar macular hole can't be classified by ATN system, which was defined as TX. Kappa (κ) test was used to analyze the consistency of classification results between physicians A, B, C, D, E and F. κ value ≤0.4 indicates low consistency, 0.4<κ value ≤ 0.6 indicates moderate consistency, and κ value >0.6 indicates strong consistency. ResultsAmong the 171 eyes of 102 cases, there were 20 males with 37 eyes (19.6%, 20/102), and 82 females with 134 eyes (80.4%, 82/102); age was 61.97±8.78 years; axial length was (30.87±1.93) mm; equivalent spherical power was (-16.56±7.00) D. Atrophy (A) classification results in META-PM classification and ATN classification, the consistency of physician A, B, C, D, E and physician F were 73.01%, 77.19%, 81.28%, 81.28%, 88.89%; κ value were 0.472, 0.538, 0.608, 0.610, 0.753, respectively. In the ATN classification, the T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, and T5 were in 109, 18, 11, 12, 9, and 8 eyes, respectively; TX was in 4 eyes. ConclusionsThere are differences in the consistency of classification of severe PM macular lesions among physicians with different clinical experience, and the consistency will gradually improve with the accumulation of clinical experience.

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  • Indications and challenges of episcleral pressurization of macula

    Pathological myopia, characterized by progressive elongation of the axial length and formation of posterior staphyloma, is accompanied by chorioretinal irreversible degeneration. It is also the focus and biggest challenge of myopia control and blindness prevention. For managing progressive early-onset pathologic myopia and myopic traction maculopathy, episcleral pressurization of macula is a practical option. It can be divided into posterior scleral reinforcement surgery and macular buckling surgery according to the presence or absence of operative top pressure ridge after surgery, both of which are different in terms of implanted materials, procedures and indications. The implanted materials, procedures and indications are different between the two. Under the background of soaring prevalence of myopia, it is necessary to modify and cautiously popularize the techniques of episcleral pressurization of macula to provide high level clinical evidence for management of pathological myopia.

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