ObjectiveTo compare the recommended medicines from malignancy guidelines/consensuses with essential medicines from the 2023 World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines (WHO-EML) and the 2018 National Essential Medicine List (NEML) in differences and similarities. MethodsTen guideline databases/association websites including Guidelines International Network, and the American Cancer Society, etc. were systematically searched until July 2023. The latest guidelines/consensuses for ten malignant tumors were screened, including lung cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, and other cancers. Recommended medicines were extracted from guidelines/consensuses and compared with WHO and Chinese essential medicines. ResultsA total of 163 guidelines/consensuses were included, extracting 244 recommended medicines, 12 categories, mainly antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents (190 medicines, 10 subcategories). For the 244 recommended medicines, 29.92% (73/244) were included in WHO-EML and 23.36% (57/244) were included in NEML, among which 45 medicines were included both in WHO-EML and NEML, 27 in WHO-EML only, 11 in NEML only, and 161 in neither. ConclusionThe number of recommended medicines in WHO-EML/NEML for ten malignancies is low, and the number in NEML is even much lower than that in WHO-EML. When adjusting medicines for malignant tumors in NEML, reference can be made to specific guidelines/consensuses and WHO-EML to ensure timely inclusion of applicable medicines and strengthen the role of essential medicines in meeting basic medical needs and rational use.