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find Keyword "Cesarean" 26 results
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Stanford Type A Aortic Dissection during Pregnancy

    Objective To summarize our diagnostic and treatment experience for patients with acute Stanford type A aortic dissection (AAAD) during pregnancy. Methods Clinical data of 3 AAAD gravida (age of 30,32,35) who received surgical treatment in Beijing Anzhen Hospital of Capital Medical University from May 2008 to July 2010 were retros-pectively analyzed. One gravida received Sun’s procedure (total arch replacement combined with stented elephant trunk implantation) 3 days after cesarean section,but the fetus died in the uterus. Another gravida successfully underwent Bentall procedure and Sun’s procedure immediately after cesarean section and hysterectomy. The third gravida received cesarean section with the uterus in situ followed by ascending aorta replacement and Sun’s procedure. Results All the 3 puerperasrecovered uneventfully,and the 2 newborns of the second and third puerperas also lived well. The 3 puerperas were followedup for 6 months after discharge. CT scan showed organized thrombus in the aortic false lumen. During follow-up,the 3 puerperas recovered well,and the 2 infants had normal growth and development. Conclusions Management principles of AAAD during pregnancy firstly include timely and accurate diagnosis,which is of prime importance. Secondly,gravidas’hemodynamics should maintain stable. Thirdly,intraoperative hemorrhage should be satisfactorily controlled. Lastly,multi-modality treatment is very important to improve the prognosis of both gravidas and fetuses.

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Chewing Gum in Promoting Bowel Recovery after Cesarean Section: A Systematic Review

    Objective To assess the efficacy and safety of chewing gum in promoting bowel recovery after cesarean section. Methods Such databases as The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMbase and CBM were searched from their establishment to 2010 to include the randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of comparing chewing gum with other procedures for promoting postoperative bowel function after cesarean section. The risks of bias in the included studies were evaluated at randomization, allocation concealment, blinding, completeness of outcomes, and selective reporting. Meta-analyses were performed by RevMan 5.0.22 software. Results Three RCTs involving 745 participants were included. The results of meta-analyses showed chewing gum after cesarean section significantly shortened the time before getting the first postoperative flatus (MD= –6.54, 95%CI –7.82 to –5.27, Plt;0.000 01), reduced the risks of postoperative ileus (RR=0.54, 95%CI 0.34 to 0.87, P=0.01) and possibly shortened the length of hospital stay (MD= –0.21, 95%CI –0.39 to –0.03, P=0.02) compared with blank control. Currently, no adequate data supported the safety of chewing gum after cesarean section. Conclusion Chewing gum after cesarean section can promote the postoperative bowel recovery, and reduce the odds of postoperative ileus. However, more high quality RCTs are required for lack of included studies and poor quality of methodology.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:03 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Effect of Nursing Intervention on Exclusive Breastfeeding after Hysterotokotomy


    Release date:2016-09-08 09:45 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Application of LowDose Ketamine during the Local Anesthesia in Cesarean Section Assisted by Analgestic and Amnestic Anesthesia

    【摘要】 目的 观察小剂量氯胺酮在健忘镇痛麻醉辅助局部麻醉(局麻)剖宫产中的应用。方法 选择1200例剖宫产的孕妇,随机分为单纯局麻组(L组)、氟芬强化局麻组(F组)和健忘镇痛麻醉组(J组),每组400例。L组单纯局麻;F组局麻术中辅以氟哌利多500 mg,芬太尼015 mg;J组在F组基础上辅以氯胺酮,观察各组患者麻醉诱导至胎儿娩出时间;新生儿1、5 min Apgar评分;手术中血压相对于基础值的波动情况;手术中及手术后出血情况及麻醉满意度。 结果 J组与L组和F组比较,胎儿娩出时间无显著差别;Apgar评分提高;手术中孕妇血压波动不明显;手术中及手术后出血量无明显增加,麻醉满意度明显提高。 结论 由小剂量氯胺酮辅助实施的健忘镇痛麻醉在局麻剖宫产中优于单纯局麻和氟芬强化局麻,在剖宫产中尤其急诊剖宫产中值得推广。【Abstract】 Objective To observe the application of lowdose ketamine during the local anesthesia in cesarean section assisted by analgestic and amnestic anesthesia. Methods A total of 1200 cases who need cesarean section were randomly divided into 3 groups (400 cases in each group): simple local anesthesia group (group L), droperidolfentanyl strengthen local anesthesia group (group F) and analgestic and amnestic anesthesia group (group J). Group L was only local anesthesia. Group F was local anesthesia supplemented by droperidol 500 mg, fentanyl 015 mg. Group J was supplemented with ketamine on the basis of group F. Then the time from anesthesia to the fetus delivery, Neonatal Apgar score of one and five minutes, the blood pressure fluctuations, amount of bleeding in or after surgery and the satisfaction of anesthesia were all observed. Results Compared with group L and F, the delivery time was no significant difference, Apgar score increased, blood pressure fluctuations in pregnant women was not obviously varied, amount of bleeding in or after surgery had no significantly increase, and the satisfaction of anesthesia improved markedly all in group J. Conclusions The analgestic and amnestic anesthesia assisted by lowdose ketamine, in cesarean section, is better than local anesthesia and strengthen local anesthesia by droperidolfentanyl, which is worthy to be popularized, especially in emergency caesarean section.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:45 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Results of Vaginal Birth after Cesarean

    ObjectiveTo investigate the factors affecting the results of vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed the data from 80 pregnant women of prior cesarean section with intention of vaginal delivery between October 2012 and July 2013. According to the final way of delivery, the 80 women were divided into two groups, the VBAC group (40 cases) and repeated cesarean section (RCS) group (40 cases). The clinical characteristics of the two groups were compared and further multi-variant analysis was conducted. Besides, 40 women with successful repeated vaginal delivery were included as controls. The delivery time and bleeding volume were compared between the VBAC group and the control group. ResultsThe three determinant factors associated with the present VBAC were: Arrested labor as the indication of prior cesarean section [OR=1.601, 95%CI (1.025, 2.469), P=0.04], Bishop Score [OR=3.757, 95%CI (1.437, 8.772), P=0.01] and infant weight [OR=1.391, 95%CI (1.124, 2.583), P=0.03]. The VBAC group presented a higher Episiotomy rate than the RCS group. No significant difference was found between the VBAC and the control group regarding the delivery time [(6.71±2.94) vs. (5.88±2.47) hours, P=0.176] and bleeding volume [(259.13± 75.31) vs. (230.36±67.44) mL, P=0.076]. ConclusionVBAC presents a better and faster recovery with a shorter hospital stay. But the indication of VBAC should be strictly followed to ensure the safety of both mothers and babies.

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  • Clinical Analysis of Abdominal Wall Endometriosis

    ObjectiveTo discuss the clinical characteristics, treatment and prevention of abdominal wall endometriosis (AWE). MethodsA retrospective analysis of 295 cases of AWE from February 2007 to August 2011 in our hospital was performed. ResultsAll of the patients had abdominal operations before and 99% of them had a history of caesarean section. The mean age of the patients was (31.55±4.52) years old. The average size of the mass was (2.66±1.12) cm, significantly larger than the estimation of ultrasonography before operation which was (1.91±0.83) cm (P<0.001). No relapse was discovered five months to three years after the operation. ConclusionIt is easy to diagnose abdominal wall endometriosis through medical history, clinical characteristics, physical signs and ultrasonic assessment. The prevention of AWE is very important. Operation is still the best treatment for AWE.

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  • Effects of Different Neuraxial Anesthesia on Hemodynamics in Pregnant Women Undergoing Cesarean Section

    ObjectiveTo compare the anesthetic potency and influence on maternal hemodynamics among spinal anesthesia (SA), epidural anesthesia (EA) and combined spinal epidural anesthesia (CSEA) for women undergoing cesarean sections. MethodsA total of 180 singleton term nulliparous pregnancies of American Sociaty of Anethesiologists physical status Ⅰor Ⅱ for cesarean sections in Guangyuan Central Hospital from January to December 2012 were allocated into three groups using the method of random number table. Patients in group SA received SA (n=60), group EA underwent EA (n=60) and patients in group CSEA accepted CSEA (n=60). Patients wderwent punere all placed in left lateral position. Group EA patients unctures at the L1-2 interspace and the volume of carbonated lidocaine used initially was 12-15 mL. Group SA and CSEA accepted the anesthesia at either L2-3 or L3-4 interspace. The volume for group SA was 0.75% bupivacaine 1.2 mL with 10% glucose solution 1 mL, and for group CSEA was 0.5% bupivacaine 1.4 mL with 10% glucose solution 0.8 mL. A catheter was inserted into the epidural space for 3-4 cm after spinal needle exit so as to add additional epidural medication according to the block level and the level of anesthesia subsidence. The values of the basis of blood pressure and heart rate, the lowest blood pressure and heart rate, umbilical venous blood gas, start effect and induction time of anesthesia and the highest block level of anesthesia were record. ResultsThere were statistically significant differences in terms of start effect time of anesthesia among the three groups (F=24.642, P<0.001). The start effect time of anesthesia in group SA and CSEA was significantly shorter than that in group EA (t=8.076, 7.996; P<0.05). The induction time of anesthesia in group SA was significantly shorter than those in group EA and CSEA (P<0.05). The lowest blood pressure and heart rate in group SA and CSEA were significantly lower than the values of basis (P<0.05). The lowest blood pressure and heart rate in group SA was significantly lower than that in group EA (P<0.05). The incidence of hypotension and bradycardia in group SA and CSEA was significantly higher than that in group EA (P<0.05). The block level of anesthesia in the three groups were at thoracic 8.12±1.22, 8.36±1.88 and 8.52±1.92 respectively, and there was no significant difference among the three groups (F=0.081, P=0.923). ConclusionEA and CSEA surpass SA in the choice of neuraxial anesthesia for cesarean sections, and 1.73% carbonated lidocaine for EA can improve anesthetic potency and better maintain relatively stable hemodynamic indexes.

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  • Comparison of Three Therapeutic Strategies for Cesarean Scar Pregnancy

    ObjectiveTo compare the curative effect of three therapeutic strategies for cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP). MethodsBetween January 2009 and December 2013, 208 patients with CSP underwent intramuscular methotrexate alone (group A, n=72), transvaginal ultrasound monitoring after embryo sac strangulation after injection of methotrexate (group B, n=70) and uterine arterial chemoembolization therapy monitoring after hysteroscopy surgery (group C, n=66). We studied their clinical data retrospectively. The preoperative treatment interval, the hospitalization days, intraoperative bleeding, time of blood β-HCG to normal level and hospitalization costs were compared between the groups. ResultsThe preoperative treatment interval, hospitalization days, intraoperative bleeding, and time of blood β-HCG to normal level of group C were significantly better than those of group A and B (P<0.05), while the hospitalization cost of the three groups were not statistically signficant (P>0.05). ConclusionAs a treatment for CSP, uterine artery chemoembolization is a safe and effective method, and it has the advantages of short hospitalization time, less intraoperative bleeding and high fertility preservation. It is worth application in clinical medicine.

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  • Clinical Analysis of Central Placenta Previa

    ObjectiveTo explore the related factors for the influences and outcomes of mothers and infants, and further provide a basic reference for reducing maternal and prenatal mortality caused by central placenta previa, through the analysis of its clinical characteristics. MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 89 patients with central placenta previa treated from January to August 2012. ResultsThere were 89 patients with central placenta previa, and the average age of these patients was (29.6±11.4) years, and the average number of pregnancy among the patients was 3.17. Nine patients had scar uterus; 8 had pernicious placenta previa (9%); 34 had prenatal anemia symptoms; 44 had prenatal vaginal bleeding with the bleeding volume ranged from 2 to 500 mL; 40 were treated before delivery. The average gestational age was 36 weeks ±4.2 days, and 28 of them were readmitted. The intraoperative bleeding in such patients as had placenta located in the anterior wall, placenta adhesion or implantation, history of uterine cavity operation or multipara was more than other patients. The postpartum hemorrhage of patients with the gestational age of 36 weeks or more was more than that of patients with the gestational age shorter than 36 weeks. The incidence of fetal distress in patients with the gestational age of 36 weeks or more is lower and the neonatal 1-minute Apgar score was higher than that in patients with the gestational age shorter than 36 weeks (P<0.05). ConclusionThe treatment of central type of placenta previa should be more active to prolong the gestational week. Patients with placenta adhesion or implantation, caesarean, multipara and placenta in the anterior wall are susceptible to intraoperative bleeding during the termination of pregnancy. Termination of pregnancy in these patients with central placenta previa should be carried out by cesarean section when gestation is more than 36 weeks to reduce postpartum hemorrhage and complications.

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  • Analysis on Different Treatment Methods for Cesarean Scar Pregnancy

    ObjectiveTo compare the clinical efficacy of methotrexate perfusion combined with interventional treatment and the traditional treatment with methotrexate and mifepristone for cesarean scar pregnancy. MethodA total of 589 patients diagnosed with cesarean scar pregnancy after surgery between January 2012 and March 2015 in our hospital were selected to be our study subjects. The patients were informed of the two kinds of treatment, and based on their own will, they were arranged into corresponding groups. Group A had 234 patients who were willing to undergo the conventional therapy:intramuscular injection of methotrexate (20 mg, once per day for 5 days); oral mifepristone (50 mg once per day for 3 to 5 days); and the continuation of drugs was determined by local pregnancy tissue blood flow on B ultrasound and liver function of the patients. Group B had 255 patients who selected uterine artery perfusion and arterial embolism. There was no significant difference in terms of age, serum human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and uterine incision gestation sac size between the two groups of patients (P>0.05). Then we compared the treatment effect between the two groups. ResultsThe differences in the amount of bleeding, the time of blood HCG dropped to normal, and hospitalization duration between the two groups were significant (P<0.05), while in the rate of hysterectomy, drug-induced liver injury were not (P<0.05). ConclusionsMethotrexate perfusion combined with interventional treatment is better than the traditional treatment with methotrexate and mifepristone for cesarean scar pregnancy in terms of clinical efficacy and safety.

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