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find Author "LI Wen" 15 results
  • Reconstruction of Tissue Defects Resulting from Buccal or Oropharyngeal Carcinoma Ablation with Regional Pedicular Flaps in 65 Cases

    目的:组织瓣修复缺损是头颈部肿瘤切除术中的重要手段和必要环节。本研究总结65例颊癌和口咽癌不同范围组织缺损用局部带蒂组织瓣的修复方法。方法: 回顾2001~2009年我科65例口腔颊癌及口咽癌切除术后选择腭瓣、颏下瓣、面动脉逆行皮瓣、颊脂垫颊肌复合瓣修复颊部及口咽部组织缺损,病变范围和治疗结果。结果: 65例皮瓣中,17例腭瓣全部成活,29例颏下瓣26例全部成活,2例部分坏死,1例表层皮肤坏死, 7例面动脉逆行皮瓣6例全部成活,1例坏死,12例颊脂垫或颊脂垫颊肌复合瓣全部成活11例,1例部分坏死,总成活率96.9%。31例患者术后有不同程度的张口受限,咀嚼和吞咽功能基本正常。结论: 根据颊癌和口咽癌的病变范围决定采用不同的临近带蒂组织瓣修复缺损,修复效果确切,可以明显减少手术创伤和术后并发症,尤其适用于年老及较多基础疾病患者,仍应作为头颈部肿瘤术后缺损修复的重要方法。

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Repairing partial suprahyoid epiglottis-preserved circumferential defect in near total laryngectomy with anterior medial thigh flap in advanced laryngeal cancer

    ObjectiveTo explore the feasibility to restore pronunciation function by repairing partial suprahyoid epiglottis-preserved circumferential defect in near total laryngectomy with anterior medial thigh flap in advanced laryngeal cancer. Methods A retrospective study of 5 male patients with advanced laryngeal cancer between August 2019 and October 2022, aged 56-73 years, with an average age of 65 years were reviewed. The disease duration ranged from 3 to 24 months, with an average of 8 months. Tumor classification by location: 2 cases of glottic type, 2 cases of supraglottic type, and 1 case of subglottic type; TNM staging: 3 cases of T4N0M0 stage, 1 case of T4N1M0 stage, and 1 case of T4N2M0 stage; American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging (2017): stage Ⅳ. Near total laryngectomy with partial suprahyoid epiglottis-preserved and selective bilateral neck dissection were performed before the anterior medial thigh flap was used to repair the circumferential defects. The flap size ranged from 6 cm×5 cm to 8 cm×6 cm. Four patients underwent adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy after operation, while 1 patient did not receive any other adjuvant treatment such as radiochemotherapy. Results The flaps of all 5 patients survived without obvious neck infection. One patient developed a slight pharyngeal fistula after oral feeding at 1 month after operation, which healed after another week of gastric feeding. Primary healing also achieved in the thigh donor area. One patient had bilateral cervical lymph node metastasis, and 1 patient had lymph node metastasis on one side. The remaining 3 patients had no cervical nodes metastasis on both sides. All 5 patients were followed up 12-36 months, with an average of 27.6 months. Four patients had clear, audible, and hoarse voice while 1 patient (case 3) had pronunciation similar to whispering. Laryngoscopy showed that the reconstructed laryngeal inlet was fissure-shape and the reconstructed laryngo-trachea canal below the laryngeal inlet was gradually enlarged. At 1 month after operation, the gastric tube was withdrawn and the food was taken orally. There was no obvious aspiration pneumonia. The tracheostomy tube could be blocked in 4 patients for from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Among them, 3 patients were able to make a noticeable pronunciation even when the tube was not blocked, and they were able to engage in barrier-free language communication; the tracheostomy tube could not be blocked in 1 patient who had a pronunciation similar to whispering. Preliminary voice analysis showed that the patients have a relaxed and natural pronunciation, without obvious breath-holding or air-swallowing movement, compared to patients with esophageal pronunciation. Decannulation did not achieved until the last follow-up in all 5 patients. ConclusionThe anterior medial thigh flap can repair circumferential defects after near total laryngectomy in advanced laryngeal cancer patients and achieve satisfactory pronunciation, thus can serve as an effective pronunciation rehabilitation method. The preserved part of epiglottis may play a role to prevent postoperative aspiration.

    Release date:2024-02-20 04:11 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Reconstruction of phonatory function using a tubular free flap from upper-lateral upper arm after near-total laryngectomy

    ObjectiveTo explore the feasibility of reconstruction of phonatory function by using a tubular free flap from upper-lateral upper arm to repair the laryngotracheal circumferential defect after near-total laryngectomy for laryngeal cancer. Methods A retrospective study was conducted on 7 patients who underwent near-total laryngectomy between June 2021 and October 2023, aged from 48 to 70 years (median, 59 years), 6 males and 1 female. The disease duration ranged from 1 to 11 months, with a median of 6 months. Pathological diagnosis of preoperative biopsy was squamous cell carcinoma. Tumor classification: glottic type in 5 cases, supraglottic type in 1 case, transglottic type in 1 case; TNM staging: T4N0M0 in 6 cases, T4N2M0 in 1 case; American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging in 2017 was stage Ⅳ. Preoperative MRI angiography of upper arm was performed to investigate the blood supply in the upper and lateral regions of the upper arm. After near-total laryngectomy and bilateral neck lymph node dissection, the area of the laryngotracheal defect was measured. A free flap measuring 7.0 cm×5.0 cm to 8.0 cm×7.0 cm was harvested from the upper-lateral upper arm, rolled into a tube shape, and connected between the stump of the cervical trachea in the neck root and that of the epiglottis at the tongue base. Four patients received adjuvant radiochemotherapy, 1 patient received radiochemotherapy and targeted therapy, 2 patients adopted no further adjuvant treatment. Results All 7 patients were followed-up 1-2 years (mean, 1 year and 3 months). Four patients had primary wound healing, 2 patients had minor pharyngeal fistulas that healed after dressing change, 1 patient experienced pharyngeal fistula because of flap necrosis and the wound still healed without secondary surgery. All patients took food orally within 1 month after operation, and the tracheal cannula was retained. Six patients with survived flap gradually adapted to their new pronunciation mode and obtained satisfactory phonatory function from 15 days to 2 months after operation. Four patients had slight aspiration after operation. Till the end of the follow-up, all patients survived and no local recurrence or distant metastasis had been observed. The motor function of the upper arm was not affected, only partial sensory loss occurred in the area near the incision. The scar of the incision could be covered by the short sleeve so as to obtain a better aesthetic effect. ConclusionUsing a tubular free flap from upper-lateral upper arm to repair the laryngotracheal circumferential defect after near-total laryngectomy for laryngeal cancer can achieve satisfactory phonatory restoration while preserve the motor function and aesthetics of the donor site.

    Release date:2025-02-17 08:55 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Correlation analysis of anterior tibiotalar fat pad classification and anterior talofibular ligament injury based on MRI

    ObjectiveTo investigate the correlation between the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) injury and the pathological changes of the anterior tibiotalar fat pad (ATFP) based on MRI. Methods The clinical and imaging data of 217 patients with ankle sprain who met the selection criteria between January 2019 and March 2024 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 113 males and 104 females with an average age of 38.2 years ranging from 18 to 60 years. Patients were divided into mild group (n=106), moderate group (n=63), and severe group (n=48) according to the degree of ATFL injury. There was no significant difference in gender, side, and body mass index among the 3 groups (P>0.05). The age of the mild group was significantly older than that of the moderate and severe groups (P<0.05). The imaging parameters including the longest and shortest sagittal axis, the largest thickness, the longest and shortest transverse axis, the ATFP area, the area of ATFP high-signal region, and the anterior distal tibial angle (ADTA) were measured according to the MRI and X-ray films of patients. According to the morphology of ATFP, the patients were divided into type Ⅰ (n=128), type Ⅱ (n=73), and type Ⅲ (n=16) based on the severity of the lesions. The distribution of ATFP types, ATFP area, area of ATFP high-signal region, and the ratio of area of ATFP high-signal region to ATFP area at the same level were statistically analyzed and compared among different ATFL injury groups. Additionally, radiographic parameters were compared across different ATFP types. Spearman rank correlation analysis was used to assess the relationships between ATFP area, area of ATFP high-signal region, and the ratio of area of ATFP high-signal region to ATFP area at the same level with patient baseline data. Through analysis of the area under curve (AUC) of ROC, optimal variables were selected for quantification to predict ATFL injury. Results There were significant differences in ATFP types among different ATFL injury groups (P<0.05). The mild group had a higher proportion of type Ⅰ, the moderate group had a higher proportion of type Ⅱ, and the severe group had higher proportions of both typeⅡ and type Ⅲ. No significant difference was found in ATFP area among the different ATFL injury groups (P>0.05). However, the area of ATFP high-signal region and the ratio of area of ATFP high-signal region to ATFP area at the same level were significantly lower in the mild group compared to the moderate and severe groups (P<0.05). Except for the longest sagittal axis, maximum thickness, and longest transverse axis, which were significantly smaller in ATFP types Ⅱ and Ⅲ compared to type Ⅰ (P<0.05), there was no significant difference in the remaining radiographic parameters among the different ATFP types (P>0.05). Spearman rank correlation analysis revealed that ATFP area was negatively correlated with patient gender (P<0.05), while area of ATFP high-signal region and the ratio of area of ATFP high-signal region to ATFP area at the same level were negatively correlated with patient age (P<0.05). Through analysis of the AUC for the response variable ATFP injury, the combined diagnostic AUC for the reciprocal of the maximum thickness and the reciprocal of the area of ATFP high-signal region was 0.839 (asymptotic P<0.001). The corresponding cutoff value when the Youden index reached its maximum was 0.570 3. ConclusionAs the severity of ATFL injury increases, the ATFP undergoes gradual morphological and functional changes. Classification based on ATFP types can assist in assessing the level of ATFL injury, thereby aiding in the prevention of post-traumatic osteoarthritis.

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  • A Preliminary Study of CO2 Laser Surgery and Open Partial Laryngectomy in Treating T3 Glottic Laryngeal Carcinoma

    目的 探讨T3期喉癌采用支撑喉镜下CO2激光切除术和部分喉切除术两种手术治疗方式的临床治疗效果。 方法 将2003年8月-2010年7月收治的31例患者按所接受手术方式分为A、B两组(非随机分组),A组16例中男15例,女1例,年龄38~72岁,中位年龄51岁;B组15例,均为男性,年龄46~68岁,中位年龄58岁。病变均累及前联合,A组10例和B组11例累及对侧声带约1/3。A组选择支撑喉镜下CO2激光切除术,B组选择气管切开+部分喉切除术。两组患者首次术后均未接受放射(放疗)或化学治疗(化疗)。术后第1、3、6、12、24个月门诊纤维喉镜复查。随访时间14~78个月。 结果 A组5例复发或颈部淋巴结转移,复发率31.3%;5例患者均行再次手术、颈清扫及放、化疗。B组4例复发,复发率26.7%;4例均行全喉切除双侧选择性颈清扫术,其中3例术后辅以放、化疗。两组复发率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论 采用支撑喉镜下CO2激光切除治疗T3期喉癌,有望得到类似部分喉切除的临床治疗效果。

    Release date:2021-06-23 07:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Protection of the Vascular Pedicles during Re-operation after Free Jejunal TransplantationProtection of the Vascular Pedicles during Re-operation after Free Jejunal Transplantation

    【摘要】 目的 观察全喉全下咽切除术后空肠游离移植术二次手术时同时保留动静脉血管蒂或仅保留动脉血管蒂时对移植组织的影响。  方法 回顾分析2002年1月-2009年12月4例下咽癌行全喉全下咽切除术空肠游离移植术术后8~18个月因颈部转移灶出现而需再行手术患者的临床资料,其中3例行根治性颈清扫,1例行局部包块扩大切除术。2例同时保留动静脉蒂,2例仅保留动脉蒂。 结果 4例术后临床Ⅰ期愈合。保留动静脉蒂者吞咽功能与术前无异。仅保留动脉蒂者术后1个月仍有颈中份的明显隐痛,胃肠造影移植空肠段的蠕动明显减弱,吞咽固体食物时自觉较术前缓慢。 结论 再次手术时保留血管蒂对于保持空肠移植段的活力具有重要的意义。【Abstract】 Objective To observe the effect of keeping arteriovenous or venous pedicles during the second free jejunal transplantation after total laryngopharyngectomy on the transplanted tissues. Methods From January 2002 to December 2009,four patients underwent total laryngopharyngectomy and free jejunal. But 8-18 months later, the patients underwent another operation because of recurrent metastatic mass in the ipsilateral neck side of anastomosis; in whom three underwent radical neck dissection and one underwent local enlarged mass resection. In the four patients, two had arteriovenous pedicles remained and another two kept only venous pedicles. Results All of the four patients experienced first-stage healing. The deglutitive function in the two patients who had received the arteriovenous pedicles preservation didn’t differ much from that before the operation. While vague anguish in the anterior region of the neck, weak peristalsis of the transplanted jejunum, a little discomfort and slow swallowing were found in another two patients. Conclusion Keeping vascular pedicles during re-operation helps make the activity of the transplanted jejunum.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:24 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Experiences of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Symmetric Lipomatosis in the Neck

    【摘要】 目的 探讨颈部对称性脂肪瘤的诊断和治疗。 方法 对2004年3月-2010年10月收治的5例颈项部脂肪瘤患者,其临床症状、体征、术前术后处理及结果等临床资料进行回顾。 结果 5例均为男性,以颈、项部大量皮下脂肪堆积为主要临床表现,其中1例伴有胸部上分皮下脂肪堆积,呈对称性隆起。3例患者伴阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征,2例患者有睡眠打鼾但无明显呼吸暂停。4例患者有脂肪肝和长期酗酒史,但肝功能无异常改变,其中1例(1/4)有多次乙醇中毒史。1例患者无酗酒史,但诉经常作颈部刮痧治疗。5例均行外科手术切除,术中见肿瘤为白色无包膜脂肪组织。术后随访3个月~2年,1例术后1年复发,未行再次治疗,其余未见明显复发。 结论 颈部对称性脂肪瘤是脂肪组织弥漫性、对称性沉积于颈胸部皮下浅筋膜间隙和(或)深筋膜间隙的良性疾病。患者以中年男性居多,长期的酗酒史及典型的临床表现对于该病的诊断有一定帮助,但酗酒可能并非唯一病因。对于影响美观及功能的患者,其手术疗效较理想。【Abstract】 Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of symmetric lipomatosis in the neck. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the clinical manifestations, signs, preoperative and postoperative management, and the treatment outcome of five patients with symmetric lipomatosis hospitalized in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery of West China Hospital between March 2004 and October 2010. Results All the five patients are male with a large quantity of subcutaneous fat deposit in and around the neck. Among them, one patient demonstrated extending upper thorax mass in the form of symmetrical apophysis; three experienced obstructive sleep apnea hypoventilation syndrome, and two had the symptom of snoring without apnea. Four patients had a long history of alcohol abuse with fatty liver, but had no liver dysfunction. In these four patients, one had alcoholism for many times. One out of the five patients had no history of alcohol abuse, but said to have been treated by a traditional Chinese medical technique GUASHA. All the patients underwent resection surgery, during which a large amount of noncapsulated white adipose tissue was confronted. The duration of follow-up lasted from three months to two years. There was one case of recurrence one year after the surgery and the patient refused re-operation. No obvious recurrence was found in the rest of the group. Conclusions Symmetric lipomatosis is a benign lesion characterized by diffused and symmetric accumulation of adipose tissue in the superficial or deep fascia space in the cervico-thoracic region. It mainly takes place in the middle-aged people. Long history of alcohol abuse and typical clinical manifestations can help to reach the diagnosis, but alcoholism may not be the only cause in etiology. Surgery may be the feasible therapeutic modality up to now.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:24 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Protection for great auricular nerve during surgery for first branchial cleft anomaly in children

    ObjectiveTo explore the feasibility to protect great auricular nerve during surgery for first branchial cleft anomaly in children.MethodsThe data of 17 cases of first branchial cleft cyst, sinus or fistula admitted to West China Hospital of Sichuan University from September 2005 to May 2015 were reviewed. The extent of lesion was demonstrated by enhanced CT before operation. Later surgery further proved that the middle ear and mastoid process was not involved in any of the cases. During surgery, some branches of great auricular nerve were dissected and spared. The cyst, sinus or fistula was obliterated completely while the whole or part of the parotid gland was preserved. The patients were followed-up from half a year to three years with mean time of 2 years and 1 month.ResultsNo recurrence or facial paralysis were found in all patients after surgery. Twelve patients had no paresthesia in the area innervated by great auricular nerve, five patients experienced numbness of ear lobe or inferior 1/3 of the auricle.ConclusionIt is feasible to protect some branches of great auricular nerve during the operation for first branchial cleft anomaly, which does not hinder the thoroughness of the resection for the lesion, and helps to improve the children’s quality of life.

    Release date:2018-03-26 03:32 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • One-stage posterior reduction single nail and rod fixation combined with the anterior operation for lower cervical fracture-dislocation combined with unilateral locked facet

    ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of one-stage posterior reduction single nail and rod fixation combined with the anterior operation on lower cervical fracture-dislocation combined with unilateral locked facet.MethodsA retrospective analysis of 28 patients with lower cervical fracture-dislocation combined with unilateral locked facet who underwent one-stage posterior-anterior approach surgery between June 2012 and March 2017 were conducted. The Cobb angle, vertebral body horizontal displacement, height of intervertebral space, recovery of nerve function and operative complications were observed before and after operation.ResultsAll patients were followed up for 12-24 months, with an average of (18.9±4.7) months. All the patients received good reposition after operation without complications such as large blood vessels, trachea, esophagus, spinal dura mater injury and so on. The incisions healed well in all patients. Postoperative complications: postoperative hoarseness and dysphagia occured in 3 cases, pharynx and larynx pain in 8 cases, pulmonary infection in 1 case, and hyponatremia in 2 cases; all patients recovered after the related symptomatic treatment. Postoperative X-ray showed that all the patients were completely corrected without residual small joint semi dislocation and kyphosis. No spinal cord or nerve injury aggravators occurred after surgery. The neurological function of all patients was improved to different degrees 12 months after operation. American Spinal Cord Injury Association (ASIA) classification showed that, of the 6 cases classified as type B preoperatively, 4 cases turned into type C and 2 cases into type D postoperatively; of the 13 cases classified as type C preoperatively, 10 cases turned into type D and 3 into type E postoperatively; and all the 8 cases classified as type D preoperatively turned into type E postoperatively. The ASIA scores increased by 1-2 levels compared with those before operation (P<0.05). The height of cervical intervertebral space, physiological curvature and cervical stability of all patients were well maintained 7 days and 12 months after operation, which were significantly improved compared with those before operation (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the two follow-up visits at 7 days and 12 months after operation. The Japanese Orthopaedic Association score at 12 months after operation (14.6±2.3) was significantly better than that before operation (6.8±2.6), and the average improvement rate was (79.6±18.8)% (P<0.05). No complications such as screw loosening, fracture or displacement occurred during follow-up.ConclusionOne-stage posterior reduction single nail and rod fixation combined with the anterior operation is safe and effective for the treatment of lower cervical fracture-dislocation combined with unilateral locked facet.

    Release date:2018-09-25 02:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Application of transverse cervical artery flap in laryngeal function preservation surgery of hypopharyngeal carcinoma

    Objective To explore the value and limitation of transverse cervical artery flap in laryngeal function preservation surgery of hypopharyngeal carcinoma. Methods Between January 2013 and December 2019, 18 male patients with hypopharyngeal carcinoma were admitted. The patients’ age ranged from 48 to 77 years, with a median age of 65 years. The disease duration ranged from 3 to 8 months (mean, 5 months). All patients were diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma by biopsy before operation. According to the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) guidelines (2017, 8th ed), TNM staging was T2N0M0 in 9 cases, T2N1M0 in 2 cases, and T3N0M0 in 7 cases, and cTNM staging was stage Ⅱ in 9 cases and stage Ⅲ in 9 cases. The lesions of 15 cases were located in the piriform fossa of hypopharynx on one side, among which the esophageal entrance was involved in 4 cases. The lesions of 3 cases were located in the posterior wall of the hypopharynx with esophageal entrance involvement. After partial pharyngo- laryngectomy and bilateral neck lymph node dissection, the hypopharyngeal and laryngeal defects were repaired with transverse cervical artery flaps, the size of the flap ranged from 4 cm×3 cm to 6 cm×4 cm. The accompanying vein of transverse cervical artery (7 cases), external jugular vein (6 cases), and combination of both (5 cases) served as venous reflux. Retrograde external jugular venous reflux exercise was performed in 2 flaps with venous reflux obstruction during operation. The incisions at donor sites were directly sutured or via relaxed incision sutured. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy were supplemented within 3 months after operation. Tracheal cannula with air bag was used to prevent patients from aspiration in the early postoperative stage. Results The operation time was 4-6 hours, with an average of 4.5 hours. All patients were followed up 1-5 years (mean, 2 years and 6 months). Postoperative pathological examination showed that 7 cases had cervical lymph node metastases on the affected side, and there was no lymph node metastasis in cervical region Ⅴ; the remaining 11 cases had no lymph node metastasis. After operation, 16 flaps survived successfully, and 2 flaps with external jugular vein reflux were covered with white pseudomembrane, no flap necrosis was found after the pseudomembrane fell off. Four cases had no obvious accidental aspiration after operation; 14 cases had obvious accidental aspiration, of which 13 cases were significantly reduced at 3 months after operation, and 1 case still had obvious accidental aspiration at 6 months after operation, and the accidental aspiration decreased significantly after pulling out the gastric tube. All patients had no aspiration pneumonia. One case developed upper mediastinal lymph node metastasis at 1 year and 2 months after operation, and died of recurrence and pulmonary infection at 1 year and 3 months after operation. No recurrence or metastasis was found in the remaining 17 cases during follow-up. Tracheal cannula was successfully removed in 7 cases at 2-5 months after operation. Different degrees of accidental aspiration in 11 patients were confirmed by esophagography, so the tracheal cannula was retained. All patients had pronunciation function after operation. All incisions at the donor sites healed by first intention, and the shoulder joint function was normal. Conclusion Using transverse cervical artery flap to repair the hypopharyngeal and laryngeal defects during hypopharyngeal carcinoma surgery in patients without lymph node metastasis in cervical region Ⅴ, can achieve good results of laryngeal function preservation. In cases with suspected lymph node metastasis in cervical region Ⅴ or venous dysplasia of accompanying vein of transverse cervical artery, there is a risk of tumor recurrence or flap necrosis, and the repair method needs to be cautiously employed.

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